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The cars on the busy street were lined up bumper to bumper, many of the drivers were honking impatiently. Along the sidewalk, a tall, mysterious man walked slowly with his hands in his worn, lab coat pockets while he watched the ground. He appeared to be out of his element, and was no doubt a strange site to see, dressed as he was, walking along side the outer streets of the local high school. James, never the less, seemed very unattatched and not at all disturbed by the tension radiating from the traffic jammed student pick-up line. His foot kicked a crumpled up piece of paper which had been tossed onto the sidewalk, no doubt by some careless ill-mannered teen.

James stopped in his tracks. He bent over and picked up the paper, and carefully began uncrumpling it and read it slowly. His eyes narrowed and his face became grave. He looked  through the wired fence and towards the school and appeared to be thinking something over. He decided he would hang around and see what was going on. If his suspicions were correct, and he was certain they were, something really bad was about to go down.

Suddenly the bell rang which meant the students had to go to there next class.A loud announcement went off. "All students who have there permission slips please report to the office to get your vaccines that is all" the loud speaker said and went silent. Mark smiled to himself. It will be nice to see what these kids turn into he thought. Suddenly he looked at Dawn "You should go now its going to get crowded" he said. "Fine, but I want a list of those vaccinated" she said and walked out. Mark smiled she was still bossy. Just then students entered and he started to vaccinate.

Renn had gotten the permission slips from Mr. Haler, his old freind's dad. He probably could forge a signature if all help failed, put Mr. Haler insisted upon helping him. Renn went along with it because it would be what his parents wanted and also just to humour him.

Somehow, after Mary had talked to him, Renn had drifted out of attention somewhat, and the next thing he knew, a loud, buzzing bell rang and he was jostled near the front of some huge lineup. He didn't know how he had gotten to the front, put suddenly this doctor guy was asking for the permission slip. Renn almost shook his head, but then he remembered his mom, dad and what the doctor was talking about. He gave the man (On his nametag it said Mark) the form and walked into a curtained room.

Renn walked quietly into a curtained room. Two nurses almost missed him walk past the plain blue linen, but when they did they sat him on the counter and asked if he had any allergies, stuff like that. He shook his head, No, apart from a type of herbal tea that they didn't seem interested in.

One of the women, this one whos name was Marian, took a large glass needle filled with an orangey-brown liquid out of her pocket. "This shouldn't hurt too much, dear. If you be a brave boy and keep still then the vaccine for the Turitoa Virus should be over and done with before you know it !" Renn was annoyed she was talking to him like a child because she had a lab coat, a name tag and a needle and only seemed a few years older than him. But he put up with it, as Renn did with everything. His parents would want it.

He barely had time to realize Marian was advancing before the sharp metal tip was plunged into his arm. For once, Renn gasped as a freaky floating sensation came over him as the liquid went into his shoulder. He felt like something inside him, small and ferocious, gentle and big all at the same time had risen inside of him and pawed his mind.

When it was over and he had a bandage over his "boo boo", Renn didn't admit he was feeling dizzy or sick. Even though it might be stupid or a pretend attempt at being macho, he didn't want to have a weakness. Anyways, Renn was probably just hungry and thirsty. He walked out of the room, trying to seem calm and straight, but feeling wobbly and light-headed. He also noticed his mind seemed to be light up and very aware right now, but Renn ignored it and went to Gym Class. It was most likely nothing.

Mary had been holding out the medicine for Renn, when suddenly the bell rang, causing her to jump in her seat from shock. Yikes! she thought as she dropped the bottle on the floor. She bent over from her seat and picked up the bottle. As she got back up, she realized Renn was gone. She looked around and saw him being pushed to the front of the crowd, as she too was being caught up in the crazy flow of students piling out of the cafeteria doors. The lady on the intercom had a shrill voice, but one that carried an unusual and somewhat creepy sense of authority, as she called the kids who had gotten their parent signatures to head to the nurses office for the vaccines.

Mary was being pushed and shoved, and she let out a shriek when some boy roughly elbowed her in the side. "Hey! Watch it!" She yipped. The boy just rushed in front of her and she scowled at him from behind. Walking across the courtyard and finally making it to the nurses office, Mary took her place in line. She shuffled through her bag nervously, the line was moving faster than she expected and she had to find her papers. A gum wrapper and a penny fell out of her somewhat unorganized bag as she dug for something, and pulled it out at last. "Thank God! I thought I forgot you!" She said in victory as she held her paper up in the air, waving it happily. The man next to her just looked at her with the oddest smile on. He was no doubt an assistant nurse. There's no fooling anyone in those ugly clothes Mary thought to herself. "I'll take that." He said, taking the papers from Mary, and giving her another cheesy smile that just unnerved her.

Mary watched the creepy nurse as another ushered her into the office and sat her down in a chair. This nurse didn't even look at her, and made no hesitation to whip out the rather large needle filled with some sort of alien-ooze. "Um, are you gonna.." Mary started, her facing turning pale at the sight of the needle. The nurse seemed impatient. "Hold out your arm." She said in a rough accent, but Mary hugged her arm to her chest in protest, almost as a little child. She hated needles. Another nurse walked over, his smile almost genuine. "It's alright dear, it may look bad, but you'll only feel a slight pinch." He said. Mary looked at him skeptically, but obeyed with trepidation. She held out her arm and closed her eyes tight, biting her lip as the needle slipped through her skin and into her arm. Mary all at once felt a jolt go through her entire body, causing her to jump in her seat. "All done!" Said the nice male nurse, who's name was Mark. Mary grabbed her arm back from the mean nurse, and held it tight. She all at once felt very jumpy, and a sudden burst of nervous energy flowed through her. She thought she maybe was going to be sick. She ran out the door, past the creepy nurse, and to the bathroom across from the office.

Dawn felt her eyes narrow as she watched each kid get a vaccine."What a shame" she said to herself. Just then mark was next to her. "Almost Done" he said and handed her a list of names "Give this to your mother and father"  he said . Just then another announcement was in the air "Those who have finished there vaccines please report to your next class" she said. Dawn sighed and got up.Great I'm going to be in a class full of fidgety people she thought. Dawn looked at her schedule it said "Art"  Dawn smiled.  Just then she heard it and smelt it. Some people where already felling the affects of the vaccinations. "Good thing they won't change till its triggered Dawn thought as she walked to her next class.

Mary stood there in the large bathroom stall, her hands on the sink as she stared into the mirror. Her face was ghostly pale, and she felt terribly dizzy, yet somehow, she felt energized. She couldn't explain it. She groaned, and waited to see if she would throw up, but when nothing happened, she gave up. She opened the bathroom stall, and it swung open with more force than she remembered applying. What the heck? She thought to herself. She opened the bathroom door and stepped outside. Making her way past the remaining crowd of kids, she stepped out of the main hall and into the sun. She shielded her eyes quickly. "Wow, that's bright!" She exclaimed. A woman on the intercom ordered all students to return to their next class, and Mary looked at her watch. She had two minutes to get to her Art class. She ran as fast as she could down the courtyard, opened the door to the hallway and walked to her classroom.

Entering, she looked around the room. She seemed confused for a moment, and she squinted her eyes. Her vision was still spotty from the blaring sunlight, and she had a little trouble focusing. She shook her head, and put her hand to it. She definately felt weird. Making her way towards her usual table ( the art room had tables that a number of students shared ) she noticed Dawn sitting there. Mary smiled and sat by her. "Hey! We meet again!" She said in a cheerful voice. Just then the late bell rang, and Mary covered her ears, her face crinkling in pain. "Oh, shoot, have those bells always been that loud!?" She exclaimed, and for some reason she found it awfully frustrating, but she tried to shake it off. She was probably just still a little overwhelmed by the whole vaccination ordeal.

"I hear the bells ring like that all the time" Dawn said and smiled of course she was a panther. Just then the art teacher walked in along with Mark and Dawn stared at him. "Today we Will be doing a project unlike any other." "Why is he in here" some kid shouted. "I will be making sure no one feints because of the vaccines" he said and sat down."Today we will work in groups of two" she said then continued" I want you to draw the first thing that comes to your mind when you see your partner."  The teacher walked around handing paper and different types of pencils. Dawn looked at the kids pairing up. Just then a mass of boys tried to come at her. Dawn freaked out and grabbed Mary "Be my partner" Dawn said frantically.

Mary was starting to feel like herself again, for a brief moment, when the teacher walked in with that man from the nurses office. Mary recognized him as the nice nurse who tried to comfort her. She felt a series of mixed emotions overwhelm her at the sight of him. She didn't know whether to be happy that he was there, he was kinda cute after all, or scared. Why would I be scared? She thought to herself. Mary listened intently as the teacher described the odd new project, and Mark helped the teacher hand out the papers. Mary couldn't stop staring at him. He almost had her in a trance.

Then Mary felt someone grab onto her, and she snapped out of it. She saw Dawn hanging onto her arm while frantically trying to escape the hoard of lovestruck teenage boys. Mary laughed. "Sure, I'll be your partner." She said smiling. The boys seemed disappointed when they heard it. One boy even started growling at Mary, appearing somewhat territorial over Dawn. Mary felt her spine tingle and the hairs stand up on her arm. She glared at him, and swated at his face. Mark stopped next to them, and tried to break them up. "Alright, alright." He said, then looking at Mary, he chuckled "Easy tiger, put away the claws." Mary stopped when he said this. It was a common idiom that people used, but for some reason, his tone sounded almost cautious and serious. Mary felt her face turn hot, and she realized she was blushing. What was that all about!? She thought to herself. Mark layed a paper down in front of her, and then Dawn, and moved to the next table. He gave Dawn a familiar glance, and Mary noticed. She looked at Dawn curiously, but didn't say anything.

Dawn looked at the paper in front of her and then at Mary who was blushing madly and combined with her red hair she appeared completely red. Dawn felt like swatting Mark but didn't he was after all a henchmen. "Okay I guess we should start" Dawn said and sat in front of Mary. Dawn pulled out her paper well I might as well start talking about myself she thought. "Okay well as you know I am Dawn I love to play games, shop,and study. I have no siblings. I went to a private all girls school before I came here and  I love to eat foreign food and you what do you do and like" she said but left out some stuff. Dawn lightly drew Mary as she seen her at first glance. The drawing was of a girl who appeared in her own world with wisp of hair framing her face and eyes that seemed to stand out and light freckles scattered against her face.She is decent looking Dawn thought and smiled. The different smells seeped into her nose just then Dawn looked at Mary shes a tiger floated through Dawns head.

Mary rubbed her face gently as if it would somehow wipe the blushing away. Realizing it was doing nothing, and in fact made her look all the more foolish, she dropped her hands on the table and sighed. As Dawn began introducing herself, however, Mary seemed to brighten up and become more animated. "Wow! So cool! A private school? That must have been fun!" She exclaimed. She always wondered what it would be like to be wealthy enough to afford a private school. "And I like shopping too. I also love drawing, writing, and watching movies. Oh! And carnivals are fun! And the beach!" She was getting all excited thinking about all the things she loved, she was very enthusiastic when you got to know her. But regaining her composure, she continued. "I was homeschooled for six years, from third grade, up till ninth grade. I love Chinese food, and I have a little brother who I care about very much." She finished with a sweet smile.

Mary then watched as Dawn scratched out a sketch of her. She peaked over at it and couldn't help but laugh. "I guess I have a lot of freckles, huh?" She said, amused at the portrayal. "You're pretty good! Let me give it a try.." She said, as she looked at Dawn closely for a brief moment, and studied her. She noted that she was obviously very pretty. She grabbed her paper and a black colored pencil. She started with Dawn's beautiful flowing black hair. Then she grabbed a dark midnight blue colored pencil and filled in her eyes, and she gave her a smile that was both bright and friendly, which was what Mary noticed first. She felt that they would become good friends in time, which made her happy because she really didn't have any true friends at school. Before wrapping up the picture, Mary smirked, and quickly added a mob of boys behind her, with drool running from their mouths and hearts in their eyes and all around their heads. "Did I mention my sense of humor?" She laughed, as she observed the finished product.

James was heading into the school by now. He didn't like the scents he was picking up. The air was filled with the strong scent of the vaccine, which a shifter's nose was particularly sensitive to. "No good. They've already started" He mumbled in a low, rumbling voice. His eyes narrowed as he advanced forward in determination and with purpose. Just then a school guard stopped him. "Sir, where do you think you're going? School doesn't let out for another hour." The gaurd was short and stout, but carried herself with authority. James stopped and looked at her, his face kind. "I am with the nurses, I am here to help them today with the vaccinations of the students." He said, his voice calm and polite. The gaurd looked him over, and noted his lab coat. She agreed to let him pass. James nodded to her, and continued on towards the front of the school.

Making it past the school parking lot, he stopped picking up a scent. Mark's here. Of course. He thought to himself, furrowing his brow as he frowned. He didn't dare move any closer, as his own shift scent, which was stronger than that of the average shifter, might upset the newly vaccinated victims and cause a premature, and dangerous reaction. He couldn't believe it. Mark and the other henchmen had grown more and more clever, and now had a whole school at their disposal. Those kids were in for one rude awakening.

Dawn looked at the picture and laughed. "That is to funny because that's all that's been trailing me since I have been here" dawn said smiling and laughing. "We should hang out some time I'm always free like today you can come over or we can go to the movies or shop" Dawn said and smiled at Mary.Just then a strong scent filled the air something seemed different and Dawn could smell it then it clicked It must be James. Dawn had been the second to be vaccinated after him and she had been the first child vaccinated now there was a age limit to 16 and up. Dawn felt herself almost purr her beast wanted to come out.

Mary smiled wide, her eyes sparkling at the sound of the invite. "I would love to! I just have to call my parents and let them know." She said cheerfully. Mary couldn't wait, and could hardly believe she had been invited to do anything with a girl like Dawn, who seemed the popular type. Mary hadn't had too much trouble fitting into the school, and most people liked her. But popular girls usually just laughed at her, and made fun of her quirkiness. Mary pulled out her phone, and started to text her parents to let them know about the plans. She was sure they wouldn't mind. Mary thought about something. "Oh, but I should probably let them know what time I'll be back.." She said, half to Dawn and half to herself. Then, looking at Dawn, she realized she had a distant look in her eyes, like she was momentarily distracted by something. "Dawn, are you okay?" She asked.

Just then, Mary felt strange. "Uh-oh.." She thought outloud. There was a scent in the air, and it unnerved her. She suddenly felt nautious. The teacher walked by at that moment, and spotted the phone in Mary's hand under the table. "Mary, I'm surprised at you." The teacher said, but Mary didn't hear her the first time. "Mary?" The teacher said calmly. Mary shook her head, as if shaking off a sort of trance. She looked at the teacher, her eyes wide and attentive. "Phone please." The teacher said. Mary looked down at her phone, then back at the teacher. She didn't move. The teacher was getting tired of repeating herself. She moved in closer and held out her hand for the phone. "Phone, Miss Gallo." She ordered. Mary looked at the teacher, and suddenly felt a strange emotion growing inside her. Her eyes narrowed, and her brow furrowed in anger as she started to shake a little. The hairs on her arms stood up again, and she almost felt like growling. She couldn't fight it, something was overcoming her senses.

As James stood outside, he felt a sense of responsibility weighing down on him. He was almost tempted to barge into the main office and find Mark. He took a step closer, but suddenly sensed a tension in the air. The somewhat subdued scents of the newly vaccinated students grew stronger, and James immediately took a step back. The kids had no doubt been given a heavy dose, and were not stable. He knew that if he went any further, chaos would surely ensue, as it the transformation process could speed up and the students could be seriously harmed. Not to mention anyone else who may be within their reach.

James exhaled in a frustrated manner. There was not much he could do now, but he was sure that the next time he saw Mark, he'd let him have it. James slowly backed away, and began walking in the opposite direction of the school. He was sure that soon enough he would be needed, but now was not the time.

Dawn seen Mary starting to grow in tension as well as everyone in the class. Dawn put her hand on Mary and smiled"It was nice to meet you" hopefully her word would calm Mary a little. It should take a day to transform, but she is probably feeling the effects Dawn thought. "You got your phone taken away that sucks"Dawn said in a quite voice. The scent Dawn had been smelling seemed to go away slowly.She would have to tell Mark when he was alone and her parents she recognized the scent from when she played in the lab while her parents worked. Just then the bell rang school was over "You can try to get your phone if not you can use mine" Dawn said pulling out her phone which appeared very high tech and expensive.

Shifter: The War Inside
Takes place in a large city. The characters in this RP will all be from the same school, Nestington High, and thus, they will be around the same age. And then theres the Stinton Research Lab.


You are a nomal teenager. You go to school, and are just barely getting by. Prehaps you have bully problems. Maybe not. Maybe you are currently involved in a shaky relationship. It could be you are failing all your classes and the upcoming exams are your last chance, making all the difference between passing, or repeating the senior year. Whatever it is, a lot of pressure has been placed on your shoulders so close to graduation. Your situation couldn't possibly get any worse..

or perhaps it could.

Your school has recently hired a new nurse, and papers have been sent home with you to inform you and your parents of a required vacine for all students right away, to immunize them against a new "deadly outbreak". You have your scruples, but the recent news reports of people falling gravely ill have made you see the light, and have given you reason to see your school nurse. Once your parents sign the papers, you are ready to take a place in line outside the nurses office for your vaccination.

The rest of the day, you are happy about your decision, as news reports only get worse. However, the next morning you realize you feel strange..

You find that your instincts have significantly been enhanced. Next thing you know, you are in a cage, and you are not yourself. You have fur, feathers, or even scales. You have become a beast. Confined to the inner walls of a research lab, you have become a living experiment. Those vaccines, you realize, did more than just immunize you from a disease. They transformed you comletely, and if you hope to escape, or get some answers, it may be best to follow your animal instincts.


Trying this a second time. Here's a little info that will help guid you to filling out your character form:

Shifter: The shifters are the teens that have been given animal DNA, and have the ability to shift from human form to animal form. However, at first, the teens don't really know how to control their shifting, and either become their animal form at random times, perhaps when a "temptation"arises (i.e. a mailman, if you are a dog/wolf creature) and causes their animal instincts to take control. In the beginning, when a teen becomes his or her animal form, they have no idea how to change back, and may or may not switch back randomly, but for how long no one knows. Over time, however, they will learn to control the shifting.

Henchmen: You are a scientist who is working for Volkov, the one who is responsible for the birth of the new species called Shifters. Volkov is planning on using the data you collect in your experiments on the teens to create a new subtance that can be distributed more globally to transform more people. The motives behind Volkovs experiment are still unknown.

Scientist: Pretty self explainatory. You work for the Research Lab. You have no idea that half your fellow scientists are working for Volkov, and you are determined to find a cure for the Shifters and return them back to their normal lives.

Human: Need I explain? Lol you are a human teen. Totally normal in the fact that you do not turn into a beast randomly as shifters do. But you start to notice that a lot of the kids in the area are acting strange, perhaps even some of your own friends, and you realize that they soon disapear. You are either bothered by it or not, but something inside you makes you want to get to the bottom of this. And who is this Volkov anyway?


Rules are regular:

-No Bad Language (PG)

-Romance allowed (If I see anyone going overboard however, you will be addressed and warned. Keep it PG if possible, nothing graphic or you will be asked to leave. Thanks)

-No controlling other people's characters.

-Shifters will obviously have to give a description of their human/animal forms.

-Have Fun!!! :D that's what it's all about :)

Any questions? Message me! :D

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100 words per post.

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Smile (#18991)

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