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Nightling was back out of garb and sure enough she was being scryed again so she was just talking to a den mother idly scrying. Hatchlings were running around and playing. Nightling heard the Wicked chuckle... "Idle chatter? She must be communicating with a friend... Here I thought she might be watching me... But I can't seem to find who is scrying me at the moment... Ah well..." Nightling cut the scry and reported it to Sparky who wrote it down stowing it to show Tyrann later... Nightling and Sparky resumed their work. Nightling saw the Wicked just curl up and fall asleep before another flash... Lavana with the fire rune sword clashing with the Wicked head on... It was a more blurry image indicating it was a sight... Nightling's markings were lighting up and Sparky recorded the details of the battle... This one was brought right to Tyrann. By Nightling in garb...

Crash Rex was looking for any sort of distraction from the situation at hand and he made to grab the scroll. "That looks important..." Nightling jerked it out of his reach and said "This is for Tyrann Rex... With all due respect... I also need it back when he is finished reading it... This is nothing for you to concern yourself with at the moment..." Nightling had some contempt in her voice... She knew what was going on she'd heard it down the hall. A male who abandoned his offspring was filth in Nightling's opinion and her attitude made that opinion clear... Nightling was actively preventing Crash Rex from reading the report by spreading her wings out to shield it... She waited for Tyrann's response...

Oddly enough, Tyrann was excited yet he felt kind of awkward for Kit. And for Crash. The inasanely huge dragon just stared at her with such an expressive blankness, not even Tyrann could read the expression on his face. He looked to Kit, who was smiling with that awkward smile you get when you know the situation is true yet weird...

Finally, after what seems like ages of blank staring Crash broke the silence. "So.." He started,"'re the little hatchling I adored so many years ago? You look just like your mother. And strikingly like your grandmother." Crash said in a gentle, inviting voice. It was Tyrann's turn to have his jaw drop and hit the ground. Kit stared wide eyed, and Tyrann stumbled on his words.

"Crash, you aren't surprised? Not even a little? I mean...I married your daughter! I didn't even know you had a daughter, or that she was your daughter or that she'd get pregnant! What I'm trying to get at here is do you accept this...all? All of it?" Tyrann blurted out while using some interesting hand gestures in the process.

"Never seen him do that before..." Kit said, referring to Tyrann's little moment he just had with his words. Crash chuckled.

"Tyrann...yes. I knew one day I'd see you again, my daughter." Said Crash. "I was heartbroken when I had to leave you and your mother, the war unfortunately dragging me off.....but I am here now." The gray scaled dragon stated firmly, planting his foot on the ground while shaking the whole castle again.

Kitsune e stared wide eyed from Tyrann too Crash. "You-You-You...Youre....You...remember!" She says astonished. "I was the little hatchling all those years ago!" She begins. "You went by the name Devin, you married my mother! You had me!...then you...just. left!" She says anger suddenly coming into her. "You jsut left me, when I was young and STILL learning how too fend for myself! You left WITHOUT telling me why! No matter how much I begged and pleaded you REFUSED too tell me why! You refused too take me with you!"

Kitsune shakes her head at Crash. "Why did you and mom lie too me!? Why couldn't you just tell the truth!? Is telling truth so wrong!?" Is it so bad you jsut couldn't tell me, abandon me after my own mother dies, and NEVER talk too me all this time, even though you clearly remeber me!?"

Nightling was being ignored and decided to just leave... "Sire I'll bring this up later... Deal with this mess..." Nightling left with a tinkling of bells and Sparky who was right behind her said "Nightling wait up!" Nightling waited and Sparky followed after her leaving the family drama behind... Nightling took her garb off and scryed from inside the safety of her lair... The Wicked was still asleep... Even asleep he gave her the creeps... But the shiver down her spine might have had something to do with Sparky trying to get her attention in an interesting manner by sucking all the heat out of the room and forcing her to cuddle up next to him to get warm... "That's a dirty rotten trick you know that? This water is about to turn to ice if you don't stop it..." He stopped and warmth returned to the lair... Sparky chuckled and said "I just wanted some attention..." Nightling dropped the scry and said "What seems to be the problem?" That led to a fun situation...

Crash looked as if he expected such a reaction from Kit. He took the yelling and then talked to her calmly.

"Kit...I loved you and your mother so much. It killed me not to take you...despite the situation, you were the one good thing I've done Kitsune. I wanted to take you with me every time you asked, those big doe eyes pleading me to do so. But I knew I couldn't, as the Wicked still had it out for me after I killed his mate and three sons. I couldn't bring a little dragoness into that. I couldn't risk your life too. The messenger who told me your mother had past said you had run away. I sent search party after search party out looking for you. To no avail, my heart had officially broken....yet here you stand. Pregnant no less with surely beautiful hatchlings." Crash concluded, looking to Tyrann at the last part and smirked. The red dragon seemed to awkwardly blush through his red scales in nervous embarrassment.

Nightling was back to scrying the Wicked... Still sleeping but then he yawned "Watching me again are we? I am starting to get annoyed with you... I am not that fascinating..." Then a dark purple mist the same one Nightling saw leaving Shadow Blood whispering "Cove colony? Figures I cannot go there and I have no spies to watch her. But at least I have a name and it is fitting Nightling... A beautiful new queen of my own..." Nightling felt sick and cut the scry. She had to report this to Tyrann... Nightling donned her garb and took the scroll Sparky handed her... She bustled along and decided to wait for the Rex to pay attention to her before handing it over. Crash noticed her first but said nothing. He was paying attention to the situation at claw...

Kitsune sighs and shakes her head, growling slightly, at the thought the messenger dragon said she 'ran away'.  Kitsune looks too Tyrann then back too Crash. "IInstead of sending a messenger dragon, who OBVIOUSLY, can't do his flipping job right, why didn't you jsut come back for me yourself!?"

A moment of silence passes and Kit narrows her eyes. "Don't tell me you were busy, because I'm 97% sure, you werent. Taking into fact you had time too gather not one, but MULTIPLE search parties, I think you had PLENTY of time on your claws" She takes a step back twords Tyrann. 

"And the fact you had time too send a messenger dragon out, and then what did you do after you received the news about mom passing? Huh? Aside form the fact that you sent search parties out for me you must have had too grieve her!" She snaps. 

Nightling wanted to blurt out 'wow she's hormonal, this hormonal means at least one girl or so I've heard' but she kept her trap shut she valued her life. Nightling watched the family drama and then saw that book... Sure enough she was in that thing... Right where she expected to be... Nightling had to check on Crash's nephew so she carefully tucked her precious cargo away and the dragon was developing rapidly starting to stir slowly. Nightling said to the guards... "His uncle is around but when he gets out of there he's going to be a bit agressive when he wakes up. Keep some distance..." Nightling turned to resume waiting... She went back to the family drama and sat back down... Family drama was BORING! Nightling did not deal in gossip she found it distasteful...

Tyrann sighed, feeling bad for the two and wishing Kit would just understand Crash was a Rex and couldn't just leave his colony. Thinking that idea over, Tyrann decided to input his opinion as a fellow king.

"Kit, a rex cannot just leave his colony. And I know Crash did spend time trying to find you, he even had my father gather search parties to scower the beaches and jungle beside the Cove. Please, I understand you are understandably upset, but your father is here, accepting you with open arms and telling you he loves you and always has. He said it wasn't safe after the murder of his son to take you with him. I understand that. Don't you?" Tyrann asked Kit as he tired to reason with her. Crash cleared his throat.

"Kitsune, I can never make up for the time I lost with you, my daughter. But I can help the present. Will you please let me be apart of your life?" Crash said sincerely and held out his massive paw for Kit to grab.

Kitsune notices Nightling as well as a few other maids and workers watching silently from above. Kitsune sighs and takes Crash's paw. "I'm sorry, father. I understand 100%. I'm a partially upset, that stupid messenfer." She says, muttering the last part. "Of course you can be apart of this family." She smiles. "Is there a room he can stay in?" She asks Tyrann. "Oh! That is...if you want too stay? Maybe? Possibly? Yes?" She says. With a quick nod, from Tyrann, Kitsune smikes and leaves Tyrann and Crash too talk. 

Kitsune wanders over too Nightling. "Nightling! Dear!" She says putting a smile on her face. "You need me?" Her smile fades. "You didn't uhm...see any of that by chance...did you?"

Nightling said "Something for Tyrann that I have a feeling Crash Rex and you need to see... Also Crash Rex your nephew is about to wake up and considering he was just forced to hit puberty early... Yeah you might want to reign that stag in before he goes crazy and does something he regrets later..." Nightling handed Tyrann the scroll saying "There is good news for you and bad news for me in there..." Nightling bowed to Kitsune and said "I don't deal in gossip so this entire scene won't get out because I opened my mouth. That would be one of the maids... Honestly the family drama of other dragons bores me to no end... I do not want to hear what your sister in law did thank you very much..."

Kitsune cocked her head too the side and watched as Nightling passed the scroll over too Tyrann. She tries too  look over Tyrann's shoulder, but too no avail, since he was larger than her. She sighs and adverts her attention back too Nightling.

She listens intently and then laughs. "Hahaha! Oh my goodness. Don't get me wrong, I like too talk about my family and everything, but I agree sometimes it goes too far. And I admit. Thsi just went a smidgen too far." Kitsune laughs again. "Thank you very much Nightling for not telling anyone." She smiles and thanks Nightling once more. 

She then walks over and stands at Tyrann's side silently. After a moment of Tyrann and Crash talking Kit sinks forward and gently takes the scroll from Tyrann.

Tyrann grabbed the scroll from Nightling. "Thank you Nightling. For future reference, if you do not enjoy family disputes, then do not listen." He snapped and gave a sharp, nasal huff at the end. The king then turned his attention to the writing on the scroll. It was a very descriptive report on the shade's findings on the Wicked.

"Crash, I believe we have a serious issue." Tyrann demanded and the castle hall shook as Crash Rex made his way to look at the writing. When he finished, Crash let out a gutteral snort, showed his teeth and bellowed. "Preposterous!" Yelled the massive dragon. "We vanquished the Wicked many years ago! How is he still alive?!" Crash roared. The mountain dragon's clubbed tail swung around violently as the emense rex reared up in anger.

"We now have evidence of his return, and it seems he is getting much stronger. Even by the minute. I need all the dragon power I can get." Tyrann reasoned. "I know how personally involved you are in this situation Crash. Will you help destroy the monster that killed your son, again?" Tyrann asked and Crash gave out a very shrieking roar.

"I thought that bottom feeding, murderous, dragon killer was dead!" Crash bellowed and stomped his foot im the floor, causing the castle to shake.

"As did I, but my shade, Nightling, has now proven his exsistence so there's no sense in getting choked up in the past. There only hope in fighting for the future." Tyrann reasoned with the mighty, gray dragon.

Crash's plated chest heaved and he looked to the floor with his head held high. He then turned to Tyrann and answered his question. "I will fight the Wicked this time and not stop till his filthy head is sitting on a stake outside my castle walls." Crash said from his chest, as the whole room stopped to listen to him speak.

Tyrann nodded and drew in the crowd together of him, Kitsune, Nightling, Crash Rex, and a few guards. "Good. Now, this is what I need from you all. Nightling, keep a watch on the Wicked and report the me every day starting when I return from my sister's kingdom at Aradis. Crash, we must start preparing our armies for war because I have reason to believe that's what's going to happen. I must go back to Aradis and meet up with Master Tungsten to find further information on what has been happening around here. Hammish Rex is involved in this somehow. I just need to find out why. Kitsune, the most important thing I need for you to do is take care of yourself and our hatchlings. Im going to have Dr. Slavv keep a close eye on you while I'm away. I will set out for Aradis in the morning and will be back before our children hatch. For now, we all could use some rest." Tyrann announced to the group. "Crash, you may stay in our lavish guest room for the night of you wish to stay. You may also join us for dinner. I believe our chef has prepared for us smoked Kaius and a fish fillet. Our treat." Tyrann told Crash and the larger dragon nodded his horned head.

"Nightling, you are dismissed to your duties. Kitsune and Crash come with me to the dinning hall." The crimson King ordered and he strided into ther dinning hall with Kitsune at his side and Crash Rex in tow.

Nightling went back to it and she removed her garb allowing herself to be scried for a while acting like a priestess who was trying to save her garb from damage... She visited chicks, imparted wisdom, checked on affairs in general, and dried more herbs... Then she resumed scrying. The Wicked was scrying again "So every time she returns to the temple or wears her garb I cannot see her... She will make a good little mother... I look forward to draping her with jewels and gold sitting her on a fine throne... My little queen..." The Wicked started speaking to someone Nightling couldn't see. "So you have searched all of our lesser colonies and have not found those blasted swords... I see... Continue your search... I must find those things before they try to seal me again." Nightling watched him pace looking more and more alive as the blackness flooded in from another location... Nightling went to the pillar in Volcano and found a small crack in it leaking... She checked the Ice and it was starting to weaken... She went back to the Wicked and he was eating something savoring it... "My first solid meal since I was sealed... My little Nightling will never want for anything..." Nightling commented to Sparky "I am posing a major distraction to him. We can use this to our advantage..." Sparky put his pen down and nuzzled Nightling "I can see why he is so obsessed..."

Kitsune didn't eat much and just picked at the food she had, looking from Tyrannn, too Crash and down at her food, silently. Before she could even open the scroll Tyrann and Crash has spoiled the 'surprise' of what was inside.

Too say Kit was worried was a 100% understatement. So many questions flowed through her mind. After a while longer, of picking at her food, her snappy side got the better of her. "Do you have too go Tyrann?" She speaks up. With a single bewildered look from Tyrann she sighs. 

"Tyrann. It's not that I dont, want you too go, the Colony or any of that stuff, it's just...I'm worried. I know Dr. Slavv will be looking over me in your absence, but What if something goes wrong and you aren't here?" She begins. "Tyrann, your my support for when I lay these eggs, and you're my support for parenting and looking over these eggs...if I loose you..." She sighs. 

"Nevermind Tyrann." She mutters quickly. "I'm being ridiculous." I think I just need some fresh air. These hormones are seriously getting too me." She says standing and walking too the door.

Dragons of Bazul

Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.

The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.

Map of Bazul:

The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.

Your main prey:

Banshees: flying lizard like creatures

Kais: deer-like animal

Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles

Seven Great Colonies:

-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.

     Rex: Leafon Rex

-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.

     Rex: Frozenflame Rex

-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.

     Rex: Crash Rex

-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.

     Rex: Tiber Rex

-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.

     Rex: Hammish Rex

-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.

     Rex: Mathias Rex

-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)

     Rex: Tyrann Rex

Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.


Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.

Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.


Playable Species:

-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.

-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.

-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.

-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.

-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.


1.) Light swearing

2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)

3.) No killing other's characters without permission

4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission

5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)

6.) You may have as many characters as you want

7.) No god moding

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

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