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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Aphelia was waking up. She had filled herself up a month ago inorder to sleep for a month. She stood up, stretched, and yawned, her sharp teeth and crimson maw gaping. Aphelia shook herself and looked out the cave. It was a beautiful, sunny morning. "Ah. I think I'll visit my cousin Wolfsbayne in Farthe Dur today," she thought. Aphelia leaped into the air. She roared and flew ahead. Aphelia sped towards Farthen Dur. She arrived in thirty minutes. As she arrived, she could smell the humans, dragons, urgals, dwarves, elves, and others there. Aphelia landed, sending a loud thud through the ground. People looked up at her and greeted her. "Where is my cousin Wolfsabayne?" she asked. An elf stepped forward. "Aphelia, we need to talk," he said. "About?" Aphelia asked. "About your cousin's body's death," he said.
"Good morning Seth," thought Shadow. His mental voice was deep now. "And to you too my Rider," thought Angel, her voice more feminie and a little deep. Seth and Angelica smiled at each other. Rippleback ran up to the dragons and they all nuzzled. Sophia came out of her treehouse. "Morning guys!" she exclaimed. Seth and Angelica greeted her. Suddenly, a large, two-house sized, red female dragon appeared from above the tree house. It was Roslin. "Morning," the she-dragon thought. Sophia patted her foreleg. "Who's ready for their first sword?" Sophia asked, climbing into the saddle on Roslin's back. "We are," said Seth and Angelica. They each grabbed a saddle and strapped them onto their dragons' backs. They then climbed into the saddles. Rippleback flew into the air. Roslin roared and leaped into the air. Angel roared and flew up as well. Shadow roared last, his roar larger and deeper than the rest. He flew into the air. "We'll be waiting at Rhunon's shop," said Angelica. The two of them flew off. "Let's go."
Caleb was joined by Coal and Vinezilla, since the school was remodeled to let larger dragons in. Caleb and Vinezilla talked while on their way to class. As they neared the large room, Coal ran ahead, happy about something. Caleb and Vinezilla watched as Coal greeted Monica and Keisha. The two girls petted and hugged the wolf. "Hi Coal," said Monica. She then looked up at Caleb. "Baby!" she exclaimed. Caleb smiled. Monica ran up to him. Caleb picked her up and swung her around. The two kissed. "How are you?" she asked. "Better now that my dragon, wolf, and two best friends are here," he said. Monica giggled and they kissed again. Keisha came up to Caleb and the two hugged. "Where is Daisy and Ramses?" Vinezilla asked. Suddenly, a horse-sized, golden male dragon flew around a corner. It was Ramses. He landed next to Keisha and greeted them all. A large, house-sized, pink female dragon walked around the corner as well. "Vinezilla!" she exclaimed. "Daisy!" Vinezilla exclaimed. Caleb, Monica, and Keisha ducked.
Aphelia was shocked. "When did he die?" she asked. "A month ago," said the elf. Aphelia shook her head. She then remembered the elf said "body". "Where is his Eldunari?" she asked. "Follow me," said the elf. He ran off. Aphelia flew into the air and followed him to a temple. She landed as the elf stopped in front of the entrance. The doors were open. The entrance was bigger than Aphelia herself. "His Eldunari is in there," said the elf. "Thank you kind and noble elf," thought Aphelia. The elf bowed and walked off. Aphelia entered the temple. She could feel and hear the minds of all the Eldunari in the temple. She kept walking, greeting the dragons. She then found a purple Eldunari. "Hello my cousin," Aphelia thought. "Aphelia, it is good to hear from you again," thought Wolfsbayne. Aphelia keened and nuzzled Wolfsbayne's Eldunari. "Why are you crying?" Wolfsbayne asked. "Because I was not here to stop your body's death," thought Aphelia. "It is alright," thought Wolfsbayne. "Theres a surprise for you though."
Shadow, Roslin, and Rippleback flew towards Eragon's house. As they arrived, Saphira and Firnen were sleeping by the tree. Saphira's head came up and she peered into the sky. Firnen did as well. "Morning ebrithil," said Seth, Sophia, Shadow, and Roslin. Rippleback gave a growling, raspy-like greeting. Shadow and Roslin landed. Saphira and Firnen stood up. "Good morning hatchlings," they both thought. Eragon, who was in the house, came outside. Arya, who was tending to something at the table, got up and joined him. The two stode over to them. "Good morning my students," said Eragon. "Are you ready for your swords?" he asked. "Yes master," said Seth and Sophia. Eragon smiled. He and Arya climbed onto their dragons. They all flew off to Farthen Dur for the swords. "I can't wait," thought Seth. Shadow grunted in agreement. They soon arrived in Farthen Dur. They landed nearby Rhunon's workshop where Angelica and Angel were waiting. "Welcome," greeted Angelica. Angel let out a bugle. Seth and Sophia smiled at them.
It's a good thing they ducked. Vinezilla flew towards Daisy. The two locked on to each other and nuzzled. "Aaw," said Keisha. "Those two are so cute together," she said. Monica giggled. Caleb shook his head. They all went to the workshop in the school. The line wasn't that long, thank god. Only about ten students were in line with their now grown dragons. Caleb, Vinezilla, Monica, Daisy, Keisha, and Ramses got in line before any more students could. Coal stood next to Caleb. As the line got shorter in the front, the line behind them got longer. "Wow. A lot of people want their swords," said Monica. "Got that right," said Caleb. Their turn came. Keisha was first. She received a golden sword that she had helped make a week ago. She named the sword Twinkle Slice. Caleb laughed at the name, but Monica nudged him to shut up. Monica then received her sword that she helped make five days ago. She named it Rose Petal. "My sword's name will be manly," said Caleb. He then received his sword. "I'll name thee....Oakmar!"
"A surprise? For me?" Aphelia asked. "Yes," thought Wolfsbayne. "Where?" Aphelia asked. "Go to Rhunon's workshop," thought Wolfsbayne. "You will be surprised," he thought. Aphelia hesitated for a moment. She then nodded and walked out of the temple. Rhunon's workshop was only several blocks away. Aphelia walked until she got there. There, she saw Saphira, Firnen, Eragon, Arya, Sophia, Roslin, Angelica, a grown Angel, and a new Rider with a black male dragon and a young Fanghur. Aphelia then looked at the new Rider and Sophia more closely. "Well I'll be burned to a crisp," she thought. "They are elf/human hybrids," she thought, shocked. The prophecy shot into her mind. Two elf/human hybrids, different genders, black male dragon, red female dragon, and two swords, one of "Death" and one of "Heart". Aphelia was so excited. The prophecy was true! Aphelia released a trumpeting bugle and sent a ray of gold and red flames into the air. She stood on her hind legs, opening her large wings for all to see.
Seth covered his sensitive ears. He saw Eragon, Arya, and Sophia do the same. Seth turned around to see what was making that noise. It was obviously a dragon, but who? Seth's eyes fell upon a beautiful, three house-sized, gold and red female dragon. She was making the bugle and sending jets of gold and red fire into the air. "Shadow who is that dragon?" he asked. "I do not know," thought the black dragon. Seth watched as the she-dragon opened her large membrane-like wings. They were huge, blocking out the sun. "Aphelia stop!" yelled Arya, silencing the she-dragon. Seth uncovered his ears. Someone tapped him on the shoulder. Seth turned to Angelica. A covered up sword lay in her hands. "I got my very own sword!" she exclaimed. Seth and Angelica hugged. Angelica unwrapped the sword. As the covering fell, a white glow came from the sword. Angelica's sword was snow white. The iridescent white sword was beautiful. "I'll name it...Hvitr," said Angelica. "It means 'white' in the ancient language," she said.
Caleb was so excited. His own sword was green like his dragon. Caleb admired the sword. He gave Oakmar back to the man who made it and the man wrote the glyph "Oakmar". He did the same for Monica and Keisha. Oakmar, Rose Petal, and Twinkle Death were loved by their owners. Caleb jabbed at an imaginary foe. Monica sliced the air. Keisha laughed as she twisted the sword around in her hand. "We got our own swords!" she exclaimed. Daisy released a trumpeting bugle alongside Vinezilla, Ramses, and the other dragons. The other Riders cheered. Caleb and another boy, Riley Falkner, sparred with their new swords. Caleb bested him. Riley's gray sword matched his gray dragon, Shade. Class started. Ms. Dotts showed off her light blue sword to the class. "This sword was made for me by Rhunon," she said. "I will never forget the days I spent growing up in Farthen Dur," she said. Caleb then remembered the promise he made to Mrs. McClain. He looked up Vinezilla. "School will be out in a week," he thought. "Then we'll leave."
Aphelia heard Arya yell, "Aphelia stop!" Aphelia closed her maw and stood on her four feet, folding her wings. "My apologies," she thought. "It's fine," said Sophia. Aphelia watched the girl. "What? I know I lookk different, but I'm still the same girl," said Sophia. "But alot more faster and stronger," thought Aphelia. She then watched as Angelica received her sword and told the new Rider. Aphelia was astounded to see the glowing white, iridescent sword. "It is beautiful," Aphelia thought. She heard Angelica name the sword Hvitr, which mean't "white" in the ancient language. Aphelia the saw Rhunon come forth and place the glyphs of white on the sword. The elf wrote "Hvitr" on the blade. Rhunon then handed it back to Angelica. "Use it well, for you helped me make it," saiid the old elf. Sophia then received her sword. She unwrapped it. A red, iridescent sword sparkled in the sun. "Oh wow," said Sophia. She then hugged Rhunon. "Its beautiful, thank you," she said. Rhunon smiled saying, "You're welcome."
Linnea's students had gotten their their swords made hours ago and were celebrating; Hivarda's blade: Deloi earth, Vanier: Wyrda fate, Galvoz: Domia dominance, Sakura: Heil heal, Sauske: Fethrblacka bird, Naruto: Vinder wind. Linnea was beaming at them proud of them. She'd never failed to complete a student's training unless they'd sought another teacher. Nor did she plan to. The dragons were flying around like crazy bugling in joy except for Akane who was with her rider and sleeping scales glittering like dark rubies. Arget was having fun and Linnea was laughing. The sunshine was making the dragons sparkle it was a magical sight. Linnea had something for the next Blood Oath celebration already. The senior rider went over to Itachi and sat down next to him back to the wall of the dragonhold. An arm went over her shoulder and she leaned into the other rider's side comfortably. The two had gotten close and comfortable. Murtugh was in a bad mood for some reason and glaring at Itachi. Something about 'I saw her first' and 'why'd he get her' was being muttered. Eragon had gone to take a crack at the lizard's arcane defenses earlier and had gotten close. They'd been taking cracks at it in turns to no avail. Eragon went to the dragonhold and laughed at Murtugh "I told you she never saw you that way brother... Better luck next time." Itachi smirked "Try being nice next time, and grateful." Linnea muttered "Shut up, like you have a clue why I like you so much." Itachi asked "What is it about me?" "Good heart, good ear rubs, nice to Arget and the students, gets along with my Erbithal, smart, strong, and handsome..." Eragon chuckled at the 'Good ear rubs' bit. Linnea was a sucker for a good ear rub, always had been. Eragon had used ear rubs as a reward during her training after he'd found that out. Arya had always found it funny. 'She's like a loyal little puppy' was the joke.
Seth and Angel were excited for Angelica. They watched as Rhunon wrote the glyphs for "white" in the ancient language and handed it back to her. Sophia then got hers. The girl was so stunned, that she hugged the elderly elf woman. "Name it Sophie," thought Roslin. "Ok," said Sophia, tears in her eyes. She thought for a moment. "I got it," she said. "I'll name it....Hjarta," she said. Everyone clapped, causing Sophia to bow. Randy, Ghost, Sarah, Aiden, Daniel, and Aro arrived. "Randy!" exclaimed Angelica. "Hey sis," he said. He climbed down from his now three house-sized dragon and hugged Angelica. "I named it Hvitr," she said. They then greeted Seth and Shadow. Seth then got his sword from Rhunon. "Since you helped me make it a week ago, you name it," she said. Seth thought. He then said, "I'll name it....Deyja." Everyone gasped. Seth looked around. "Are you sure?" asked Rhunon. "You haven't even seen the sword yet," she said. "Positive," said Seth. Rhunon nodded and Seth unwrapped the sword. Everyone looked.
When lunch came, caleb sat with his friends. Vinezilla and the rest of Caleb's friends' dragons flew around in the sky, sparkling like gems and jewels. "They're so pretty," said Keisha. Coal was panting next to Caleb. Caleb bit into his sandwich. "So now that we got our swords, what are we going to do?" Riley asked, appearing out of nowhere. Everyone looked at Caleb. Monica nudged his shoulder. Caleb stopped chewing, swallowed, and looked around. "I guess we head for Farthen Dur when school is out," he said. "You want to leave your parents?" Brianna asked. "No, but we have to join the rest of the Riders inorder to take down the Dungeon People in five more months," said Caleb. Keisha sighed. "Well my grandad said I could join them when I wanted to," she said. "My uncle said the same," said Riley. "So did my parents," said Briana. Caleb looked at Monica. "My dad said he and I would go join the Riders when school was over," she said. Caleb nodded. "Me and Vinezilla will join you," he said. Coal looked up at him.
Aphelia almost leaked a tear as Sophia loved her new sword. Aphelia's eyes lit up as she saw Ghost and Aiden come flying in with an orange dragon behind them. "How long have I been away?" she asked. "About a three months," thought Firnen. Aphelia laughed. She walked over to Aiden and nudged the three house-sized yellow dragon. Aiden turned to her. "Mother!" he exclaimed. Aphelia smiled and the two nuzzled. "How are you?" Aiden asked. "I am good," thought Aphelia. This was her son, almost as big as her. Aphelia smiled. She then heard the word "death" in the ancient language. She gasped alongside everyone and peered down at the new Rider with the black dragon. "Who is he?" Aphelia asked. "That is Seth McClain Jr," thought Aiden. "Son of Seth Alvin McClain?" Aphelia asked. Aiden nodded. "And that is his dragon Shadow Nightscales," thought Aiden. "He's not the son of Sultan is he?" Aphelia asked. Aiden shrugged. Arya walked up to Aphelia. "No telling Seth anything else right now," she said. Aphelia shut her maw.
Seth unwrapped the sword. The covering fell to the ground. Seth and Shadow looked on in awe. A black, iridescent sword was lying in front of them. Seth's eyes began to water. He grasped the sword by its hilt and examined the black jewel at the end. "That holds the power of the sword," said Rhunon. "Wield it well," she said. "Thank you," Seth said. Shadow released a trumphent bugle. Seth cheered and raised the sword high. Everyone else clapped and cheered. Seth showed Angelica. She smiled and kissed him on the lips. The two then sparred. Seth loved the sound Deyja and Hvitr made when they clashed. Seth laughed. When they finished, Daniel man hugged Seth. "You're officially a Dragon Rider," he said. "Your mother and father would be proud," said Arya. Seth smiled. He then remembered his mom. "One day, I will be arriving home mom," he thought. Shadow, who heard him, nodded. Afterwards, the two went on a fly with Angelica, Angel, Sophia, Roslin, Randy, Ghost, Sarah, Aiden, Daniel, Aro, Arya, Firnen, and Saphira.

Dragon Riders
In modern day times, only that dragons are now apart of the world. You can choose to find an egg in the forest or pick one at the Dragon Mart.

You are a dragon rider. Thanks to Eragon, you now have a choice to pick your very own dragon egg and raise your dragon to become a new warrior.


Or you can choose to be a newly hatched dragon once found or bought.

Once your dragon is grown, train him/her to become a warrior in order to take down the dungeon people and their pets, the dungeon lizards.

(Remember: Each dragon will breathe the same colored fire as their skin color. And DUH! you will be able to use magic).


Ever since Eragon took down Galbatorix, he has been raising Dragon Riders. Sixteen centuries later, dragons are now thriving with the humans and other animal species. Underground, the dungeon people have been created and are now starting to pop up, rarely. There is also a prophecy: Two elf/human hybrid Riders, both different genders, lead the way into victory by destroying the Dungeon People and their Lizards. The two are helped by their dragons, one of black and one of red, both of different genders, as well as their swords of "Death" and "Heart". The two pairs must combine their power into one in order to vanquish the new evil of the land.


Second Arc: Welcome to the Naruto world riders. The Akatsuki are going down. Senior Rider Linnea and her partner Arget are leading the charge.

Ninja grab your Kuni and get ready for the arrival of the Riders. Are the newcomers friend or foe? That's up for the Kages to decide. But the Akatsuki's days are still numbered. 


1. No cursing

2. No killing other players or dragons unless you get permission from them.

3. No acting like a god

4. Get ya' fly on!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Black Dragon
Blue Dragon
Brown Dragon
Dark Brown Dragon
Dragon Rider
Dwarf Dragon Rider
Elf Dragon Rider
Gold Dragon
Gray Dragon
Green Dragon
Mixed Colored Dragon
Orange Dragon
Pink Dragon
Purple Dragon
Red Dragon
Silver Dragon
Urgal/Kull Dragon Rider
White Dragon
Yellow Dragon

Second RP Master
Wulfraptor (#170)

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