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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Bonez everynow and then would turn around and see if the mommy Nanotyrannus wwas behind them. Bonez and the othes went into the trees and waited for them to start moving. Everything was coming into play, herbs leaving, new babies, and mating season for the Utaraptors. Bonez looked over at Rylee and saw she was startingto come into season. He was entised. He pushed her away from Crush and Kane for they might challenge. Both went into the forest for a while. Two hours went by and both Bonez and Rylee came back. When it would come time to lay eggs Bonex=z would find the perfect place for that, but for now it was time to feed. Bonez, Crush, Kane, and Rylee started their way closer to the herds to pick out the best herbavore to kill and feast, but which one?

Jubilee trailed behind the utahraptors, watching their every move, in case they went for her and her youngling. she snapped everytime one got close, but never tried to attack one. she eventually limped to be neck-and-neck with the utahraptors, focussing on the herbivors some ways in front of them. a young avaceratops-whose horns were barely noticeable- was far behind it's own herd. that was her window of oppurtunity. she signalled to her young baby, who got into a nice hunting position.

the avaceratops was trying to be faster than the carnivores, and it could've been, if it hadn't stumbled over it's own short legs, it bellowed in distraught, seeing trow hungry nanotyrannus snag her up real quick. that was the last thing the herbivore would see.

Bonez saw the mommy Nanotyrannus trying to make a move on young Avaceratops. Bonez knew he could try to steal the kill right from under her. He signaled Crush, and Kane to make their move. Bonez wasn't ready to bring Rylee into this now that she may posses eggs. Bonez looked back over to the mother Nanotyrannus and saw something off about her, but he didn't know what. The battle for getting the herbavore was about to begin. Bonez also saw the young baby Nanotyrannus also joining the hunt. So he thought 'What a nice way to teach a young one how to be a real fighter'. Bonez purposely showed himself to the mother carni and he growled and headed for the young herb. Bonez knew she wasn't happy, and she and her baby also made their move. Who was going to take the young herb down first?
Rylee was hidden very well from the mother and baby Nanotyrannus, and she was waiting for the return of Bonez when they got the kill. Rylee was slow but she kept up with the action, and it was intense. A mother Nanotyrannus and baby facing against the Utahraptors trying to get one kill. But Rylee was the first to see the injury substaining the mother Nanotyrannus and she knew that wouldn't help her against Bonez and the two males, so she stopped and watch the action unfold. Rylee also was hearing some thumping in the earth and some vibrations. coming from behind her. Is the big blind T-Rex male on his way too?
jubilee was carrying the young avaceratops in her jaws,  leisurely handing it to her baby so it could get a meal.  growling at the utahraptors andswinging her tail at them. her baby, now a little bit more experienced, growled too,but it sounded more likea cat screaming.  although jubilee knew there wasnt enoughmeat for her,it was a nice meal for her youngling, now the size of a slightlylarge utahraptor.  the youngling spat at the severalcarnivores, showing his red teeth. he wanted them to know he wasnt giving thiscatch up until he was finished, andjubilee enforced that, too.with her 3 ton weight,andsurprising height.

Bonez, Crush and Kane circled the two baring teeth and growling very loudy. Kane and Crush were very focussed onto the baby, for they could easily take him with good planning. Bonez wanted to seperate the two, but then he noticed something, The mother was injured in the leg, badly too. He could use that to his advantage, because he was much faster then she was, and couldn't get to the baby and the carcuss fast enough.Bonez roared and darted to the mother. She tried to grab him, but too fast. He then jumped onto her side where the bad leg injury was and dug both large toe claw into the wound, and then took a big bite into the hip. She threw him off and Bonez rolled. She was now in more pain. Crush and Kane were getting closer and the baby was confused who to attack. Bonez got up quickly for she was very upset and was going for him now. Perfect just what Bonez wanted. He made sure she was fixated on him to leave enough window for Crush and Kane to handle the baby.

Rylee was wacthing the whole thing unfold, and she finally got the strength and curage to help Crush and Kane. She bolted out of the bushes past the mommy and Bonez straight towards the baby. When she got close enough she leaped and with all her force she pushed the baby knocking him down and rolling on the ground. Kane, Crush and now Rylee surrounded the carcuss. They watched each others backs. Watching the baby and paying attention to the mommy and Bonez. Crush was stronger then Kane, so he ran to help Bonez who was still leading the mother away.

Then the worst creature came out standing between us and the baby Nanotyrannus. T-Rex

jubilee was laying on the dusty ground, blood pouringfrom her whimpered in pain, andwas not really able to get up. her baby was startingto back up, roaringat both, andalmost thought of running away. however,if he did so, there would be no doubt thathe would lose his mother,justlikehe losthis young sister.   he suddenly felt anotherutahrapto.tackle him. he stopped squirming, for it was no use. if he attacked,  he would get killed, if he squirmed too much, he would die.but then the utahraptorleft andfed on the carcass. what was left of it. he felt vibrations in the ground, andbefore he knew it, a huge t rex was right in front of him. he justhoped he was looking at the carcass andnot himor his mother.
Bonez was standing in front of the mother who was on the ground. But he called to his pack. They listened and came running to him. The T-Rex just stood there. looking at the baby and over at the carcuss. Bonez clacked his jaws and made littled chirps and grrs and the group left. Bonez was still standing in fron of the mother. The T-Rex decided to eat the carcuss leaving the baby alive. Bonez knew he was far away from her, but she was right here at deaths door, he could kill her if she wanted, but instead he turned and bolted after his group into the trees and headed in the direction the herd was moving in. Time to follow.

jubilee's baby let out a small purr of relief. the tyrannosaurus rex hadleft with the carcass in it's jaws (stillmigrating) andhaddecided not to kill either his mom or himself. realizing the situation,  he  quicklyrushedover to his mother,nudging her flanks, trying to encourageher to make thi.s deadly journey.  he kept poking at his mom'sside until shesomewhat algree. to get up

struggling, jubilee shove. hersel.up an. out of harm'. jubilee hadsome satisfaction thatthislittle guyhadlived throughso much, with her,andhis deceased sister.

together, they caught up to the herds of dinosaurs as possible or feasible for her baby, too.

jubilee now hada burning hated for utahraptors,  but shecouldntdo anything now, except hope for the woundto heal.

The herd was traveling fast and heavy. It was getting late and the herd decided to lseep, but close together. each sepereate group had their babies in the middle and the adults circled around the sleeping leaving the alpha male to stand watch. some others were feeding too. Rylee was starting to feel the affects of being pregnant, and she was feeling moody. The pack stopped for the night in the trees well hidden so they could rest too. Rylee's leg was getting better and back into working mode again. She found a nice patch of dirt, layed down and ell asleep. Kane stayed with her while Bonez and Crush went out to scout around to make sure they were safe.
Bonez and Crush were scouting around making sure no predetor would find them, and thats when they found footprints. Not a T-Rex foot print though a Albertosaurus and it was big. The scent of it was strong and Bonez wanted to get out of there and move the pack. He knows how mean and nasty they were to any sort of predator they saw, and he didnt wan to loose his pack to a weeed of dino. So they went back to the pack, chirped. Kane and Rylee woke up and they were moving again, but far away from the scent marks.

Snaggletooth woke up after that long nap. He noticed the area was quieter than usual and then realised he was late for the herbivore migration. He then got up and followed the faint smell of the herbivores. Snaggletooth was way behind but he could still hear the roars and bellows of the nearby herbivores and carnivores that followed behind. Snaggletooth started to increase his pace to catch up with the rest of the carnivores but also kept his distance. He saw a Nanotyrannus and a few Utahraptors. Snaggletooth let out a low growl as he started to pass them and observe the herd.

 Snaggletooth then noticed that there was an old Iguanacolossus falling behind. When The Iguanacolossus was far enough from the mega-herd, Snaggletooth tackled it to the ground and clamped his jaws around it's throat. Snaggletooth then started to eat it as the mega-herd proceded without noticing the lost of a member

Snaggletooth woke up after that long nap. He noticed the area was quieter than usual and then realised he was late for the herbivore migration. He then got up and followed the faint smell of the herbivores. Snaggletooth was way behind but he could still hear the roars and bellows of the nearby herbivores and carnivores that followed behind. Snaggletooth started to increase his pace to catch up with the rest of the carnivores but also kept his distance. He saw a Nanotyrannus and a few Utahraptors. Snaggletooth let out a low growl as he started to pass them and observe the herd.

 Snaggletooth then noticed that there was an old Iguanacolossus falling behind. When The Iguanacolossus was far enough from the mega-herd, Snaggletooth tackled it to the ground and clamped his jaws around it's throat. Snaggletooth then started to eat it as the mega-herd proceded without noticing the lost of a member

Rylee herd a comotion to the left where the herd was. Something was down. She chirped and the her males stopped to listen. They had lost there dinner from the big blind T-Rex. Maybe this was there chance to take it back. They all ran to where they heard the sound, and when they reached the edge of the trees they saw a T-Rex male but not the big blind male. Releived but also disappointed, they didn't bother to try to take this away. So they walked off and in search for their next meal following the herbs still. It was almost dawn.

The struggle

as a dinosaur you don't really care, as long as you can live.


for all you know, you're all just in one giant blob of land together, differant climates, plants...etc.




desert, tropical forest, forest, semi-desert, plains, semi-forest, full grasslands. hills.


You're a carnivorous or herbivorous dinosaur in the creataceous years...



everyday is a constant struggle for life, carnivores test the boundaries of eachother, whilst trying to keep the next generation-and themselves-alive.


history will be made up as we go.





1. general EX rules.

3. fighting is allowed, as dinosaurs did, but don't let it get too...bloody.

4. no curses.

5. your characters cannot talk, rely on body language and your epic literary skills.

6. your dinosaurs can be 'odd' colors, like blues and purples, but no rainbow dinosaurs/neon dinosaurs please(however awesome those are)

7. be realistic about your dinosaur. if your young/offspring/dino childrens stray off and into the wild, there's a slim chance of living. (about a 5% chance, anyone?) especially if it is injured!

8. baby dinosaurs stay with their mom and dad until they reach 2 years old, before that, they are not counted as actualy characters.

9. the age scale that you will type in is in years. human years, please.

i'd hate to find a dog age calculator xD

10. be realistic about friendships! it is unlikely that two large male carnivores will be buddies due to territorial competition! or a carnivore and an herbivore. Species don't usually befriend eachother, besides the offspring and the mother father bond thing. or if the dinosaurs befriending eachother are meant for packs, like utahraptors, dromaeosaurs, deinonychus, atrciraptors, etc., T-rexes are not going to form packs(if they did we'd be doomed!) besides a small family group that disbands when the young grow up.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
tyrannosaurus rex

Second RP Master
Bonez (#29506)

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