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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Smoke kept his gaze locked on hers as she stared into his eyes. He studdied her for a moment and was silent as she said that she was alright, though he was having a hard time believing it.  He remained quiet at her question before he nodded a bit and finally spoke "Yeah, we can go back Lokri" he said gently.  He had certainly scared her half to death, though now he was not so proud of it.  "Here, I'll help you get back" he offered softly as he wrapped an arm around her waste to carry her down the tree.
Lokri didnt pull away just simply stated,"I can do it...its ok..." she could tell she was still shakey about what just happened but she beilved not to tramatized so she could do it. She slide off her branch on to the next one and stood next to Smoke. She wanted to tell what hse heared but thinking back on it it made her think she was childish so she just kept her mouth shut. She looked towards the ground wondering to herself if she over racted. But it was just so plain like that night. She tried not to tremble and she just looked over to see if Smoke was still there.

Smoke watched her as she slid down onto the branch he was on.  She had made it safly down to that one but he still was not completly sure she was able to do it by herself.  "Are you sure you can make it on your own?" he asked concerned when she turned and looked over at him again.  It wasn't long of a way down from where they were, but she seemed really shook up; and he didn't want to risk her falling or on the way back, maybe getting lost.  He didn't know why, he just wished he had never played the trick on her, all he wanted was for her to scream and throw a knife maybe, not be tramatized like this.

Ash was floating, floating in an eternal darkness. He didn't feel or know he was just there, it was so weird. All he could keep thinking was, "Where am I, what's going on, am I dead, are the others?" after what seemed like forever and yet never, Ash began to wake up. He could hear a strange muffled noise and feel a weight on his chest. Swinging his arm to see what it was he not knowingly hit Aries in the head. And the next thing he knew, the weight on his chest was gone and he heard a raspy "Ow, what was that for!" then a "Wait, Ash are you awake!" the voice was so familliar, yet he couldn't place it. Then as if a flood of memory washed over him on thing came to mind, Aries. And that was all it took for him to open his eyes, knowing that she was alive. Ash smirked.

Aries was crying into Ash's torn shirt when he thumped her on the back of her head, she bolted upright, astonished she looked down at him, he was looking at her smiling. Aries smiled and hugged him around the neck. "Whoa, easy!" Ash said in hoarse, gruff voice. "Sorry, are you alright?!" Aries asked suddenly worried, "I'm fine, I'm fine." Ash replied, besides the fact that he was seeing doubles at the moment. "Good, because we gotta get off this beach." she said, helping Ash sit up. With a grunt Ash sat up then with some effort and a big stick, he stood. "Alright any Idea where to?" he asked leanning on the stick. He was sore and in a lot pain but he wouldn't let Aries see it.

(How should they reach the others? I'm open for suggestions)

(Lokri drew birds and dragons and wolves on were she was you can find some of those drawings and follow them?)

Lokri nodded and crouched down and droped to the next branch. Then the other then the next one. Last the ground. She grabes the branch and swung of landing silently on the dirt ground. She looked up at Smoke. The worry was starting to pass and she felt more like herself now then before. However her golden gaze still glanced around as if some horrible bloody monster was going to jump out from the bushes and eat the m all up.

"I don't know." Aries replied after thinking, but soon after she said that something caught her eye, not to far away form where she was standing, was a patch of sand that had lines in it, she walked a bit closer and kneeled in the sand, it was a picture of a bird. "Ash come take a look at this!" she said motioning him over.

Ash limped over to Aries and looked at what she was pointing to, "I'd know those drawings anywhere!" he said, getting excited, "I'd say that was the work of Lokri if anyone!" he said.

"Than that means she's probably here, alive on this Island!" Aries exclaimed just as excited.

Ash bent down and examined the drawing closer, "It doesn't look like much of the sand was blown around, so I'd say that this is still pretty fresh."

 Aries looked further ahead, not to far off there were some tracks, she got up and brushed tha sand off her legs than ran farther in that direction stopping at the tracks, "Hey Ash, looks like I do know where we're going! All we have to do is follow the pictures and tracks!" she said.

As soon as Ash caught up they began their journey to where the others were camped, stopping every now and then to rest, and after a while they were pretty close.

Sat by the fire cooking the fish. She watched the smoke rise in the air. She heared the growling and the raoring and she knew exactly who it was. Smoke. She smiled and shook her head. Proably trying to scare the heck out of Lokri. She fliped the fish over and let them cook on the other side. She hoped Smoke didnt tramatize her. She was one of the few to know what happened to Lokri. Her friend is the one that sacrifised herself to save Lokri from the human. She shivered. Nobody diserved that. However thats when Lokri srated drawing. She grew to draw like her dad...even better in Guaz's opinon.
Smoke watched as Lokri climbed down the tree ahead of him, and when she looked up at him he lowered himself a branch down before just jumping down landing with a quiet thud on the dirt ground. He looked over at her and tilted his head towards the camp "Come on" he said and started through the bushes back in the direction of there little camp.  His eyes flickered around, he could of sworn he heard someone else walking besides him and Lokri. No Smoke, no one else is there, your prank on Lokri just wore off on you too. he thought to himself and ignored what he thought he heard.
Lokri Retrived her knife and followed after Smoke. She watched behind the more freqently then she normaly does. She also had a weird tendesnce to jump at the sound of a twig breaking even if she broke it. But she was more relaxed then she was at the tree. She would be even happier to be back at the small make-shift camp. She blinked and keeping her golden gazed locked on the ground. What ever or whoever scared her did a good job. She did admitt that. But only she and the thing or person that did that would know of it. Unless one of them told.
Smoke was having a hard time believing how well he scared her.  He knew he scared her cause almost every time he glanced back to make sure she wasn't falling behind she was looking around nervously and holding her knife. Of course, he wasn't exactily feeling to easy himself, hearing things walk around a little distance off.  When they made it back to the beach he took in a deep breath and let it out slowly breathing in the crisp air.  He even cracked a smile as he walked over towards the fire, he glanced over at Gauz for a moment before looking at the fire again when it hit him that they hadn't picked up any firewood.
Lokri was back in the small clearing now. Her tense body relaxed and she let out a small shakey breath. She didnt feel like she had to glance around 24/7 now. She looked at Smoke and then relized she never did what she set out to do. She turned her head back to the forest. She blinked and turned her head just enough the see the fire and the forest at the same time. She tried to stay calm at the thought of going back in there...but she wouldnt be able to be scared of the place for long. She looked at Guaz then at Smoke as if woundering what they thought.

Guaz watched the two enter the camp. She bearly heared the whisper breaths as Smoke and Lokri exhaled. She wondered if they were both alright. Lokri for sure seemed to relax now being back at the camp. Guaz was tempted on asking Smoke how bad he scared Lokri but decided to wait. Nothing made her think that they didnt get the fire wood until Smoke looked at the fire with the cooking fish then she rembered they needed the fire wood. They could do with out, but if they wanted partly at night well then someone would have to go back in there to get the wood.

Smoke glanced at Gauz again before looking at Lokri then returning his gaze at the fire, that was slowly dwindling down "Alright... I'm going back in I guess, I'll be back soon enough" he said as he turned to walk back into the forest.  He couldn't believe of all the stupidness in him, he had been to caught up in freaking out Lokri that he forgot firewood. He brushed in past the bushes and in the current darkness, was soon out of sight. He walked back towards the spot he had scared Lokri and began picking up whatever he could find.

Aries was following behind Ash as they treked through the brush, his keen eyes spotted everyone of Lokri's drawings, they were covering  a lot of ground, but night was falling soon, and Aries didn't know what dangerous predators could be up and about. "We should find her in no time!" said Aries trying to keep thheir spirits up, but she knew Ash was probably thinking the same thing she was..............

They kept going for a while longer, but when Ash started to slow down, and sometimes even start to sway back and forth, Aries would always demand for him to stop and rest. Ash would always protest and say "I'm fine really!" but deep down inside he knew he needed to rest. And even though he tried to deny the pain his wounds hurt like heck. Ash just kept going, they were so close, he could feel it.

Lokri staid were she was and watched Smoke go back into the Forest. She sighed. She would have gone back... She shook her head and walked over to Gauz but didn't sit down. She looked down at Gauz simply before grabbing her knife throwing it and watching the tip stick into the bark. She then sat down and watched the fire. Her spear she had used for fishing was beside her but at the moment she didn't give it any notice. She blinked then got back, retrieved the knife then started to draw.

It took her roughly 15 minutes to sketch the thing out in sand. She stared at it. The picture was a female wolf sitting, looking at the ground with her paw up and against a male wolves paw. The male wolf had large feathered wings behind him as if he was a winged wolf. However he was a Angle. Lokri started on the actual lines wiped the sketch marks away when the time came. The more detailed version started to show.

Lost, as Castaway Wolves

You are lost on a deserted island with your fellow werewolves, there is a large cliff face off one side that crashes down into the ocean and rocks below, the forest is deep and dense, it's very easy to get lost.


You don't have full control over your powers yet and can not switch on will, it comes with your adrenaline speed for now.


Having been hunted to near extinction, werewolves have fled to the far corners of the world. There were a few young werewolves, just discovering their power, managed to convince their parents to let them go on a short boat ride. They were supposed to have come back the next day, however, it was not meant to be. There was a freak storm that hit, and smashed the boat causing it to spin out of control and smash into some sort of rock or reef.

Some time later, they begin to wake, wondering what happened and what where they are. The island they have landed on seams deserted, but bits and pieces of an ancient civilization are still present. Will the secrets of the ruins secrets unlocked? Will the young ones choose to stay, or will they attempt to save the rest of their kind? Will they even survive that long?

No matter what the answer, for better or for worse, they are the Lost, as Castaway Wolves.


1. Typical rules of RP.

2. No swearing or cursing, please keep it to a minimal, if you must, use the *'s to blot it out.

3. Romance is allowed, hugs and kisses are fine, but nothing to graphic please.

4. No being your own crush or anything like that either.

5. I am the master and I can control my puppets, as much as I would hate to, I have the right to kick you out and delete you if you don't follow these rules, they're sort of important.

6. When making a character, please create a first and last name.

7. Max of 3 charries.

8. When making a character, please keep the male/female ratio, one male per female and vice.

9.Have fun!!!!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Second RP Master
DinoLover (#4089)

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