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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Dawn stared down at him and jumped down from the tree and transformed in mid air hugging him. "James I can't believe its you I haven't seen you since a long time" Dawn said hugging him tightly.Hugging him and rubbing her check against his. Then she let go "We can talk late for now I want you to know Mark sent me to find you I think he knows it was you at the school today and he has vaccinated almost the whole school" Dawn said. Dawn smiled brightly the smile she only used around the people she cared about the most not one of her warm smiles but a rare smile filled with care. "I know my parent are working on something but I don't know what however I did see a list of names I didn't have time to read any because there was a distraction who should be turning soon. What do you have to say James" Dawn asked looking up at him with her lovely blue eyes. Then she smiled again tears forming "I missed someone to talk so freely too" Dawn said.

James caught Dawn in his embrace. He held her in his arms, and for a moment, felt his lonely heart soothed by the love he felt for her. She used to spend so much time around him in the lab as a child. Her parents were always so busy, and James used to spend a lot of time with her while they weren't around. He never had any children, but he loved Dawn as if she were his own. "I missed you, Dawn." He said, his voice gentle, and as she pulled away, he looked into her eyes, his own full of tenderness. Dawn informed him on the more important details. James looked off down the trail, his gaze distant as he listened quietly. When she was finished, he looked back at her. "I knew it was Mark. His scent and work is unmistakable." He said. He was silent for a short moment. "Your parents have the list then." He said, "They will no doubt be collecting the data and sending it to Volkov then." He became grave, making the face other's found so mysterious. There was always a look about him as if he knew something other's didn't.

James looked into Dawn's eyes. They didn't often hold such trust as they did when they rested on him. She was smiling. Not a fake smile, but a genuine one. She had that same look about her at that moment that she did as a child. James couldn't help but soften up at the sight of her. "I think" he started "That you should take me to anyone you may know who had been given the vaccine. I should like to keep an eye on them, to help them and make sure they dont get into trouble." He finished. Then, hearing Dawn's sad words about not having anyone to talk to in so long, James felt her lonlieness. He smiled warmly, and placed his hand gently on her head.

"Dawn, you always know how to find me. I'm always happy to talk to you." He stated kindly. "I'm just glad you have learned to control your other side. And at such a young age..I am so proud of you." He said, his eyes narrowing as he thought of all the things she had to put up with around her parents. "But now you have the chance to help so many others, who don't know how to control themselves." He said. Then, lowering himself to her height, as he was a great deal taller than her, he looked her in the eyes. A mischeivous look overcame his countenance. He smiled wryly. "So whaddya say, kid? Wanna help me cause some trouble?" He said, and let out a small chuckle as he thought about how Mark might be reacting right now, knowing James was back in town.

Mary held onto the tree for dear life. She was not only terrified of heights and of falling from the tree, but she didn't want to move due to the shock she was experiencing. She closer her eyes tight, and tried to comfort herself. "It's just a dream.." She whispered over and over. It had to be. She must of blacked out after the crash, and perhaps that damage to her head was making her dream strange things. In reality, she told herself, she was probably in some hospital bed, getting treated for her injuries. Mary kept her eyes closed, her claws digging into the bark of the tree. Just then, an angry sqwaking could be heard. Mary opened her eyes. A large crow was hovering above her. Mary looked up, and she tensed up. The crow had been protecting her nest, and was not too pleased to have Mary, in the form of a full grown tiger, so close. Mary tried swatting at it, as one swats at a fly. Her massive paw swooshed in the air at it, but missed. "Shoo!" She growled. But the crow swooped in and rushed at her head. Mary let out a roar of fright, and lost her grip of the tree. She fell the twelve feet or so and came crashing on her back. She moaned in pain. "This is definitely not a dream." She thought "this is really happening!" The crow was not satisfied yet, and came after Mary as she lay in the hard earth below. Mary, seeing it coming for her, got to her feet quickly, and began running as fast as she could until she lost it. She didn't do so until she reached the end of the wooded area and came to the downtown area of the city. Mary, nearly forgetting her form, sprinted for home.

Atria was walking home from school—alone as usual; always alone. She was one of the last people to receive the vaccination for the day as she had deliberately avoided people and in doing so slipped into the back of the line. Being so near the back of the line had caused her to be kept at school past closing time. She walked across the parking lot ready to depart school, but was interrupted by a assembly of cheerleaders leering at her, whispering ridicule to one another and giggling. Atria attempted to ignore them “…I know she`s so weird” she heard one of them exclaim, “go ask her out—come on I dare you” another whispered to the jock standing next to her. Suddenly the guy was behind her “hi—how are you doing?” he asked dishonestly; a chorus of hyena like cackling sounded off in the background from the girls who were failing at stifling their laughter—she ignored what the guy was saying to her ‘I don`t have time for this crap’ she growled, furrowing her brow. Atria was in no mood for their shenanigans or anyone else’s, she glared daggers at them, an expression so severe it managed to silence most of them. Then she felt the guys hand reach out and grab her wrist “hey—what`s your deal? I`m talking to you, pay attention” he affirmed sternly endeavoring to repress a smirk, but his expression promptly twisted into one of pain as she reversed his grip, seizing his wrist and stabbing her thumb into his pressure point forcing his entire arm to submit; she then bent it back until he fell to his knees in distress “don`t ever touch me again!” she snapped “next time I will kill you” she whispered  right into his ear in a sinister fashion, pitching his arm away with enough force to cause it to recoil and smack him in the face. “ah!” he groaned as he rubbed his now wincingly sore wrist “Jesus Christ…” he muttered under his breath “y-you’re crazy…” he stammered, noticeably he was considering retaliating, but he thought better of it. Atria had already walked away, leaving him to nurse his wounded pride. Some of the girls had turned their laughter on him “what a freak!” one of them yelled, running up to the jock “are you alright?” she asked him, sounding genuinely concerned.  

Their voices faded out of earshot range as Atria made her way further and further from the school. She was tired of having to deal with people like them, practically everyday people were messing with her, and she wondered why; what had she ever done to be painted as such a target? It`s not like she was weak, she didn`t look like a victim, and she had busted plenty of heads, but people like them still didn`t seem to get the message. Were they trying to push her over the edge? Did they not realize that if they did that it would be themselves that they would be endangering? She normally wouldn`t have let things like that get to her, but for some reason she had been feeling more and more aggressive since getting the vaccine. She could just feel all the pent-up anger within her welling up, boiling in her blood, and threatening to diminish her into rage. She stuffed her hands into her pockets forcefully, becoming more livid by the second as all the recent incidents of people messing with her raced through her mind. She ground her teeth, feeling as though she could just scream to the top her lungs. Just then, she heard a lady shriek in the distance, and then saw something extremely bizarre—a tiger raced past her out of the forest—a tiger! ‘What the heck?!’ she thought incredulously ‘am I dreaming?’ she conjectured as she often daydreamed and her daydreams could be quite vivid, but at the moment she was too upset to fantasize, so it had to be real…though sometimes she had a little trouble separating fantasy from reality. She didn`t have very long to deliberate on the verity of the event, because an excruciating headache suddenly tore through her mind, causing her to crumple to the ground with its ferocity as she grabbed her head with both hands and groaned, clinching her teeth firmly. She felt alarmed, what in the world was happening to her? Her mind instantly went back to the vaccine ‘could this be a reaction?’ she thought wincingly in dread, wondering if she was among the rare number of individuals that actually contracted the disease from a vaccine that it was meant to prevent. After a bit, she forced herself to her feet shakily, feeling dizzy and looked around for the tiger, but it seemed to have gone. ‘I must be losing it’ she thought to herself disconcertedly—she felt so irate, and she finally just let it all out; screaming to the top of her lungs towards the sky. That felt better. 

Shifter: The War Inside
Takes place in a large city. The characters in this RP will all be from the same school, Nestington High, and thus, they will be around the same age. And then theres the Stinton Research Lab.


You are a nomal teenager. You go to school, and are just barely getting by. Prehaps you have bully problems. Maybe not. Maybe you are currently involved in a shaky relationship. It could be you are failing all your classes and the upcoming exams are your last chance, making all the difference between passing, or repeating the senior year. Whatever it is, a lot of pressure has been placed on your shoulders so close to graduation. Your situation couldn't possibly get any worse..

or perhaps it could.

Your school has recently hired a new nurse, and papers have been sent home with you to inform you and your parents of a required vacine for all students right away, to immunize them against a new "deadly outbreak". You have your scruples, but the recent news reports of people falling gravely ill have made you see the light, and have given you reason to see your school nurse. Once your parents sign the papers, you are ready to take a place in line outside the nurses office for your vaccination.

The rest of the day, you are happy about your decision, as news reports only get worse. However, the next morning you realize you feel strange..

You find that your instincts have significantly been enhanced. Next thing you know, you are in a cage, and you are not yourself. You have fur, feathers, or even scales. You have become a beast. Confined to the inner walls of a research lab, you have become a living experiment. Those vaccines, you realize, did more than just immunize you from a disease. They transformed you comletely, and if you hope to escape, or get some answers, it may be best to follow your animal instincts.


Trying this a second time. Here's a little info that will help guid you to filling out your character form:

Shifter: The shifters are the teens that have been given animal DNA, and have the ability to shift from human form to animal form. However, at first, the teens don't really know how to control their shifting, and either become their animal form at random times, perhaps when a "temptation"arises (i.e. a mailman, if you are a dog/wolf creature) and causes their animal instincts to take control. In the beginning, when a teen becomes his or her animal form, they have no idea how to change back, and may or may not switch back randomly, but for how long no one knows. Over time, however, they will learn to control the shifting.

Henchmen: You are a scientist who is working for Volkov, the one who is responsible for the birth of the new species called Shifters. Volkov is planning on using the data you collect in your experiments on the teens to create a new subtance that can be distributed more globally to transform more people. The motives behind Volkovs experiment are still unknown.

Scientist: Pretty self explainatory. You work for the Research Lab. You have no idea that half your fellow scientists are working for Volkov, and you are determined to find a cure for the Shifters and return them back to their normal lives.

Human: Need I explain? Lol you are a human teen. Totally normal in the fact that you do not turn into a beast randomly as shifters do. But you start to notice that a lot of the kids in the area are acting strange, perhaps even some of your own friends, and you realize that they soon disapear. You are either bothered by it or not, but something inside you makes you want to get to the bottom of this. And who is this Volkov anyway?


Rules are regular:

-No Bad Language (PG)

-Romance allowed (If I see anyone going overboard however, you will be addressed and warned. Keep it PG if possible, nothing graphic or you will be asked to leave. Thanks)

-No controlling other people's characters.

-Shifters will obviously have to give a description of their human/animal forms.

-Have Fun!!! :D that's what it's all about :)

Any questions? Message me! :D

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Smile (#18991)

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