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Rhett tilted his head, Cyrus said he was fine but he didn’t look fine, then he noticed the papers about Liam in his hands and knew why. Once Kin came over and the tow started talking the atmosphere became a bit too somber for his tastes. He didn’t like to think about bad stuff, he believed everything had a way of working itself out in the end, and felt that the fact that he had escaped and found others like him was enough proof of that for him. He didn’t like the sound of them being weapons either ‘so I’m just a weapon?’ he wondered drably. He didn’t like to hurt others, but practicing moves was fun, just as an exercise. He didn’t think of himself as a weapon, he couldn’t even stand to see anything die. The incident with Liam back at the river started to drift though his mind, and he shook his head promptly, forcing it out. He heard Cyrus refer to them as a pack and perked right up smiling “so does that mean we’re like a family now?†he asked hopefully “so that makes you guys like my brother and sisters?†he wondered aloud, the prospect of having a family thrilled him. He couldn’t remember ever having one, and had pretty much always just been alone in isolation with only his imagination to keep him company. “That's so cool, I have a family!†he grinned widely as he watched Kin and Cyrus start sharpening the weapons; he wanted to be useful too. He felt like he wasn’t much help at all, but he knew what he was good at.

With that he ran off and busied himself gathering fruits, which he could find the easiest thanks to his superior color vision. Fruit, even well disguised in the dense jungle stood out like a beacon to him, their colors being almost neon in his eyes he could also expand and contract his pupils at will for a binocular effect to focus on more distant objects. He sampled some; able to tell what was edible from what was not. Shortly he returned and set the fruit “I brought fruit†he announced cheerily to the group “try some, there`s plenty†he said invitingly, setting it down next to Kin, he`d brought enough for everyone. “It`s delicious, much better than those dead things you’ve been eating I bet†he grinned eating some himself “nothing like a good piece of fruitâ€Â. Finding fruit was like a game to him. He listened to Cyrus basically tell him not to die “um… okay I will†he wasn’t sure how to respond to that was that supposed to make him feel better, who wouldn’t be worried after hearing something like that?

He shrugged, ignoring that and busying himself with practicing moves. He used his tail in a variety of ways, he could push off of it, bounce off of it, swing it, use it for balance for quick maneuver. He was sparing with an imaginary opponent, and having a blast doing so. Trying out different stances, he then swung his tail through some tall weeds making sure to recoil it in a backwards motion watching the weeds fall in two with amusement. He then twirled around using the weight of his tail to create momentum so he could spin faster. When he stopped all the weeds around him fell away to the same height in a circular pattern around him, and somehow that hadn’t made him dizzy, because his equilibrium was topnotch. He seemed tireless as he just kept at it; taking a stance, kicking, punching and striking at the air with his tail.

After awhile he heard thunder and stopped, searching around for the others, he found Kin and Mai in the shelter. It seemed like a good time to rest as he didn’t want to be out in a storm, so he curled up and prepared to take a nap.

Though it was difficult for her, Lexy kept her mouth shut and watched Kin and Mai at work; she was a quick study, so just watching was enough to pick up on most things. After a bit Mai offered her a comb, and she took it without a second thought. She had been combing her hair with her claws for quite awhile, but that had proven to be an inadequate way of doing it. She took her time grooming herself, fluffing up the tufts of fur on the sides of her face. Using the comb reminded of the one she had been working on before that whole incident… thinking about that would just make her mad so she didn`t.

Kin and Mai left the area to go talk to Cyrus leaving her alone where they had been working, that was her chance. She went right back to work carving the wood and smoothing it, bringing out its rich ginger color. Once it was completely smooth she took the original stone comb and inserted it affixing it with sap. Then when she was sure it would hold together she took time to admire her work. She was quite proud of her tiger wood comb.

Then she went to work on her next project searching for a particularly flexible, but sturdy piece of wood she found it in a hickory fell branch. She bent it, testing it`s resistance to strain careful not to apply to much pressure, and then released the pressure grinning as it popped easily into its original shape. ‘Perfect’ she thought and carried back, going to work on making a simple bow she smoothed the wood, caving notches near the top and the bottom before taking dried sinew from the deer that Mai had previously butchered and tying it securely to one notch, she then pulled it tight until the branch was warped in a gentle curve before securing it to the other notch. She cut of the excess and pulled at the string to make sure it was taught. The she picked up a small straight stick, it would make a poor substitute for an actual arrow, but it was good for testing the bow. She pulled the string with as much tension as she felt it could take and released it. It flew pretty far for an aerodynamically challenged stick even with all the wobbling. Satisfied with the power of her makeshift bow, she collected some pine sap and applied it to her sinew bow string to help weather proof it then went to work carving t out to look fancier, careful not to compromise the structural integrity of the wood in the process. Satisfied with her work she took a break, planning to make some arrows later. She was determined to prove that wood was a worthy material for making weapons. A bow would come in handy.

She finally looked around for the others, catching site of Kin sharpening weapons she walked over and handed her the comb she had made “for you†she said simply “consider it a peace offering†she sounded as amiable as she was able “so maybe you won`t sic your friend on me again†she added lightheartedly, and walked back off. She planned to take a nap and get back to work. She curled up under a tree out of the sun.

Her rest was later interrupted by the sound of thunder ‘great’ she thought anxiously, she hated storms. She`d have to put off making any arrows, it would require feathers anyway and she didn’t have any. She moved to the shelter bringing her bow with her as she didn’t want it to get wet. She saw someone she didn`t recognize in there ‘there are more of them?’ she blinked, but the sleeping boy didn’t interest her. Looking around she saw no bed for her, which made sense as they hadn’t been expecting her.  She thought about taking the empty one, but thought better of it that was probably the wolf man’s. Instead she just swallowed her pride and took a spot on the floor instead peevishly without so saying a word to the others; she wanted to but was worried that if she opened her mouth she`d probably end up inserting her foot into it, she had a pennant for saying the wrong things. She didn`t want to risk getting kicked out of the group.

Rowan glided down to the tree. Where had everyone... Oh, they were sleeping in the shelter.

Yikes, had she really been THAT late? Oops. Well, she would be there when they woke up in the morning. She owed them that, at least. She looked aroung with a sigh. The tropical forest was just not her thing. She much perfered the dry cliffs near the west... Which was the only safe place. The ocean would keep the Storm Corp at bay for only a little while... But could she really take these people west? Would they just die out there like Kodi had?

Kodi.She felt a pang at the memory of the four boys she had escaped with. For some reson, it seemed that nobody had known about them. Only her. No matter they were all.... dead.... anyway.

Kin and Mai  slumbered on even if part of Kin was still alert. Well everyone thought Kin was sleeping she was really thinking about things. Like what she was going to do to those scientists. She thought about her uncle Max a millitary man of high rank and everything he'd taught her in the years before her parents joined that cult and tried to make her into a submissive baby factory. Her biological sisters had gotten pregnant at age fourteen by men twice their age. Kin had not submitted and she'd been considered a sinner and had to be punished. They'd taken college money to 'pay for pennance' Now she was here. She should have just asked uncle Max for money. He was a firm believer in giving people who deserved it a helping hand. He would have helped Mai too.
Cyrus's heard something from below. His right ear swiveled around at the sound. "Something's down there," said Cyrus. He got to his feet, spread his wings, and fell from the branch. Cyrus dove straight down, wanting to surprise whoever had arrived. Cyrus growled as he neared the ground. Extending his wings, Cyrus pulled up and dropped onto his feet with a thud, landing next to Rowan, surprisingly. "Boo," he said. "I see you're back," said Cyrus, no hostility in his voice. Cyrus revealed the paper on Liam. "Liam was target number one, meaning Mai or the lynx girl is next," he said. Cyrus folded the paper and placed it in his pocket. "Spill it. How'd you escape, what happened to your friends, and are they hunting us for better outcomes?" asked Cyrus.

Rowan turned to him with a low growl "Of corse he was the first... why are you telling me this? Did you not think I read the paper before giving it to you? ANY of you could be number two. Kin, Mai, Lexy, you, or Rhett. They were likely trying to recapture him rather than kill him. If they wanted to kill any of you, then they would have a long time ago."

She scoffed and looked away. So, he HAD known about the others. Morb, Kodi, Silver, and Angel. All dead. 

"I escaped by tricking a guard. I tricked him into killing himself. Then I ran down the hall before anyone knew whatwas happening and killed the guard at the gate with his own glasses."

She decided to ignore the question about her friends. They were NOT the nosy Brute's business.

"they're hunting us because they can't afford to loose any of the ones who make it past the age of ten. Most reject the new genes and die at that age. If they loose us, they lose funding from the companies thay pay for the operation. All of us have been sold. When the product escapes, well... Let's just say it looks bad."

Kin yawned and said loud enough to be heard "If the US millitary hears about this they're gonna get shut down... If uncle sam is behind this my uncle would have a fit if he found out... and he's in the right part of the millitary to find out about this... and blow the whistle. If my uncle Max finds out about this..." Kin continued on a tirade for several minutes about how her uncle would rip those scientists a new one. Then she pulled out her knife. "One of the scientists stole this from me... but I got it back. A swiss army knife that has seen Desert Storm." Mai yawned and said "You going on about that knife again... Kin I've heard those stories a billion times..."
Cyrus listened to Rowan and Kin. "So all of us here are the lucky ones," he said. "Sort of," said Cyrus. He looked at Rowan. "Look, let me be calm and nice for a change and say, in wolf terms, I'm sorry you lost your pack members," said Cyrus. "And in case you were wondering, the boss scientist went on and on of how he was overjoyed that he took down your packmates," he said. Cyrus approached the teenaged girl. "I promise you, if you teach us what you know, especially a 'brute' like myself, you won't be let down," said Cyrus. He put a hand on her shoulder. "I'd go as far as to say I'll die trying to save any of us, including the lynx girl....Lexy....and I'll do anything to avenge the death of Liam and your friends," he said. "Besides, there's a certain scientist that needs to feel my wrath," said Cyrus. He walked over to the shelter and crouched to peer inside. "Kin, you think your uncle can do something about getting us out of here after we finish those scientists?" asked Cyrus. "I really wanna see if I can track down my parents after all of this and locate Liam's parents," said Cyrus. He looked over at Rowan. "In wolf terms, consider yourself apart of the pack, Rowan," said Cyrus. "From now on, we're going to have to work together and trust each other," he said. Cyrus looked at Lexy. There was a change growing inside Cyrus. "Lexy, that means the two of us are going to have to be on the same grounds," he said. Standing up, Cyrus cracked his knuckles and popped his neck. "Rowan, you're up," said the wolfman, smirking as his eyes turned amber.

Kin said "He'll help me at least I'm not sure he can pull that many strings... Considering Mai and I signed up for the experiments if it goes public she and I'll be the ones out in public... But the millitary would most likely seize the facility and possibly pick up where the scientists left off albiet more humanely. Instead of experiments that involve injections they'd be trying to encorperate us into the military. Field tests instead of just turning us loose like this. I'm being real here. We'd probably have more experiments showing up voluntarily so they'd have to treat us all better. Find out what makes us survive the injections..." Kin went on and said "They would have to track down all of our parents to find out if they have any other children who could have the genetic traits for this who could sign up. So yeah they'd track our parents down. Maybe get my siblings out of that cult while they're at it."

"Good, then there's hope," said Cyrus. He spread his wings and flew into the air. Cyrus landed on the high branch in the tallest tree and sat there. For some reason, he was beginning to claim the branch as his territory. "Only two people could fit in this spot comfortably and safely," he said. He covered his head using his wings as the thunder boomed, lightning touched down, and rain appeared. He kept dry, thinking to himself. What would I be if my parents never brought me to this place? He wondered. Would I still be a regular man, thriving in the human life, with a nice home, a wife & kids, a dog even? Cyrus thought. He wanted to meet his parents badly now. He wanted to curse his mother out for what she did and he wanted to beat down his father. But Cyrus knew he would hurt and kill them like that, seeing as how he was a great deal stronger than them. "They wouldn't even recognize me," he said. "I doubt they still have my baby picture....or at least took one," said Cyrus. He scoffed. "The nerve," he said. The truth was, he wanted the animal inside him gone after they took down the scientists. He didn't want to be an animal for life. Cyrus wanted a gloriful life. I think if I lived around humans, I develop lycanthropy, thought Cyrus. He'd be able to transform into a human and a werewolf. Now that would be cool, he thought. Looking human would mean the world to him, but first, he and the others had to fight back.

Kin and Mai had talked about reversing their mutations. Having remembered life before the fact they realized that though harder how they were made everything more vibrant more alive. They weren't sure they wanted to go back to being 'normal'. The wings were sometimes awakward but flying was amazing. But they could hear see and smell everything out there. Some scents were better than others and some things were kind of ugly in high definition but that was ok. The two wanted to keep their senses and possibly just ditch the wings if they weren't worth it. Kin yelled to Cyrus "You're gonna get your wings soaked doing that! Come down and dry off or something!" She tried not to sound bossy then and there.

Cyrus smiled as he heard Kin. "Oh, now 'lil mama can get some bass in her voice," he said to himself, chuckling. He stood, but regretted it. His right foot slipped, and Cyrus went down, jarring his back on the branch, not even enough to damage the branch, and fell out of the tree, hollering. He tried to flap his wings, but they were soaked. "Flap, for God sake, flap!" he shouted. They began to move, but barely. Cyrus had to figure out what he was going to do. There it was. A large set of leaves. Cyrus grunted as he slammed into them, hitting each one, but thanking the heavens they slowed his fall. When he got to the last one, he tried to grip it, but the water wouldn't allow it. Cyrus cursed as he slipped from the leaf fell four feet to the ground. Cyrus groaned in pain, but shook it off, standing and shaking his wings out. "Crap," he said, gripping his right arm. He thought he heard laughter. "That's not funny," he said, walking up to Kin.
Kin was not the one laughing it was Mai. "Mai shut up already he could have gotten hurt." Then she bustled out checking him over. "You're fine as far as I can tell. I told you your wings would get soaked." Kin pulled him inside and got his shirt off saying "Can't have you catching a cold and getting everyone else sick. Then Kin started a fire to dry Cyrus's wings off with. She and Mai had gathered firewood. Enough to last them until the storm broke and they could dry some more off. Kin was a doctor first a fussy mother hen second, and a woman third. Her wings had resisted the water better and Kin said "Nobody has ever preened your wings. Meaning the water resisting oils haven't been applied... Mai and I have been doing that from the start which is why my wings aren't as wet as they should be right now.

"Thanks," said Cyrus, sitting still as Kin helped him out. He threw a glare at Mai, watching the wolf girl laugh, before joining in with her. It was funny. Cyrus had been careless and paid the price. That price was thankfully soaken wings next to the camp site. Had been a chase, Cyrus would have had to use his feet. Even though he was a sprinter, he counted on his wings as well for higher getaways. With the wet shirt off, Cyrus squeezed out the water and hung it over the fire to dry. Then he took off his footwear and placed them by the entrance. Sitting back, Cyrus sat his back against the wall, doing the same for his head. He was tired. He looked at each other his wings and remembered something from the past.

"Remember, Cyrus. When your wings are wet, make sure you work out. I learnt that doing so helps us male fusions develop stronger back muscles, which will help out with wet wings," said Liam. "How and who taught you that?" asked Cyrus. "That old experiment. He said it worked for him and twenty-two of his closest friends before they were killed," said Liam. Cyrus smiled. "Ok, I'll remember that. When have enough back muscles, you're saying I get to fly even if my wings are soaked?" he asked. Liam nodded. Cyrus nodded as well. "Got'cha," said Cyrus.

The flashback ended. Cyrus smiled and then got on his knees. His upper body fell forward, with his hands catching him. Raising his knees off of the ground, Cyrus began to perform push-ups. Liam was right. His wings were like an extra set of weights upon his back. But Cyrus had to endure it. There would come a time where he was to flee in the rain with soaked wings, and get away using them. Cyrus looked forward, his eyes locking on Kin as he did so. For some reason, she was his concentration and focus, helping him stay balance. He felt them haze over an amber color as he went up and down. He didn't mean to stare, but once he began to work out, his eyes would change color. "Don't worry. That's just your inner wolf working alongside your muscles to better them out for the long run," said Liam. Cyrus continued his work out. He felt himself beginning to lift the wet wings. He could feel the water drops sliding down off the wings, settling onto the floor. While doing his push-ups, the scene where Liam dove into the river got into Cyrus's head. That was the last time he saw the lion-hawk alive. That's when the winged-mutts flew in, with one catching and killing Liam. Cyrus began to get angry. The water was running off his wings now.

His push-ups got faster and faster. At the moment Liam was dragged out, dead, Cyrus's eyes turned red. He growled as he pushed even faster. The water was mostly gone from his wings. The scene where Cyrus crashed and fell zipped into his mind, causing Cyrus to halt with a snarl and jump back, shaking his head and blinking rapidly. The tears were rushing up again. Cyrus got to his knees and put his hands on the floor. He tried to hold the tears in. "Liam," he whispered. "Why you?" he asked. Cyrus rolled onto his back, his ears flying back as his now dry wings twitched on the floor. Cyrus breathed heavily, looking up at the ceiling.

Rowan laughed. Really, they had gotten all messed up from wet wings. Well, they were new to all of this. Learning curve.

She looked at cyrus. There was something about him, something she could just not put her talon on....

Now, what was it...

Oh god.

Holy... what? Oh, jeez.

It had clicked. Cyrus was... remarkably similar to Morb. Same base animal, same eyes, same personality... sometimes.

Too similar. 

She jumped out of the tree, scampered doen to the shelter. She slid in carefully. Yeesh, she did NOT like it in here. It was too much like being in a cage. Bleh, but that was completely beside the point.

"Br... Cyrus"

Rowan glared at him. 

"I need to tell you something. Now."

She paused. Was this really a good idea?

Yes. Yes it was.

"Cyrus... I know who your prototype was."

A Storm Rising

Just on the outside of the lab.

There are trees, about a half a mile of them completely surround the lab. Tall, loblolly pines. 

If you get farther out to the north, a snowy cliff.

To the east,also cliffs, but these are warmer. Less trees, but lots of rivers flow through.

You're going to hit a dead end if you go south, but it might work for you. It's a beach, and there is a tropical island about five miles off the coast.

Whatever you do... Don't go west.


Shh... They'll hear you.

If they catch you, then they'll take you back to the lab.

That's the last thing you want.

So spread your wings and fly, fight them, or outsmart them.

What you do now will change your life.


You my friend, are nothing more than an experiment.

You seem to be human at first glance. Then, upon further inspection, one would see your wings. 

If they look closer, they will see some other animal quality.

They will scream and run.

What do you think you are doing, running away from me?

I will find you.

You will regret this.



...That all creeped you out, right? Unerved you a little? 

I wonder who was talking to you just them...hmm...

WHELP, anyway, here's the rules.


You have JUST NOW escaped the lab, that is where you start. (In the woods.) If you don't know, Loblolly pines are tall, skinny pines. they only have branches at the top. (Real life truffula trees, only a lot taller.)

You MUST have two Oc's. One will be killable, one not.

You have wings. The wings can look however you want.

 in addition to your wings, you also have some qualities from another animal. THis may be any real animal that is alive today, and you must use only ONE other animal. (EX: Cat ears and tail, fangs and snake eyes, gills and tinted skin.)

I controll all scientists/staff/wild animals/ things you will encounter if you make the poor decision to go west.

You do not pick which of your OC's is killable. I may kill either one of them.

Get my permission before killing an OC.

(Yes, I am being a controll freak with this RP, but I'm trying something new with it and I think it will be interesting.)

Quick note- You may encounter a person who goes by "Rowan," "Silver," "Menace," or any combination of these three names.. She seems to be an escapee from a while back... will she help or hurt you?

Pmme with questions BEFORE making a character.

Good luck then.





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