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Future was running as fast as he could, when he noticed Natasha was falling behind he slowed down a moment he saw with a fearful cringe that her stitches had torn and she was growing really pale. He stopped fearfully allowing her to catch up "Natasha I'm going to carry you back to the apartments." Future said leaning down, putting his arm around her shoulder blades and the used the other to lift her into his arms, bridal style. She was light so it wouldn't have been a hard thing to do if he wasn't trying to watch for zombies, keep control of Lux, and trying not to panic about the girl in his arms. They arrived at the apartments sometime later, the sprinted up the stairs and nearly broke the door down, he lied her down on the couch carefully, before stumbling over to the first aid kit and shuffling though it.

Natasha closed her eyes lightly to focus on her breathing, opening them when she heard his footsteps. "No. You-" She began, although she didn't get the chance to finish as before she knew it, Natasha was in his arms, limp but breathing. Occasionally whimpering when her wound hurt, more so on the stairs. When Natasha was on the couch, her movements seemed slow an uncoordinated but she was a little fidgety, before puking up on the floor next to the couch. The lightheaded part of the blood loss usually make her vomit. Natasha groaned, her stomach doing summersaults as her side throbbed in pain and bled out into her couch. "What a good way to go. Tearing the stitches." Natasha murmured half consciously, her green eyes constantly moving, unable to focus on one thing.
Future grabbed the stitching supplies and crouched beside Natasha, he could sense she was fading, he let a chocking sob before trying several times to tread the needle then making it in the seventh time "Come on Natasha please try and stay with me." He whispered creating the first stitch then another, the wound was big and he was scared that for the first time in a while he might lose someone he cared about. After finishing the stitches, Future poured some water on a cloth nearby and wiped ofe the dry blood from off her side, then pulled down her shirt over the wound. He got to his feet shaking bad, picking up a blanket from off the back of the couch then covered her. Future for the first time felt fear cutting through him, he lied on the floor next to the couch and cried, it was a couple hours before he fell asleep in a pool of tears.
Natasha let her head fall to the side to watch him, her eyes never staying on one part of him. She groaned tiredly when he applied the stitches, closing her eyes with the pain, though opening them again was a struggle. When he let out a sob she moved her hand to rest on his cheek, her half lidded tired eyes watching him quietly. When he cleaned the dried blood, she let her eyes close, knowing the blood would have stopped and begin to build against the stitches and gradually build up a layer of skin. She stayed awake, long enough to hear him crying, which confused her. To try and escape the pain, Natasha let herself fall asleep. She suffered a lot of nightmares, often her breathing became quick, and she would mutter the odd word or two.
Future woke breathing heavily and sat up, his head pounded against skull, moving slowly his back aching from sleeping on the floor. Standing he stretched his arms making them crack loudly, before moving towards the bathroom, he walked in and stood there a moment "I forgetting something." He muttered before itching his side, moving his hand over his side, thats when it hit him "Natash!" Future yelled and tried to run back into the living room, but tripped on his pack, but that didn't stop him, he crawled along the floor , when he reached the couch he sat his nose on the edge of the couch and watched her, she was breathing, which was good he decided to see if she felt okay "Natasha are you okay." He whispered childishly sinking down where his eyes could only be seen from where she was lying before poking her cheek with a finger.
Natasha was now sleeping soundly. She actually looked peaceful and not burdened with a terrible past, and a mixture of guilt, grief and regret that could send any man crazy. She didn't hear Future wake up or even fall over. However Natasha stirred lightly when she felt someone watching her. Her green eyes snapped open when he poked her cheek, she had his wrist in her hand at that point, threatening to break it. Natasha looked around with big, terrified eyes before she saw Future. She carefully let go of his wrist, watching him quietly, though her breaths were quick. "You were crying." She said groggily, her red hair was fairly messy at this point. Mostly covering her face. Natasha did her best to wipe away the curled strands of hair from her eyes. "Can you get me some painkillers?" She asked. "There's some in the bathroom behind the mirror." She murmured, carefully trying to sit up.
Even though she had his wrist in a very painful death grip, Future was still happy she was alive "Yay, you're alive." He said waving his now free hands in the air. She tried to keep her hair from her eyes, but it wasn't working because she was so groggy, she said that he was crying, making him pull his fingers through his hair "Yea, I was crying but it was for good reason, I thought you were going to die and I was going to lose you." He laughed quietly "I guess I should give you more survival credit you have survived this long." Future said getting to his feet shaking slightly "I'll get the painkillers." Walking into the bathroom, he opened the mirror above the sink, and pulled a bottle of painkillers from the self, then closed it back. He sat on the floor in front of the couch and handed her two pills before Lux climbed into his lap, which really should have been impossible but since the dog didn't believe in things that he couldn't do, ツLux lied on him and stared up at Natasha happily.
"You shouldn't get so attached." Natasha told him, swallowing the painkillers quickly. She felt her eyes grow heavy again, but she didn't want to sleep. "I'd never seen a man cry before.." She said softly, watching him. "Well.. Of sadness." She told him, Natasha ran her fingers through her messy hair. "Why are you afraid of losing me?" She asked, her eyes studying him. "I'm not exactly anyone important. I mean, I've killed more people than I can count, and some of them I don't even remember." Natasha told him, watching her hands. She had been a subject of many brainwashing events from her employers, as her mind would often rebel against her orders, they would just wipe her memory. "What make you think I'm worth saving?" She quirked an eyebrow. "You should have just let me die." She muttered.
Future shrugged "I know I shouldn't, but as a human I can help it." he whispered petting the now sleeping Lux "I'm afraid of losing you because, we've been through all this." He gestrured all aroung then "And i don't think I could be alone again." He sat thier listening to the sounds outside "Well you're important to me, you're awesome and smart, and some how you handle all the stupid things I do, nd yea we've all had to kill, and do things to survive before and after the zombies came that we weren't proud of it's apart of surviving the crazy messed up world we're living in." Future tilted his head and smiled "Because you're fearless, smart, and dependable and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if i ley you die." He said strugging and before lying his head on Lux.
Natasha listened to him, looking down lightly. "Mm, you said smart twice so that doesn't count." She told him, giving a small smile. She carefully got up, standing with a small whimper of pain, patting his head. "Thanks." She said, hobbling towards the kitchen, though made a B line to her bedroom after seeing her stained shirt. Natasha changed into a white best top, then walked back to the kitchen, looking for something to eat. "Hungry?" She asked, glancing back to him. She took a deep breath, closing er eyes tightly then opened them when a sharp pain ripped through her side. "Hey, did you soak the stitches in alcohol to kill the bacteria before stitching me up?" She asked, pulling her top up slightly to be able to see the wound, chewing her plump bottom lip.
"Maybe it's because you have twice the smarts of a regular person." Future said playing with Lux's ears. He sat there and watched her hobble away, he muffled a snort waking Lux, he growled before putting Future's entire hand into his mouth, which didn't really hurt but got the piont across that he was angry with him. "Yes, I'm hungry I haven't ate in like five hours, that's like years in my book. I've been living off of beef jerky and pop-tarts for the last month" He said pulling his hand from Lux's mouth before standing and joining her in the kitchen "Yes and I doused the wound in achohol afterwards two." Future said looking over her shoulder.
"Okay." Natasha said softly, it was probably just the numbing pain of the pills working. She carefully looked through the cupboards. "Do you want Mac an Cheese or soup?" She asked, it was chilly so a warm meal could do them both some good. She turned to him, jumping slightly, having not heard him come over. "Wow, you're light on your feet." She smiled a little, the corners of her full, pouty lips tugging slightly. "Don't worry about the food. Ill try not to poison you." She told him, turning back to the cupboard, waiting for his answer. "Maybe I could make some for Lux too," Natasha offered, Honey had since then climbed out of her box, jumped onto the dining table, onto the counter then walked to Natasha, she giving her the attention the ginger tabby wanted, Natasha cooing to her in Russian. "テ税クテ鯛ぎテ青クテ青イテ青オテ鯛 テ青シテ青クテ青サテ青ーテ騨テ青コテ青ー." (Hey there cutie).
"Oooh I want Mac and cheese." Future ツsaid excitingly before hearing her comment "Really? Usually I'm a bull in a china shop." He snorted sitting on a old chair nearby, he kicked his feet a couple moments befor Lux trotted into the room "Hey Lux are you still mad at me fuzzbut." Future said itching the dog behind hisears, in response he turned and sat with his back to him. He laughed quietly before smiling "I think Lux would like that." He said watching the cat on the counter, for standing in creeping over before picking up the cat and hugging it "Ha, you can't get away now." He said happily.ツ
Natasha nodded lightly, preparing the meal after washing her hands, Honey sniffing the bag of cat food. She called Lux over, petting him gently. "What do you want for dinner, huh?" She asked, smiling lightly. "I doubt that if you managed to walk behind me without me noticing." She chuckled softly. Natasha carefully stood up, beginning to cook the Mac and Cheese, adding a few different ingredients here and there. She was hoping she wasn't going to burn it. She looked to Future when he picked up Honey, chuckling when the cat stayed still, having the composure of a cat-shaped teddy bear. "Mm, I think she likes you." Natasha smiled lightly, quickly checking on the meal. "I hope you realise I'm gonna want some sort of payment for this. I rarely cook, and even when I do I end up setting the kitchen on fire." Natasha smirked lightly, glancing to him.
"Of course she likes me I'm fabulous." Future said petting Honey before sitting her back on the counter "Okay for payment I could show you how to make a pillow fort, then we can go and do what you do best catch thing on fire." He said bringing a box of matches from no where, before replacing them in his hands with six sticks of beef jerky, opened it, then gave it to Lux, who crewed happily. Future poked her side, smiling "But we have to wait till you kill a little more, princess, we don't want you bleeding out do we."

Apocalypse: Survival
Its August in New York City, what once was beautiful but busy, is now horrific and abandoned. The streets are full of tipped cars, most on fire. Street gangs break into stores and apartments, stealing and killing to survive. Children scream, and parents cry. It rains ash, from the large amount of fires that have broken out. Zombies hide, waiting for their next victim to walk by.

You are one of the survivors trying to make it in a world overrun with walking zombies. Do whatever you can to survive.


4 months ago, a suspicious meteor crashed into the Earth. A few days after the crash, people who live near the crash site began to display strange symptoms such as rotting skin, twitching and even trying to eat their own limbs. Hearing of this, the government put up a quarantine,  which was a 100 mile radius each way.

However, the disease began to spread after there was a rumour of one of the zombies escaping. They terrorised the nearest towns, infecting people. As the disease began to spread, it was every man, or woman, for themselves.


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