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The weird exchange of glances was freaking Tyrann out a little. That was, until he remembered Saxon's huge crush on Adrah as adolescents. He decided to have a little fun with this.

"Saxon, do you remember the major crush you had on Adrah when you were adolescents?" Tyrann smirked, a smile that was frightening like his sister's. Saxon's face went white again, and he awkwardly stared at Adrah as she turned to look at him too. Saxon wasn't the only one who liked to humiliate once in a while.

Tyrann got lost in his thoughts for a moment. 'Crushes....females, wives...Kit....oh wait KIT!' His mind blew apart, realizing it was nearing the end of the week and he must return for the laying of his eggs. Suddenly, the fairly placid dragon became a hurricane.

"Oh my Draco! It is time for me to return to my colony, for the laying of my hatchlings should be taking place shortly. I cannot not miss it, for surely my wife would have my head." Tyrann exclaimed. "I do not expect for any of you to come along, but if you wish to do so, please I would love to have you." With statement and proposal made, Tyrann looked to Saxon who nodded his head eagerly.

"Why yes! The Cove Colony was actually the last stop on my journey." Saxon agreed nonchalantly. "Wait you have a wife? And kids?" You're only ten years older than me! Which is practically nothing...I have to come along." Saxon spazzed just a little. Adrah only nodded her head and Tyrann was happy she had agreed to join them.

"Your wings should be okay to fly. The nurse who has been taking care of you told me the injuries weren't life threatening and you should be okay by now to go actually." Tyrann informed Adrah, something he probably should've done earlier. Suddenly, Tyrann remembered Cynder. "Oh, and we must find Cynder. I haven't a clue where she's gotten off to..." Tyrann was walking out the door and pushed it open, only to hear an "ow" in response. He used his slender neck to peer behind the door to see Cynder, all smushed up and face plastered to the wall. The situation was extremely comical.

"Um, Cynder. How long have you been standing there?" Tyrann inquired but stopped her before she could talk. "Nevermind, I don't even want to know..." The red dragon pinched his brows again. "...You're coming with us to my colony for the laying of me and my mate's eggs." Tyrann ordered, yet Cynder really didn't seem to have any problem with that. The red dragon was certain she was thinking of all the food she'd get.

Tyrann quickly said goodbye to Estelle and tried to find Tungsten but the elusive blue lizard was no where to be found. He decided he had to leave him behind for now.

It took Tyrann and his friends two and a half days to make it back to his domain. Adrah had to stop a couple times to give her injured body a break but other than that there were no set backs. Tyrann surely understood her need for a breather. Soon, they were arriving upon the Great Southern Gate of the Cove Colony. A row of guards stood watch along the wall, archers above them in the guard towers. Recognizing their king and his friends, they quickly allowed them to enter.

Quickly, the salty sea air filled their lungs and the chirping of seagulls put everyone at ease. The city below the castle was busy and lively, merchants and traders making their rounds at this time of year. Some hatchlings ran across their path, happily playing with a toy.

Tyrann was happy to be home, his castle marvelously taken care of. Thankfully, the Great Hall was spotless as the sun shone in on the onyx marble floors from the avian access windows in the top of the hall. His castle was magnificent, a true testiment to architecture. It was Victorian and gotchic at the same time, but also pulled off a very elven feel in the way the marble was crafted into structures. The king walked in first, then Adrah, then Saxon, and lastly Cynder.

"Kit? Kitsune my love! I have returned! Please come down, we have guests. Old friends of mine." Tyrann shouted as his voice echoed in the mighty castle atop the seaside cliff, awaiting the appearance of his beautiful Queen.

Nightling saw the Wicked's harlot making a bee line for Tyrann and she was a black bolt nailing the much larger dragoness in the snout with a shriek and yelling about her being a potential home wrecker before shooting back to her lair and coming out in garb bowing respectfully shooting the much larger dragoness glares... Nightling's unexpected ferocity was surprising to Sparky who looked at the large she dragon then back at Nightling saying "Remind me to never do what she did... I think you bloodied her snout pretty badly..." Sure enough the harlot's snout had puncture marks from Nightling's claws and Nightling was not going to patch that up... "Adoptive sister to the queen my scaley butt... All you did was distress her..." Nightling was acting way out of character she was normally one to avoid a fight but she'd been looking for an excuse to get rid of this female ever since she saw the harlot... Nightling said to Tyrann Rex... "I will explain why I want that thing gone so badly later sire... Attend to the queen..." Nightling excused herself watching that green eyed harlot who clearly wanted Tyrann to herself... Nightling's behavior was normal... She was protecting eggs... granted they hadn't been laid yet but shades were broody little things known for brooding other dragons's eggs...

Tyrann watched the whole fight, battle, argument...whatever it was, unfold. Everything happened so quickly, he didn't even know what to call it. All he could make out was Nightling and another dragoness, Jaclyn he thought he heard, were clearly dishing it out upon each other is his main foyer.

"What in the blazes!" Tyrann bellowed, confused and irritated with the scene. He reared upon his back legs, lashing out with his blade-like claws as the new dragoness got too close to him.

"I will explain why I want that thing gone so badly later sire... Attend to the queen..." Nightling said and quickly disappeared just as the other dragoness. Tyrann's companions looked at him with shock.

"I swear this doesn't happen on a regular basis.." The king said, slightly embarassed.

Cynder traveled with Tyrann, Saxon, and Adrah, by now Cynder knew for sure Saxon is the one who played the prank on her. He seemed not quite right when she talked to him. He was hiding something, like a laugh, every time he saw her. Cynder was planning to get back at him, perhaps have Queen... No. I will not go through that again. But be warned there will be blood. Cynder was busy planning her revenge most of the time, so she was unusually quiet and lagged behind a little.

Since Cynder was lagging behind, when they finally made it to the Cove, she was the last to enter the castle. Cynder was blown away with the beauty of the palace, so much so that she barely had time to register that a fight just happened in front of her. Nor did she quite understand what the dragoness was talking about. Cynder just tagged along hoping that a chance would come up to take ahold of her revenge.

Nightling came back in priestess garb with the kitsune on her back again... Kitsune like Luna were recognized messengers of the divine and Nightling having one with her upped her credibility as a priestess and made the attack on Jaclyn seem more like Nightling was trying to keep something evil at bay... Which she was... Nightling was also getting a little antsy as Kitsune got closer to laying her clutch... Sparky approached Tyrann and said "Nest jitters... Female shades get jittery around and hyper protective of pregnant females and eggs..." Nightling was back to scrying in front of the queen's dais and Sparky started recording it...

Adrah looked to Saxon, raising an brow at this new information. "Really? A crush? Oh, Saxon, I'm flattered." She spoke to him, a teasing tone to her voice, her oceanic eyes looking over the dragon before her, and his paling complexion. She looked up to Tryann, thanking him through a glance. She'd be able to use that as levrage later on for whenever Saxon decided he would tease her.

"A wife, oh dear, Tyrann, I've definitely missed a lot. I'd love to meet the unfortunate dragoness." Adrah smirked playfully, getting to her feet and fluttering her wings slightly in a test. "I think I'll be ale to make the journey fast enough." She nodded, travelling alongside her friends towards Tyrann's home.

Upon landing, her wings fluttered to allow her a light landing, folding her wings to her side and glancing around. It was a lovely home, it really was. She was impressed with his life, how much he had grown up. Adrah remained quiet, her eyes taking in her surroundings.

After pacing for what seems like forever Kitsune finally settles down enough to get some rest. She then feels hungrier than normal, and goes to the kitchen. While eating she thinks over Jaclyn 's words...she was worried. Worried about what Jaclyn may try, while she was tending her eggs....

Shaking her head she quickly dismisses the thought. Sure the love connection and mating between her and Tyrann may have been quick, but Tyrann is loyal...lovong...affectinate...and her 'dear' sister Jaclyn was welll....anything but. Jaclyn has has her fair share of males, but her latest husband, was the one who made her decide -more like practically forced- her to settle down. She hadn't had any children...but she claimed to have 'loved' him anyways. Shaking her head once more kit heads back to room and reads a little bit. 

Awhile later hearing Tyrann, she scurries out of her room and down the stairs. "Tyrann!" She greets, practically tackling him.

As Kit practically tackled the king to the floor with excitement, he too shared his own overjoice in seeing his wife. Tyrann gave Kitsune a long lasting hug, remaining there for a few moments.

"Kit my darling, I am so happy to be home to you love. How are you doing? I assure you've been going to Dr. Slavv for medication every morning?" The Rex inquired. "Oh and before I forget, these are my friends."

"This is Adrah, a childhood friend of mine. She grew up in the colony. Her father was a fisherman for my father and is still fishing for me to this day." Tyrann gestured to Adrah, the oceanic female's feathers ruffling in appraisal.

"This is Cynder, I found her-...hey Cynder you alright?" Tyrann asked as Cynder gave him a blank stare, intently staring towards the kitchen. He waved a hand in front of her, not that she noticed. The king rolled his eyes giving up. "Well this is Cynder, whom, as you can tell has a lot of character. The pure white dragoness still hadnt noticed him.

"And this jokester over here is Saxon, another childhood friend of mine. He is actually Crash's nephew and next in line for Crash's thro-....oh. Kit, meet your cousin Saxon." Tyrann awkwardly put those two pieces together for the first time as Saxon's eyes got as big as saucers. Things got instantly quiet.

Cynder watched as a dragon piledrived Tryann, but was distracted by the sound and smell of cooking. She started thinking to herself, *Hmm, is that pasta? With, salamander meat?! Way to go world you ruined pasta!* At this point there was an annoying red blur blocking her view of the food, but she just waited it out and the red blur went away. She started thinking once more, *Let's see shushi, salad, cake, pie... PIE!!!*

"Pie, let's have pie." Cynder said in the middle of the silence. She finally noticed Tyrann, he was pinching the bridge of his nose, he seemed to do that a lot around her.

Kitsune stares wide eyed at Saxon, then to Tyrann and finally back to Saxon. She thinks it over and shuffles in place uncomfortably. "Uhm...hello Saxon." She nods respectfully. She then looks back at the white dragoness Cynder and giggles. Waving a guard over she points to Cynder. 

"Take that hungry little to kitchen please....but...make sure we still have food left when she's done." The guard nods and approaches Cynder, trying desperately to get her attention... 

Meanwhile turning back to a still stunned Saxln, Kitsune clears her throat. "I have been going to Dr. Slavv my love." She says, addressing Tyrann now. "And if I was better believe she barged into our room and made me take those pills, before scolding me for beingazy, and then apologizing, explaining how pregnancy can make a female sluggish, tired etc." She explains shaking her head. 

She then perks up. "Oh my Tyrann! It should be a day or so before our eggs are laid!" She says excitedly.

Meanwhile to the side of the group Adrah stood quietly, observing the events around her. She felt somewhat obliged to accopany the white dragoness towards the smell of food. Her stomach felt as though she hadn't eaten in days. Though ignoring her stomach, she remained to accompany the group, feeling misplaced almost. Her fellow dragons appeared to be having a grand time, though she still didn't feel her imput necessary nor welcome.

Adrah would feel herself glancing to Saxon briefly before her eyes would return to Tyrann and his mate, he had done quite well for himself. She had never personally thought herself as a mother, Adrah figured she'd raised enough of her siblings that hatchlings of her own would be pointless. the novelty had worn off on the second clutch. Adrah didn't quite realise it would be different with eggs of her own but, she still felt that would be some time from now.

Flicking a feather or two from irritating her scales, Adrah allowed herself to sit, remaining to listen to the coveration and occasionally give a small smile wherever a positive remark was made, or an amusing story was told, trying to find some way or another to fit in.

Nightling commented "My lord you need to get a more comfortable throne... I forgot where I was and sat in it... Went entirely unnoticed for an hour... The little fluff ball is Luna..." She was trying to concentrate then she realized "Wait if that is Crash's heir then what the heck is that buffoon who was forced to hit puberty early doing claiming to be the heir?" Sparky said "Trying to impress females..." "Right... He was injured and forced to hit puberty early... Crash Rex is still chasing that stag around before he gets someone pregnant..." Nightling then muttered under her breath so only the kitsune heard "Someone get Tyrann's sister... That is the one thing loose she dragons are good for..."

Tyrann pinched his nose again as Cynder finally broke from her trance...sort of. At least she looked happy being escorted to the kitchen by his guard Baird.

Tyrann wasn't quite sure what to say between Saxon and Kit's situation. He just waited for someone to break the silence, which had been Cynder's random pie accusations. He was beginning to wonder how hard Cynder had hit her head before he met her. To Tyrann's astonishment and delight, his wife handled the hello-I'm-your-long-lost-cousin situation rather nicely. He suddenly remembered why he married Kit.

Kit even had redirected the conversation completely. "Remind me to give the good doctor a good pat on the back for getting your lazy butt out of bed in the morning." Everyone laughed. "Yes I know! I'm very excited, I even rushed everyone home didn't I guys?" Tyrann asked the group. They all nodded, each starting to let their curiosity get the better of them. Tyrann saw Adrah and Saxon walk off in the same direction.

"Before you all leave for Draco knows how long.." Tyrann gave a knowingly devilish smile towards Adrah and Saxon, "...just tell a guard who you are. I've informed them all of your presence in the castle and they have been instructed to show you to a guest room." Tyrann assured.

"Come Kit, we should go prepare a nest in our room for our eggs." The king put his left wing around his beautiful, slender wife as they strolled up to their room.

Nightling watched Crash's degenerate nephew chasing one of the den mothers... She growled as she watched the ground thudding pest frightening chicks and she used a light flash to get his attention using a rapid light show and lightning strikes to effectively intimidate the massive quake dragon into treading more carefully as to not frighten chicks... The den mothers were relieved to have peace and quiet... Crash's stupid nephew started bothering a robust wyveren female big enough to keep that monster in line... Nightling saw the kitsune jump from her back and then saw a predatory banshee... The kitsune skillfully tempted it into attempting to snatch her tails only to have her grab it by the throat... The kitsune killed a banshee well over four times her size... Then she started without a word dragging it and deposited it in front of the Rex or at least it's head... Bloody muzzle and looking extra fluffy with the head of something that by all means should have eaten her... Nightling was still shocked she'd managed it... "My lord I am shocked she managed that kill... Considering it was stalking the nursery I do not think Luna is a threat to chicks..."

Listening intently to Tyrann but hearing Nightling comment Kitsune's eyes widen as she throws Nightling a surprised look and tries to hide a smile but manages a low snicker. She then proceeds to bid everyone a farewell and walks with Tyrann. 

"A nest?" She questions. "In our bedroom!?" She says again. "Aurely it would be in a separate room? How big will it have to be? We only have a day or maybe even less than that to get it prepared!" She exclaims, shaking her head. "And...what happens when it's done? Will I have to stay in it until I lay our eggs? What about Dr. Slavv....will sh ebe there with us?" 

By now poor Kitsune was on a long...LONG...trek in her own mind, and was now-partially- speaking to herself....

Dragons of Bazul

Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.

The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.

Map of Bazul:

The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.

Your main prey:

Banshees: flying lizard like creatures

Kais: deer-like animal

Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles

Seven Great Colonies:

-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.

     Rex: Leafon Rex

-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.

     Rex: Frozenflame Rex

-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.

     Rex: Crash Rex

-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.

     Rex: Tiber Rex

-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.

     Rex: Hammish Rex

-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.

     Rex: Mathias Rex

-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)

     Rex: Tyrann Rex

Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.


Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.

Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.


Playable Species:

-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.

-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.

-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.

-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.

-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.


1.) Light swearing

2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)

3.) No killing other's characters without permission

4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission

5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)

6.) You may have as many characters as you want

7.) No god moding

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

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