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Adrah's inquisitive gaze settled on the figure before her, a firm scowl set on her features. There was something about this dragon, a slight.. authoriveness to his way. '2 days.. That's far too long..' She thought to herself, her frown only hardening at this realisation. Upon the mention of her injuries, the dragoness turned her head slowly to look at where she last recalled them to be, only to find minor wounds in their place, a sure sign she was healing.

"How are you feeling? And what is your name?" Adrah snapped out of her thoughts once she remembered she wasn't alone, an almighty grumble left her throat, managing to sit, her bones working hard to support her.

"I feel just fine." Adrah hummed, her calmer tone like a breeze swaying a field of long grass. "My name.. My name is Adrah." She answered the last question, and air of impatience to her tone, she was ready to leave, despite her half healed condition. As far as she was concerned, she needed to hunt for her parents and the new clutch. Her eyes once again found the dragon who was speaking, and a familiarity sparked in the back of her mind. "Have I met you before?" She vocalised her thoughts, tilting her head just an inch to the left, trying to piece together where exactly she remembered him from. "Tryrann?" She asked, recalling the name he had introduced himself with.

Cynder took the cooking staff on a run for their money. She didn't ask for anything particular, but she ate EVERYTHING. The cooks were getting furious with her when she finally had a full belly. Cynder didn't quite realise how starved she actually was until she started eating.

Cynder started to explore, much to the relief of the cooking staff. She began to talk to her reflection again, which made many nearby dragons steer clear of her and advert their children away. After a few minutes of that she stopped.

Cynder grew tired and found a nearby bench that wasn't occupided, so she did the only logical thing to do; she slept.

Nightling was scrying again only this time she was scrying her grandmother and confused by the same strange dragons... She'd later found out these dragons looked just like the gods... But... That did not make sense at all. Sparky was recording these strange beings sitting and the dragon resembling Thundar rumbled "We must destroy that blasted sphere... Marina has offered to take it to a deep sea trench and hide it... What are those priests and priestesses doing?" The one who resembled Marina said "Plotting their next move carefully... You the god of war should know about tactics..." "Spies like these are more ruled by Celestia and yourself as travelers and keepers of secrets..." Granny Celest was looking like the goddess and said "They are instruments of war and more under your jurisdiction Thundar..." Draco opened his mouth and said "We do not have time to argue this... At the moment they mostly need Celestia to hide them and give them the knowledge to pull this off..." The god dragons continued to plot and plan for some time and the kitsune Luna was watching this scry with softly glowing eyes...

Adrah....the name rang through Tyrann's head and a million bells started ringing in the right places. He knew he had met her before, lest she remembered him also. Wait, Adrah...the white dragoness..cove colony, blue feathers....

"Adrah!" Tyrann exclaimed with an excited bellow. "I remember you now. We played as hatchlings in the cove colony. You always used to beat me at wrestling. We went to school together, we were great friends! Your father was a fisherman for my father. I remember him too...he was the best. Is he still with us?" Tyrann asked, but sheepishly actuallty, his memory flooding back to him and hoping not to offend his long lost friend.

Kitsune freezes and stares at her adopted sister. Least to say, Kitsune didn't favor her much- as she only came arpund when she needed something...

" have you been?" Kitsune asks quietly, coming forward and greeting her sister in a quick hugging exchange. Jaclyn smiles. "I've been well...I've been well..." She pauses. "I see you're doing EXCELLENT!" She exclaims looking around. "I mean...I'd say you were even with a rex?" Kitsune shifts uncomfortably. 

"Uhm....I am currently with a rex...he's my mate...why do you...mention er ask?" She says. "Oh...I left my husband of 4 years about a week ago..." 

Knowing straight where this was headed kit cut her off. "No!" She exclaims. "You are NOT to stay here." Jaclyn pouts. "Oh come along now dear sister. It's jsut for 3 or 4 months." Kitsune gives her a bewildered look. "Months!? MONTHS!?" She exclaims. "In a few MONTHS I'll be VERY busy! So will my husband Tyrann." 

At hearing Tyrann's name, Jaclyn perks up. "Ooo Tyrann Rex!? Why...hes the most handsome rex did a little thing like yourself capture the great Tyrann Rex's attention?" Her sister asks, now turning on her obvious jealousy twords Kitsune. "I mean...You aren't the most beautiful dragoness...and I believe I would find out who is if I looked in a mirror!" She laughs, but Kitsune only scowls. 

"How he and I got together is None of your business Jaclyn. Now if you'll excuse me. I have places to be and things to do. GUARDS!" KIT hollars. 

A moment or so later, two large male guards, with heavy armor on, came into the room. "Remove this lady at once." Kit orders pointing to her 'lovely' adopted sister. "And be sure she does NOT return until Tyrann Rex has returned to this castle. Do I make myself clear?" 

Both guards nod and grab Jaclyn. "Oh don't worry hunny." Jaclyn begins. "I'll be sure to return when Tyrann Rex comes home." She smirks. "And I'll make sure you aren't around when we get introduced..." She laughs, before willingly going with guards out of the palace. 

Kitsune then sighs, grabs some food, a drink and then heads back to bed, eexhausted,stressed, tired and worried. 

Saxon was in a really good mood. Like s really really good mood. Like the type of mood that was just under Cloud 9; therefore, metaphorically speaking, would make it Cloud 8. Yes, Saxon was on Cloud 8.

The copper dragon had just returned to the city of Aradis, ruled by the lusting Queen Estelle, for the first time in over a century. The last time he was here had been with his father and Uncle Crash on one of Crash's out reaches. Ripper, his father, had been there as a body guard along with the rest of Crash's guard which was under Ripper's control. Saxon faintly remembered the city, finding nothing other the memory being that it was under different rule when he visited last. A king, he remembered. He also didn't remember it being this busy.

Saxon was making his rounds to the lesser and greater colonies, anouncing his correnation to be king in a few years. (In this busy world, you had to put out your party invitations rather early.)

He was alone on his journey, quite sure of his intelligence to free himself from any situation Bazul could throw at him. Plus, his had his trusty archer's bow and a broadsword for close combat. He had dark leather armor on as a last resort. Like any of his enemies would get that close anyway.

Walking down a slightly less busy path, Saxon noticed a pure white dragoness fast asleep on a bench by a merchant's shop. His clever mind kicked into action and he started to think about a million different ways to take advantage of this opportunity for public humiliation. Then, thinking more maturely, Saxon subdued his undying urge to harmlessly prank the sleeping female. Also, Saxon had a deep respect for females, and knowing if his mother ever found out a female was the victim of his humor (which she most certainly would), she'd have his head.

Saxon continued on, but not after giving into his urge and tying a water bucket to the sleeping dragoness's foot so that when she even moved in her sleep, the bucket full of water would come raining down upon her like a tidal wave. Oh, Saxon loved his brain.

Prideful, and with his cleverness satisfied for the time being, Saxon walked up the marble stairs of the Aradissian castle and into the very elven looking structure. He found the castle to be less busy than the city and for this, he was truly grateful. He didn't particularly like crowds. Waiting for someone, even a guard to acknowledge his presence, Saxon extended one wing and then another, bones cracking place after many days of unuse.

"Hello?" Saxon inquired to the castle air. He was greeted by an ebony dragoness with sleek red horns and a silver choker adorned to her neck. Unfortunately for the handsome, young Saxon, Queen Estelle had found him first.

Cynder's eyes flew open and the first thought in her mind was, *Something's not right...* She soon found out what was wrong when she sat up, she was soaking wet! Cynder found a string attached to her ankle and followed it to a bucket; put two and two together. Cynder didn't bother drying off. Whoever did this would surely laugh hysterically, so she would stay wet for now until she found the culprit.

Cynder opened her wings finding the light from the sun was blinding off her wet scales. She marched around town, but no one gave her the reaction of a guilty party. She decided it was best to just get dry and plan her revenge later.

Cynder was walking to the castle to find some dry clothing. She saw two figures standing at the doorway, one sort of familar the other not so much. Cynder stopped climbing the steps hoping they didn't notice her. She acted like she was admiring a statue.

Saxon strained to keep most of his composure during the duration of the time he spent in the presence of Queen Estelle. She was not helping however.

"What brings such a young, handsome, strong..." Estelle said with a smirk as she ran her carbon colored claws up Saxon's large deltoid muscles, "-male dragon into my kingdom this afternoon?" She finished in a sultry voice. Saxon, not one to return flirtatious affections, only gulped and looked for words.

"I am Prince Saxon, son of Head Guard Ripper, nephew of The Mountain King, Crash Rex, next in line for the Mountain throne. I am here on a business tour to announce my correnation in 3 years, 6 months, and 11 days...." He trailed off as Estelle ran her tail under his chin, strolling towards his hind end.

"Oh my my....a prince. And nontheless a handsome copper perfect. How regal." She grinned with a sultry voice that oozed lust.

'Lord have mercy on my soul...' Thought Saxon as the lovely, ebony dragoness circled him with a predatory smile and lustful eyes. He knew what she wanted. Easily, Saxon could evade this situation with his clever wit, but he wasn't sure he wanted to. He'd never been...never done...anything like what Estelle was insinuating. And she seemed experienced.

It was then Saxon noticed the white dragoness he had played a prank on earlier walk into the castle. If she was in the castle she must be royalty or know royalty and that was enough to let Saxon know it was time to go.

"Um, thank you miss, er Queen Estelle. It has been a pleasure meeting you and I, uh...-" He kept looking over Estelle's right shoulder at the white female,"-hope to see you at the correnation soon. I've got to go. Thank you again." He bowed and took off down a corridor, half sprinting while keeping his large wings tightly folded to his body as to not break something.

Thinking he had dodged a bullet, Saxon tuned into the infirmary docks. He was in a small foyer that had two offices on either side and funneled into a large wooded door that had opaque glass. The door was made of dark, chocolate wood and had various types of flowers carved into the top. He opened the door, the knob made of silver which contained a dragon head on it. Entering the room, Saxon believed he was alone and started to run through his situation.

"I can't start back out tonight, it's getting late and I sure as hell am not going back through the main hallway again! I could see her or, lord, the queen. Draco give me the strength not to lose it to her...." Saxon rambled aloud, clearly unaware of the massive red King and the injured Two Tail female intently listening in on his more external, rather than internal, struggle. It was only when the crimson dragon cleared his throat did Saxon whip around faster than a chicken in a fox den.

"Heh heh, hello. Em, hi. I'm Saxon, who may you be?" Saxon chuckled nervously, too frazzled to think of anything that sounded more intelligent.

Adrah and Tyrann just looked at each other and laughed for a solid 5 minutes.

Adrah seemed almost confused at Tyrann's memories, listening to each one as he told her them. But they soon began to fall into place. "Tyrann? It feels like forever and a day since I saw you last. I see you are a Rex, now? Congratulations. Perhaps I will bow my head once you successfully beat me in a spar." She teased, her tense form relaxing now she was with a familiar dragon. "Oh, my father? Yes, he is well. As is my mother, they're kept busy with another clutch of hatchlings." Adrah smiled to him. "Though I fear this is their last one, as the many before me." She explained.

Looking towards the door once it creaked open, sitting just a little taller at the precense of another dragon, glancing to Tyrann and then back, her oceanic eyes taking in the copper male before them. Very handsome looking, but Adrah wouldn't allow herself to think of such a think for a second more. A scaly ridge, or more so eyebrow, rose inquisitively, glancing to her long lost friend before looking back to the copper dragon. Once he had noticed them, Adrah looked back to Tyrann who had began to laugh, her built up stress evaporating with her own soft chuckle.

Cynder felt awkward strolling past the Queen and the stranger, who she found out is Saxon, into the castle. She was planning on staying near the statue, but she could hear every word. She could feel the blush on her face she kept thinking to herself, *I didn't hear ANYTHING.*

She found one of the cooking staff from earlier. She waved to him, but as soon as he saw her he turned the other direction and sprinted away. Cynder found some knew clothes and put them on; they seemed quite regal.

With dry clothes, Cynder couldn't help but hear laughter. She found where it was coming from and stayed out of sight near the doorway. Cynder thought, *This isn't evesdropping just like hearing the Queens conversation with that Sax on dude wasn't... SHUT UP! Don't think about it!*

Saxon was utterly humiliated, a feeling he didn't experience much of as he was usually the one doing the embarrassing. Both dragons were laughing at him, yet he felt a vague reconciliation towards the large red male. Suddenly, realization hit him like a brick hits a glass window.

"Oh my - If it isn't Tyrann Rex! You're a sight for sore eyes! What are you? 600 now?" Saxon chuckled. "I haven't seen you since your correnation, what, five-six years ago?" Saxon related. He remembered now. Tyrann and him and been friends as hatchlings and adolescents. That was till both of them had expectations to live up to and training to start.

"Why, yes! Saxon! How could I have not recognized you, your orange scales are brighter than the sun! Yes yes, about five and half years. Oh, your correnation must be coming up soon, aye?" Tyrann remembered. He felt like it was one big friendship reunion.

"Mmhm, 3 years, 6 months, and 11 days to be exact. That's actually why I am here. I'm giving out party invitations. I've already run into the Queen and well....lets just say that's why I'm back here. Hiding basically." Saxon admitted and his face got just a little paler at the thought of Estelle again. He was weirdly entranced by her yet utterly repulsed at the same time. Although, that's really how most dragons felt about Estelle.

"Lord, my sister.." Tyrann bowed his head and pinched his brows in frustration.

"Oh!" Saxon jumped and started to apologize. "She's your sister? I'm so sorry I didn't mean it in a bad way, just she's very pretty and a little scary so I didn't know what to do but hide and, Tyrann and I swear I meant no disrespect I just needed-" Saxon made a weird shoving gesture with his hands,"-out." He finished by contorting his face into a weirdly placid yet severely confused look.

"Don't worry about Estelle. And don't lose sleep over it, I hide from her too Saxon." The chaos dragon laughed at his old friend's signature quirky personality. "Oh, Saxon, don't you remember Adrah? She's used to play with us as kids. She always used to beat me up. Well maybe not anymore but-" Tyrann flexed his muscles a little and Adrah punched him.

Saxon had forgotten, not ignored the female's presence in the room and now, she was the only thing he could look at, utterly marveled at her beauty. Gorgeous scales and a crest of blue feathers that accented her neck, elbows, and wings. Her tail split in two at the end and was feathered as well. "A Twin unique." Saxon thought aloud as he straightened himself up and walked towards Adrah. He remembered her, and remembered his huge crush on her from when he was an adolescent.

"Enchanté mademoiselle." Saxon bowed to her, very smooth and sexy, throwing on the charm he was famous for.

"My apologies Adrah, I am Prince Saxon, son of Ripper, nephew of Crash Rex the King In The Mountain, next in line for the Mountain throne. How can I have ever forgotten you all a these years." Saxon introduced with an air of mystery. He took the white dragoness's hand his own and kissed the top. Tyrann was about to barf.

Adrah sat quietly whilst the two had their reunion, drumming her rare, transparent talons against the floor. She soon realised she recognised the dragon before them also, old memories coming back one after the other. She couldn't quite contain her amusement at the tale of his encounter with the Queen, a smaller smile pulling at the corners of her scaly lips. The dragoness kept her gaze on the ground, her two tails entwined as one, now slowly tapping on the floor. Upon mention of her name, and the comment to follow, Adrah gave a low rumble, from the very back of her throat before landing a blow on Tryann's arm. "An ego bigger than your strength, as always." She told her old friend. Adrah soon looked to Saxon, her tails relaxing and separating at the mention of them.

"There's not too many of us." Adrah commented, her parent's lacked the splitting of the tail, instead, it was a rather unique genetic mutation found in the fewer population. She doned a confused look once he bowed in front of her, she'd never experienced such an action, but it made her just slightly giddy.

An easier, bigger smile pulled at her lips, especially once he picked up her hand. "I know who you are, Saxon." She gave a small chuckle, surprising herself how easily she was warming up to her old friend already. Adrah hadn't been as close to Saxon, as she had been with Tyrann. She could feel her scaly cheeks turn hot once he pressed his lips to the top of her hand. "These years has made a gentleman of you, Saxon." She gave what could have been seen as a nervous, almost shy chuckle.

"Why yes, I suppose they have, but it was my mother, Aurora, that did the making. She taught me always to respect a lady." Saxon quickly responded, allowing Adrah's hand to drop into her lap gently. He couldn't stop staring at her with sparkling turquoise eyes. It was almost impossible for him to take his gaze away, that was, until Tyrann swept his bulky, crimson hand right in front of his face.

"Saxon take it down a notch." Tyrann warned playfully.

Shaking out of his trance, Saxon regained his composure a bit. "Oh, um, yes sorry, sorry for staring Adrah, I meant no harm." Saxon apologized but still contained his charming disposition. "Right, Tyrann, what are you doing here by the way?" Saxon thought, after remembering the fact that Tyrann Rex would never visit his sister unless he absolutely had to.

"She has done a brilliant job, a large improvement from the drooling fool I remember you as." Adrah smiled, guiding her hand back to sit with the other, her own eyes remaining contact with his. She had so many fond memories of him, from the times he would make her laugh until her stomach hurt, or played tricks on her and tormented her until she chased him all over the Cove.

Even Adrah flinched slightly, seeing the large red hand in front of her face, pulling her head backwards slightly to evade the hand she thought would attack her. She rose an eyebrow, looking to Tryann, her gaze scolding him for ruining their moment.

"No harm was made." Adrah assured him, flashing a small smile. The white dragoness soon returned to her laying positon, the strain on her side proving far too much for her to handle. She could practically feel her healing scales tear from one another. Using one of her backwards facing, fine horns to scratch a spot along the plumage close to the base of her left wing, Adrah would remain quiet, and listen in curiously on their conversation.

Nightling saw a strange she dragon skulking around and recognized she had been involved with the Wicked... Jaclyn was her name... Nightling was NOT about to have that harlot in the colony... She put her garb on, Luna jumped on her back and she trotted off to see Kitsune... When she got there she woke the queen and informed her that her 'sister' was not to be trusted at ALL and in fact should be thrown out... Nightling then proceeded to explain why...

Nightling was prepared to do something shades were notorious for using... fear tactics... Shades were not that big and one would assume they were not all that intimidating but a show of arcane force and prowess was able to intimidate even the largest wyveren if done correctly. Nightling was going to use a light show and warning shots to spook the larger she dragon... But Nightling stayed by the queen having brought her scrying bowl to keep a wary eye on things...

She had parked it on Tyran's throne leaving the queen's cushioned dais to the queen. Nightling was assumed to be Tyran's stand in and she looked up confused realizing where she was sitting and quickly moved to lay in front of the queen's dais with the kitsune Luna... Sparky was writing down what Nightling saw... The wicked could not see her or sparky while she was in garb... Nightling was working on what she was commanded to do...

Dragons of Bazul

Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.

The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.

Map of Bazul:

The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.

Your main prey:

Banshees: flying lizard like creatures

Kais: deer-like animal

Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles

Seven Great Colonies:

-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.

     Rex: Leafon Rex

-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.

     Rex: Frozenflame Rex

-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.

     Rex: Crash Rex

-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.

     Rex: Tiber Rex

-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.

     Rex: Hammish Rex

-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.

     Rex: Mathias Rex

-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)

     Rex: Tyrann Rex

Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.


Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.

Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.


Playable Species:

-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.

-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.

-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.

-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.

-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.


1.) Light swearing

2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)

3.) No killing other's characters without permission

4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission

5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)

6.) You may have as many characters as you want

7.) No god moding

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

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