Vaan was looking around anxious. inch by inch he walked to an store and looked inside.The floor was all rotten and red.Vaan knew what the red was, he sprinted to Eric in fear.'T-THERE IS BLOOD ON THE FLOOR THAT ISN'T NORMAL!!! IM GOING TO CAMP IN THE WILDERNIS!!' He yelled running back to the woods.Eric ran after him and dragged him back.Vaan started to struggle screaming' I DON'T WANNA I DON'T WANNA LET ME GO!!!!'
Eric tried to calm him saying:im sure it's just paint and if it's blood im sure there is an explanation for it' He said without any fear in his voice.'ARE YOU NUTS!!? THERE IS BLOOD ON THE FLOOR...BLOOD' Vaan yelled.Eric dragged him to one of the houses saying'Then we better sleep here in a house.''FRONDER..LANZIA CONVINCE HIM THAT IT IS NOT SAFE.!!' He yelled trying to kick Eric.