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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Drehli didnt know if the rest of her friends were behind her or not but she would worry about that later. She looked out from the trees. A Female Ceratosaurus was half crouched behind a rock waiting for her mate to rush in loudly with prey running away. She snarled silently. Then She sprang out from her hideing spot. The female started to turn but it was to late. Drehli's jaws closed around her next and bite down...hard...that snapped her neck like a twig. Drehli let her limp body drop then she turned and disappeared into the trees again to wait for the male.  

As Arnold ate the corpse, he watched as Drehli brutally killed a dinosaur slightly larger than himself. After he swallowed his food, Arnold widened his eyes in awe. The Terminator Pig then heard something to his left. Instinct took over and Arnold opened his jaws, turned around and roared at the direction of the sound. Suddenly there was silence. Something leapt at him from his right and hooked its claws onto his tough hide. Arnold squeeled in pain and tried to buck the beast off of him. Leo tried to jump at the attacker only to be kicked by Arnold. Leo thought to himself "Why me?"

Drehli turned her head and saw that the male had the smelly beast in his claws. She came running up silently leaped and slammed into the Ceratosaurus sending him flying off. She backed away snarling then roared. The Ceratosaurus roared back then turned and ran off into the trees. Drehli growled and ran after. She snarled and snapped at the Ceratosaurus when ever his head got close. She snarled and snapped her jaws closed close its his face. The Ceratosaurus snarled side stepped and jumped onto Drehli's side and bite at her back and clawed. Blood weld in to long gashes. Drehli roared loudly and shuffled over the dirt finally managing to throw the Ceratosaurus off. She walked over and clamped her jaws down on its shoulder picked it up into the air and started to shake him like a rag doll. Finally Drehli through the Male Ceratosaurus into a tree and then stood over him. She steped on his neck then with her other leg teared into his side. Killing him. She roared triumph.
Callidus and her sister followed the roar and saw what happened to the male ceratosaurus with a look of approval, they'd taken out individuals of their evolutionary cousins that were competing for food, the smallest raptor like being we call troodon that they grew up around was considerd a friend, like egyptian plovers and crocodiles of today the two species nested together. The troodon sentry let the egg guardians know when the eaters of eggs and chicks were about. The two species did not hunt the same things unless there was famine. Callidus and her sister had one as a pet of sorts when they were juveniles, treating it like small human girls do with a baby doll. This was not uncommon. Practice for motherhood on a creature that was smaller than them. The troodon also got at parasites that a utahraptor just couldn't reach. The troodon were protected and allowed to scavenge and did their protectors a service, win win situation. This time they were the protected by the allosaurus and more than willing to play troodon for their larger packmate.
Leo started to realize something. The pack hasn't seen the two-legs for some time. The young Gorgonops looked around and noticed a glittering light in the distance. He looked to the others and then ran toward the light to lead the way. Once again, he noticed the other groups of creatures that have allied with each other go through the anomaly. He watched as the Arthropleura and his Meganeura allies walked through the portal along with various Edaphosaurs, Scutosaurs, Placerias, Coelophysis, a pack of Lycaenops and even a small Apatosaurus. Leo then roared to try to get the attention of his pack.
Callidus and her sister saw Leo and where the other creatures were going and waited to see if the others were going. The sisters started grooming while they waited.if the others weren't then the sisters would decide for themselves. Both sisters heard the cries and sounds of other misplaced creatures around them. Roars, hisses, yowls, howls, shrieks, mooing, neghing, squeals, grunts, moans, and countless other noises were heard it was a wonder the 'two legged fat organ bad to eat mammals who carried frightening things hadn't investigated the noise. Local animals were migrating through the portal too including that male allosaurus who was limping a bit but had gorged himself apparently.

Drehli snarled and backed away. She dindt want to leave. Not yet. To soon. She let out a whimpering little roar and looked around. She lowered her head and sniffed the ground by her feet clawsed at it then walked towards the light. "To soon." She said over and over again. "Too soon...too soon!" She whimpered again but looked down at her friends. She would go with them. She was about thie biggest one here and who knows if they would need pertection. She drew her lips up in a semi smile. She turned her head to look at the glowing light.

Callidus and her sister kept watching Leo and wished they had another pack animal with them, the allosaurus wasn't a real pack hunter unless they had a direct reason like the sauropods. Bright Eyes whipped her head around to a howl but looked back at her sister, "Elder sister something tells me that the howlers are pack creatures..." Callidus blinked and said, "Well we'll see if that's true or not if we see them..." A male utahraptor strutted past the sisters like he was too good to even aknowledge them. Bright Eyes hissed at him with eyes narrowed. Callidus nudged her sister and said "Stop that sister, he's not worth wasting breath on." The male paused and openly checked them out resulting in Callidus sighing "Know what sister keep hissing at him..." The male growled at them "You females have some nerve hissing at a male, I'm higher up than you." Callidus shot back "You have some nerve assuming that you were dominant to us. I am" She gestured to Bright Eyes, "Her elder sister meaning she will obey me over you. If anything you are the omega here. We have dominance here male." Callidus and her sister stood in unison and followed after Drehli. The male's feathers were ruffled and he stalked behind the sisters fuming.

Arnold watched the behavior of the male Utahraptor towards his two allies. The Terminator Pig roared at the arrogant beast to try to drive him away. He then followed the two sisters and Drehli to whatever direction they are going.

Leo was sneaking around the bushes to investigate his surroundings. When he seen his allies walk away, he leapt out and ran towards them. Suddenly, he felt a little prick on his left flank. He turned around to notice a strange object sticking out with some sort of liquid in it. The Gorgonops roared in terror and ran to catch up to his allies. Unfortunately, right when he got to them, Leo collapsed into a deep sleep.

Arnold turned around and noticed his hyperactive friend on the ground. The Terminator Pig dug his head underneath the unconcious body and tossed it onto his back.

Callidus and her sister were both ignoring the male untill they noticed the change in his behavior, then they treated him more like pack but he wasn't their better not by a long shot the alpha of their home pack would not have welcomed him. Callidus did not want a mate like him but she'd not stop her sister from taking him as a mate. Callidus would however watch him like a modern hawk. Bright Eyes was only younger than her by a few minutes which by all rights would have given the younger the right to treat the elder as her equal. But even during their earliest greedy chick days Callidus had watched over her sister sharing her food even then and guarding Bright Eyes from their other siblings as she ate. It had set the tone for their future relationship. Callidus would protect Bright Eyes and the younger of the pair would obey her sister for the rest of their days.

The male utahraptor bolted from Arnold to right behind the sisters suitably cowed by a male in this strange pack. He'd expected the sisters to get up and follow him when he'd walked past them earlier, but that had backfired and he'd found out about the strange pack he was now following after. At least there was eye sweets to look at, possibly take one for his own. But he'd have to impress them both making it a challange.

Behind the pack of assorted creatures was a couple of humans with tranquilizer guns and what seemed to be force-fields surrounding them. "What the. . ." said one of the scientists as she witnessed Arnold pick up Leo. The other human whispered to her in a humorous manner "I guess if there are Allosaurs, Gorgonopsids and Entelodonts in the Early Cretaceous, we might as well not be surprised if they are helping each other."

Arnold was still carrying Leo on his back and keeping himself cautious of the male Utahraptor. He already had to put up with the two females, but Arnold felt that there was something not right about him.

Both sisters knew they were home again, Bright Eyes noticed something on the male utahraptor's neck and immediately started poking it with a claw, it was hidden by his feathers so the humans didn't see it untill it fell off. A radio collar. Callidus had the good sense to kick it to the humans who picked it up. "The fat organ bad to eat mammals had something on your neck this whole time..." The male was looking surprised, "How did I not notice that thing?" "Callidus gave a smart alic remark "Because you are dense." Bright eyes giggled at that remaark and the male introduced himself miffed "I never got your names Call me Vhan..." Both sisters made introductions. All three utahraptors turned to a forlorn howl as a dire wolf came out of the undergrowth.

Soft Fur had stumbled into this strange mixed pack and stared at the whole assorted bunch and her eyes fell on the utahraptors or 'strange toothed giant birds' and her tail started wagging. A pack she wasn't alone anymore! Soft Fur went over to the 'giant lizard bird' (drehli) and submitted to the apparent alpha of the pack ignoring the humans. She'd seen humans before and just avoided them most of the time. The utahraptors stared at her funny but the two females were fairly accepting the male glared Soft Fur into submission and looked away but caught the two females reprimanding him and tilted her head before staring at the humans with the Utahraptors.

Finally after his deep sleep, Leo woke up to find himself on Arnold's back. The Gorgonops leapt off of the pig's back and noticed that a new creature has joined the pack. He then looked to his flank where he was shot at and realized that the weird object that knocked him out was still stuck on there. Leo hissed at it and tried to bite at it with his saber teeth. Finally after constant nipping, he reached it and pulled it out and tossed it to the side. Leo looked around and noticed a creature slightly larger than him with a long tail, thumb spikes on its front feet and an overall awkward appearance. The young Iguanodon made a call to try to contact its herd.
Callidus her sister and the male Vhan noticed the iguanodon and started stalking the stray herbivore, Callidus was taking point with the other two right behind her and the dire wolf or 'Howling pack hunting mammal' at the rear picking up what she could of the language of the 'strange toothed giant birds'. Pack hunters had instinctive knowledge of some of the most basic of pack cues like 'let's hunt'. Soft Fur for one was eager to prove herself useful and earn a more permanent place in the pack. Callidus broke cover first cutting the herbivore off while her sister and Vhan both moved to cut off an escape, Soft Fur joined the other two instinctively recognising the game plan her birth pack had used something almost identical to to the tactic. Callidus drove her killing claw into the iguanodon's throat causing the blood to pour out then jumped back before the animal had the chance to use it's thumb spike. When the animal reared Callidus jumped onto it's back using the claws on her feet hold her in place and slashing with her hand claws. The prey tried to crush Callidus by rollin on it's side but, Callidus let go and went for the now exposed belly, she'd broken her arm in the past and knew to avoid it. Bright Eyes had been feeding her for once and Callidus was lucky she'd only fractured it pulling back before it was crushed. The animal died before the herd arrived to aid the herbivore, and left when they realized it was too late. Callidus her sister and Vhan started eating and Soft Fur timidly joined in the utahraptor tradition the right of the hunters that meant the hunters ate first then unless they were a hunter the alpha would eat, then the chicks, then it went down the ranks. Soft Fur was used to the alpha eating first but accepted this different protocall trying to fit in better.
Drehli suprovised as everyone else ate. She turned her head side to side and watched the rest of the land scap. She had nothing better to do with her life she she just stalked off some feet away and laid down. She blinked her golden eyes before closeing them. She could still hear everything that went on around her but she was off in a some what light sleep. She flicked her tait and let out a slight sigh. Her claws dug into the ground as she listened to what was around her. She opened her eyes again and just watch the movement of the others.

Time Wars: Battle of the Beasts

Time Periods:

Late Carboniferous (Playables include: Arthropleura: A large armor plated relative of centipedes and millipedes, Meganeura: a dragonfly the size of a sea gull and Proterogyrinus: A large amphibian that had the same niche as modern crocodiles)


Early Permian (Playables include: Dimetrodon: A carnivorous mammal-like reptile with a sail on its back, Edaphosaurus: An herbivorous mammal-like reptile with a sail on its back and Seymouria: An amphibian that had many reptile-like traits)

Late Permian (Playables include: Gorgonops: A mammal-like reptile that ruled over the land with a pair of saber teeth, Lycaenops: A smaller relative of Gorgonops and Scutosaurus: An armor-plated reptile the size of a rhino)

Late Triassic (Playables include: Eoraptor: One of the first dinosaurs and gave rise to both the theropods and sauropods, Postosuchus: An armor-plated relative of crocodiles that can rear up on its hind legs and Placerias: A hippo-sized mammal-like reptile with a pair of tusks used for defense)

Late Jurassic (Playables include: Allosaurus: A well known carnivore that dominated the Jurassic with a pair of wide-opening jaws, Stegosaurus: A famous herbivore with plates on its back and spikes on its tail and Guanlong: An early relative of T. rex with a crest on its head and covered in feathers)

Early Cretaceous (Playables include: Utahraptor: The largest of the Dromaeosaurs (raptors), Iguanodon: An adaptable herbivore with thumb spikes and Repenomamus: A badger sized mammal that ate young dinosaurs)

Late Cretaceous (Playables include: Carnotaurus: A large carnivorous dinosaur with bull like horns on its head and stumpy arms that made those of T. rex look long, Kaprosuchus: A land-based crocodile with tusk like teeth, Velociraptor: a small dromaeosaur that was nothing like it was in Jurassic Park and Triceratops: The most famous of Ceratopsians)

Paleocene Epoch (Playables include: Pristichampsus: A long-legged crocodile with hoof-like toes, Purgatorius: An early, squirrel-like primate and Titanoides: A bear-like herbivore with saber teeth)

Oligocene Epoch (Playables include: Entelodont: A rhino sized relative of pigs, hippos and even whales that had bone crunching jaws, Hyaenodon: A dog-like carnivore that had self sharpening teeth and Paraceratherium: A long necked, hornless rhinoceros that was the largest land mammal to have ever lived)

Miocene Epoch (Playables include: Kelenken: One of the largest of the terror birds, Potamotherium: An otter-like relative of seals and Ancylotherium: a relative of modern horses and rhinos that had claws instead of hooves)

Pliocene Epoch (Playables include: Australopithecus: a small bipedal ape that eventually gave rise to humans, Toxodon: A hippopotamus like mammal and Thylacoleo: A feline-like marsupial with one of the strongest bite forces of any mammal)

Pleistocene Epoch (Playables include: Neanderthal: Stocky built humanoid with a brain larger than that of modern humans, Smilodon: Saber Tooth Cat, Dire Wolf: A large canine that is actually closer related to coyotes than to the gray wolf, Cave Bear: A large bear that is more herbivorous than modern grizzlies and Columbian Mammoth: One of the largest of the mammoths, it isn't covered in thick hair like its more famous relatives)

A Few Centuries after Man (Humans have been wiped out by two future creatures known as the Predator and the Megopteran. Playables include: Predator: A large flightless bat that has lost its eyesight in exhange for better echolocation. It can also run up to 77 miles per hour, Young Megopteran: Giant descendants of the Tiger Beetle that have traveled from their home time to the time of humans only to wipe the humans out. They have a caste system including warriors that lay eggs in the corpses of fallen opponents that hatch just minutes after. You play as one of these young individuals that are still not ready to take down Predators, Terminator: A large, elephant-like herbivorous boar that still has the aggressive temperament of its ancestors.

5 Million Years After Humanity (Playables include: Carakiller: a large flightless bird similar to the Terroro Birds, Shagrat: a thick haired rodent the size of a sheep and Gryken: a descendant of the pine marten with saber teeth)

100 Million Years After Humanity (Playables include: Camobeast: A strange mammal of unknown origins and has the ability to instantly blend with its surroundings, Falconfly: A wasp the size of a modern kestrel, Toraton: A large tortoise the size of some of certain sauropods)

250 Million Years After Humanity (Playables include: Mega-Squid: An elephant-sized terrestrial squid, Squibbon: An highly intelligent, arboreal squid and Desert Hopper: A large snail that hops around on a single foot)


Anomalies have opened up in various time periods and the various animals that time has forgotten have passed through these portals to find worlds that are new to them. Unfortunately, native animals are not going to give up their territory easily and would only allow the invaders in with their cold dead hands (or jaws, claws, hooves, etc.) To make things worse, humans are also passing through these portals for conquest. Whether you are an invader or a native, you must drive these two legs out of your realm.


Anomalies have appeared throughout the various time periods of Earth's prehistory. Because of this, creatures from these time periods are entering into eras that time has forbid them from going to. Because of these invaders, the native creatures are not too happy about this and have tried to do what they can to try to drive out the invaders. For some of these invaders, they are going through mass extinctions that are forcing them to migrate through time. For others, they are simply creatures in their prime that have been drawn in by pure curiosity. Whatever intentions the invading creatures have though, these invasions are causing ecosystems to collapse as both invaders and natives fight for supremacy. When it started to look like it couldn't get any worse, humans have arrived and are also taking their claims on the land.


-No Godmodding

-PG 13 You can have blood/gore, but not too much.

-Invading creatures cannot communicate with Natives and vice versa. Only creatures from the same time can communicate and can even negotiate despite predator/prey relationships.

-No matter what creature you are, you are going to have difficulty fighting against creatures that are ahead of (or behind) your own time. Because of this, you will likely get injured in such fights.

-You can have 3 characters. If a character dies, you can replace that character with a new one. These characters must also be from different times

-You must ask permission if you want to kill another player's character

-You can request playable species on the OOC.

-We will go through sort of a cycle for time periods that the characters go to. The first anomaly will take you to the Carboniferous. Each time period will be 15 posts which will result in another anomaly opening to the Early Permian. Then to the Late Permian, then to the Late Triassic and so on. If we managed to make it to the latest of the future time periods, we will end up going back to our own time periods to fight off invaders/humans. After that 10 posts, the cycle starts over again.

Note: Future Creatures won't be playable until the RP gets to the future. I allowed another spot for how many characters people can play so they can save up for the future creatures.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Cave Bear
Columbian Mammoth
Desert Hopper
Dire Wolf (Dire Coyote)
Future Predator
Mega Squid
Paraceratherium (Indricotherium)
Young Megopteran

Second RP Master
Wulfraptor (#170)

Current Characters
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