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Nightling was taking a walk and saw Kitsune but she was at a distance and Nightling said nothing she was staring up at the moon. "Celestia what are you playing at? He isn't normal... Shouldn't be able to love or even lust..." Nightling was back in garb for some privacy. Just her and the moon for the moment... Nightling heard the wind whisper something 'Celestia's plan is working... Distracted... Won't notice until... Nightling shut her eyes and heard 'grand chick is doing well... All she needs to do is watch and listen...' Nightling was so confused... It was like the wind was planning something... Thundar the god of storms and war sometimes spoke to his priests like this but why was he talking to her... She realized something...

The gods themselves were strong here... Marina goddess of the sea and protector of travelers. 

Celestia goddess of the sky, knowledge, the hunt, love, fertility, chicks, and mothers. 

Flora goddes of the earth, plant life, and agriculture.

Thundar god of storms, the wind, and war.

Draco the Rex of the gods and god of fire, metal, and fathers...

All four of them were strong here... Nightling kept finding bits of metal stubbed her toe on a chunk earler... Storms raged freely, plant life was abundant, the sky was visible and stars bright, the sea was bountiful... This place should have been sacred... But too late for that now... Nightling realized that was why the Wicked couldn't come here the gods wouldn't let him... But what was so important here? Nightling kept walking along deep in thought but being careful to stay well within Cove colony...

Nightling went back to her lair Sparky was asleep and Nightling shed her garb. She started to scry her grandmother and saw her on a throne of stars next to a dragon who appeared to be made of gold and fire on a throne of steel. "Celestia my love do you know what you are doing? I know we have our affairs to maintain our power on Bazul but are you sure granting your granddaughter powers like this and making the Wicked fall madly in at the very least lust over her is such a wise idea?" The she dragon cocked her head to the side "Of course I do he cannot touch her where she is at. He is distracted. You of all gods should know what that sort of distraction can do to a male..." The goddess seemed amused as her mate said "I see your point... Where are the others?" "Thundar is conjuring a large rain storm for a desert region, Marina is on her way and we all know Flora takes her time with everything..." A dragoness made of flowers and vines walked along and sat on a leafy nest as opposed to a lavish throne as a she dragon who was clearly aquatic rode in on a wave and rested in a blob of water sticking her sleek head out otherwise hanging limp. "Thundar and his storms... He is almost done... Already smited one of the Wicked's spies today with a lightning bolt..." A massive dragon made of dark storm clouds appeared and rested on another cloud eyes sparking with lightning. "Celestia you underpawed little sprite you are a genius keeping him distracted like that..." The apparent gods started chatting and Celestia looked right at Nightling a few times... She winked playfully and Nightling severed the connection confused out of her mind. Why were they meddling like this... Nightling was so confused and just went to sleep...

Tyrann Rex was enjoying his smoked Kais leg and talking with Crash Rex when Kit spoke up. He drastically cocked a heavy eyebrow and a bewildered look flooded his facial expression. Just as he was about to speak to Kit, the dragoness sprung up from her chair and exited the room.

"You better go talk to her lad. I'll stay here." Crash said, flicking his fork in the direction in which Kit walked away. Trotting out the dinning hall door, Tyrann looked back and forth for his mate. Not finding her here, the king noticed the castle door ajar, allowing a single strip of moonlight to enter the building. Tyrann felt bad for Kit, even though he knew he had to return to Aradis. He felt like it was all his fault this was happening to her, and honestly it was. He hadn't meant to get her pregnant and he hadn't meant to cause her any grief.

The scarlet dragon exited his castle, closing the door behind him. Tyrann noticed Nightling on the hill side, looking as if she was going to come comfort Kit but proved him wrong when she walked away. "Kitsune..."Tyrann called and Kit turned her head back to him, soft tears rolling down her cheeks. "I'm sorry is my fault this is happening to you. I know you need me here, but I must go to Aradis and find out more information so I can make the colony a safer place for you and our unborn hatchlings. I can promise you I will not be long. It takes me about two and a half days to get there. I swear to you I'll be back before our eggs hatch Kit." Tyrann said sincerely, standing beside the smaller female and looking ahead off the edge of his throne.

The next morning Nightling decided to bathe actually scrub her scales and if she used some sand she might be able to get the scuffs out of her scales and she had a lotion to make them shine... Nightling spent a few hours and made her scales shine as if polished... She was spreading her wings out to dry when she saw a stranger jet black coming looking important. "I need to speak to the dragoness Nightling and Tyrann Rex." Nightling was immediately suspicious. "What is the matter you must discuss with the Rex?" "Information on the Wicked..." "I am Nightling and I will carry your message." The dragon bowed and said "My liege Lord Draconis wishes to meet you Lady..." Nightling said "I answer only to Tyrann Rex. He should come here..." "I am afraid he cannot leave..."

Nightling was handed a scroll and told to deliver it to Tyrann... Nightling waited until the stranger was long gone before carefully checking it for traps and other issues... Other than the ink being a hard to make variety and the parchment very fine she saw nothing suspicious about it... Nightling checked the information and it was nothing of any use... So she destroyed the scroll... She didn't trust the male... Nightling had made her star flecks and the moon marking on her brow shine more than the rest of her scales as per her grandmother's instructions when she had given Nightling the recipe for the stuff... Nightling had managed to gain enough weight to look nice and healthy. She looked magnificent and felt more confident than she had in a long time... Nightling went and decided to visit the nestlings... She knew she was being scried and she let it happen. She had heard a plan to be a distraction and had assumed it was a funny vision she had so she reported it to Sparky...

Kitsune nuzzles Tyrann and nods. "I know. And it's not your fault. You didnt know I would get pregnant...I just...need too get control of myself." She sighs. "If I'm being honest, everything so far is my fault. I can't gain control of my lousy hormones." She then chuckles. "Anyways." She yawns.  "How a out some sleep? You have a long journey, and I have too report too Dr. Slavv." She sighs, turning arpund and heading too bed with Tyrann. 

Kitsune tossed and turned all night, falling asleep before waking up again. The next morning after a nearly restless night she got up bright and early,and walked around the castle. Saying good morning too a few of the maids and helpers around the castle, she went back too the room and got ready for the day. 

Coming downstairs too breakfast she ate early before deciding too go on a walk outside. The cool breeze blowing she spent about an hour walling aimlessly around. Coming back in a second time, she heard Crash and Tyrann jn the kitchen. She enters and smiles. "Morning boys."

For some reason Nightling scried the Wicked who was laughing. "My little Nightling is clever... I will have to use tricks to get her to where I can have access..." She watched him plan the whole thing and knew to not trust strange dragons claiming to be 'a friend of a friend' Nightling closed the connection and reported this to Sparky who was having a vain moment and had washed before deciding to use Nightling's scale polish the same way she did... Nightling got his back enjoying being on top of him for once... Nightling then looked at the remainder of the substance... There was not enough to give any to Kitsune... But Nightling decided to make more... Just for her... So she started powdering things and mixing them... This would take a while...
Nightling finished making the polish and wondered if she should give it to the queen... It might be bad for her developing eggs for all Nightling knew... Nightling's grandmother was around and she said "My dear it's fine... Go on..." Nightling ran off knowing she was being watched... But she put the substance away... It might make a good egg shower present... It was in a skein. Nightling put it away in a compartment in the archive... There was another place to store parchment and another to store ink and pens... She went back out and just sunbathed for a while... As expected a mystery dragon claiming to be a friend of a friend did bother her... She asked which friend and he made up a name. "I don't recall knowing anyone by that name... You must be mistaken..." Nightling got up and went for a fruit snack after being certain she wasn't being followed. She layed down in the shade watching the chicks play peeling her fruit and eating bits... She realized she needed to sharpen her claws... Eh she'd do it after she finished her food...

That morning, Tyrann awoke to an empty bed. He assumed his Queen had risen early to visit Dr. Slavv. Tyrann slid out of bed and gave his scales a quick rinse then dressed himself in a black leather vest. Exiting his room, the king went downstairs to his kitchen and met with his chefs and asked them for breakfast. When he was finished enjoying a salad and some chai tea, he then saw Crash walking into the dinning hall as he was exiting it himself.

Good morning Crash." Tyrann nodded to the massive dragon as his steps made the china on the wall stir.

"Morning Tyrann. Just going to the kitchen for a bite to eat." The grey scaled king commented. The two rexes nodded to each other and then continued their seperate ways. Crash was going home this morning.

As he walked through the dinning hall, Tyrann entered the Great Hall and saw his darling Kit. "Hello my love, I assume you went to see Dr. Slavv for your meds?" Tyrann asked and Kit nodded. The red king licked her cheek and continued to his desired destination, the weapon hall. Tyrann invited Kitsune to accompany him and she gladly did so. The wooden door of the weapon hall swung open and Tyrann entered in. He quickly put the purple and black holster on the Anarchy sword on and slid the said sword in its sheath. As he did so, the holster and sword morphed.

"I must leave my love. I will leave now and be home in about a week, just in time for the laying of our eggs. I promise. I will be home." The king said, holding Kit's hand in his. He nuzzled her head and gave her cheek and lick then walked out of the room and exited the caslte doors.

Tyrann Rex flew for two and a half days before finally returning to the city of Aradis. The green caps of the castle disguised it within the trees but the yellow flags made it stand out. Landing in front of the gate, the same guard who led him before took him back inside the city walls. Many dragons and dragonesses bustled about the streets and Tyrann almost tripped over a small yellow hatchling who was sitting in a crate munching on an apple.

"Hello little fellow, here take this." Tyrann handed the small chick a three gold peices. The yellow hatchling perked up and thanked Tyrann, then ran into a cottage to show his mother. The king smiled then continued on to the castle. As he entered his sister's castle, Tyrann immediately noticed Tungsten arguing with a mint green dragoness. He walked up to him and asked what was wrong.

"Hello old boy. Say, what are you two arguing over? Care to enlighten me of what has happened since I left?" Tyrann asked and he cocked an eyebrow as he placed a claw on Tungsten's shoulder.

Nightling had a few other dragons claiming to be a friend of a friend bother her when she scried the Wicked he seemed amused "I suppose I must be patient... In the meantime however..." Nightling cut the connection when she saw what he was about to do with some random she dragon... She was not going to watch someone else do that. Sparky chuckled at that after he finished writing it down. Nightling was nuzzled by her lover and she went back to the lair for some private time. Nightling spent a time in bliss... Sparky was a selfless lover and Nightling was more than satisfied. Shades had a fixed heat cycle and Nightling knew she couldn't afford to get pregnant so she was watching the time... Sparky knew they couldn't afford it so they were being careful...

Kitsune listened intently too Tyrann, as he vowed too be home in time for the laying off their eggs. Once he left she immediately went too Dr. Slavv, seeing as she didn't in the first place. 


Walking up too the office she knocked on the door. 

"Ahh! Beautiful kitsune!" Doctor Slavv Greated. "How are this fine day my dear? Please, come in!" As Dr. Slavv moved aside Kit stepped in. "Very well. Tyrann won't be here for the next week as he has gone too another colony for issues."

Dr. Slavv nodded. "Understandable. What brings you too me thsi fine morning?" Kitsune smiled. " just a checkup!" Dr. Slavv nodded, and then instructed kit too lay down as she checked her over. "Amy stomach aches?" Kitsune shook her head. "You eating well?" Kitsune laughed. "I'm certainly eating for five if that's what you mean!" Dr. Slavv nodded. 

"You seem fine too me my dear." She smiles, as Kit sits up. "Thank you doctor, oh and uhm...can we not mention too Tyrann, that I came later in the day? " Dr. Slavv chuckles. "Of course." Kitsune nods and thanks the doctor before heading out the door.

Tyrann waited for a moment for Tungsten to answer but the blue dragon only continued his arguing. Sensing and a situation that is probably best left alone, the red dragon stepped away wide eyed, thinking about what in the world must have happened between those two. Tyrann trotted up the stairs to his sister's office. The marble stairs were a bit slippery and Tyrann slipped a little bit about half way up. Comically, he looked around to see if anyone saw him, but remembered he was in a narrow stairway and, relieved, he continued his ascent.

"My wife is Crash Rex's daughter....who would've thought.." Tyrann mumbled to himself in the hall outside of his sister's corridor.

"What was that?" A feminine voice announced behind him. Tyrann whipped around and saw his ebony sister with her signature sultry smile plastered to her delicate facial features.

"Uhhh...well I....My wife Kit she's, well...Crash, as is Crash Rex the Mighty Mountain King's.....daughter. The daughter he had by infidelity." Tyrann grinned and sort of i-know-this-is-awkward-but-go-with-it type of smile.

"Oh my Draco I never thought they'd find proof of that. Well, I must meet the Moumtain King's long lost daughter sometime." Estelle nodded and proceeded to walk past Tyrann with a certain sashay movement that made most males weak at the knees. Tyrann only rolled his eyes.

"Oh Estelle, you do know there was a wedding. One you were invited to but never showed for." Tyrann said nonchalantly as his sister walked past him. The black female stopped in her tracks, eyes wide in embarrassment, almost like a deer caught in headlights.

"Right well, I....I was away that evening." Estelle exclaimed and stuck her nose in the air.

"Mmhm, sure." Tyrann blew it off, knowing fully well his sister most likely had been fraternizing with more than a few boys that night. The pair continued to Estelle's corridor.

The female dragon took a seat in her chair and shuffled through a pile of papers. Tyrann looked around to fill the timed silence. Estelle set one paper aside from the rest and looked to Tyrann.

"Whatever your looking for, please do let me know so I can point it out to you." She said with sarcasm and humor oozing from her voice.

"You're such a smart-" Tyrann started but was cut short by his sister.

"So what did Kit call you home for?" Estelle asked, smirking as she stopped Tyrann from cussing at her.

"Oh, uh, she's pregnant." Tyrann gulped a little and rubbed the back of his horned head with a red clawed foot. He grinned a little.

Been a busy boy have we, big brother?" Estelle almost laughed. "So when do I get to meet my little nieces and nephews?" The raven scaled dragon asked.

"In about 4 weeks. Anyway, any news on Hammish?" Tyrann changed the subject, unwilling to satisfy any vulgar temptation Estelle had to spark a less than appropriate conversation with him about him and his wife's intimate life.

Another morning passes as Kit wakes up. She rolls out of bed, feeling a bit hungry,  and heads down the steps. Once she makes it to the kitchen, she munches on some food, muttering to herself about how she really needs something to do, or needs someone to chat with, or even how she could help the maids! Once done eating and nibbling, she wanders around the castle awhile.

Finding nothing of I Teresa arpund the castle, she heads to Dr. Slavv for her morning checkup- a Simple routine she was quickly becoming bored and irritated with. "Goodmorning Dr. Slavv." Kitsune greets, the doctor smiles at her begins her morning questions. 

"Yes yes and yes." Kitsune answers, once again. Dr Slavv gives her a big smile. "Good girl. Looks like your husband is keeping you in check." She smirks. Kitsune only rolls her eyes. "I'm keeping myself in check. Tyrann hasn't called once since he's been gone..." Dr. Slavv sighs. "Ghe life of a Rex is...difficult honey. No worries. I'm sure he will check in soon." Kitsune nods standing. "Of course. I trust in him. Thank you Dr. Slavv." With a nod and a 'hhave a nice day' Kitsune leaves the office. 

Passing some maids Kitsune smiles. "You ladies need any help?" She asks the smaller dragons. One with a lovely white tint to her scales shakes her head. "No my lady. We have everything covered." The smaller dragons scurry off,leaving a lonely, bored Kitsune to wander the rest of the day--occasionally returning to the kitchen to nibble on food, or just watch the older dragons cook.

"Actually yes I do Tyrann." Estelle nodded and picked up the piece of paper she left aside earlier before nosing deeper into her brother's personal life. She handed the paper to Tyrann, who snatched it from her claws.

"This is unbelievable! How did you get ahold of this?!" Tyrann exclaimed, excited and terrified at the same time. "This is a land grant for an approved excavation site by Hammish Rex. Where did you get this?" He asked once more and pointed to the Volcano king's signature at the bottom.

"We got a hold of that after of my guard patrols caught two Scortch spies illegally passing through on one of my private roads. Lucky find eh?" Estelle almost whispered and she leaned back into her chair and placed her paw masterfully under her chin. It was almost as if she practiced being a lust symbol.

This document gives authorization to excavate a land plot in The Derwood given by Your Highness, Hammish Rex. Only Dragon-Folk wearing specific IDs are permitted to work on this site. Digging should commence till the artifact is found.


Hammish Rex of the Volcano Colony

"That explains the letter we found. I guess they found whatever they were looking for in that trench they dug."Tyrann pieced together.

"Yes, we actually did take a trip to that site as it is technically in my jurisdiction, not Hammish's. We've bickered over The Derwood for years. But, Hammish being Hammish, he believes he owns the whole planet. It doesn't surprise me they wanted to dig here. It's where the Hali-sphere is buried." Estelle told.

Tyrann's face went about as white and his grandmother's scales.

"You mean the only artifact ever made that has the power to flatten the entire planet???" The King made weird, sparatic gestures with his arms and accidentally knocked down a, what looked to be, very expensive vase over in the process.

"Tyrann you do realize that was Grandmother Anola's beloved jade vase don't you?" His sister said with a glare that was half lidded and irritated yet still somehow managed to be extremely sexy.

"Estelle!! Enough about the vase! The Hali-sphere was buried hundreds of years ago, before our father was even King! It was buried in the time of our grandfather's father, the son of Black Smith the Vast, Hades Rex. It was buried to prevent another catalysm from occurring! The first one nearly wiped out all of Bazul! And it was started by that ball of energy!" Tyrann freaked out a little more.

The Hali-sphere is an accent artifact unknown to dragon kind till the Explosion of 67 A.C. (67 years after colonization). This was the time of the Great Sword Masters, the dragons who founded the seven Great Colonies. Black Smith the Vast, the founder of the Shadow Colony, being in his late 700s, which was old enough for a king, had just crowned his son, Hades, Rex of the new Shadow Colony. The Hali-sphere devastated Bazul after it burst from a pocket of underground rock about 300 miles deep in the Slander Canyon located in the center of the Desert Colony. The Hali-sphere was only small at the time, the size of a horse. After the blast, it grew to a mighty 800 ft in diameter. The sphere, made of a combination of uranium, nitrogen, plutonium, and several more radioactive chemicals, is the deadliest weapon on Bazul to date.

"Tyrann, whoever wanted this thing, has it. And it's massive. There's no sneaking it away from them, wherever it is. My guess it's at old Hammish's place. " The female responded, very calm about the whole situation. Her brother, and our dear Tyrann, was not so relaxed.

"How can you be calm right now? This is insane. Whatever you're insane. I don't think big blue down there will be much help therefore Lavana won't do a thing for us, so I need to find somebody else to get me into Hammish's castle." Tyrann paced back and forth.

"Got any ideas, miss deviant?" Tyrann stopped after a while and turned only his eyes towards his harlot sibling.

Estelle simply grinned devilishly in response.

Another boring day goes by and poor little kit still hadn't heard anything from Tyrann. After wandering around for some of the night she wanders into his office. Heading into his office she snoops theough some papers and then sits in his chair. Snooping through some more papers she finds nothing of interest.  Searching through some more papers she finds an article of interest on an old colony and Tyrann's father.  After reading the article and realizing it wasn't of much interest to her, she sighs leaving his office, and heads to her room. On her way up to her room, she checks I n with Dr. Slavv for the day, and then. Fiannly! Heads to bed.
Nightling saw the cursed sphere there was an actual order of shades who knew how to handle the stupid thing and they were ALL with it... They were all working on stealing it from Hamish and planning to hide it at the bottom of a deep sea trench where not even sea serpents could get it... Nightling was rooting for them... Doing anything with that accursed thing was asking for trouble it was madness pure madness even the Wicked who was watching this when she scried him agreed it was stupid to disturb it but his logic was that if it went off again there would be nothing to rule over... So he had his selfish reasons for wanting that thing gone... Nightling knew Marina would not allow the taint to spread and would most likely cause an undersea tremor to further bury the thing if these shades managed their ambitious plan to steal and hide it...

Dragons of Bazul

Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.

The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.

Map of Bazul:

The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.

Your main prey:

Banshees: flying lizard like creatures

Kais: deer-like animal

Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles

Seven Great Colonies:

-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.

     Rex: Leafon Rex

-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.

     Rex: Frozenflame Rex

-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.

     Rex: Crash Rex

-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.

     Rex: Tiber Rex

-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.

     Rex: Hammish Rex

-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.

     Rex: Mathias Rex

-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)

     Rex: Tyrann Rex

Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.


Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.

Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.


Playable Species:

-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.

-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.

-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.

-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.

-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.


1.) Light swearing

2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)

3.) No killing other's characters without permission

4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission

5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)

6.) You may have as many characters as you want

7.) No god moding

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

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