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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Bonez was getting frustrated. This was suppose to be easy. Then relief a young injured Iguanacolossus was lagging behind. They ran for the creature and killed it quick. none of the members of its herd stopped to help it, so it was a feast for the Utahraptors. Things were looking up for the group, and Bonez saw how fast Rylee was getting bigger with eggs, It was almost time to look for a nesting ground for her so she can lay her eggs. Bonez every now and then lifted his head to see if any carni was coming, but none. He was getting worried about the Albertosaurus, this was his territory and it could be lurking in the trees somewhere.

After their feast the pack was moving again for they were in the territory of something bigger and meaner. The herd was still moving but not for long because it was becoming night fall. Bonez had lead them to a nice nesting area. Rylee was getting close to laying her eggs. And yet there was a very long way to go until the nesting grounds. Bonez was hoping she could wait a little longer, but doesn't think that will happen. It was bad timing for the pack. Rylee could feel herself having eggs at any moment, but not yet not now.

Since Rylee was getting close she wondered off to have birth to her eggs. She had 4 eggs. She let out a chirp, and the other three came running. Rylee was in defensive, but she relaxed. She could see everyone was happy for the joy of having eggs in the pack. but they needed to be protected and the pack needed to make sure they also get food. Rylee knew they had to keep moving, so she picked up and egg, Crush picked up an egg and Kane picked one up and Bonez picked one up. They moved fast through the forest trailing the herd. They decided when the herd stopped to rest they would hunt only young babies. They weren't far from the nesting grounds but it was still far.

Snaggletooth watched and waited as the herd stopped to rest for the night. Snaggletooth looked over the horizion to see how much more they had to travel, it would.take a few more days for the herd to make it to the new nesting grounds. Snaggletooth found a nice spot to lay down in the area of the herd.

 Snaggletooth wondered if the new nesting grounds will bring him the comfort of a mate so he can breed and have hatchlings of his own. Snaggletooth noticed the Utahraptors carrying eggs in their mouths. As he was getting ready to sleep he noticed another carnivore has joined the 'party'. A pair of Ceratosauruses are resting in the distance. Snaggletooth growls and curls up and begins to sleep

jubilee had collasped to the ground, worn out from her leg bleeding and travelling far. she knew she had to carry on, as if she had given up, that would leave her baby to fend for itself, and it would be easy prey...and if that happened, the next generation on nanotyrannus would be down a few members. 

she felt herself doze off into a deep sleep, but her baby was restless. looking at the herbivore herds, and their babies next to them. he knew he would have to hunt mainly for the two of them now, as his mother could no longer run without serious pain.

in the morning, the two woke, but jubilee did not move. she felt something trying to push her up..her child. she got up slower than before, but she was at least glad they were both safe. patienly, they waitd for the herds to wake.

Rylee and her pack were running hard, but now it was time to stop. They ran for miles and miles way up ahead the herd. They were half way to the nesting grounds now. Rylee and her pack put the eggs down gently. Rylee nestled by them to warm them quickly, the eggs were safe. Bonez and Crush went back up the other way to go and kill a baby plant eater so they all got something to eat. Rylee and Kane were pooped out. They were watching each others backs so no dino would come up and try to take the eggs, for Utahraptors are extremely protective of their young.

Someone was wacthing, but couldn't see who.

Bonez and Crush made their way back to the herds before waking them. They needed to find food and fast. They were looking for a young baby of any species. They looked and looked and finally a young Brachylophosaurus was sleeping outside of the group and so taking the opprotunity Bonez quietly stepped out and snagged the baby into his clutches. Everyone woke and screamed and they all headed down their path to the nesting grounds. Too late for the baby Bonez caught, and since it was a baby it was able to be carried back to Kane and Rylee so they too get the strength they needed to carry on the long way to the nesting grounds.

jubilee watched the herds got up, check on everyone, then got on the move again, not caring for any lost members, as they were heading towards their ultimate goal.

She and her baby lagged behind, getting up when they were quite a few yards away, only able to see their long tails. her baby was patiently walking alongside his injured mother. he wondered if she would live the whole journey? He also knew, if that, she had eggs, she would push him off easily, as to wean him from her...but he wasn't old enough..what would this mean for him..?

Jubilee was just focused on getting there and being safe, not about the future, if it ever happened. jubilee's stomach ached for more food, as she had not aten in a couple of days. she eyed a weak claosaurus, obviously it was an elderly claosaurus, not able to reproduce any longer, and it no longer had any purpose other than to take up space. jubilee nudged her baby, as if asking him to see if he could take the elder claosaur down.

her son gladly took up on the offer. he stepped up ahead of his mother, judged his attack and distance, and the herbivore itself. weak. he ran for it, snapping at it's ankles until he could grab it's leg and pull it backwards to his mother. together, they killed the claosaurus, and ate a nice, full meal. but the journey was far from over.

Bonez and his group have been running and walking for many miles now, and there was a suprise waiting ahead. It was the nesting grounds. They were the first to reach it considering that Bonez wanted to find a nest in the trees for the eggs. No herd members reached it yet, but Bonez's plan was to find a nest and then take Crush with him to get some food and then once the herds reach the nesting grounds the real hunt will begin.

As they ran to the farthest end of the grounds they could see why it was so important.

Rylee has never seen the grounds before, so she was amazed by its look. She finally was happy that she can lay her eggs down and get them to settle and hopefully hatch within a few weeks. After she made the nest, Bonez and Crush put the eggs they carried in and they were gone headed back to go and kill. Kane had to stay with Rylee to make sure her and the eggs were safe. Kane and Rylee marked the territory and then went to explore for food. They found a couple of really small bird like dinos that were satasfying enough. It was now a waiting game for the herds to come and Rylee's offspring to hatch.

jubilee let out an exhausted dinosaur sigh...they were nearly there, maybe a day or two of sheer travelling, for her, however. the herds were picking up speed, due to the smell of water, and nice, sweet grasses and other plants, and the drive to reproduce.

jubilee only had the drive to live, wich was strong enough. she had to live to ensure the survival of her lone survivor. she wanted him to carry on to pass the next generation after her. so, reluctantly, she sped up with the herd, her somewhat healed leg put quite a pain on her, and it seemed that her child could run much faster than her, but stayed right by her side.

Bonez and Crush saw the herd coming towards them heading to the grounds. They both went into the trees to get ready and to hunt. But then a very loud roar came from the trees across from them and out ran a Albertosaurus, and he was hungry enough to challenge and take down a Styracosaurus bull. Bonez watched it all unroll before his eyes. The herd began to stampede towards the grounds. Bonez called off the hunt and him and Crush ran back to Rylee and Kane hopefully getting there before the herds. They stayed in the trees for if they even dared to run out into the open it was for sure death to Bonez and Crush. Once they reached the opening of the grounds the herds were coming closer and closer. Bonez and Crush had only one opprotunity to do this, so they made a mad dash into the open and ran as fast as they could towards the other side.

The herds calmed down and Bonez and Crush made it to the other end just in time. Rylee was releived to see Bonez and Crush safe. Now they can hunt naturally without moving. But for now it was time to rest.

jubilee saw the herds stampede into the hunting ground, rich with green grasses, trees, and a huge resevoir full of water. she decided it would be good enough to chase after them to keep them on their tails. she snorted, and charged, seeing her baby match her pace. it was hard to believe he was almost jubilee's size!

jubilee felt her feet touch long, hardy grass for a long, long time...she could finally have more plentiful food around....but with a bunch of carnivores in the area...would they get to her first? or her little one? that didn't matter right now, what mattered was staking their claim.

she wandered around for quite a bit, until finding a well-covered, old nest with bushes, trees, and everything in between. both set the scent markers, and then layed down. they'd been through a lot together. especially today.

It wsa the first night at the nesting grounds. Rylee was laying by her nest with her four eggs making sure they were safe and warm. She was feeling proud of her eggs, she knows they are going to grow into powerful raptors and kill who ever they wanted. Rylee's stomach growled so which meant she was hungry. Rylee got up and chirped to Kane to follow, while Bonez and Crush stayed behind to watch the eggs. Bonez was worried about her leaving, so he followed until the edge of the trees to watch and to be there if they needed help.

A little note...


the carnivores and the herbivores stay at the nesting/breeding grounds will be a little over a year, so don't have babies and go back. they won't live.

jubilee woke, feeling a thick forest fog in the air. it made it hard to see, even harder in the dim light. she hovered her head over to her injured leg, wich was starting to look better, though it was still prominent...the injury. she snorted, and pushes herself on up, waking her baby, who decided it would be fun to hunt.

together, they headed out. sniffinf out another herd of gryposaurs. their heads were down, grazing on the lush grasses, covered in wet dew. jubilee searched, looking for a weaker member....and the weakest one they could find was a male bordering the elder ages. they snorted, startling the gryposaurs, but not causing them to run, but it did certainly cause them to spread out, as if looking for what that came from! the male gryposaurus they were looking for swumg his head around, but found nothing... but screeched when he felt teeth sink into his back. jubilee had bitten the gryposaur,and applied pressure, snapping it's spine almost without effort, whilst her baby had been biting the rump. jubilee carried the male back to the nest, and laid it down, and bored their faces into the stomach, which possessed the richest material for a carnivore.

The struggle

as a dinosaur you don't really care, as long as you can live.


for all you know, you're all just in one giant blob of land together, differant climates, plants...etc.




desert, tropical forest, forest, semi-desert, plains, semi-forest, full grasslands. hills.


You're a carnivorous or herbivorous dinosaur in the creataceous years...



everyday is a constant struggle for life, carnivores test the boundaries of eachother, whilst trying to keep the next generation-and themselves-alive.


history will be made up as we go.





1. general EX rules.

3. fighting is allowed, as dinosaurs did, but don't let it get too...bloody.

4. no curses.

5. your characters cannot talk, rely on body language and your epic literary skills.

6. your dinosaurs can be 'odd' colors, like blues and purples, but no rainbow dinosaurs/neon dinosaurs please(however awesome those are)

7. be realistic about your dinosaur. if your young/offspring/dino childrens stray off and into the wild, there's a slim chance of living. (about a 5% chance, anyone?) especially if it is injured!

8. baby dinosaurs stay with their mom and dad until they reach 2 years old, before that, they are not counted as actualy characters.

9. the age scale that you will type in is in years. human years, please.

i'd hate to find a dog age calculator xD

10. be realistic about friendships! it is unlikely that two large male carnivores will be buddies due to territorial competition! or a carnivore and an herbivore. Species don't usually befriend eachother, besides the offspring and the mother father bond thing. or if the dinosaurs befriending eachother are meant for packs, like utahraptors, dromaeosaurs, deinonychus, atrciraptors, etc., T-rexes are not going to form packs(if they did we'd be doomed!) besides a small family group that disbands when the young grow up.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
tyrannosaurus rex

Second RP Master
Bonez (#29506)

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