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Mary was fighting within herself for control, but on the outside, she looked like she was about to snap. She felt her lip quivering, and was about to start flashing her teeth. A deep and gutteral moaning sound seeped through her clenched teeth, and her blue eyes never looked so firey as she watched the teacher take the phone from her hand. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Mary flinched, and when Dawn spoke, she gasped as if she had been spooked. The growling stopped and she relaxed. She looked at her teacher, who was watching her seemingly psychotic display with a horrified expression. Mary stammered and stalled, but then remembered Dawn, and smiled at her and said "Yeah! Nice to meet you too!" She said in her normal, cheerful tone, acting as if nothing had just happened. The teacher watched her for a few extra moments, then walked away slowly..

When the teacher was gone, Mary dropped her act. She grabbed Dawn's arm in a panic. "What just happened? I swear, I blacked out! She was looking at me weird..did I say something? Oh no, am I in a lot of trouble!?" Mary was rambling. She took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly, sinking back into her chair. "It's okay, I've gotten my phone taken away before, and she usually gives it back. She likes me because I am a good artist." She said, smiling and flipping her hair in a dramatic way. Suddenly, the bell rang. The kids shot up out of their seats and bolted for the door. Mary didn't get up until everyone was gone. "One sec." She said to Dawn, as she grabbed her bag and approached the teacher's desk. The two conversed a while, and after a skeptical look from the teacher, Mary got her phone back. She walked back over to Dawn, giving a thumbs up and a wink "Told ya!" She said cheerfully!

"One sec." Mary said to Dawn, as she grabbed her bag and approached the teacher's desk. The two conversed a while, and after a skeptical look from the teacher, Mary got her phone back. She walked back over to Dawn, giving a thumbs up and a wink "Told ya!" Mary said cheerfully! Dawn smiled. "Where do you want to go you can choose since I just moved here" Dawn said and looked at the group of kids who where all shuffling out of the class room. Dawn picked up her bag and put it on her shoulder and swept her long black hair neatly tying it back so her perfectly smooth blemish free fair skin wouldn't get blemished and applied some lip gloss to keep her lip smooth and soft. "Hopefully somewhere fun" Dawn said her parent wouldn't mind plus Dawn had her credit card on her as well as cash.

Mark had been noticing the kids become extremely rowdy and loud almost animal like and he took note of this. Something was wrong especially when Dawn had locked eyes with him and looked at the door her lip pulled back and her canines partially coming out, but when she had seen Mary start to get affected she calmed herself and turned back normal.Mark neatly stacked the papers and notes he took only one person can make that happen and I haven't seen him in a while.Just then his phone beeped which meant he got a text. Mark flipped the phone and read the message from Dawn it only said three words "James is here." Mark silently started to freak out "He can't be here now" James whispered to himself. Mark pulled out his phone and text "Later find him and find out what he wants" and Dawn responded quickly "Okay."Mark gathered his stuff and returned to his office in the lab.
Mary walked alongside Dawn out of the classroom. "That's right, you are new here." She said, playing with her hair as she thought. Then with a burst of energy, she turned and faced Dawn. "Oh! I know! We can go to the mall just outside town. It's not too far, and there's this really cute boutique inside it, and not to mention, lots of cute boys!" She said, jumping up and down in excitement. "This is gonna be soo fun!" She exclaimed, and she ran ahead a little and started twirling around in circles, her dress fanning out as she danced. She did weird things like that sometimes when she was excited. She ran back to Dawn. "Oh, but how did you get here? If you drove, you can drop off your car at your house. I'll follow you. We can take my car to the mall from there!" She said smiling, her eyes sparkling.
"Oh! I know! We can go to the mall just outside town. It's not too far, and there's this really cute boutique inside it, and not to mention, lots of cute boys!"Mary said, jumping up and down in excitement. "This is gonna be so fun!" Mary said, and then she ran ahead a little and started twirling around in circles. Then she ran back to Dawn. "Oh, but how did you get here? If you drove, you can drop off your car at your house. I'll follow you. We can take my car to the mall from there!"Mary said smiling, her eyes sparkling."That seems really fun I don't mind dropping off my car at my house that's no problem" Dawn said and laughed. Mary and Dawn walked to the parking lot and Dawn listened at Mary told her about the place to go to at the mall. Just then Mary and Dawn reached Dawns car "Okay I will wait for you and we can exit the parking lot together" Dawn said and got in her car.

It was near the end of the day when it happened. His class was in the large track running when the teacher told him to get up and run. He had already been up three extra times, and it was tire ing even Renn out. There was an odd buzzing in his ears, which then got louder and he stopped walking out to the field.

The teacher snapped at him what the matter was and he turned towards him. Renn's eyes were large and almost luminous, and his pupils had thinned so they were almost catlike. He sat back down, and the teacher, alarmed, told himself he must be seeing things but from then on ignored Renn anyways.

When he went to sit back down, the buzzing stopped and Renn shook his head, confused. He had a horrible headache and the teacher wasn't paying attention to him so he decided to just stay put. But that feeling he had gotten... It was almost like another prescence had pressed upon him, accelerating his slight unwillingness and making him do something he didn't remember doing.

Mary watched as Dawn spoke and opened her car door to get in. Mary had stopped a few feet behind, her mouth agape and eyes wide. "This.." She started "is your car!?" She finished in a dramatic tone, emphasizing the word car. She should have expected it, but after looking at her own souped up hand-me-down car, she wondered how anyone could afford such a thing. She shook her head in wonder. "Okay, right, so I'll just follow you then." She said smiling. "I'll meet you at your house." She said, and she started walking to the opposite side of the lot where her car was parked. She found herself wondering with anticipation what her house might look like.

Dawn smiled at Mary and got in her car. Just as she was driving out she text Mark and he replied back that she would have to find James tonight.Dawn drove to her house and pulled up to the gate and pressed a small button. "Hello I'm home let me in" she said and the gates opened. The long beautiful driveway arch led to her elegant house that seemed to be huge. The house was beautiful and it had a expensive flowers in the front and the back. Dawn parked and got out. "Come in I have to give something to my parents" Dawn said waiting for Mary to get out of her car. Just then barking filled the air and Dawn crouched down "This is Niko and Bear" Dawn said while petting them. " They are a Chow Chow and a Doberman both are purebred" Dawn said and smiled. Just then Dawn looked at Mary before she could say anything Dawn pulled her in to show and led het to a couch. "Make yourself at home I will be right back and then we can leave" Dawn said and left Mary on the couch with Bear and Niko.

Mary followed Dawn through the gate and to the front of her estate. The house was more like a castle, stretching far and wide with beautiful landscaping. Mary stepped out of her car, which looked very out of place among all the fancy expensive cars parked there. Mary took everything in, and almost couldn't believe her eyes. "Wow Dawn!" She said in an exhasperated voice, but Dawn quickly grabbed her arm, leading her into the house. They were greeted by two dogs. "This is Nikko and Bear" Dawn said while petting them. "They are a Chow Chow and a Doberman both are purebred." Dawn said and smiled. Mary giggled as they licked her toes and wagged their tails. "Hi, puppies!!" she said in the baby voice people usually use to talk to dogs. Dawn then led Mary to the couch and told her to wait. "Make yourself at home I will be right back and then we can leave." Dawn said. Mary looked at Dawn as she was walking out and smiled "Okay!" And she stayed there playing with and wrestling the dogs, who seemed to like her.

Renn walked home, because his apartment wasn't that far away from Nesington High, carrying his bag. He ran up the stairs because he was feeling sick. Renn hoped it wasn't a bug.

As soon as he collapsed in front of the toilet, he threw up. I'll take the day off school tomorrow, he thought. But Renn didn't know why he had felt sick. Maybe it was just the vaccine.

He was feeling really tired for some reason, so he curled up on his bed. It was comfortable and warm, at least that wasn't unusual.

When he woke up about an hour later, Renn stretched and yawned. He stopped when he was about to get out of bed, because the floor now seemed bigger and farther away. Maybe this was a dream, or Renn was hallucinating, because he certainly had never needed glasses before. And it couldn't be a dream because his neck was hurting from a crick when he was sleeping on an odd angle on his pillow. He decided it was hallucinations- but from what. Who knows or cares, it's probably just me.

Renn was about to step down before he realized he couldn't stand on two legs. Why was that? He looked around and then nearly screamed at what he saw. Or at least gaped.

Renn was covered in sleek, black fur. No wonder he couldn't stand; he had become a cat.

How is this possible?! For once in about three years, Renn was shocked. He sat on his haunches and put...a paw, to his face. It definetly felt real. He slid the claws out like they were extra fingers, then back in. Then he smacked himself in the nose. Hard. "Ow," he said. It came out in a small meow!  Ok then... Renn was a cat, he thought, trying to remain calm.

It's not like I can, but what should I do? He was almost panicking, but he had to figure out what was going on....

Dawn took the stairs two at a time almost running silently to her parents.Dawn felt her teeth sharpen she was feeling very angry.Dawn entered her parent room paper in hand and handed it to her parents "Here is the list" she said and handed it to her parents. "Thanks" was all they said and went back to working on there work. Dawn left the room and closed the door. Her fangs slowly went back in till her teeth were normal. Dawn creeped into the living room and seen Mary playing with her dogs then she doubled over in pain Dawn paused and then rushed to her "Are you okay" Dawn asked her.

Mary had been having a great time playing with Dawns dogs. She really was an animal person. She grabbed Bear's ears and started playing with them, and Bear started licking her face. Mary laughed, but suddenly she started to feel nautious again, but even more so than last time. She put her hand to her stomach, and Bear and Nikko tilted their heads at her and started to whine. In the background, Mary could hear the quick steps of Dawn coming down the stairs. Mary got up off the couch, and tried to act like she was okay. But her face was ghostly white, and she was in a cold sweat. Her lips lost their color, and there were dark circles around her eyes. She did her best to force a smile, but she wasn't fooling anyone. A sharp pain shot through her body starting in her stomach. She bent over and let out a cry of pain.

Dawn paused and then rushed to her "Are you okay" Dawn asked her. Mary tried to speak, but her voice sounded weak. She pulled out her keys and tried to take a few wobbly steps forward. Her face wrinkled in pain again. "Dawn.." She started "I think I need to go home."

Dawn nodded her head "Okay we can hang out another time" Dawn said. Dawn led Mary to her car. Then Mary got in her car and left after Dawn buzzed the gate open. Dawn felt her other side come out. Soon instead of Dawn there was a fully grown panther. Dawn leapt in a tree outside her house. It had taken a while to control this side and Dawn felt sorry for those about to transform because they would hurt people if they were bigger animals.Dawn entered the woodsy area near her house and ran through the wood sniffing the air for the scent from earlier.

James had a lot on his mind. Things have already taken a turn for the worse. The kids would no doubt be seeing signs of transformation by now, if they haven't already changed completely. I'll stop you, Volkov. You won't hurt these won't tear all those families apart. He thought. His mind wandered back to the happy times he used to have with his lab partner. Volkov.he was always so passionate, and showed great potential to do so much good. James frowned and stopped in his tracks. His super powered sense of hearing detected the rustling of leaves in the trees overhead.

James didn't look up, but instead spoke in a strong, calm voice that carried well. "No need to sneak up on me, Dawn. You know me better than that." He said. He then lifted his eyes, and above him in a tree was a large black panther with sleek black fur. James smiled kindly. She had really grown in more ways than one.

Mary smiled at Dawn and thanked her as she got in her car and shut the door. She turned the key and was soon driving out of the gate and onto the highway. She didn't turn on any music, she just stayed quite. Her head was pounding, and she desperately wanted to get home. Before she could think it over, she felt her foot heavy on the gas and she was soon driving at an usafe speed. She wove in and out of traffic, until she made it to a stop light. It was rush hour by now, and the traffic was thick. Mary waited, and prayed silently the light would change. Minutes passed, Mary was breaking into another cold sweat, and her vision was getting spotty. Finally, the light turned green. She hit the gas and was off again, going at least 60mph and gaining in speed. What's happening to me? she thought. She just wanted to get home.

Mary's mind was wandering in all directions, moving faster than her car. It didn't take long. Mary heard the faint sound of a siren from somewhere far off. Soon a cop car was behind her. She kept driving. Now there were three cop cars. She picked up speed. What are you doing, Mary? She thought. She couldn't control herself, it was as if something were driving her. Survival instinct. She couldn't be caught. The police sirens were echoing in her head, and she suddenly let out a growl in anger. She was getting light headed. She made a turn at a corner. Too fast. Her car spun out and crashed into a side rail. Things went black momentarily.

She tried to focus. Glass was all over her lap. Her vision was blurred, and her ears were ringing. The airbags had deployed, the window to her left was shattered. The cops soon had parked behind her. Mary put her hand to her head, and when she pulled it away, she looked at her crimson stained hands. She wanted to scream, but nothing came out. Adrenaline rushed through her, giving her a charge and causing her to make a hasty decision. The cops had parked behind her car, she heard their car doors slam shut. They were moving in. Mary closed her eyes, and opening her door she jumped out and tumbled down the hill off the side of the road. One of the cops saw her get up and run into the woods. Her slid down the hill carefully and ran after he shouting something, but Mary couldn't make it out.

She was in the thick of the woods now, looking around in all directions. She wasn't thinking, just acting upon instinct. Before she knew it, the cop was closing in on her. Mary felt a pain shoot through her like no other pain she ever felt before, and suddenly she blacked out.

Opening her eyes again, she realized she was in a tree, safely hidden in the branches. How'd I get up here? She thought. The cop that had been following her was now in sight, just below the tree. Mary watched him silently. He looked all around, carefully, but not carefully enough. He missed her, and headed north on his search. Mary let out a sigh. She looked around. She suddenly realized how high up she was. How did I do that? She thought, realizing she must have climbed the tree herself.

Mary looked at the tree trunk, noticing claw marks going all the way up, leading to where she sat in the branches..but when she looked at where her feet should have been, she noticed they weren't there. Instead, massive paws with claws extended to grab the tree trunk were in their place, and a long, striped tail swung back and forth below. Before Mary could react, or even think, she let out a scream of terror, but instead of her own voice, a roar shot through the air, blocking out the sounds of the sirens a distance away.

Shifter: The War Inside
Takes place in a large city. The characters in this RP will all be from the same school, Nestington High, and thus, they will be around the same age. And then theres the Stinton Research Lab.


You are a nomal teenager. You go to school, and are just barely getting by. Prehaps you have bully problems. Maybe not. Maybe you are currently involved in a shaky relationship. It could be you are failing all your classes and the upcoming exams are your last chance, making all the difference between passing, or repeating the senior year. Whatever it is, a lot of pressure has been placed on your shoulders so close to graduation. Your situation couldn't possibly get any worse..

or perhaps it could.

Your school has recently hired a new nurse, and papers have been sent home with you to inform you and your parents of a required vacine for all students right away, to immunize them against a new "deadly outbreak". You have your scruples, but the recent news reports of people falling gravely ill have made you see the light, and have given you reason to see your school nurse. Once your parents sign the papers, you are ready to take a place in line outside the nurses office for your vaccination.

The rest of the day, you are happy about your decision, as news reports only get worse. However, the next morning you realize you feel strange..

You find that your instincts have significantly been enhanced. Next thing you know, you are in a cage, and you are not yourself. You have fur, feathers, or even scales. You have become a beast. Confined to the inner walls of a research lab, you have become a living experiment. Those vaccines, you realize, did more than just immunize you from a disease. They transformed you comletely, and if you hope to escape, or get some answers, it may be best to follow your animal instincts.


Trying this a second time. Here's a little info that will help guid you to filling out your character form:

Shifter: The shifters are the teens that have been given animal DNA, and have the ability to shift from human form to animal form. However, at first, the teens don't really know how to control their shifting, and either become their animal form at random times, perhaps when a "temptation"arises (i.e. a mailman, if you are a dog/wolf creature) and causes their animal instincts to take control. In the beginning, when a teen becomes his or her animal form, they have no idea how to change back, and may or may not switch back randomly, but for how long no one knows. Over time, however, they will learn to control the shifting.

Henchmen: You are a scientist who is working for Volkov, the one who is responsible for the birth of the new species called Shifters. Volkov is planning on using the data you collect in your experiments on the teens to create a new subtance that can be distributed more globally to transform more people. The motives behind Volkovs experiment are still unknown.

Scientist: Pretty self explainatory. You work for the Research Lab. You have no idea that half your fellow scientists are working for Volkov, and you are determined to find a cure for the Shifters and return them back to their normal lives.

Human: Need I explain? Lol you are a human teen. Totally normal in the fact that you do not turn into a beast randomly as shifters do. But you start to notice that a lot of the kids in the area are acting strange, perhaps even some of your own friends, and you realize that they soon disapear. You are either bothered by it or not, but something inside you makes you want to get to the bottom of this. And who is this Volkov anyway?


Rules are regular:

-No Bad Language (PG)

-Romance allowed (If I see anyone going overboard however, you will be addressed and warned. Keep it PG if possible, nothing graphic or you will be asked to leave. Thanks)

-No controlling other people's characters.

-Shifters will obviously have to give a description of their human/animal forms.

-Have Fun!!! :D that's what it's all about :)

Any questions? Message me! :D

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Smile (#18991)

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