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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Lokri held the fish gently in her hands. Her finger brushed against the slimy silver scales of the dead fish. She smiled and closed her hands around the fishes tail. The fish almost slipped out of her hand but she kept it from going. It was still a little bit slimy from the fresh water it formally lived in. With quick movement she reached over and dropped the fish onto Smoke's face. She giggled and watched it slide down and plop on the ground next to him. It left a light slim trail from where it slide. This brought on a new round of laughter that she couldn't hold in. "Pay Back from tickling me!"

Aries had washed up on the beach, she could feel the salt stinging every cut and scrape along her body. Her throat was sore and dry, and breathing was so hard. After a few minutes, and failed attempts, Aries sat up and looked around. Her vision was a bit blurry but after blinking a couple of times she could see. Not to far from her, maybe a few feet, was a body laying sprawled out on it's back and it didn't seem to be moving. "Oh no! What if it's one of the others!" thought Aries as she scrambled over to the body......

Aries was shocked by what she saw. Barely breathing, dark brown hair wet and plastered to his face, covered in cuts and scratches, Ash lay unconcious. He had a wound on his head where he probably got whacked by something, and long gashes down his back and chest, he looked terrible. The cold salty water of the ocean brought Aries out of her shock, the tide was rising and the last thing she wanted was to be caught in that liquid death. So pulling herself together, Aries walked, half dragged Ash and herself further up shore.

After getting a far enough distance away frome the shore, Aries set Ash down with a soft thump, she then burried her head in the tattered remains of his shirt and cried, cried without tears. She couldn't bear to see her best friend like this. The boy who was always laughing, gesturing wildly as his mouth ran a mile a minute. It was impossible that that same person, who no more than 24 hours ago was standing on his head telling jokes and doing magic tricks, could be this silent, this still, barely breathing.

Gauz sat there smiled watching the two. She then turned back to the cooking fish. This was just like a really weird camping trip, just you had to fend for yourself and help others. She moved her robotic arm and looked down at it. She looked at it then cleaned it off with her good arm. She sighed and looked back at the fire. Nothing to do here at the moment but cook fish. She could tell that everyone else was wabting to do something as well. Everyone was getting agitated by just sitting here. Her mind flashed to others that were on the ship. She wondered if they were even alive at the moment.
Smoke did not even flinch as the slimy fish was thrown at him and hit his face.  He stayed still for several seconds after the fish hit the ground before he blinked once and slowly turned his head looking down at the aquatic creature then raised his gaze towards Lokri.  The slime running along the side of his face.  A sly smirk crept up onto his face, his eyes glittered dangerously. He was plotting something now, though he wouldn't get her back right away, this was the second time she had thrown fish at him now. "Nice" was all he said and turned his attention back to the fire, not bothering to wipe the fish goo from his face. 
Lokri relized something was up and looked at Gauz then back at Smoke. She knew because he didnt say much and there was just this glint in his eye. She silently moved closer to Gauz and watched her cook the fish. When Gauz told her to get the other fish next to Smoke she did it with shocking speed, cleaned it off, and handed it back. She watched silently not moveing much other then breathing. However she relized they were getting lower and lower on fire wood so with out saying anything she just got up and walked into the desne jungle.
Smoke's gaze flashed over at Lokri as she moved closer to Gauz then she came back to retrieve the fish she had thrown at him.  He turned back to the fire until Lokri got up again and walked into the forest.  A grin formed on his face once she was out of sight.  He looked over at Gauz for a moment before he rose to his feet and followed after Lokri, slinking his way through the foliage being extremly quiet.  Even his breathing was silenced, his gaze flashed through the trees for Lokri, he caught sight of her and hid himself well as he followed her, awaiting the perfect moment of attack.
Lokri Fliped her knife around in the air. her eyes darted back and forth from the shadows like a frantic animal looking for Escape. She didnt care for the woods after the other night. Let alone what happened to...she shook the thought from her head. That was in the past and they were on a island. However she still didnt feel felt as if someone was watching her. And for all she knew they were. She blinked again. She was thinking and walking then finaly she looked up grabed a branch ahead of her and pulled herself onto it climbed up and sat down on the branch. She couldnt take the feeling of being on the ground. It brought back those memorys. She pulled her knees up to her chest and laie her head down on them wishing the faint yet clear memory wood just go away.
Smoke hid in the darkness, watching as Lokri seemed to panic frantically, and climbed up a tree.  He grinned wide and crept towards the tree she was hiding in, but made sure to come from behind so she would not see him coming.  He was tempted to climb up the tree she was in but decided against it being she could catch sight of him then.  Instead, he pressed his back against the trunk of the tree and raised his face towards the night sky.  He let out wolf like growl and loud snarling roar into the air, breaking the silence.
Looked up from were she was trying to clear her fogged up mind. Her body stiffened. Two things came to her head. Smoke and another animal. Would Smoke really be this mean? She grabed her knife pulled it silently out of its sheath and held it to her side. Now did she really dare to go onto the forest floor. She closed her eyes old memmorys haunting her but she didnt let them get to her. This was now. She scanned the ground not thinking to look at the base od the tree. Nothing. She let out a small quiet shakey breath.
Smoke now more than ever wished he could willing switch over.  He grinned letting it fall silent again before letting out another ear piercing snarling roar, followed by a series of angry barks. He normally wasn't this mean, but she threw a fish in his face again. He wasn't mad by any means, and would make sure he didn't take it to far, all he wanted to do was scare the daylights out of her, not harm her physically what so ever, he wouldn't dare.  He smirked at the thought, god knows what would happen to him if he did, she would probably tear him to shreds. 

Lokri didnt know what do do. The faint sound of her dad screaming at her to run find a hideing spit and stay silent and still echoed through her head over and over and over. The sound of the guys fighting her dad the gun shot the humans scream. She covered her head closeing her eyes wish it would go away and what the heck was stalking her. She clutched the knife until her knuckles were white. The faint feeling of the knife in her side meing moved upward then downward again was fresh on her skin. She pulled herself into a tighter ball. "What ever it is just stop it...please stop..." she whispered.

(This is getting good...xD)

(XD I'm prepared for Smoke to come to the rescue lol)

Smoke listened to her whispering, he could hear it, but just barely make out what she was saying.  He gave several more roars before he ran off and silently disappeared into the trees again so he wouldn't get caught.  He sat there watching her, and slipped around back in the direction the camp was. He crawled back a ways before making a full on run towards her, he was noisy as he moved through the thick brush now.  He kept his mouth shut for a while as he ran before he spoke another word "Lokri?!" he called, a worried tone in his voice "Are you alright? I heard a loud roar and came to check on you" he called and looked around, purposly not looking up in the tree she was in so it seemed like he didn't know she was up there.

Lokri heeded her fathers words and staied curled up in her tight ball staying silent. She rocked back in forth and let the knife slip from her hand. She didnt care she just wanted it to end. Whatever it was..who ever it was. She wanted the memorys to go. She didnt care if it was friend or foe she was not going to tell Smoke she was up here or she wanted to she just couldnt. The memorys of the bloody knife...the bloody knife with her blood, her father, the other were wolf that saved her by killing herself, the true human killing the werewolves....she just wanted to scream, just like that night.

Smoke jumped back as the knife fell from the tree.  "What the?" he mumbled and he picked up the knife that she dropped and put it in his pocket, looking up into the tree he frowned a bit "Lokri?! What happend?! You wern't attacked were you?!" he asked worried, as if he didn't know what had happend already.  He made a motion like he was going to climb up the tree and made it up the first couple of branches, getting closer to her. "Are you hurt at all?" he asked again and climbed up a branch higher, and he put his hand on her shoulder.

Lokri jumped as Smoke touched her. Her hand went to were she carried the knife but not finding it. She realized she had dropped it. She turned to look and it was Smoke. She looked into his eyes as if those bright blue eyes of his as if those blue eyes would just scare the bad memory away. "I...I am fine...I am fine." She said looking around again as if she didn't believe she wasn't laying beaten on the street. She blinked letting herself relax and take more settled breathes.  She looked back to Smoke wanting to tell him what happened but she staid silent not daring to speak a word. When she did speak it was just a quiet, "Can we go back to the Camp...?" Her golden eyes looked into his blue ones then away.

Lost, as Castaway Wolves

You are lost on a deserted island with your fellow werewolves, there is a large cliff face off one side that crashes down into the ocean and rocks below, the forest is deep and dense, it's very easy to get lost.


You don't have full control over your powers yet and can not switch on will, it comes with your adrenaline speed for now.


Having been hunted to near extinction, werewolves have fled to the far corners of the world. There were a few young werewolves, just discovering their power, managed to convince their parents to let them go on a short boat ride. They were supposed to have come back the next day, however, it was not meant to be. There was a freak storm that hit, and smashed the boat causing it to spin out of control and smash into some sort of rock or reef.

Some time later, they begin to wake, wondering what happened and what where they are. The island they have landed on seams deserted, but bits and pieces of an ancient civilization are still present. Will the secrets of the ruins secrets unlocked? Will the young ones choose to stay, or will they attempt to save the rest of their kind? Will they even survive that long?

No matter what the answer, for better or for worse, they are the Lost, as Castaway Wolves.


1. Typical rules of RP.

2. No swearing or cursing, please keep it to a minimal, if you must, use the *'s to blot it out.

3. Romance is allowed, hugs and kisses are fine, but nothing to graphic please.

4. No being your own crush or anything like that either.

5. I am the master and I can control my puppets, as much as I would hate to, I have the right to kick you out and delete you if you don't follow these rules, they're sort of important.

6. When making a character, please create a first and last name.

7. Max of 3 charries.

8. When making a character, please keep the male/female ratio, one male per female and vice.

9.Have fun!!!!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Second RP Master
DinoLover (#4089)

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