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The King's heart melted when Kit had said she had failed him. "No my love you have not." He said, going to their bed and curling up around her. The sight looked interesting as Tyrann was twice her size. the King looked the Kitsune's swollen belly and smiled.

"My love, you are a Queen. You can do anything you want. I will send a messenger out for Crash tonight and request his prescense in my hall by tomorrow evening. Then we will consult him." Tyrann told his mate, who looked as if she was in the verge of sobbing.

The king then called for a messenger and told him he wished to have Crash Rex in his hall by tomorrow and that it was urgent business. With that, the messenger was off.

Kit smiled up at Tyrann, before a though hit her brain, and the smile faded. "Tyrann. I may be a queen, but that doesn't mean I can do whatever I want. As queen-like you - need too make decisions that are good for the people of our Colony. Er. Your colony." She smiles. "And if I make a decision that's wrong, everyone may turn against us-erm. Me. Everyone may turn against me." She sighs. 

"I don't want too make any decisions that will tear this colony apart. I don't want too be the Queen who's worse than the King. No offense , dear. I don't want too be the Queen that causes the downfall of her colony and her mate "

Nightling had come back to report the next disturbing thing this time Sparky had written everything down... Nightling had found out she did possess the sight and that meant every time she scried someone was supposed to write it down... Nightling's visions weren't cryptic messages however they were clear events... The instances of sight were a little hazy but still clear giving a distinction between a normal scry and a prediction. But the events forseen could still change if a change in the course of action was taken. When she heard that line she had stuck her head in the door and said "If it helps I might be able to tell you when you might be out of line... My father was the rex of a lesser colony before that wyveren took over and made a harem out of it... My brother was the sucessor but I was picked to be an advisor... Before the incident happened... I apologize for barging in but there is some good news... at least for everyone else..."

She sighed "The wicked is infatuated with me. Caught a glimpse while I was scrying him... Some dragons can see who is scrying them... My grandmother helped Sparky ward my home from it happening again... I found a potential weakness He is more affected by the gods than the rest of us... Celestia and Marina in particular seem to be a bane to his exsistance. Their influences are very strong here so there are two other places I know where he cannot go... Celestia's temple and Marina's... He seems to think that taking me as a bride will thwart Celestia's influence... I also seem to have a sense of when I am being scryed... I will keep you updated but it may be wiser to come to me for this... Just because he isn't watching at the moment does not mean he will not start during one of these meetings and catch on to who is involved with stopping him... The less he knows the better..." Nightling bowed and left the written records stating "Sparky is digging a hidden archive room for the records right now so until then keep this safe... I have no further information except that I seem to pose as a distraction for him." Then she left.

The king thought for a moment, still staring at the picture of Gaia and still slightly in disbelief he'd actually married a princess, the lost daughter of Crash no doubt. The big dragon was most likely the largest Rex in the land, even bigger than Thantos. Suddenly, ajared from his thoughts, Tyrann heard what Kit was saying and he could understand such a feeling.

"I felt the same way when I first started out. I was to scared to rule over dragon folk, folk who needed me to rule. In the beginning I let my Advisatory Board make most of the desscions. It didn't help the way I came to power anyway. I had no father at the time, and my mother was deathly ill with the same disease that took my father. I knew she would die as well. And on her death bed she made me promise. My mother made me promise Id be twice the king Thantos was. And I promised. It's just now...I'm not sure how I could be. I guess time will tell..." The large dragon dropped his head, then layed it down on his forepaws and went mute.

Nightling had returned to scrying the wicked he was still staring into that bowl of water... "Where is she? Celestia must be meddling in this personally..." Nightling noticed there was actual blood on those yellow teeth and a dead dragon... She realized there was blood in the bowl not just water... She closed the connection feeling sick to her stomach... He'd commited murder to look at her... Nightling walked outside into the night air a cool breeze was comforting and the fresh air cleared her nose of the incense for a while... The wind said nothing to her this time... Nightling extinguished the incense and went to lay down after stripping herself of her garb... She'd scry some more in the morning...

Kitsune ' heart broke. She layer next too him, nuzzling him. "You're a wonderful King Tyrann. Wonderful. I don't think the people of this cove would have it any other dragon ruling this cove." She explains. "You've been under your father, Thantos for how long? If anyone has the skill too rule, it's you Tyrann."

She sighs and lays her head down. "I'm the one who should be all sad and worry Tyrann. I have no experience ruling a coven. At. All. Heck. I just found out, 10 minuets ago I'm a princess! I'm two years old and I'm just NOW finding out I am.. er.. was...a princess!" "TYrann. Listen. If anyone should be worried, it should be me."

Tyrann kept his head on his forepaws before raising it and looking at Kit. "It's just very stressful being a king. Especially with everything happening right now.." Tyrann exclaimed when he heard a knocking at his door. "Come in." He bellowed as the heavy, wooden door swung open to reveal a small green dragon, Tyrann's messenger. Caius stood in the doorway, waiting to be addressed.

"Ahhhh, Caius. What is the word of the Mountain King?" Tyrann asked with a smooth voice. Caius nodded and reported.

"King Crash Rex has accepted your urgent request of his prescense. The king firmly stated he will arrive tomorrow morning at 12:00 p.m., sire." Caius said with an affirmative tone, yet never making eye contact with Tyrann. The small dragons eyes were a pale blue, yet glazed over with what looked like a purple-ish film. Kit gave him an odd look and Tyrann leaned over to whisper in ear. "He's blind love." Tyrann then turned his attention back to Caius," Good, thank you Caius. Did Crash specify anything he needed?" Tyrann asked, speaking up.

"No your grace. Just that e will be arriving with a guard." Caius retorted as he stared, unblinking, out the bedroom window. "Thank you Caius you are dismissed." Tyrann finally said and Caius nodded then made his way out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

Once they were alone, the king looked to Kit. "Your father is coming." Tyrann finally said as he stared into Kit's eyes.

Nightling awoke early the next morning and started scrying... The wicked was sleeping and the body had been removed and the water was clear... "He's sleeping..." Nightling went outside and watched the sun rise... Celest was waiting outside for Nightling with a soup for breakfast... She drank it and felt a bit better... Old Celest said "Celestia made him sleep for now... Nightling oversaw the mixing of organics into the soil and the adding of water... Since they had been 'feeding' the dragon in the cocoon he'd been growing and healing much faster... His tail was thicker and he was clearly maturing into a virile male much faster than normal. He might not have noticed females before this but he certainly would after he got out of that cocoon...

Nightling felt that ominous presence again and started scrying immediately... He was looking at her again... "Who is she watching? I mustn't get too distracted by this but last time Celestia's meddling teaching them how to make those blasted weapons cost me... I must thwart her and Marina before I proceed... Everyone has long since forgotten what those pillars of stone are... Soon I will regain my fire powers and then my ice... But for now I should be resting..."

Kitsune eyes widen and she stares at Tyrann. She goes silent for quite some time. She thinks of many questions before blurt in them all out too tyrann.

"What if he doesn't like me Tyrann!? What if he lies about being my father!? What if says I'M lying!? What if he doesn't show at all!? Does he even know by he's being so urgently called? Tyrann! Focus!" She snaps. "What if he doesn't accept me as a daughter!? What if I have siblings or something!? What...uhm...what if he doesn't accept you as my mate? What do we talk sbout! Tyrann!" She whines. "WAIT!" She stops. "Do we tell him about..." She trails off, her tail pointing at her swollen stomach. 

"If we tell him, what if he isn't happy? What if he ignores me? What if he spreads rumors? What if he attacks us!?"

Nightling decided to allow the Wicked to watch her at specific times... The garb seemed to make it harder for him to watch her and her den was scry proof... Nightling sent Sparky with a note  explaining the plan... Those timeframes would be key times to attack... The swords had also sealed him last time... Sparky was covered in dirt from his digging and Nightling had had to stow their things in that compartment while he dug... It was almost done... They'd left room for expansions and were lining the ceiling with the protective layer. Nightling was constructing shelves... She was acting like just an ordinary she dragon that didn't know what she had seen... Playing stupid... At the moment she was rubbing planks in dry sand to smooth them out... Chicks who wanted to learn how to build were doing it too... This looked normal for a priestess teaching young ones a trade... Nightling watched as Crash Rex and his entourage arrived and checked on the status of the healing dragon... He bellowed "Who has been taking such good care of my nephew?" Nightling thought it appropriate to put on the garb before approaching. "It was my doing or at least my instructions..." She bowed and he cocked his head "A priestess? To be expected that you know many things... Where is the rex?" "In the castle but I do not know why he called you here..." The rex bustled off saying "Keep up the fine work... I could use someone like you in my colony... But I doubt Tyrann will be swayed..." He walked off the earth trembling slightly as he did so... Nightling got back to sanding the planks... When she was done Sparky put them in... There were recesses in the walls for candles to sit and it was done... Nightling got a broom and swept the lair clean before putting everything back... Then she got back to preserving herbs again with hatchlings on a bit of a field trip watching her and trying to copy her...

Tyrann was taken aback, forgetting half of what Kit blurted out within 10 seconds. Thinking while Kit had a minor heart attack, the king made considerations to some of Kit's questions. "Okay Kit, calm down for two seconds lassy." He said, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Crash Rex is...well you knew him for a little. Kit you don't remember he obviously cared about you then. Why wouldn't he now? Crash was devastated after the murder of his son and I know that because he and my father were close friends. I have a feeling he will accept you Kitsune...Crash has longed for a child." Tyrann stated sincerely while looking at Kit. The rex watched as Kit pointed to her swollen belly with her tail and asked what Crash would think about it. Tyrann had to really think for a minute...

"I'm honestly not positive how old Crash will take the pregnancy. I don't imagine he would disapprove, as they are his grandchildren. He always seemed to like me as an adolescent and I haven't seen him since my coronation 5 years ago. Time does really fly by, but I've spoken with him over scry or messenger. We trade with their colony and our colonies have always been allies as both the Rexes at the time have always been friends. My great grandfather, Trykos Rex, was friends with Crash's grandfather, Hannibal Rex. My grandfather, Tyrannis Rex, was friends with Crash's Father, Damien Rex, and my dad was friends with Crash himself. I don't see any reason why he wouldn't approve of any of this." Tyrann exclaimed thoughtfully. Giving something a bit more, the red king spoke once more.

"Crash needs an heir...the Heirarchy always goes to the first born of the Rex but Crash and Cassandra's hatchlings are all dead...leaving only Crash and Lilliandra's daughter. You Kit. You would be next in line, legally, for Crash's throne." Tyrann said, sort of feeling bad for Kit and regretting dumping yet more reality and information on her.

Kit sighs. "Tyrann. I'm mated too you! Here! In this colony! I can't be Crash's Heir when I'm here with you."  She started too pace and mumble things under her breath. "Tyrann. The Crash I knew was Devin. Not Crash himself. If that wasn't the true Crash how do we know he will he even accept me as a daughter!?" She says groaning, in frustration. "And if he doesn't accept me as a daughter he sure won't accept the fact I'm pregnant." She snap, her tail wrapping over her stomach protectively. 

"I don't want too be anywhere but here. This is my home. I simply can not be Crash's heir Tyrann. I just cant. He's got too have  another heir. Assuming he mated again after my mother died . If he didn't I am his only Heir." She sighs. 

"Tyrann. What am I suppose too do? I feel like I'm being torn between two things I love." She mutters. "My mom always told me. 'If you're having issues don't be afraid too ask for help. No matter what the issue may be' but right now. Help just doesn't seem like it will come too me." She sighs again. "She also left me a book. She would write in that book. It's like a journal. And she left me, so much good-Great- advice....I've followed her advice and now look where I am!" 

"Stuck between meeting my real father, this oregnancy, and deciding what too do about my father!"

Nightling had again stuck her head in the Rex's room saying "Your Majesties Crash Rex is here and apparently your crisis which I overheard all the way down the hall by mistake is already fixed... Named his nephew heir apparently..." There was the earth shaking thud of massive foot falls coming down the hallway and Nightling was growed at by Crash Rex for 'being nosy' She said "I was informing them of your arrival sir... The queen is pregnant as well... So if she is acting strange..." "I understand..." The massive dragon nodded and Nightling scurried off bells tinkling... Nightling had just given Kitsune a pass to act undignified and emotional. So score one for Nighling! She felt much happier and as soon as she had cleared the meeting and was out the door she started strutting...

Tyrann was listening to Kit and he understood how she felt. Then arrived Nightling, informing him that Crash was in fact in his hall. The king took a deep breath then looked towards Kitsune. "Well, daddy's here. Are you ready?" He asked, handing his forepaw out for her to help herself up with. Kit took very reluctant strides out the door and down the left side of the double staircase. When they reached the landing, Crash and two of his guards stood in the center hallway. The emmese Rex's footsteps shook the whole room.

"Tyrann! How are you young lad? Been a while since I've stepped in the halls of the great Thantos himself! What brings me here may I ask?" Crash's voice thundered in the Great Hall. His figure was so large, Tyrann couldn't see the door on the other side of the room above his frame.

With another step forward, Tyrann answered. "Hello Crash, pleased to see you again. I have reason to believe this is a rather personal matter. If you would mind dismissing your guard? I'm sure they'd be happy to enjoy my Mess Hall." Tyrann said smoothly and Crash swatted his guard away.

"So Tyrann, what brings me here now that we are alone?" Said the huge dragon then turned his attention to Kit. "Congratulations on the pregnancy by the way." Crash acknowledged to Kit then focused back on Tyrann.

"Yes, Crash. My Queen. That is why you are here." The Mountain king muscled his neck back and cocked a scaly eyebrow. "Tyrann, are you mad?" Crash exclaimed, giving a booming laugh afterwards. Tyrann looked to Kit then spoke.

"Crash, meet your daughter, Kitsune, the child you had with the black dragoness, Lilliandra. Looks just like your grandmother, Gaia, doesn't she?" Tyrann said over Crash's laughing voice which immediatly silenced at the word "daughter". All the meanwhile, Kit's face turned from black to white.

Kitsune goes pale. Her face turning white, as she stares at Crash, back too Tyrann and then too Crash. She opens her mouth as if too say something then quickly closes it, before opening and closing it quickly again. She slowly moves and partially hides behind Tyrann. Waiting for someone too say something kit sighs and speaks up stepping from behind Tyrann. "Crash..." She says quietly. "According too a book of royalty  and nobility I'm your...erm...daughter." She says in a quiet voice. With no more words form anyone she speaks up again. "Oh! And thank you for the congrats." She smiles, pointing too her stomach again.

Dragons of Bazul

Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.

The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.

Map of Bazul:

The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.

Your main prey:

Banshees: flying lizard like creatures

Kais: deer-like animal

Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles

Seven Great Colonies:

-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.

     Rex: Leafon Rex

-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.

     Rex: Frozenflame Rex

-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.

     Rex: Crash Rex

-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.

     Rex: Tiber Rex

-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.

     Rex: Hammish Rex

-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.

     Rex: Mathias Rex

-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)

     Rex: Tyrann Rex

Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.


Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.

Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.


Playable Species:

-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.

-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.

-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.

-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.

-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.


1.) Light swearing

2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)

3.) No killing other's characters without permission

4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission

5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)

6.) You may have as many characters as you want

7.) No god moding

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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