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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Good, at least they were listening to her now. 

Rowan glanced at Rhett. 

"I'm going to leave for now. Do not follow me. I will return in... Say, an hour or two. There is more that you should know. Lots more. But I'm not going to repeat myself. "

She jerked her head at Rhett.

"Tell him what I told you when he comes to. Also..."

She turned the the Brute. "I belive that this should belong to you."

She held up the paper. It had a headshot of Liam, and a little infomation about him. His wing origin, Animal origin, age, personality, and a description of his apperance.

"This is useless to me. I was hoping to find..."

She trailed off. 

"Never mind. This is yours. Again, don't follow me.''

With that, Rowan flew off.

Good, at least they were listening to her now. 

Rowan glanced at Rhett. 

"I'm going to leave for now. Do not follow me. I will return in... Say, an hour or two. There is more that you should know. Lots more. But I'm not going to repeat myself. "

She jerked her head at Rhett.

"Tell him what I told you when he comes to. Also..."

She turned the the Brute. "I belive that this should belong to you."

She held up the paper. It had a headshot of Liam, and a little infomation about him. His wing origin, Animal origin, age, personality, and a description of his apperance.

"This is useless to me. I was hoping to find..."

She trailed off. 

"Never mind. This is yours. Again, don't follow me.''

With that, Rowan flew off.

 (Words that are in italics are thoughts, can Cyrus read thoughts? Otherwise he wouldn’t know what Lexy thought about Liam, because she didn`t actually speak those words :p Not sure how to respond to anything relating to that knowledge.)


So much hostility; Lexy was taken aback, she had tried to be nice to these people, and this is how the treated her? “What…?†she said staggered, by Kin`s words ‘but how…?’ she growled “I was doing just what you said, I’ve been working this whole time!†she shook her head tapping her foot “what is wrong with you people? Why are you so hostile?†Then Mai moved to chase her off, she growled jumping right over the wolf women with the agility of a cat catching herself on her hands and flipping back on her feet with grace. “Watch it†she furrowed her brow “fine†she breathed “I can see when I’m not wanted, I will go peacefully†she bated Mai a glance that seemed to say ‘that means you’. She shrugged and started to walk away; there words and actions had been harsh, she put on an apathetic display, but inwardly she felt sad. She had hoped to find in them what she`d been missing in the lab; good company. She sighed and one hand into a fist vexatiously “and for the recordâ€â€I was listening†she huffed, and continued walking off.


Kin yelled after the cat girl. "Lexy it's just that you have to follow orders." Mai let her go and Kin continued "We can't afford to have anyone being anything less than productive. That wooden knife while beautiful can't cut. Cyrus doesn't trust you something I had to humor by keeping my eye on you like that." Kin kept explaining the situation and the summary of what she was saying was, 'We can't afford to have anyone defying orders or being unproductive. We're willing to teach you but you have to be willing to learn. It's your choice to stay or go." Mai dragged the deer off to butcher it. And she came back with the useful parts including the hide. She started smoking the meat and Kin started working the hide They were downwind from a slowly waking Rhett. Kin updated Rhett and kept working.

Lexy stopped in her tracks listening to Kin ‘am I really going back there after what they just did?’ she swept her pride aside for the moment turning around, 'no choice' realizing wisely that there was safety in numbers, so it served her purposes better to stick around if they`d have her. Liams killers were still at large after all. “Fine, I understand†she admitted reluctantly folding her arms “and my knife is fine†she added coarsely  â€œit just needs a good bladeâ€â€I wasn’t able to get one for it†she started walking back bating Mai another glance as she passed. The others were animalistic in their behavior following pack structure, basal instincts in the like. She wasn’t very animalistic in her thinking, despite looking the most animal in the bunch, but she would try to adapt to their way of thinking to better understand how to interact with them; if that`s what it took. "Teach me†it was difficult to force those words out; it felt too much like surrendering, but if she was to gain their trust, she had no other choice but to try to get on their goods sides; if they had good sides. Lexy followed Kin and Mai to receive instructions. Taking orders felt unbecoming of her, but whatever it was better than going off alone. She didn`t like it, but she could deal with it; though she was irritated, and not about to forget their previous words and actions.

Rhett started to come to feeling dazed, and the world seemed to whirl around him. He shook his head vigorously to try to clear it, and sat up. Kin was there telling him things, but he was having trouble focusing. He’d gotten the gist of it however, something about a Rowan and their kind, and that she would be returning soon. Kin walked off, and he sniffed the air tentatively, the smell had dissipated mostly to his relief. He looked around, just a little embarrassed realizing that he`d feinted, but stood up quickly, trying to play it off. He saw Kin and Mai with the other stranger some distance away, but seeing what they were doing he decided not to go over there. He wanted to help too, making stuff looked like fun. He decided he`d just wait for them to finish with the deer first, he didn`t like feeling woozy. Spotting Cyrus nearby he went over to where he was. Cyrus seemed down; he was starring at his feet. “what`s going on?†he asked sitting next to Cyrus “are you okay?â€Â.

Kin went back to cleaning the hide. And apologized to Lexy again. Mai got to work on that antler comb again. Mai was still upset that the pack was being disrupted by outsiders but she distracted herself. Kin would handle it. Kin was balanced between instinct and intelligence. Kin knew what to do. Mai knew what to do too but she didn't have dominance, she did not have the alpha aura the calm collected attitude. Not everyone could be the alpha. Mai was lucky to be so close to the alpha. The comb started to take shape and when it was done Mai combed her hair before offering it up to the next person. Kin got the blood off her hands and combed her hair out too before offering it around.

"I'm fine, Rhett," said Cyrus, wiping a tear as he looked at the info on Liam. "Liam was a lion and hawk fusion," said Cyrus, which he already knew. "Born Liam Anthony Gaines," said Cyrus, chuckling. And then he saw it. "Status:....Target Number One," said Cyrus, staring at the paper. He looked up. "Kin, Liam was placed as target number one, why?" he asked. He couldn't believe it. Liam's death was planned. Cyrus wondered if escaping from the lab was something the scientists wanted them to do. He read more on Liam. "I don't believe this, they planned his death," said Cyrus. He folded the paper, thinking. "If he's target number one, that makes one of us target number two," said Cyrus. "But who?" he wondered. Cyrus looked around. He thought he was next, but he remembered one of the scientists, the boss, saying that he was too valuable to kill, that Cyrus had the need, the want...the urge and survival tactics to stay alive.

Cyrus looked at Rhett. Rhett was like Liam in some ways. Even though Rhett was younger than Liam by several years or so. The iguana-boy was always hiding in a tree, so he had the sense to stay out of danger. Not Rhett or me, thought Cyrus. He looked over at Kin, Mai, and the lynx girl. Kin's a survivor like me. She wouldn't get killed, she's too smart for that...but what about Mai and the lynx girl? He wondered. Mai followed Kin. Mai wasn't much a leader, and the lynx girl? She was on her own until now. It was between Mai and the lynx girl. But why Mai or the lynx girl? Why would I think one out of those two girls would be next in line for death? Cyrus shook the thought and looked at the paper again. It was the first time he saw Liam's face in a while. "My best friend, gone," said Cyrus.

Kin saw the paper and started to fear for Mai's safety. Then there was a realization. "They're trying to make some sort of biological weapons and super soldiers... All of this could be a field test just to see how we do out here without supplies. The next step could be to check..." Kin blushed and said "Reproductive viability..." Mai's head shot up from what she was doing. She looked at Cyrus but then back to Kin and her ears went back dissapointedly. Kin's mind was racing with both worry and assessment. Mai was obediant, Kin carried herself like a leader. If they had more of her and much more of Mai they'd have an army. Cyrus had healing abilities... Then Kin stopped herself she was starting to think like them. Looking at how humans could be engineered into weapons...
Cyrus stood up at what Kin said. "What? You mean they're poaching and studying us like we're some God forsaken animals out in their natural habitats?" asked Cyrus. "Oh this is bull," he said. Cyrus folded the paper and placed in his pocket. "They're killing off who they think are weaklings, ones who can't survive without the others," said Cyrus to them all. "They think the ones who follow are the ones who die. This is all survival of the fittess to them," said Cyrus. "They're seeing which enginered soul can really survive what the wilds throw at them, that's why we escaped so easily," he said. "Otherwise, those mutt-things they had would've gotten us by now." Cyrus punched a tree. "Those sons of bit...ugh!" shouted Cyrus. He stomped the ground and punched a tree. "I can't wait to see them," he growled. "I'm going feral on them and their attack dogs!" he yelled. He turned to Kin. "It's not going to take just one alpha anymore, Kin," he said. "If they one or two more dead, the leaders have to think together, minds alike," said Cyrus. He walked up to her, grasping her by the biceps and looking her in the eyes. "We must become a united pack, meaning all of us need to band up." "I'm not sure about Rowan, but she'll be safe, hopefully," said Cyrus, releasing Kin. "We're not fending for ourselves now, we have to look out for one another...even if that does mean I have to care for the lynx," said Cyrus. He walked over to his hoodie, picking it up off the ground. He dusted it off and placed it on. "We gotta be ready for anything now," said Cyrus.
Kin rubbed her arm and checked their supplies. He hadn't paid attention to the bit about 'reproductive viability' Saved her the embaressment. They couldn't be caught with their pants down so that saved her from the awakwardness of her first time. Kin said "I don't mind sharing the job. In fact the only reason I've been in charge is I have the attitude and the intelligence for it. They also want followers. Liam asserted himself as beta, questioned authority. They don't like that. They want clear leaders and clear followers." Kin checked their weapons. And she sharpened the tips a little more. She was getting ready for anything. If they were comming she was going to fight. They wanted a weapon? Well this weapon was going to turn on them.

Cyrus began to help with the weapons, sharpening them right and taking his time. All the while, something went through his mind. He recounted what Kin had said earlier about the matter at hand. His talking and anger had made him miss it. "They're trying to make some sort of biological weapons and super soldiers... All of this could be a field test just to see how we do out here without supplies. The next step could be to check...reproductive viability..." she had said. Cyrus made sure not to say a word about it. He felt it would be too embarrassing for both Kin and Mai. They want the best to breed, just like humans do with purebreds with high stats, he thought. But yet this wasn't a purebred thing. Cyrus was a wolfman. Kin was a foxlady. Mai was a wolfwoman. Rhett was an igunaboy and the lynx girl was...well, a lyxgirl. Cyrus and Mai were compatable in every way, except there was one thing: rank and infatuation. It was like Alpha and Omega, sort of. Cyrus was the alpha, Mai wasn't an omega, but she was a follower. Cyrus knew Mai had a crush on him, yet he had a crush on Kin. Mai showed her infatuation by trying to cuddle and get close to Cyrus, even when he was upset. However, Cyrus tried to impress Kin from a distant, butter her up like a male wolf would do. Cyrus couldn't do that. He couldn't just try and show off strength to Kin. Intelligence is what she was looking for, not brutality from a brute, as Rowan called him. I guess that's her nickname for me...way to go, Brute, thought Cyrus. He felt bad, though. Mai was probably on a hit list. Even though Cyrus didn't have deep emotional feelings for her, he still cared. She was a wolf, his own species of characteristics. Wolves had to look out for each other.

But what about cats? Liam told Cyrus that he ran into the lynx girl, and she was snippy at the mouth. Cats think they're all high and mighty...some of them, thought Cyrus. Liam wasn't like that, and Rowan doesn't seem that way either, he thought. When Cyrus finished, he moved over to Rhett. "Make sure you stay close to us or hidden in the tree tops, Rhett," said Cyrus. "We don't need our comical relief and quietest pack member to get picked, um....L-Liam," said Cyrus. He patted Rhett on the shoulder and looked up at the sky. It was the afternoon. No more hunting. Some of the animals could unsafe, he thought. Cyrus walked over to where the lynx-girl was, keeping an eye, not an accusing eye, but an eye on her.

She's quiet. Kin's methods prove I can change, thought Cyrus. He needed to lay off the forcing methods and use his mind, not his hands. Brains before brawns, idiot, he thought. Cyrus released a low growl. Look, conscience, who are you to judge me like this? Fool, I'm your conscience, I can lift your spirits in innocence, or bring you down in guilt, your call, though...Brute. Cyrus felt his conscience laughing at him. Also, I've been meaning to tell you that those scientists did something horrible to you. What? Cyrus wondered. They gave you a healing ability, not to mention the feral side, and the power to sense emotions...and try to read minds a bit, ha ha! Cyrus ignored his conscience and leaped into a tree. He climbed to the top and flew up to the real tall tree he was on earlier. He crouched on the branch (like Assassin's Creed) and looked about. "No trouble yet," he said. He revealed the knife Liam had snatched up before they escaped. "Just try and kill us now, scientists," he growled.

Rowan soared higher, sharp eyes searching for movement. 

Nothing, nothing, nothing. Nothing moving. No scouts. Gooood, but that was not going to last. 


Had that been the Iguana kid's name? Aaaaand, the Brute was cyrus...  wolf was... Mai? The one in charge had been called Kin. She had no ide what the bratcat's name was. Too late, now her name was bratcat. Same way that Cyrus was stuck in her head as "Brute." Once Rowan had a nickname, it was going nowhere. 

And the iguana kid was Rhett. 

Wait, she had already thought of that. Double mind post, apparently.

She sighed and banked neatly before landing in a tree. It had been an hour... she should get back to the others.

Still, they had encoraged unfamiliar emotions. Anger, the desire to be better that someone, to prover her worth... fear.... and that nibbly thing in her chest that seemed wired to the iguana boy.


Still, she had to go back. She nearly slipped out of the tree when she jumped. She cursed, it was because of her boots. They fit poorly... but so would ny other shoes. Instead of feet, she had talons. Good for killing in a strike from the side, like the lanner falcon she had wings for.

Also, Rhett,

...Wait what?

Kin and Mai were laying out on their cots. Kin's ears were still swiveling at all the noises in the area. In the distance they heard thunder. With no buildings to bounce off it wasn't a rumble so much as sudden booms. Kin had been right about building shelter. The fire pit was inside and the fire had been kept low and it was slowly dying. It was humid and hot but they'd been cooking so they'd needed a fire. The rain would wash away all the scents and hide their location better. Kin and Mai knew that they needed to stay well rested and at the same time alert. Kin was the more alert of the two and Mai slept more soundly when Kin was around. The alpha may have privilages but they had to earn them. Kin was earning her status between the two of them.
Cyrus looked about, sitting comfortly on the thick and sturdy branch that was at the highest in the tallest tree in the jungle. He just laid there, relaxing. His wings were folded, tail hanging, ears lazied, and back to the tree. "I must be pretty bored," he said. You call yourself the lookout? His conscience wondered. Yes, I do. I'm not asleep and you know that I spring up at the slightest of movement, thought Cyrus. He felt dumb. "I'm talking to myself through my mind, how does that work?" he asked. Cyrus shook his head. He felt like flying off to cure his boredom, tease a rabbit, scare a deer, or possibly swing with a freaking monkey. Cyrus chuckled a bit at the thought of swinging with a monkey. "That'll be just weird," he said. "Then again, all of us are weird in our own way," said Cyrus. He looked up at the sky again. It was sunny, but the clouds were forming. Cyrus jumped up with a growl as he heard thunder. "Man I hate thunder," said Cyrus. It scared him as a kid, or a pup the scientists would say. Back then he was considered a pet one of the female scientists, but as he grew, gaining testosterone and hormones, he couldn't be one anymore. Cyrus growled as the thunder rolled in again, snarling at it.

A Storm Rising

Just on the outside of the lab.

There are trees, about a half a mile of them completely surround the lab. Tall, loblolly pines. 

If you get farther out to the north, a snowy cliff.

To the east,also cliffs, but these are warmer. Less trees, but lots of rivers flow through.

You're going to hit a dead end if you go south, but it might work for you. It's a beach, and there is a tropical island about five miles off the coast.

Whatever you do... Don't go west.


Shh... They'll hear you.

If they catch you, then they'll take you back to the lab.

That's the last thing you want.

So spread your wings and fly, fight them, or outsmart them.

What you do now will change your life.


You my friend, are nothing more than an experiment.

You seem to be human at first glance. Then, upon further inspection, one would see your wings. 

If they look closer, they will see some other animal quality.

They will scream and run.

What do you think you are doing, running away from me?

I will find you.

You will regret this.



...That all creeped you out, right? Unerved you a little? 

I wonder who was talking to you just them...hmm...

WHELP, anyway, here's the rules.


You have JUST NOW escaped the lab, that is where you start. (In the woods.) If you don't know, Loblolly pines are tall, skinny pines. they only have branches at the top. (Real life truffula trees, only a lot taller.)

You MUST have two Oc's. One will be killable, one not.

You have wings. The wings can look however you want.

 in addition to your wings, you also have some qualities from another animal. THis may be any real animal that is alive today, and you must use only ONE other animal. (EX: Cat ears and tail, fangs and snake eyes, gills and tinted skin.)

I controll all scientists/staff/wild animals/ things you will encounter if you make the poor decision to go west.

You do not pick which of your OC's is killable. I may kill either one of them.

Get my permission before killing an OC.

(Yes, I am being a controll freak with this RP, but I'm trying something new with it and I think it will be interesting.)

Quick note- You may encounter a person who goes by "Rowan," "Silver," "Menace," or any combination of these three names.. She seems to be an escapee from a while back... will she help or hurt you?

Pmme with questions BEFORE making a character.

Good luck then.





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