Sherice was now out of the kingdom's town and in the country. She saw a small camp up ahead. She was tired, and her feet felt as if they were on fire. She had to rest, but couldn't. She kept walking until she couldn't take it anymore. She was almost to the campsite where she would be safe and could rest. She gathered her strength, and ran to the campsite.
When she got to the campsite, she flung her things on the ground, and fell into the soft grass. She could see people talking and carrying things to someone who was on the ground, barely breathing. She remembered she stowed some plants on her pouch that would help.
Prince Eric looked up and to his surprised he saw a familiar face.He knew her.He left his work and walked to her.When he passed Vaan the boy looked up with an face of:'Eric what are doing?'Eric ignored him.Vaan bended to Fronder to change his bandages.Questions spoked trough his head:'What is she doing here?/How does she knows im here?'How long ago was the fact that he had seen her?He now stood before her waiting for her reaction.He heard Vaan mumbling something to Fronder With an worried tone in his voice.'Hi Sherice, what are doing here?' Eric asked.
The rabbit hopped happily around in the bushes, unaware of the danger awaiting him. As it grazed on the nearby berries, it almost appeard to be living in a fairytale.
"Too bad fairytales don't exist." Sarafine thought to herself. Her arrow, straight and true, ended the rabbit's life quickly. As she picked up the limp white form, she spoke to the rabbit, "Glad you saved me a few berries, dear creature." She chuckled at herself and stuffed the rabbit in her hunting bag. After grabbing a few berries, she went off back to her village.
Dusk had settled over the sleeping village, and most of the doors were closed. Her own door included.
"C'mon, let me in!" she yelled, fist banging on the wooden door.
"You're late! I told you I wouldn't let you in if you were late once again!" An elderly woman spoke.
"I have food, Nan." Sarafine heard the door slowly creak open. She handed the rabbit to the woman, who then lifted the bag in the air.
"Not much weight, yea?" She scolded, taking the rabbit out of the bag. "It'll do for tonight I suppose." Nan handed back the bag and threw the rabbit on the skinning board.
"Forgetting something you crazy old woman?" Sarafine entered the room and grabbed a small coin purse off the table.
"I'll pay ya you little theif, I'll pay ya." She took several coins from the purse and thrust them into Sarafine's hands. She went back to skinning the animal, and Sarafine walked out, smiling.
Eric thinked about her words:'something is not right with that cat' Want does she means by ''not right''?'Then vaan said something'I think that You're just jealous that Fronder likes Bandit so much and Bandit likes Fronder, And by that I readed that cats sometimes can be supernatural.they can make contact with you even if you are unconscioust. cool he?' Eric watched him speak with his mouth open. How does Vaan know that all? Maybe he isn't that stupid at all....... or he trying to impress Sherice. Eric sighed ' Stop pesting Lanzia, we better go to the town fast....'
'But im not pesting Lanzia,it's true that she is jealous because Fronder likes the cat and not her.!!'Vaan said protective.
'Vaan...i think you better run for you life.' Eric said because he knew that sometimes Lanzia can be quite angry.
max 4 caracters...and i spelled prince wrong because im duth.
The young prince as been cursed so he doesn't feel anything.
you wants to help the prince.
(in a group ofcouse)
with him and others you are‚ going to defeat the wizard.
but he as set traps.
...and monsters.
The bad wizard has cursed the prince.
just help the prince and defeat the bad wizard.
and maybe the prince likes you.
And if you help him you would be a hero.
no bad langue
no bad stuff
only 4 caracters max
you may use magic.