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Bandit continued to walk holding Idisis on his back, he was so focused on the trees that he had lost the group. Bandit was tired and sat down causing Idisis to slide off his back onto the ground. Bandit then dragged Idisis under a tree so he'd be in the nice cool shade, not that there was much sunlight. Bandit sat down licking his paws, he then stopped to look around, no sign of Fronder or the others. He looked back to see Idisis, to his shock, the tree behind Idisis had red glowing eyes and a fangy mouth that looked hallowed out. The tree's branches were wrapped around Idisis, pulling him closer to the tree, where he'd be suffocated. The sad part was Idisis, as hard as it was to believe, was still uncontious. Bandit bowled as loud as he could trying to get help.
Vaan was still pushing Nightmare to move while Nightmare looked around scared ' Please....nightmare.....i'll give you a cookie' Vaan said trying to let him move. Then suddenly Nightmare moved making Vaan fall on his face and he runned away yelling' Bandit....trouble....bandit .......trouble' and he disapeared in to the woods. Vaan mumbled something while Max smiled and Eric frowned' I think Bandit is in trouble' He said. Max looked at Him ' do you mean that oversized street cat carrying that Wizard?' Eric nodded' we must go after Nightmare!'Â he running after Nightmare while the others followed except for Vaan who was still lying there. ' Hey, WAIT FOR ME!!' Vaan yelled getting up.
Lanzia heard bandit was in trouble, she knew if one of the trees had attacked him or Idisis there would be great trouble. She fallowed the others along with Fronder. They fallowed Nightmare to a tree where they saw Idisis being pulled closer to a tree. "That's not good."Â
Nightmare paced and panicked bowling loudly, not knowing how to get Idisis out. The tree wrapped it's branches around pulling idisis who was still uncontious closer.
Bandit looked at the tree in shock, he was suprised that it was a tree doing all this. he ran owards the tree rying to help Vaan get Idisis out. He began clawing at the branches and roots, he was worried that the tree would get the chance to crush idisis. The tee's braches continued pulling Idisis closer, it's other roots and branches tried to shoo Vaan and Bandit away.
Fronder could only watch from the sidelines as the others fought, he doubted his arrows would do anything, and his knives wouldn't work too well.
Lanzia took out her axe, she knew the others would have some difficulty trying to attack the tree with their swords. She knew they were making the other spooks around them angrier She walked slowly towards the tree with her axe, she knew the trees would respond more quickly to faster movements. The trees branches and roots were too focused on the other to notice Lanzia, she swung her axe and the branches tangling Idisis were cut, the tree noticedLanzia and began attacking her too.
Nightmare quickly dragged Idisis out of the way.
Lanzia looked around nervously, the other trees seemed to be getting angry, but the other trees couldn't move from their spot, instead they angrily swung their branches although they were too far to do any damage. Lanzia saw that Vasn was injured, she also saw that Idisis was still uncontious. "I can't believe Idisis still hasn't gotten up." She turned to Vaan, "Can you get up, we have to leave before the trees find a way to attack us."
max 4 caracters...and i spelled prince wrong because im duth.
The young prince as been cursed so he doesn't feel anything.
you wants to help the prince.
(in a group ofcouse)
with him and others you are‚ going to defeat the wizard.
but he as set traps.
...and monsters.
The bad wizard has cursed the prince.
just help the prince and defeat the bad wizard.
and maybe the prince likes you.
And if you help him you would be a hero.
no bad langue
no bad stuff
only 4 caracters max
you may use magic.