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Cynder was very happy to be escorted to the pie, she went with almost no resistance; she just likes being difficult. The cooks where all to happy to hand the pie to her, speaking of it was a masterpiece cream and fudge filling with soft, fluffy whipping on top and fine flecks of dark chocolate on the top. She began eating the beautiful thing called pie and half a minute later it was gone. Another one soon replaced it, this one just as beautiful as the last.

Cynder was just about to dig in when some little demons... I mean sweet little hatchlings took the pie away from her. Cynder snatched up the pie and began running with it, the little vultures all around her trying to grab the pie. One of them tried climbing on her, but ended up making Cynder fall, with the pie. Cynder fell to the ground with all of the hatchlings on top of her laughing. Cynder looked up to see Saxon completely covered in the pie and it looks like the filling was carmel.

Cynder said, "Can't say I am sorry..." She began laughing with the hatchlings. She now began wrestling with the hatchlings rolling around the floor with them. The sad death of such a beautiful pie forgotten... This time.

Tyrann was walking with Kitsune, almost reaching the stairs when he heard a "thud" and the feeling of something small and fluffy poking at his heel. When he turned around, Tyrann was more than surprised at what he saw. There stood and small, black kitsune, which is a surprise in itself, but more shockingly, it had presented him the severed head of an adult male banshee.

"How in the world did you manage that, little one?" Tyrann exclaimed and looked to Kit, whom looked as equally as astounded.

"My lord I am shocked she managed that kill... Considering it was stalking the nursery I do not think Luna is a threat to chicks..." Nightling came running in, immediately explaining.

"Hell..." Tyrann gave a bellowing laugh,"...I have half a mind to give her a sword and put her on guard duty." The king laughed some more. "I'm sure she's no threat Nightling, in fact, I'd even have her guard the nurseries. Or perhaps my future clutch. Well goodnight." He said softly to Nightling and gave the little fluff ball an approving nod for a job well done.

Once in his room with Kit, Tyrann's wife started rattling off questions like rapid fire. "Whoa darling, whoa. Our room is surely big enough to hold a nest." Tyrann gestured to his extremely large master bedroom. "And yes Dr. Slavv will be here to assist you with your labor. Him nor I will not let anything happen to you. And no need to worry about the nest, I have the same nest me and my siblings were raised in. I can have a guard come place it in our room in the morning." The red dragon assured his ebony wife, watching as her eyes gleamed in the moonlight that shone through their open window. This seemed to happen every time they were in this position.

"Come, let's get some rest darling." Tyrann climbed into their bed, waving his tail in a way that insinuated Kitsune to crawl up beside him. The pair easily fell asleep, happy to be in each other's company again.

Saxon couldn't believe the rumors about his uncle's infidelity were true...although, knowing Crash, it wasn't entirely a surprise. Still, a little dumbfounded, Saxon smiled at his new cousin and smiled politely.

When Tyrann started to become busy with other things, the itch for exploration started irritating Saxon in a place he couldn't scratch. As a result, he decided to take a little self-tour of the castle. With a bit more thinking, Saxon also decided to invite Adrah along with him, hoping the one on one time would give him a little more opprotunity to throw on his charm without the interruption of a certain annoying red dragon.

"Adrah, would you care to join me for a walk around the castle?" Saxon asked politely, extending his hand for her to take. When she placed her slender paw into his bulky copper one, he knew he was in luck.

"It's been a while since we've run around Tyrann's castle, huh? I believe the last time we were here, you and Tyrann were having the "Wrestling Championship Match of the World" or something like that. Didn't you kick Tyrann's butt?" Saxon made conversation. "Well, you always kicked his butt, but didn't this time you really kick his butt." The copper prince laughed at the thought of old times, times that were so much simpler and a heck of a lot freer.

The pair walked down a corridor that led to a square courtyard full of flowers and a marvelous fountain that was adorned with an onyx dragon sitting atop a mess of thorns. It was a tribute to the founder of the Cove Colony, Black Smith the Vast.

"Listen, I'm sorry for never telling you I had a crush on you. I suppose, looking back on it now, it was kind of stupid of me to do that. If you think about it, when you like someone, it's entirely useless to hide a crush on someone from them because how does that benefit you? If you like someone, you should tell them. It only makes sense. So I'm not going to make the same mistake again. I'm just going to outright tell you, you are the most beautiful dragoness I've ever laid my eyes. Not to mention unique too." Saxon finished, standing straight as the moon made his copper scales shine with a dark, reddish tint.

"I'd enjoy that very much." Adrah nodded, and with that, the two began their own little tour around the castle smiling at each memory she received. "Oh, please. I kicked his butt constantly. I still remain undefeated." She chuckled softly, walking along side the copper dragon. "I would have beaten you, if only you weren't too afraid to spar with me." She smiled, looking up to him, a smile pulling at her scaly lips.

Adrah took a gentle breath once she saw the beauty of the garden, pausing a moment, but continuing along with Saxon once she'd taken in the initial beauty of the scene before them. She looked around, smiling softly. She could grow to like it in the castle for the remainder of her stay.

As soon as Saxon began to talk, Adrah looked up to him, a smile on her scaly lips as she listened to him, a pinkish tinge to her cheeks once he began to speak. She had been completely unaware of Saxon's crush on her during their adolescent years, but she was glad he was finally telling her now. "It's okay, Saxon. We were all young, and dumb. Not so much me, but you and Tyrann had your moments." She teased lightly, a smile on her lips. "I-.. I'm flattered.. Your feelings.. they haven't changed or wavered over the years? Because I must admit, as a teenager myself.. There was definitely a crush there, and I can feel those feelings coming back." Adrah smiled, though almost hesistant to admit so. Feelings weren't her forte.

Nightling took Luna home still surprised she'd managed that kill... Luna also had only spoken to her and Sparky... "Why are you only talking to us?" "Because I can... They just need to see me as something cute and cuddly..." Nightling just went to bed and ate a large breakfast before scrying the Wicked only to have her bowl knocked over by Crash's wayward nephew stomping around... She stormed outside and shot him an evil glare... The much larger dragon backed off and Nightling saw who he was with this time... The Wicked's harlot... The larger she dragon seemed happy that Nightling had been effectively bothered... Until the kitsune bit her wing and ripped a few scales off leaving her bloodied again... Sparky made his markings light up and smoke stream from his mouth which finally spooked her off... They weren't being watched at the moment... Nightling wanted the harlot gone...

<p*>Saxon playfully grimaced a bit at Adrah's "teenage knuckle heads" comment about him and Tyrann but then the realization occured to him that they were actually teenage knucle heads. He let out a very airy laugh, the kind of laugh that was genuine and purely fueled by hope.<p*>

<p*>"Surely we were not that idiotic?" Saxon propsed, pretending to be insulted as he placed a copper hand on his peach colored belly. The moon hit his under-scales perfectly, creating a shinny light orange glow to radiate off of him. Copper dragons were known for their metallic hide, often shinning and refelcting just as metal would. This also why they possess certain chromataphores in their skin cells to allow them to change the pigment of their skin and mimic different types of textures. It is commonly assumed it was an evolutionary gene to evade larger predators, but now it only accents the copper dragon's clever nature.<p*>

<p*>Adrah chuckled at the silliness Saxon was famous for. "It's okay, Saxon. We were all young, and dumb. Not so much me, but you and Tyrann had your moments." She teased lightly, a smile on her lips. "I-.. I'm flattered.. Your feelings.. they haven't changed or wavered over the years? Because I must admit, as a teenager myself.. There was definitely a crush there, and I can feel those feelings coming back." Adrah admitted with a smile and a faint, pinkish blush lingering on her usually white cheeks.<p*>

<p*>Before Adrah's confession, Saxon had been intently staring at the statue in the center of the garden, his mind quickly reined back in when the white dragoness he was growing a serious fondness for started to explain. Once she had finished with that startling piece of information, Saxon had to make sure he was hearing it all staright.<P*>

<P*>"Wait, I'm sorry, what? You are...starting to have feelings for me?" Saxon clarified. Adrah nodded her head, a plumage of royal blue feathers stirring in the ocean breeze that cooled the night.<P*>

<P*>Overyjoyed, but trying to hide it, Saxon was blushing, thanking for everything he was worth that his scales were already orange. "I see we both have a mutual attraction towards each other..."Saxon started and tried to think of something clever to say, "...and I think we should wait to see how everything goes right now. I have always been attracted to you because you are strong and independent, a dragoness I know that is worth her wieght in gold. I feel extremely strongly towards you, a feeling I cannot place. But, there's some sort of evil growing to power and I know I will be called upon by my colony to fight. I want to save you the heart brake in the event that I..."He paused again, more choked up than before, " the event I do not return." The copper dragon, for once in his life, held his proud head very, very low.



Adrah smiled, quite pleased with his reaction at first. It felt like a weight off of her shoulders for him to finally know. "I don't think Tryann ever knew, it'd be far too much for him to tease me with. I don't fully believe my crush is recent, I still think it stems back to our younger years." The white dragoness nodded softly with a smile, glad thy were now both on the same page. The white scales of her cheeks began to grow pink.

It had occured to her how incredibly fortunate she was to have found her friends once more, and may be discovering something else in one of them. Only time would tell if they were truly compatable with one another, but Adrah was wishing for a positive result. She looked up to him once he began to talk, it had completely gone over her horns, the fact he was in fact a prince. The impending responsibility would be more than important than any mate he should have, and she really didn't know if she were good enough. Saxon deserved better, and Adrah knew that. It was the question of if she were selfish enough to keep him to herself.

Adrah's heart began to sink once the copper dragon began to share with her what troubled him. She had never seen him so conflicted. So upset. Hesistating slightly, the white dragoness etched forwards. Feelings weren't something she expressed so easily, but with Saxon, it wasn't difficult at all. "It'll be okay." Adrah soothed, nudging her head carefully underneath his in a reassuring embrace, giving a gentle nuzzle to his neck. "You are one of the best dragons I know." Adrah told him, he was vulnerable and now wasn't a time for teasing.

After a long, content and VERY happy sleeping night with Tyrann, Kitsune awakens in the morning to a soft su light glow streaming theough the windows. Looking to a sleeping Tyrann, she smiles, nuzzles him softly and then gets out of bed - careful not to wake Tyrann-. After getting herself ready she opens the door. 

Apart of her morning routine she stops by Dr. Slavv - grabbing he r medicine, and getting checked over- then proceeds to head to the kitchen. Entering the kitchen the smell of morning food fills her nostrils and she sits down. Asking a chef to get her food, she waits and then starts eating. 3/4 of the way through her meal, she starts to feel nauseous, passing it off on the pregnancy she continues to eat. 

After finishing her whole meal, she wanders the castle and then feels nauseous again, this time -unable to take the feeling- she runs up the stairs -pushing a poor unsuspecting maid out of the way - and into the bathroom....sslamming the door loudly behind her as well.

<P*>Saxon was thanklful for Adrah's consolation. However, it didn't deter the idea from Saxon's head. He knew once war broke out, if war broke out, he would be called upon to fight. It was his duty as a prince and he didn't want to leave someone he truly cared about behind if he can prevent it.<P*>

<P*>His head hung low for the first time in a long, long time. Adrah seemed to sense his impending vulnerablity.  "It'll be okay." Adrah soothed, nudging her head carefully underneath his in a reassuring embrace, giving a gentle nuzzle to his neck. "You are one of the best dragons I know." She ended as Saxon's heart fluttered. He wondered for a moment if she could hear it pounding against his chest.<P*>

<P*>The white dragoness was shorter than Saxon, only by a couple feet, maybe three or four. He loved the way she fit underneath his chin and into his chest so ironically perfect. Suddenly, his quirky personality restored, Saxon thought of an idea. "Hey, want to see something weird but cool?" He asked in a excited yet extremely charming tone. Adrah nodded, coming out from underneath his head to look as the metallic scaled dragon sprinted over the the side of the courtyard. The marble stone there was made of black obsidian and created a smooth, blocky texture.<P*>

<P*>"Ready?" Saxon said as more of a statement then a question, smiling with a goofiness he hadn't before. He pressed himself up again the wall and the moon beamed off his orange scales, still completely visiible to a dragon's eye. Suddenly, his scales turned a deep onyx color and he could no longer be seen to the untrained eye. Adrah walked over to get a better view.<P*>

<P*>What Saxon could do was truly a marvel of nature. He even mimiced some of the cracks and the glassy finish on the cut, obsidian stone of the castle wall. The only thing giving him away was the iridescent shine of his sparkling turqoiuse irises. As he closed, them, he truly disappeared. Saxon had hoped to impress Adrah just a little bit.<P*>

<P*>"What do you think?" The copper dragon inquired, eyes never opening, the only way you'd know he was there was by the faint opening and closing of his mouth as he talked or the subtle in and out of his breathing.<P*>

<P*>When Tyrann awoke in the morning it was around 7:30 a.m.. Kitsune was no where to be found, as the king stretched his arm over to the other side of the bed, only to find it empty.<P*>

<P*>"I swear that woman is always up doing something at all hours." Tyrann chuckled to himself, heaving his massive, muscular body up out of his plush bed. He dressed himself in a dressy, burgundy shirt and proceeded to throw on a black leather vest on top of that. He then claud his haunches in black, baggy pants that stopped at his ankles. Tyrann buckled the Anarchy Sword's holster to his hip, the blade glowing purple as the king slid it into its sheath. "When will I need you...." Tyrann stared at the sword and pondered for a moment, then disregarded the thought for the sake of his sanity at the moment, Plus, he wanted to happy, his eggs would be laid soon.<P*>

<P*>Tyrann exited his room and made his way through his castle, greeting and giving his good mornings to his staff and guards. Entering the Mess Hall, the red dragon was severely not surprised to see Cynder there, diving face first into her food. Tyrann tried not to pinch his brow again and instead, just found Cynder's overjoy amusing. Shaking his horned head pleased, Tyrann asked a maid, a slender peach colored female, if she had seen Kitsune.<P*>

<P*>"Aye my lord, ran right into me this mornin'. Sure in a hurry she was, poor lass. I think I saw her head into the bathroom off the east wing. Must've been sick. Hope she's alrigh'." The maid bowed her head then sped off on her way. 'Poor Kit. She must be naseous.'Tyrann thought.<P*> 

<P*> Tyrann was rounding the corner to go up the double stairway when he felt someone run their hand down the last portion of his tail.<P*>

<P*>"What the? Who dares-" Tyrann bellowed as he turned around, only to come face to face with a lovely dragoness.<P*>

<P*>"Hello Tyrann Rex. I'm Jaclyn.."The female said as she bowed at the feet of the Rex in respect. Or what he thought was respect anyway. Wasn't this the dragoness Nightling wanred him about?<P*>

After Kit was done in the bathroom she exited. Heading down the hallway too the stairs -back to the kitchen for another proper meal- she ran into the maid she had run over earlier. "My dearest apologies." She said to the maid. "I felt nauseous after eating this morning." She explained "I do apologize for running you over." She chuckles. The maid smiles and shakes her head. "No worries ma'am." She says. "I understand completely. "Once...I felt so bad I pushed my poor brother down the stairs!" Kitsune laughs. "Once goodness. Well. Poor brother indeed. Have a nice." She says passing the maid as she walks to the stairs. 

At the top of the stairs she only sees Tyrann's back "Oh Tyrann my love. I do apologize for leaving you this morning-" she begins. As Tyrann turns to look at Kitsune, Kitsune sees Jaclyn. Hissing and growl Kitsune launches herself down the stairs, and stand in front of Tyrann- swiping at Jaclyn with her claws. 

"I thought I told you to leave!" Kitsune snaps, as Jaclyn smirks and laughs. "Oh no worries sister....I was just bidding the most handsome rex of all a good morning. I'll be on my way now..." She smirks, turning around and walking off...

<p*>Tyrann didn't know what to say to the dragoness other than to bid her a good morning.<p*>

<p*>"Good mornin' miss..." He said in a lightly accented voice. His tone was cautious but still friendly. Tyrann wasn't sure what to do here. Fortunately for him, Kitsune bounded in looking fairly ruffled. "Oh Kit, hello my dear, who-" Tyrann was cut short as his wife started to snap at the dragoness before them. Kit swiped at her fiercely and Tyrann was shocked at how feisty Kit could be. It was extremely attractive to him.<p*>

<p*>"I thought I told you to leave!" Kit snapped again. Tyrann was thoroughly impressed. The dragoness commented on his looks then bid him a good morning before turning on her heels and walking out of the castle.<p*>

<p*>"Will you enlighten me on what just happened?" Tyrann asked, still confused and incredulous to the situation.<p*>

Kitsune turned to Tyrann, taking on a but of a red tone to her scales. "Uhmm....I do apologize my love." She begins. "That dragoness is my adopted sister Jaclyn...she's a bit of a....uuhm....flirt....irt suppose ypu could say." She sighs. "She was here yesterday when you were gone and has just gotten out of a four year relationship with her husband...she only comes around when she wants something..." Kitsune shakes her head, a low growl escaping her throat. 

"She told me yesterday she doesn't understand how you chose me to be mated with because I'm 'not the most beautiful dragon' or however the she devil put it." Kitsune snaps. "She then proceeded to tell me she is the most beautiful dragoness and would be back to say 'goodmorning' among other things to the 'most handsome st rex' of all'" 

Once done explaining Kitsune nuzzles Tyrann. "I do a pologuze for my little outburst but...I threw her out of the castle told her not to come back...."

<p*>"Oh your adoptive sister. How nice of he-" Tyrann started before Kit continued- "..Oh, why would she say that? You're the most gorgeous dragoness I've ever seen. And I've travelled the world. You're a Queen Kitsune. You're the Queen of the Cove Colony. She has nothing on you." Tyrann ended. "Jaclyn doesn't even compare. I don't blame you for throwing her out."<p*>

<p*"You know, Nightling was fighting Jaclyn last night...I wonder why. I didn't say anything about it because, well...its Nightling. She does weird stuff all the time. Hmmmm....maybe I should go have a word with her..." Tyrann thought aloud, taking a black claw to his chin. That was till Kitsune collapsed on the Persian throw rug of the stairway landing.<p*>


Kitsune lifts her head to Tyrann. "Oh...Tyrann...I-I think I may be going into labor..." She huffs out,wrapping her tail uo in a tight circle, and placing a claw on her stomach. "This has to be to soon Tyrann. Way to soon!" She exclaim, whimpering. "Way to soon! I thought it was suppose to be tomorrow the clutch comes! Not today! Tyrann!" She whimpers, shaking her head. "Get Dr. Slavv....or take me to my room!" 

Kitsune tries to stand but collapses again, whimpering and letting out a groan. "Sure it's to soon Tyrann. I could've sworn Dr. Slavv said tomorrow! Not today!

Dragons of Bazul

Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.

The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.

Map of Bazul:

The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.

Your main prey:

Banshees: flying lizard like creatures

Kais: deer-like animal

Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles

Seven Great Colonies:

-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.

     Rex: Leafon Rex

-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.

     Rex: Frozenflame Rex

-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.

     Rex: Crash Rex

-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.

     Rex: Tiber Rex

-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.

     Rex: Hammish Rex

-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.

     Rex: Mathias Rex

-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)

     Rex: Tyrann Rex

Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.


Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.

Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.


Playable Species:

-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.

-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.

-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.

-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.

-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.


1.) Light swearing

2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)

3.) No killing other's characters without permission

4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission

5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)

6.) You may have as many characters as you want

7.) No god moding

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

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