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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Seth and Sophia were eating. Training was done for today. Saphira, Shadow, Roslin, and Rippleback were coming back from a hunt. "I can't believe we're elf/human hybrids!" exclaimed Sophia. "I can't believe we gotta' eat fruit and vegetables only," said Seth. "It's only temporary," said Sophia. "You're right," said Seth. "When are training is officially up, in like a few months or so, that's when we get to eat meat again," Seth said sarcastically. Sophia giggled. "You'll get use to it eventually," said Eragon, who was bringing over two flat stones. "What are those for?" Seth asked. Eragon placed them on the table. "I want to see how well you two are at making a fairth," said Eragon. "Ok," said Sophia. She picked up the stone slab and began uttering words. Colors began to flow onto the stone. Seth was surprised to see a picture of Roslin's egg. "This was the happiest moment of my life," said Sophia. Seth smiled. He then picked up his. Seth uttered some words and color began to flow on his slab. He thought.
Linnea had been 'given' Itachi. Murtugh had an assignment to take care of. Linnea was the 'babysitter'. Murtugh dumped his students with her whenever he had something to do. This time he only had one, they'd been sword training. Itachi had gotten a hold of an old rider's blade that matched his dragon. The words on it 'Istalri abr Blodh' Flame of Blood... "Itachi where did you get that blade?" "Murtugh broke tradition and got me mine early considering I just used my sharingan to learn enough for me to get a blade. Ruhun reforged it, and I know what the runes mean." "Very well. Though I have no idea what a sharingan is. Explain it later." "My eyes are injured again..." "How do you keep doing that?" "My advanced sharingan damages my eyes when I use them. It awakened when my best freind committed suicide." Linnea turned to watch her students doing their swords training. "Arget didn't mention that to me. He keeps things from me sometimes... If he thinks it's for the best." "My dragon can only say my name, I still don't know what to call her. I was thinking something from home..." "Naruto and Sakura are having that problem. Sauske named his partner Crow. Run a few by me trust me it helps." The little dragon joined the other three hatchlings in play. "Akane meaning brilliant red, Masuyo benifit of the world..." "Masuyo might put pressure on her." He nodded and continued "Masumi True lucidity, Minori truth, Rin dignified..." "She might like that, but so far Akane is your best bet." "Or Takara treasure." Linnea turned to the chicks watching them play. To think such sweet playful creatures would become such powerful beings was hard to imagine...
Caleb and Vinezilla arrived at home with the Shrrg pup in Caleb's arms. Caleb's parents surprisingly allowed him to keep the pup. Caleb washed the little pup in the sink. The pup shook himself, splashing water of Caleb. "Oh Willie," said Caleb. Vinezilla looked up at him. "Coal should be a better name," he thought. "Why Coal?" Caleb asked. "Because of his fur color," thought Vinezilla. "It is as black as coal," he thought. Caleb agreed and named the pup Coal. After washing him, Caleb dried the pup off with a towel and the three went into Caleb's room. "We have no dog food," said Caleb. Vinezilla whipped Caleb's right leg with his tail. "Ow!" he yelled. "He is not a dog Caleb," snapped Vinezilla. "He is a wolf and must eat like one," said Vinezilla. Caleb thought for a moment. He then fed Coal some deer meat. Coal ate it up quickly and Caleb gave him some more. Vinezilla ate some too. After the two animals ate, they fell asleep. Caleb ate as well and fell asleep on the floor next to them.
Seth finished the fairth. He looked at it and was surprised. The painting was beautiful. A nice picture of Angelica was staring back at him. "Wow," said Seth. The fairth really showed Angelica's beauty. Shadow was in the picture as well. So was Seth's mother. All three of Seth's loves were in this one picture. "That is amazing Seth," said Eragon. "Yeah," said Sophia. "Thank you," said Seth. He showed Shadow and Rippleback. Rippleback mewed in happiness. Shadow was amazed. "It is beautiful Seth," he thought. Seth nodded. Night fall came. Seth, Shadow, and Rippleback were in the treehouse. Sophia and Roslin were in the treehouse next to theirs. Seth sighed and then got up. A white dragon was flying towards them. "Angel!" exclaimed Shadow. Angel flew into the window. Angelica ran into the room. "Angelica!" he exclaimed. Angelica laughed and tackled Seth on to the bed. The two kissed. Shadow and Angel nuzzled. Rippleback cuddled up to Angel. "You ready for the walk?" Angelica asked. "You bet," said Seth.
Caleb woke up. It was 9:39 at night. Caleb got in the shower, put on his night clothes, and then went downstairs and ate some cookies and drunk some milk. He then went to bed. As he climbed into the bed, Vinezilla scared him by leaping onto the bed. "Don't do that," said Caleb. "I almost had a heart attack," said Caleb. Vinezilla laughed. The two went to sleep. Coal woke up. He wondered through the house. Coal sniffed around. He found a fallen peice of deer meat and ate it. He then walked over to the garage door. It was open. Coal walked in and saw Caleb's father dragging a dead lizard body out of the garage with rope and his car. Coal sat down and watched. When Caleb's father was done, he buried the lizard and the went inside, picking Coal up and closing both garage doors. "What are you doing up so late little fella'?" he asked. Coal yipped and licked his chin. Caleb's father laughed and placed him in Caleb's bed. Coal snuggled up to Vinezilla's belly and went to sleep. The door then closed.
Linnea had a Dungeon lizard and was studying the thing. Murtugh had caught the thing by accident. Linnea jumped at the chance to see one up close and try to find a weak point. Or a way to get them to just back down. Anatomy was the first thing on her list and the thing was tranquilized and in a CT scanner large enough to accommodate it. An enclosure was being built for it at the moment. It had taken extensive damage during it's fight with Murtugh and Thorn. She'd discovered healing magic works on the lizards so it's condition was stable. It also took twice the usual dose of tranquilizer to knock one out. The lizard was a small one male and mature. Linnea referred to it as an it to avoid getting attached to it. Eragon had pointed out that they had only ever seen one on the attack before and had never studied them before. Itachi had been down there and saw the habitat and he was working environment enrichment and habitat simulation. The enclosure was going to be in the zoo. They might be able to make an exhibit out of the situation. They were providing the equipment and everything. Murtugh was watching Linnea work. She remarked "You made quite the catch Murtugh elda. The anatomy is similar to a dragon. Might be another branch of the Aligasion dragon evolutionary tree. Subterranean habitat. I'd love to take some hide samples to see if the magical resistance lies in the skin." Linnea kept her eyes trained on the scans. Murtugh asked "How do you read those things?" "The computor will give us a 3D image of the inside when it's done but I'm checking for any forign objects like an embedded arrow head or something. I am not liking the blood test results. If it were a dragon or a wind viper I'd assume it had an abscess that leaked pus into the bloodstream." Linnea froze the CT scanner. "I was right that is an abscess right there." Linnea pointed at the screen to the abscess. "So this one is sick?" "Yep I'll have to drain and pack it once the scan is done." Arget had the students and Thorn's injuries were being tended. The lizards had a septic bite. Dragons breath fire which sanitizes their mouths. Nidhual had seawater doing the mouth cleaning that and cleaner fish. Fanghur let birds pick at their teeth to keep them clean too. Linnea had taken microbial samples from dead dungeon lizards for the sake of finding suitible antibiotic treatment. Linnea's mind wandered to Sophie. The more they knew about the lizards the better equipped Sophia would be to face them and survive. The CT scanner finished it's task and the images came up on the screen. "Well other than the heart and lungs being smaller and the skin, there are some differences in the skeleton but not in the shape of the skull like I'd expected. The leg proportions are well suited to tunnels and digging but not through rock." Murtugh asked "Now what do we do with it?" "Put it in an enclosure so we can study it. Itachi is working on that." "You want to keep it? Isn't that dangerous?" Linnea admitted "It's risky but we stand to gain the edge over the dungeon dwellers." By the way Linnea don't order my student around." "First off I asked him and secondly I outrank him." "Point taken, but I am ordering you not to do it." "Unless I'm healing them I don't usually give orders to anyone except my own students." Murtugh huffed "He's probably trying to repay you for fixing his lungs." "Itachi keeps coming back with eye injuries, I'll ask your permission first but can I put some wards on Itachi's eyes so I don't have to keep healing them?" "Of course, don't ask something stupid like that." The lizard stirred slightly and Linnea had it moved to a holding pen. She drained the abscess and put the packing inside for further drainage and waited for the thing to wake up. When it roused from sleep Linnea had to back away from the veiwing area because the thing glared at her funny. Itachi walked up behind her and said "So what do you think of Murtugh's catch so far?" "Impressive to say the least. The more we learn about these things the better we'll be at handling them." "Know your enemies." "The lizards themselves arn't the enemy the people who control them are. The lizards are being used as weapons and shields, if we can get past the lizards the rest will be easier." "Try talking to it yet?" "I inspected it's mind and found the mental image sensory language dragons, niduhal, and fanghur use. I was going to ask Arget to translate for me. Magic may not work but I had no trouble with it's mind. Can't do anything to it's mind either." "So we still know nothing." "Actually I have 3D images of it's anatomy. It's male but I'm calling him it so I don't get attached. Same skull as a dragon. We have tried making antibiotics for the septic bite. So progress has been made." [I spent hours typing this...]
Seth and Angelica walked out with Shadow, Angel, and Rippleback flying overhead. Seth and Angelica talked and kissed, arms around each other. They then came to an elf playing music. They listened for a bit and then left. "So when did Sophia join?" Angelica asked. "Today," said Seth. "You're not flirting with her are you?" Angelica asked, a smile on her face. "No," said Seth, chuckling. Angelica giggled and nudged him a bit. "When does my training end?" Seth groaned. "I can't wait for my very own sword," he said. "Me too," said Angelica. As they neared the treehouse, Sophia and Roslin were out. "Where are you going?" Seth asked. "Me and Roslin are going for a nightly fly," she said. She climbed onto Roslin's back and waved at them all. Roslin then flew off. Seth, Angelica, Shadow, Angel, and Rippleback went into Seth's treehouse and went to bed. Training was going to be a workout.
Caleb dreamed of the time he last saw his uncle and Vinezilla's father Forest. Caleb was only five years old when his uncle died. Vinezilla had even been laid then. Caleb dreamed of how his uncle would take him on flights with Forest, grandma, and Margeret. Caleb loved to fly. When he got the news of his uncle's passing, he was immediately given Vinezilla's egg, which was only a week in a half ago. Caleb then dreamed of fighting with a Dungeon man. The two were sparring until the Dungeon man dodged a sword blow and stabbed Caleb in his side. Caleb yelled out. He then watched as Vinezilla appeared and killed the man. Vinezilla was in pain as well, but not bleeding. "Caleb wake up!" he yelled. Caleb woke up. His side was aching. Vinezilla was awake as as Coal. "You shoul've never eaten those cookies," thought Vinezilla. Caleb's stomach was hurting so he healed himself and went back to sleep. "Next time I have this dream, I want to know who that elf/human hybrid is," he thought.
Caleb woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. He yawned, stretched, and went into his bathroom. Vinezilla yawned and stretched and looked over at Coal. The pup was still dreaming. Caleb brushed his teeth, dressed, and he and Vinezilla took the bike to school. Coal sat in the basket of the bike. Caleb stopped at the bus stop. His friends arrived. As the bus got there, so did Monica and Daisy. Caleb and Monica kissed and Monica and Daisy got on the bus. Caleb, Vinezilla, and Coal went to school. When they arrived, Coal stayed with Caleb while Vinezilla went off to learn and train. After school, Caleb and his friends went to the park. Ramses learned to talk with his mind. Night fall came. Caleb, Vinezilla, and Coal went home, ate, and went to bed. "When will the time come?" he asked Vinezilla. "Soon," replied the green dragon. Coal licked Caleb's face. They then went to sleep, ready for the adventures ahead. "Sword of mine, here I come," Caleb thought. "And my fire," Vinezilla thought. Caleb smiled and dreamed.
Seth woke up. Shadow was lying next to him, snoring. Seth chuckled and closed the dragon's maw. He then got up and watched his step. Rippleback was sleeping right next to the bed. Seth walked into his bathroom and got ready. He got dressed and brushed his teeth. Seth grabbed his hammer and placed it under his belt. Angelica and Angel weren't in their room. Seth then saw them coming up the stairs with breakfast. "Good morning," said Angelica. "Morning," said Seth. They all ate breakfast, with Seth eating the apples and oranges. When they were through, Ghost picked up Angelica and Angel and flew off. Seth, Shadow, Rippleback, Sophia, and Roslin went to Eragon. They trained some more and then took a break. After the break, Seth and Sophia sparred with Eragon. The two managed to tire him, but not beat him. After training was done, they all went back to their treehouses when night fall came. Angelica and Angel came back. They all went to sleep. "I think we're getting close to our destiny," thought Shadow,and slept
Aphelia was sitting in her cave in the Beor Mountains, admiring the moon and the stars. "In all my 1,000 years I've never been disgusted by the white-round-one and her many little hatchlings," she thought. Aphelia loved to watch the starry night sky before she went on a night hunt. Aphelia stretched, her gold and red scales glistening in the moon light. The large, female dragon roared and flew out of her cave. She dove towards the forest below. Before she crashed, her mighty wings opened up and she soared over the trees. She loved feeling the wind on her scales. "Now this is where a dragon belongs," she thought. Aphelia the eyed a herd of deer grazing. She licked her chops. "Dinner time," she thought. Aphelia flew towards the herd. She watched as the herd dispersed. "Running only gets me more excited!" she exclaimed. Aphelia sped up and caught five deer, killing them instantly. Aphelia ate them, after cooking them with her fire, and then hunted some more. She found a group of wild boar and roared.
Linnea left the lizard for the night and went to see to her students. Itachi had followed her while Murtugh left to go see Thorn and make sure the dragon took his antibiotics. Thorn hated taking medicine of any kind. "So Linnea care to go for a walk or something later?" Itachi asked casually. "We are walking now, so if you meant to speak with me on said walk go ahead, I'm a bit pressed for time. I have to get my students ready for their swords. It's always hectic getting swords Ruhuon gets huffy having to alter her works and I get chewed out by her too. I have to train my students hard. Naruto and Sakura still have to name their dragons and I still need time to eat, sleep, and attend to Arget." "Fine then. How is my brother doing in his studies?" "Well though, he and Vanier argue alot. It is getting on my nerves. But Hivarda and Galvoz are getting along better ever since Hivarda beat him a few times sparring." "I'll talk to him, and help you train the students." "Thank you but are you sure you can do it?" "I can try. I also decided to name my dragon Akane." Little Akane came trotting up to the two riders now up to Itachi's elbow in hight. "Now Naruto and Sakura need to name theirs or let the dragons name themselves." Naruto came running up "Erbithal my dragon named himself Kin is that normal? It means gold." "Dragons often name themselves. Did you behave for Arget?" "Hai." Sakura followed after Naruto being chased by the newly named Kin "Naruto call him off already!" Linnea sighed "Kin knock it off. You and your rider... if one of you isn't up to something the other is." Sakura panted "Thank you Erbithal... I named my dragon Chika, it means scattered petals." "Good, but you still need to choose names for your swords something meaningful, unless you'd rather take an old rider's blade. But for now it's time to rest..." Linnea yawned and said good night before going to bed.
A Month Later...
A month had passed. Seth, the elf/human hbrid Rider, was waking up to a glorious day. Today was the day he received his very own sword. Seth yawned and sat up. He stretched. Rippleback, who was the size of a dog now, was asleep next to him. "Morning Rip," said Seth. Rippleback awoke, nodded, and stretched. Seth went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He got dressed and left his hammer on the table. "Won't be needing you anymore," he said. Angelica, who was also ready, came out of the other room. "Good morning baby," she said. "Morning," said Seth. The two kissed. Rippleback got up and followed them as they walked down the stairs and went outside. "Angel!" Angelica yelled. "Shadow!" Seth yelled. A gust of wind blew at them. Suddenly, a large, female dragon, the size of a house, landed in front of them. It was Angel. "Morning Angie," said Angelica, hugging her. All of a sudden, a large, black male dragon, the size of a larger house, landed as well. It was Shadow himself. "Mornin' buddy," said Seth.
Caleb woke up before his alarm clock went off. He yawned and turned it off before it could go off. "Mornin' Coal," he said. The black Shrrg, who had grown to be the size of a small chair, yawned and wagged his tail. His amber eyes focused on Caleb. Caleb patted the wolf's head and got dressed. He brushed his teeth and went into the kitchen with Coal. His breakfast was already on the table, steaming hot. His parents had left for work early. Caleb ate and then fed Coal. Afterwards, the two went out in the backyard. "Vinezilla!" Caleb yelled. A large, house-sized, male green dragon emerged from his large dog house. "Good morning Caleb," thought Vinezilla, his voice deep. Caleb smiled. He then grabbed a saddle and strapped it on Vinezilla's back. Caleb climbed into the saddle. "Let's go get my very own sword," he said. Vinezilla roared and flew into the air. He headed off to the school, with Coal dashing after them in the trees. When they arrived, Vinezilla landed. Coal arrived. Caleb leaped down and went inside.

Dragon Riders
In modern day times, only that dragons are now apart of the world. You can choose to find an egg in the forest or pick one at the Dragon Mart.

You are a dragon rider. Thanks to Eragon, you now have a choice to pick your very own dragon egg and raise your dragon to become a new warrior.


Or you can choose to be a newly hatched dragon once found or bought.

Once your dragon is grown, train him/her to become a warrior in order to take down the dungeon people and their pets, the dungeon lizards.

(Remember: Each dragon will breathe the same colored fire as their skin color. And DUH! you will be able to use magic).


Ever since Eragon took down Galbatorix, he has been raising Dragon Riders. Sixteen centuries later, dragons are now thriving with the humans and other animal species. Underground, the dungeon people have been created and are now starting to pop up, rarely. There is also a prophecy: Two elf/human hybrid Riders, both different genders, lead the way into victory by destroying the Dungeon People and their Lizards. The two are helped by their dragons, one of black and one of red, both of different genders, as well as their swords of "Death" and "Heart". The two pairs must combine their power into one in order to vanquish the new evil of the land.


Second Arc: Welcome to the Naruto world riders. The Akatsuki are going down. Senior Rider Linnea and her partner Arget are leading the charge.

Ninja grab your Kuni and get ready for the arrival of the Riders. Are the newcomers friend or foe? That's up for the Kages to decide. But the Akatsuki's days are still numbered. 


1. No cursing

2. No killing other players or dragons unless you get permission from them.

3. No acting like a god

4. Get ya' fly on!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Black Dragon
Blue Dragon
Brown Dragon
Dark Brown Dragon
Dragon Rider
Dwarf Dragon Rider
Elf Dragon Rider
Gold Dragon
Gray Dragon
Green Dragon
Mixed Colored Dragon
Orange Dragon
Pink Dragon
Purple Dragon
Red Dragon
Silver Dragon
Urgal/Kull Dragon Rider
White Dragon
Yellow Dragon

Second RP Master
Wulfraptor (#170)

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