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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Rowan hissed and glared at Sola.

"Look, thanks for saving me and all, but stay the heck out of this. It isin't your fight....."

She took a step near Tambia.

"It won't matter if I cut you a little... If I get your throat, well, the jugular's not that deep. A Little cut could do some serious damage.... Especially in your condition. I wonder... How much blood haveyou lost already? How tired are you? How long will it take for you to bleed out?"

Rowan was vaugley aware that she had given away her point of attack, but oh well.

She charged at Tambia, forgetting to throw the knife and aiming to simply stab her.

It was a mixture of Sola's intuition, and her advantageous position, that allowed her to move quick enough to intercept the blow to Tambia. Sola lunged, using herself as a barrier between the two draconian creatures. If they had both been at full health, she would not intervene. But this was different, neither of them were in top condition to fight.


The knife embedded itself into Sola's shoulder, causing her to hiss in pain. All-in-all, this was quickly adding up to be the worst day ever, excluding that time down in Tarterus. her eyes narrowed as she met Rowan's gaze. "It looks like its my fight now." She sneered darkly, but made no move to attack. "And don't be so quick to dismiss anyone who you owe your life to; they could have left you to die." she advised. her tail reared back, eyeing Rowan with beady black eyes, before exposing its fangs in a hiss of its own. It then looked at Tambia, its tongue flicking. This allowed Sola to watch both creatures simultaneously, in case either attacked now. I swear if either of them moves, I will bite them and put them both down for a good twenty muinets....

Tambia was rather surprised and irked to see this stranger jump between them and try to stop them; just who did this cat think she was anyway? “—And just how would you know that?” she snorted, affronted that anyone would talk to her like that, but especially a stranger “how dare you, just who do you think you are speaking to me like that? You don’t know a thing about it so just butt out!” More maddening than that however, was the fact that once again that dragon had the cheek to not apologize yet again even in the face of a new contender.
At that, the stripped ones words faded away into the background; her attention rested solely on Rowan. “You are welcome to try” she challenged undaunted, calling the dragons bluff as she could clearly see that Rowan was just as tired as she was and had lost even more blood “keep on scrapping all you want, but in the end I will have satisfaction!” she roared with enough ferocity and timbre to match the cats. She lowered her head when Rowan charged, preparing to reach out and bite Rowan when she moved near enough, her skin jumped all over, exhibiting visually her vexation at that moment.
Just then the stripped one moved in, taking the blow for Tambia, her reasons for doing so incomprehensible. She felt bad that the stripped one had gotten hurt trying to break them up, never had she witnessed such selflessness from a stranger. She was nearly moved by it, but at the same time seeing the knife lodged in the tiger left the weapon disabled, and its wielder wide open. This was her chance. Pushing her empathetic inclinations aside, she lunged forward for Rowan with no intention of killing the dragon, but incapacitating her. She didn’t get a chance; a strike from the serpent tail of the striped one that she hadn’t been paying attention to sent her reeling back, putting her down instead. She dropped to the ground kicking in agony making pained horse noises, it felt like flames spreading from two parallel puncture wounded on the side of her neck. Tambia wasn’t normally one to panic, but she thought she was dying; that’s what it felt like “what have you done to me!?” she demanded wrenching through barred teeth, nostrils flaring, her focus was only on the pain then nothing else, though it was in that moment that she finally realized she may have gone too far, and over such a petty squabble—it had not been worth it.

Grace shrugged and followed. She didn't really eat anything, Kinto was finding something. What was it? What was it? Oh right. Nectar. Grace quicky forgot and then followed Princess. Then she realised what The Princess had said earlier. " How did you know that? That i was an orphan? " She walked around a fern. Even though she wanted to be a wolf, (traveling here would be easier) she didn't want to let The Princess know about her shifting powers. 

Unless she already knew about that.

Well, The Princess had guess about the orphan part, she bet it would be easy for her to know about shifting. Grace just shrugged.

Rowan was suprised, to say the least, when S o la took the bullet for Tambia.

Well, the knife. Same concept really.

"The heck?! What, are you insane?!" She yelled, obviously very startled.

This was a notion very unfamiliar to her, and one that Sola seemed set on. Putting oneself in harms way for the sake of a complete stranger... It was bizzare. 

Rowan did find it in her to snap out of her startled stupor, and gave an arrogant "HA!" As Tambia was bitten by the... Tail... Snake?

Well, that was mildly convenient. Rowan took several steps back at that point, not wanting to fall victim to the venom that apparently took residents in Sola's tal's snake's fang's venom...

Ugh, that was a lot to keep track of.

And then she heard, for the first time in her extrusion through the bkue thing, a familiar voice.

Rann watchd with a mix of worry and facination as that black and silver... Tiger, was it? Jumped between Rowan and the larger, equine dragon, just in time for Rowan's pocketknife to sink into her shoulder.

What an odd behavior... Temporarily abandoning instincts of self prezervation in favor of helping what seemed to be a stranger (If the tiger's interactions with the equine were anything to go by) and then paralyzing that same stranger moments later.


He wondered about that tail. Did it have a seperate mind from the tiger itself? And it's venom... How would it stand up to his own? Theoretically, of course, as he had no wish to pick a fight with this creature.

It did seem like Rowan had other ideas, and he decided that.the time was ripe to reveal the fact that he existed at that place at that time, squeezing under the brambles and calling out to Rowan, who stepped away from the tiger after seeing the equine fall, and whitled to face him.

Well, he had given away his location. This situation was likely to take an interesting course of direction...

After being stabbed for the sake of breaking up this petty fight, it annoyed Sola greatly when Tambia went for Rowan. Without hesitation, Sola spun, her tail lashing out with deadly perscision to bite Tambia's throat. The bite hit its mark, instantly sending the horse-like draconian reeling back.

When Rowan backed away, Sola couldn't help herself but smile. Perhaps it CAN be taught. She thought with bitter amusement. Tambia's squeals of terror had next to no effect on Sola; for the most part she ignored them.

When the new commer, who obviously knew Rowan, appeared, Sola didn't even react. A quick glance had him sized up as someone not likely to get into a fight. With that determined, Sola sat calmly down and pulled the knife free; tossing it into the brambles. She then began to groom the wound as if nothing was going on, and everything was normal. She was doing this more for spite, and after a few moments she paused her bath. "The poision running in your veins is not deadly, and I advise you calm down. The poision spreads faster when you move like that. It will wear down in twenty or so muinets; enough time."

She paused to groom a little more. "Now, when that toxin wears off, we are going to have a chit-chat like sentient, civilized beings. I am in no mood to run an adult daycare at this moment." She went back to cleaning again, where she licked becoming a silky black. "Now, my name is Sola. I am a demon, and I do not care if that offends you. I can be your best friend, or worst enemy. I will turn your dreams into nightmares and you nightmares into reality should you ever get on my bad side. That being said, if your willing to be civilized, I am to." She cleaned yet more, before looking up. "Now, are we going to behave or do I need to inject you all with a larger dose of toxin and leave you writhing in pain for the natural creatures to take care of?"

The ironic thing was that her tone was level, in no way threatening. It was as if Sola was simply stating fact, or even inviting the group in for a well-deserved glass of water.

Loki watched from a distance with interest as he began to peice together this cat. "Perhaps.... weshouldputthepastbehindus," He suggested, "andjusttalk."

At that point Tambia was just laying there twitching, willing herself not to flail about. She was mortified, and even worse, she had heard Rowans smug little ‘ha!’ , and if she hadn’t been in so much pain that alone would have sent her flying into a rage. She did not like the feeling of defeat, no –she could not have… lost. Intolerable. That couldn’t happen.
Then she heard another voice, someone else was there too? Great; more eyes to look upon her defeat. Hearing the striped one’s voice, she dared to turn her head, just enough to see the cat, sitting there casually grooming herself, such cheek, this only riled Tambia who saw it as a smug celebration of her defeat. It was easy for the cat to say not to move around, she wasn’t the one in pain. Twenty minutes worth of that sounded like a nightmare; though she was just grateful enough that the cat didn’t take advantage of her situation by trying to eat her. She experimentally tried to get to her feet, but it wasn’t happening, fighting the pain had just made her even more tired. She growled frustrated, lying helplessly on her side, feeling like her insides were being squeezed.
The striped one who had now revealed her name to be Sola, had actually deluded herself into thinking Tambia was going to let it go. No such luck. In the knowledge that the toxins effects would wear off soon she was prepared to give this smug cat a piece of her mind. Just because Sola had taken a knife for her didn’t mean it had been okay for her to poison her; there needed to be justice.
Though her mind was too much on the pain to even speak she managed to huff out a “no”, tensing over the notion that she might be bitten again “that won’t be necessary” her words sounded labored “we can talk” she growled “just no more” it was frustrating to not be able to do anything, even more so to have lost.
It had been a terrible day, but it had started off so promising. She was sick of this place ‘darn it-- it hurts’ her head dropped back to the ground ‘just wait until I get up... I’ll show you’ though Sola had said she was a demon, probably not a good idea to get mixed up with that. On the other hand Tambia wasn’t easily intimidated and headstrong to boot, so logic probably wouldn’t factor into her actions much. Hearing Loki’s voice she managed to indignantly sputter “easy for you to say—why don’t we trade places hmm?”

Rowan squinted at Sola, trying to size her up. Definetley a threat if pressed... But with Rann here, she could stand a chance if the need arose to fight.

Withthat thought in mind, Rowan calmed down a bit. She could afford to be less votile if she had back-up. Rann wass smarter than she was, and while he was slow and clumsy, his venom was nothing to screw around with.

Rann was trying to analyze Sola. The more equine dragon was interesting, for sure, but he had never encountered anything quite like Sola,who was also a more immediate threat.

Although, it did look like the Purple one had a bone to pick with Rowan.

Silver idiot that she was... Already made an enemy.


Sorin hollered as he was sent plunging toward the mountain below. The portal just spat him there like he was nothing. "Oh man, this is NOT happening!" he shouted. If he hit the mountain side, he'd break something for sure. Sorin had to think. "I got it!" he shouted. Sorin straightened himself out in the air, putting his arms to his side and his legs together. He dove out of the sky and down to the mountain side. His hazel eyes suddenly turned an exotic bluish-amber color. With a wild, bestial roar, Sorin's hands flew up, claws at the ready. They quickly latched onto the mountain side, sending skidding across the way. Sorin roared as rocks, pebbles, and dirt flew by as he made his landing. He even used his boots to slow down his descent. When he finally stopped, Sorin saw that he was near he bottom of the mountain side. With a snarl, he leapt from where he was and landed in a crouch. Standing up, Sorin examined his hands and claws. "Still intact," he said, with his claws morphing back into short fingernails. Sorin brushed off the dirt from his clothes and boots, with his eyes returning to normal. He looked around, wondering where he was. "What is this place?" he asked. Sorin looked up at the mountain. He saw where he left his entry mark, a large gash-like mark starting from middle on down.

A sudden screeching sound alerted him. Sorin turned quickly and barrel rolled out of the clutches of an oncoming predator. He rolled to his feet with a growl as his assailant pulled into the air. It was a pteranadon. "A dinosaur?" asked Sorin. The creature pulled back around, screeching once more. "Oh man," said Sorin, turning and high-tailing it. The prehistoric beast soared after the man. Sorin's feet carried him onward, picking up great speed. Sorin could see greenery just eighty yards away from his present location. "Come on, baby, let's go, let's go!" he shouted, dashing ahead. The pteranadon continued to chase Sorin. Sorin occasionally ducked and dodged the dinosaur's advances. He even roared, snarled, and swiped at the pteranadon, but the creature wouldn't give up. Sorin was only ten yards away from what he now saw was a jungled, wild and untamed. "This better work," he said to himself. With a snarl, Sorin leapt forward onto all fours. He let in the strength, speed, stamina, and skill of the Black Lion, with his hazel eyes turning bluish-amber. His teeth formed into white spike like fangs with enlarged canines. His hair went wild as he sprinted, huffing and growling like an animal. His ears morphed and pointed, more cat-like than before. The pteranadon dove in for the final assault. As Sorin neared the jungle, he jumped high, catching hold of the bark of a tree.

With a roar, Sorin sprang off and met the pteranadon head on. The two clashed and struggled in the air. Sorin was able to get on the dinosaur's back and sink his claws into the beast's back. "How does that feel?" roared Sorin, his eyes wild. The pteranadon cried out, diving toward the jungle. Sorin saw the thick branches and trees getting closer with every move. With another roar, he punched the dinosaur in the back of the neck and sprung off. Sorin and the pteranadon crashed into the trees, with Sorin rolling through one top and out, plunging into a pool of clear blue and glistening water. The pteranadon gave one final cry before crashing into the ground with giant thud, dirt and rocks flying in its wake. A few seconds later, Sorin came back up for air, leaping out of the water with a snarl. He looked over at the pteranadon. "Serves you right," he said, with his normal look returning as he let the beast recede.

Kinto flew around in circles. This is where he left Grace. And she ran off. AGAIN. Like that wasn't unusual. Kinto sighed. He sat on a branch in a tree and waited.

He had waited for five minutes. Still no return. So he flew around looking for some entertainment. And he found it. A little too much of it. There was a creature (He couldn't identify what) near water, spitting with rage. It stopped, so he just flew over the water, wanting to take a closer look. He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, so he hit a rock with his face. He slid down the rock, falling into the water with a splash.

Sorin scratched the bag of his neck as he watched the pteranadon. "What the heck, man," he said. "They didn't say anything about dinosaurs," he said. Sorin turned to go. He took off his tank top and wrang out the water. He draped the wet tank top over his right shoulder and looked around. "Ok, first on the list: the Shard of Vitality," said Sorin. He turned his head and saw a humming bird fly into a rock. Sorin was surprised as the bird slid down from the rock and lande in the water. "I....I....huh?" he asked himself. With a sigh, Sorin walked over to the part where the bird dropped in. He reached in a scooped the humming bird out. "Look where you're going next time little guy," said Sorin. He then took a closer look at the humming bird. The scent of the humming bird was peculiar. "Wait a minute," said Sorin, arching an eyebrow. He inhaled the bird's scent. "You're not a regular hummingbird," said the felinthrope, beginning to walk through the forest with the bird on his shoulder. He was careful not to let him fall. "What are you doing flying around in a panic?" asked Sorin.

Loki sat on his branch, and flicked his tail. This was a habit he had when he was thinking, which was something he was doing a lot of currently. He was trying to figure out this new 'Sola' character, trying to figure out her motives. It almost appeared as if she had conflicting goals, but Loki knew better. She was self-sacrificing, which could mean several things, but she didn't seem to really care about what went on around her. It bothered Loki that she was so guarded, like a small child who had a rubix cube in their hands.

"I'drathernot." He said to Tambia. "I'veneverbeengoodwithpain. Plus, Idon'tthinkI'dhavechargedinlikethat. Butnowisnotthetimeforfighting. Doyouknowwhat'sgoingon? Icamethroughaportalaswell, butI'mnotsurewhereIam."

Guilt nagged at Sola when she heard Tambia's strained reply. No doubt the poor creature was in a lot of pain, and that bothered Sola. She didn't like useing her poision, in truth, she felt it gave her an unfair advantage. "I do not want to fight. I don't particularly want to hurt either of you. I just want a simple conversation."

Sola examined her wings, a sneer of disgust playing across her face at the dirt, blood, and foliage that had lodged into her wings. Sola, who was no satisfied with her fur, began preening her feathers and cleaning them. She paused at the bird's very annoying voice. "Look, lay off the caffine. And to answer your question, its not so much as a matter of where but when. Portals can take you anywhere through time and space, and dump you off anywhere. Portals can be unstable, but they usually stick around for a while. Its odd that mine just... poofed. They also don't normally drag people through. So, I only assume somethings wrong and I intend to find out what." Sola preened some more before remebering. "Oh yeah, Qeo! Why don't you come join us? I said I'd help you find your way home, so this involves you too you know." She said kindly, extending her now cleaned wing so Qeo could hide under it if her wanted.

“Don’t want to hurt us?” Tambia retorted ironically “well it’s a little late for that don’t you think?” she spat resentfully, clenching her teeth in pain, though she could feel it dying down much to her relief. She said nothing further just laid there, waiting pensively for the effects of the toxins to wear off; Ignoring Loki, and his subsequent conversation with Sola altogether.

Qeo cautiously crept out from his place amid the tall ferns when Sola beckoned him over. He eyed the human and the dragon suspiciously taking mental note of the distance between him and them; satisfied that there was adequate space between them, he relaxed a bit, but after seeing the human stab Sola he did not trust her at all. Making his way to Sola’s side, gleaning from her tone that it was safe enough to be out in the open “yeah, I wan do go home” he whimpered in response to Sola mentioning home. He didn’t understand what was going on, but that there was a lot of dangerous looking strangers around attacking each other, and he didn’t want to be involved in that. No one seemed to know where they were or what was going on and that didn’t exactly inspire confidence, he began to feel real doubt slipping in for the first time that he’d ever see his mother again, and that was a very distressing feeling, like emptiness. A feeling he promptly rejected.

“Are do okay?” He asked Sola with concern, having seen her get stabbed, upset that he was too weak to do anything. He allowed his gaze to migrate to the blue…horse? That was laying there some distance away, completely on its side, head flat against the ground. “Is day going do be okay?" He thought a loud, wondering if Sola had killed it, having not heard the earlier declaration that her poison wasn’t fatal.

Suddenly Tambia stirred, the effects of the poison having worn down enough for her to attempt getting to her feet again. Seeing this Qeo fell back, hiding under Sola’s outstretched wing. The blue one was big, and too close for comfort.

After a couple tries Tambia successfully stood up, shaking her off, and narrowing her eyes dangerously at Sola. She took unsteady steps forward moving closer, but not near enough to be within striking range of that tail, growling. “You wanted to talk” she huffed “well let’s talk” she snapped “starting with why you bit me like that!” it took a great deal of restraint not to lash out, but she knew she was in no condition to fight so she managed. “What’s with you?!” she snorted “You help me and then you poision me? Who does that!?--I mean, it’s not like I was going to kill her or anything” she insisted, voice rising with each word “I just wanted a freaking apology, why is that so difficult!?” Her tail swished back and forth vigorously as she spoke, and she thought seriously about striking Sola with it, but contained that impulse grudgingly “But you know what?—I don’t even care anymore, because now I’ll be taking one from you now instead” she stated demandingly flatening her ears back “I’m waiting” she tapped her foot impatiently, staring Sola right in the eyes to maintain the charade that she wasn’t intimidated, even though she realized she was dancing with death she wouldn’t back down.

Qeo curled up as tightly as he was able, staying out of sight; worried that another fight was going to break out right next to him.

Order of the Shard

The setting is flexible, and will change as the characters move from world to world.


Currently, the portals are leaving people in the middle of wild, untamed jungle. The forest around you is so thick, any sunlight that filters through is a dark, shadowy green. The weather here is unpredictable, raining one minuet and crushing its inhabitants with heat the next. To add to the treachery of the landscape, you are perched on the side of a mountain, challenging every step you make with crumbling stones and jutting cliffs. Beware of your surroundings, The Order of the Shard are not your only enemies here. This planet is inhabited by dinosaurs, as it seems the portals have dumped you into some sort of prehistoric earth.


Now, you have one decision; up, or down?



The space and time continuum has been thrown wildly out of order, causing portals from across the universe to rip open at seeming random times. These portals cause a violent reaction in the area around them, sucking in all near by beings through and dumping them into a new world, in a new time. It is up to you to figure out what is going on, and how to survive in this uninhabited and hostile world. However, you are not the only one in this journey. Creatures from all sorts of other worlds, some which you could not imagine, have been pulled to this planet as well.


The reasons for the disturbances are not as random as you may think. An organization, know as The Order of the Shards, or Shard for short, also inhabits this planet. They are led by a woman who goes by the name of Anthanaisia, who believes that her cause is the only way to save the universe. She is seeking out the seven split pieces of the Great Crystal, and with its power she plans to destroy all the current worlds and create a new, perfect one.


But the shards are well protected. It is up to you and the friends you make to find the even crystal shards. The Shard of Bravery, The Shard of Faith, The Shard of Sacrifice, The Shard of Will, The Shard of Passion, The Shard of Vitality, and The Shard of Hope. With these shards, you can restore the Great Crystal. With its power, you can stop Shard and return everybody to their proper times and dimensions.


But it is not as easy as collecting the pieces. You will be racing against time itself to find the shards before Anthanasia, or perhaps racing to gather them for her. These shards will test you in trails to prove you are truly worth the honor of possessing them. Will you be able to pass the ultimate tests of character?

There isn't a whole lot of history right now, as the history is made by the characters.



-Use the OOC chat, there may be important things posted there, and it`s a good place to discuss plot and elements of the story. Everyone is allowed to suggests plots and the type of worlds the porthole jumpers will visit
-You can have as many characters as you can keep active

-Stay active (Tell me you are quitting before you quit)

-Athanasia and all other NPCs will be controllable by everyone.

-No Godmodding! (Your characters are not indestructible, they cannot beat everyone, and they do get tired.)

-Even though realism can be stretched in this type of RP, use common sense. Over the top, outthere concepts are not allowed.

-No insulting other players out of character

-No Powerplaying! You can not kill or control another player unless they have given you their permission! (This means no posting as any character but your own)

-No Mary/Gary sues

-When fighting another players character: never write that anything connected just what your character attempts to connect with so the other person can respond. Each person is permitted two blocks/dodges but must be hit at least once, another players character can only be killed in a fight if you have their permission before hand, so no inflicting mortal wounds.

-When fighting an NPC threat, try to refrain from making one character take all the glory. Also, try not to end an NPC battle too quickly as that is anticlimactic.

-All writing skill levels are welcome; just try to use correct spelling please.

-Keep it PG- PG-13, no particularly graphic violence, though some violence is fine and expected. No inappropriate romance, limit it to kissing, hugging, holding hands.

-Anyone caught in violation off any of these rules will either be given a warning; second offenses will get you banned.

-Other than that have fun


Character Rules

This is a many worlds RP, therefore many types of characters are welcome, and high fantasy elements are included. However, because of the sheer diversity that is possible; some character types and powers are not allowed for various reasons, but mostly in the interest of keeping things from getting out of control.

The character types that are not allowed are as follows:

-First of all this is for original characters only

-So no preexisting characters from shows, books, games ect (though an OC from the worlds of those works may be permissible as long as it fall within the guidelines of the other rules)

-No God/immortal or invulnerable characters

-No vampires, Ghosts, skeletons or undead (though non mindless werewolves and demons are permissible)

-No non-sentient characters as main characters, although you can freely add them as secondary characters

-All characters speak the common language, so no characters speaking different languages (although non speaking characters are fine)

-No Giant Characters keep the size under twelve feet in height either from the head for bipedal characters or at the shoulder for quadruped characters.

-No tiny characters, there is no standard for this so just use common sense

-No cartoonish/troll characters as they dont fit in at all

-No Omnshifters (shifters that can take any form at will) Shifters may only have up to three forms including their humanoid one.


If a banned character is added you will be asked to modify the character. If you do not comply the character will be deleted.


The powers that are not allowed are as follows:


-No unfettered healing abilities (that is to say healing that does not have restriction/take a toll on its user. Healing abilities should not be able to heal mortal wounds)

-No resurrection

-No limitless powers of any kind, (all powers should be matched by a weakness and have limits to their usage in the name of preventing OP characters and over the top-ness )

-No mind reading (this also includes powers of control, suggestion or alteration) or future sight

-No power over time and space in any form (only Athanasia has this ability- though all the characters posses the ability to open and move through portholes at otherworldly shrines)

-No omni-elementalists (that is to say characters that can use every type of elemental arcane arts.)

-No tel or pyro- kenisis (that includes things like the force)

-No instakill move of any kind, including toxicity.
-No teleportation or super speed
-No necromancy
-No acclerated regeneration

-No invisibility or walking through solid objects


If a character is added with one of these banned powers you will be asked to modify the character. If you do not comply the character will be deleted.

It is possible to visit the worlds of any character that is added, but only if the characters creator wants to. NPC and scenario control jumps to that person if their planet is visited.

New players are free to join at anytime; it is very easy to write new characters in, because of the porthole plot device. ;) Thinking of joining? Go right ahead, I will be more than happy to provide anyone with a summary who doesn`t want to read all of this.

*Credit also goes out to Striker, this was a colaboration.*

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Portal Jumpers

Second RP Master
Striker (#17510)

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