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After Estelle enlightened Tyrann on all the lustful indulgences she'd partaken in with the Royal Scorch Guard of both males and females, the red King had had enough of his deviant sister for one day. He walked hardly down the marble stairs of the towers stairwell with a scowl, still unable to unhear everything he has just been told. A little scarred, Tyrann had mentally invisioned more of his sister than he ever wished he would have and will probably never look at her the same way again.

His guard was at the bottom, probably had been since he came back. Baird made a motion to speak to him but was silenced abruptly by a crimson paw and silent exchange of intolerance from the king. Tyrann was out of the castle doors and was walking through town thinking of his wife. He missed her terribly. The feeling has all of a sudden hit him like a brick and the reality of impending doom loomed over him like a sickly cloud. He didn't want to bring his children into a world of self-destruct and angst. He didn't want their lives to be over before they had even begun.

The red dragon decided he would call Kit somehow later on when he returned to the castle. Hustle and bustle around the town outside the castle walls apparently was the norm for the city. His sister was always a fast paced type of dragon anyway.

Walking out of the city to clear his head, Tyrann found himself in the Aradian forest on a popular trader's road that headed south to the Mountain Colony. It was then the king heard a voice becoming louder and louder in the coming direction. Uncharacteristically, he sat and waited to see who appeared.

Nightling was scrying the rex and heard everything his sister had gotten up to... There was a word for what she was... BUT this is a PG 13 RP... Nightling did not even know some of those things were possible... She might want to try a few... Nightling shook her head as a blush crept up her scales... She started watching that orb again... So far it was just being treated as a show piece, Hamish was also planning to use it as a threat... Since it's last use it had retracted back to a much smaller size... The order of shades were using invisibility to observe it planning their next move... The problem was the thing was still too large to go unnoticed if it went missing... It was a big black orb that looked like it was made of fresh cast smooth black iron... Nightling was already plotting how to make a decoy of the thing to leave in it's place... She needed a metal smith and a way to communicate with these shades. If she had some sort of messenger she might be able to organize things from Cove colony...

Cynder has been walking a very worn path for at least a few hours, but strangely she hasn't seen any other dragons.

*This is strange, unless... Of course! Clearly I didn't receive the memo!* She thought angerily to herself.

After a half an hour, she saw a friend. Cynder began talking to the great, life-long friend, whom she was having a very enlighting conversation with. Only there was no one there and the "great, life-long friend" was, embarrassingly, her reflection in the puddles. Cynder started laughing as she thought how dumb she must look.

She kept smirking to herself as she went on with the "conversation." Cynder stopped dead when she saw a red dragon just sitting there with, a knowing smirk on his face. She blushed deeply then blurted "IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!"

She silently cursed herself. *Great! Now it is what he is thinking! Why does a dragon have to show up now? Why!*

Tyrann saw blizzard white scales appear from behind the densely forested corner. The dragon that came about was a gorgeous specimen, white scales, as Tyrann had seen, adorned her nicely muscled body. She was obviously a female, her feminine frame giving her a natural glow in the light of the sun beating down onto the path. She had a peculiar tear on her right wing. Tyrann wondered how it got there.

Seemingly very invested in a conversation with....someone, the purely white dragoness looked utterly startled at the sight of Tyrann sitting there on the path. She gave him the best "deer in headlights" face he had ever scene. The Chaos Dragon also wondered who she was talking to. Herself perhaps? It didn't matter to him.

"IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" She shouted, clearly stunned and embarassed. Tyrann even got a little scared himself and jumped a bit.

The female looked to be having an internal fight with herself.

"Great! Now it is what he is thinking! Why does a dragon have to show up now? Why!" The white dragoness shouted, to no one it seemed. Tyrann gave a bewildered yet curious look and got a little embarassed with the situation. He sat back on his haunches and looked somewhere, anywhere rather than at her for the moment.

After a few seconds of mindless eyeing the woods beside him, Tyrann turned to the female who was pounding her own head with her fist in frustration. For a split second, Tyrann found it funny all this had happened and he hadn't said a word.

Standing, Tyrann advanced towards her, the shortening in distance showing the size difference between them. She was tall for a female, but the king had about 6-7ft on her. His purple armor glistened bright in the sun. He crossed his metal chest with his paw in a bow and he apologized for himself.

"Hello madam, I am truly sorry to startle you, as that was not my intention. I certainly mean you no harm. I am Tyrann Rex, son of Thantos Rex the Valiant, son of Tyrannis Rex the Storm. I am King of the Cove Colony, 4th generation Shadow Dynasty." He continued to bow in respect for her, introducing himself as well.

"Who are you my dear?".

*A REX! What the heck! Why does he have to be Royalty! Water spirits help me!* Cynder thought to herself. But they didnt, she stammered "I...I am sorry. I just ha...haven't seen anyone for awhile." There was silence.

Suddenly a Detor (a squirrel-like creature) ran frantically between the two dragons giving Cynder time to collect herself... Kind of. "I am... um... Cynder. I travel around alot." She quickly added in a blur. "I've never met a Rex before!"

She ruffled her wings catching even more sun in them. Cynder took a deep breath, "I'm sorry I must be wasting your time. You probably have so much to do, like... like..." After a few seconds of trying to come up with anything, she said "I honestly have no idea what a Rex does..." Cynder thought to herself once more, *Why does it have to be a Rex?* She ruffled her wings once more.

Tyrann listened as this new female, Cynder, struggled for words. He wasn't really quite sure what to say or do to help so he remained silent. Cynder finally spoke up and he listened to her go on, then she proposed a few questions for him to answer.

"Don't beat yourself up lass you've done nothing wrong. You surely aren't wasting my time, I'm here on business to see my sister, Queen Estelle of Aradis." He turned and pointed towards the city. "At the moment I'm just out for a breather. My sister can be a little overbearing at times." He mentioned and realized this white dragoness probably didn't want to hear about his family problems. Clearing his throat, Tyrann scrambled for something to say and remembered the question.

Being a Rex is not easy, but it has its privileges. It's a lot of responsibility as you can imagine especially when you are the king of a Great Colony, such as I. The Cove Colony is fairly easy to manage as not much goes on. Until lately anyways with all the rumors spreading around here. Walk with me? You must be starved." Tyrann asked Cynder, trying to be mannerly.

Nightling was letting the Wicked get his fix of her when she ran into a fluffy creature she'd only ever heard about a kitsune... Small many tailed foxes that started with one and grew a new tail every three years until they hit maturity at nine... Said to live as long as dragons and to her amazement the darn thing talked "Hello priestess... I am Luna..." The kitsune had a moon shaped mark on her forehead and star dapples much like Nightling. "Hello I am Nightling..."

The fur ball started following her on her walk and followed her right back to her lair... She darted right into the archive and started reading things as Nightling scried the Wicked... He said "A kitsune? I thought I erradicated those... Only dragon kind should be able to speak... But I suppose the orb is a more pressing matter... How do I destroy it? Such a threat to my future rule should not exsist..."

Cynder thought about what Tyrann said, *So he has a sister, who is a Queen and overbearing. Maybe she is older then, that would explain it.*

Cynder thought some more about what was happening with Cove Colony, she really didn't hear much of it, but heard it was bad.

When Tyrann mention having some food she perked up immediately. "YES! I haven't ate for ages!" Cynder started jumping up and down, she hopped further up the path. "What is the fastest way to the food? Flying? Let's go!" Cynder knew she probably either freaked Tyrann out or made him laugh, but she didn't care she WAS STARVED!

"Oh, Cynder, the city gate is only down the path...the guards will find it threatening if you fly into the towns unannounced. Just walk with me and they won't think twice about letting you inside. Come lets get some food?" Tyrann spoke quickly before Cynder could find herself airborne. He'd known what would happen to her if she flew in randomly. More than likely a couple weeks stay in the castle dungeon.

As they walked, the king found the short presence of the white female a little awkward. "So what's your story white one? " Tyrann said with and air of dignity, a role he was unknowingly reaching at an alarming pace. His armor clanked and russled on his body as he walked, the priceless Anarchy Sword dangling from its hostler and hitting Tyrann's massive thigh every time he took a step.

Waving, blending, blurring.. Adrah's sight showed no sign of returning back to its usual fuctuality. Eyes like a hawk, she once had. However now she couldn't focus on a single object. Peeling herself up from the grounds hold, the blue hazed dragoness groaned in her efforts, scarlet blood trickling from each and every cut to her scales. Not one scar had touched her body, though that was to change. One foot after the other, Adrah made her way towards the scent of.. other dragons. At least that sense remained functioning. Colliding with trees upon each step, the dragoness shook her head, feathers ruffling in annoyance.

Claws beginning to scrape along the stone flooring with each half effort step, Adrah could feel what resembled swelling, deep within her bones. She wouldn't be able to keep herself up too much longer, faint murmurs and groans of pain leaving her scaly lips, blurred reds and whites merging together in her sight before she finally collaspsed against the stone, turning it red with her blood. As Adrah's chin hit the floor, her lip pulled up in a snarl of pain, displaying rows of delicate, yet razor sharp teeth. Her breathing became shallow, swaying half in, and half out of consciousness.

Tyrann and Cynder had reached the gates before the white dragoness had a time to respond to his question.

"Hello Benjamin." Tyrann greeted the guard at the gate and the slender blue dragon nodded in response with a small yet polite bow ensuing behind it. The East City Gate was tall and arched in the center with a green and yellow flag at each end, the Aradissian colors. The city was in a hussle and bussle like it usually was as soon as the pair entered the streets.

There was a commotion going on at the end of the street, which Tyrann recognized was the merchant commons. Tyrann motioned to Cynder, who was talking about food, to follow him and she did so.

Shouts and screams rang about the street, making Tyrann pick up a quicker gate, a light canter down the pathway. It was when he came to the city square did he see yet another white dragon lying cold in the middle of the square. Blue feathers adorned her head, wings, and accented her neck and elbows. Her tail was uniquely split in two.

"A Twin Tail..." Tyrann was astonished. He rushed over to the fallen dragon's side, looking to find a way to help them. He soon recognized her as a female.

"Lass? Lassy can you hear me? Are you alright?" The king shouted, trying to guide her awake again but no avail. Her body was covered in cuts and bruises, she surely had done something to injure herself like this. Judging by the size and quantity of the cuts Tyrann didn't think it was another dragon who was responsible for the injuries. She must've crashed into something.

Oddly, Tyrann felt as thought he knew her some how.

With the female still out cold, Tyrann decided he had no other choice but to take her to the castle for treatment. Thankfully, Tyrann's massive size and muscular body allowed him to easily hoist her body onto his back.

"Come Cynder, follow me. I have to get this dragoness to the castle for her injuries. We will get you some food when we get there!" The ruby dragon ordered and assured, then sprinted towards Estelle's castle with the feathered female on his back.

When he reached the inside of the castle doors, Tyrann Rex carefully placed the injured dragoness on the marble floor and yelled for his sister who quickly was barking orders to her servants and medical aids to rush the injured female to the infirmary. It was a few days before she awoke again.

Tyrann and Estelle talked together in the room with the Twin Tail Dragon, whom was laid up on an infirmary bed

"Where did she come from?" Estelle asked.

"I don't know. I was walking with Cynder, the other white dragoness I introduced to you before when there was a comotion down one of the streets and when I got there this one was collapsed, bloodied and bruised, in your center garden." Tyrann explained and pointed at the dragoness. "And honestly, I feel like I know her." Tyrann admitted as he and Estelle moved closer to the dragoness.

"She has awoken." Estelle acknowledged.

(All the while, Cynder has been feasting happily in the wreck room.)

Cynder understood Tyrann's request of walking, she just didn't like it. She drew in step with Tyrann kicking some pebbles along the way. She heard Tyrann say, "So what's your story white one?"

She drew a breath thinking, "To be honest, I really don't know. I can't remember anything, ever since I got into a battle with some dragon a few years back. He hit me on the head pretty hard there is a scar, but it is faint." Cynder traced the scar on her head to show Tyrann. "So, in short, I have no idea who my parents are, where I was born, or, well, my real name." She paused. "Some of it comes back, but it makes no sense."

They walked a few more feet until Cynder paused abruptly and swung her head behind her. She asked softly, "Do you smell that?" The wind was blowing toward Cynder and Tyrann. "It's blood! I smell it!" Cynder began racing down the path, the food completely forgotton, she prayed to the Water Spirits that who ever was bleeding was alive and that Tyrann or her could help, before it's too late.

Muffled sounds of talk and movement filled her head, an array of strange scents invaded her nostrils, flaring with each new scent, her breathing heavy with trying to capture them all and decipher what they were. Muffles became words soon enough, Adrah's two tails entwined together as they usually would when she slept. Realising now she wasn't alone, her lip pulled into a small snarl, a rumble emerging from the back of her throat whilst her feathers puffed and seemed to rattle. She was in not fit state to attack, it a were a meger warning on her part for anyone who may have the idea to attack.

Opening her heavy-lidded eyes, Adrah squinted and blinked, trying her best to make out her surroundings. She was no longer outside, she knew that much, simply by the lack of breeze against her form. "Who's there?" She grumbled, immediately attempting to pry herself from the floor and onto her feet, however she quickly realised that was a no-go. Settling for lifting her head slightly, her oceanic eyes soon found who she only knew as her captors.

Her head felt heavy, as did each one of her limbs, even her fine tails. She could tell she had slept for some time, the way her entire body ached and yearned for action, yet remaining to be weak and unstable when carrying her form. She stretched her wings for what felt like the first time in days, they were easily longer than her, a slight groan passing her scaly lips at the stretch, before she pulled them back to her flank, tucking them neatly, and closely to her body.

Tyrann stood next to the bed that held the Twin Tale as she awoke. The ruby dragon and his ebony sister backed up a bit as not to crowd the likely disoriented female. Soon, sooner than both brother and sister thought, the dragoness spoke out.

"Who's there?" The white dragoness grumbled with a snarl, clearly not fully conscious of what was happening around her as she stretched out her muscles. Tyrann and Estelle exchanged accusing looks.

"You found her, so you tell her." And that was all Estelle said before sashaying out of the room. In the blink of an eye the beautiful queen was gone. Tyrann was all but left dumbfounded and irritated, not a like how his sister usually left him of course.

Scowling just a tad, Tyrann cleared his throat. "Hello, dragoness. I don't mean to harm or startle you. You are in the infirmary of the Castle of Queen Estelle of Aradis. I'm Tyrann Rex, king of the Cove Colony, son of Thantos Rex, son of Tyrannis Rex. You were found in the Aradis center square badly injured. But that was 2 days ago. How are you feeling? And what is your name?" The chaos dragon introduced himself then inquired his own information from her.

Later in the morning -around 11:30- Kit gets a knock on her door. "Go away!" She growls after the fourth knock, throwing her pillow at the door.

"'am...I do hate to disturb you..." I scared guard says. "-then why did you come and knock on my door?" She snaps, angry and tired. The guard, with obvious shakiness in his voice- clears his throat. "We...uhmm..well we have a visitor, who claims she knows you." Kitsune rolls her eyes. "Please, the closest family I have is my adopted sister. And lives 6 colonies away! Send the dragon essential away!" She snaps. 

The guard clears his throat once more. "But ma'am...she's waiting in the library..." Kitsune growls and gets up, fixing herself before throwing the door open. The tiny guard squeaks out a noise and backs away as Kit exits, annoyed, angry and mad. 

"I thought I made it clear to you guard NO ONE was suppose to come in!" She bellows, to several guard who are standing in the foyer. Each guard snaps into position as she pases, and the smaller guard- who was at her door- follows behind her. 

"But...she claimed to know you-" Kit interrupts again. "Anyone can claim to know me."  She snaps again. "Just leave me alone with this person. If I need you I'll call."  The small guard nods and scurries off, before Kitsune turns and enters the room. 

"I don't know who you are-" she begins but then stops seeing the dragoness. "Jaclyn..." She says quietly. The dragoness stands. "Sister!" She greets.

Dragons of Bazul

Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.

The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.

Map of Bazul:

The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.

Your main prey:

Banshees: flying lizard like creatures

Kais: deer-like animal

Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles

Seven Great Colonies:

-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.

     Rex: Leafon Rex

-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.

     Rex: Frozenflame Rex

-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.

     Rex: Crash Rex

-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.

     Rex: Tiber Rex

-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.

     Rex: Hammish Rex

-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.

     Rex: Mathias Rex

-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)

     Rex: Tyrann Rex

Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.


Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.

Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.


Playable Species:

-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.

-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.

-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.

-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.

-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.


1.) Light swearing

2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)

3.) No killing other's characters without permission

4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission

5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)

6.) You may have as many characters as you want

7.) No god moding

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

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