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"Oh my gosh you're afraid of bugs, that is adorable." Future said sitting the bug down and watching it crawl away "I think that you should carry around a can of bug spray, but I don't blame you for being afraid I'm afraid of spiders and rats." He laughed moving his hair "They're all gross and furry with the giant teath and fangs, plain nasty." he muttered shaking his head before looking behind "Do you think we'll ever be safe." He asked putting his hands in his jacket pocket "Are you cold." Future asked walking a little closer to her.
Natasha frowned when he said it was adorable. "I'm okay with spiders and rats, I had a pet rat a long time ago." She said. "I had to leave her behind in Russia." She shrugged lightly, looking down at the ground. "I just always had a fear of bugs.." Natasha told him, reliving her nightmare of a life. "When I was younger and in the institute I was adopted into, if I didn't do as they said they would throw bugs at me after find out I hated them. Some times they would put me in a room with them, or get the older kids to put them in my hair." Natasha shuddered at the thought, looking up to him. "I really don't know. I hope so. I kinda like having you around." She gave a soft smile. "A little, but I'll manage." She said softly to his question on being cold.

Future flinched with sympathy "Some people can be as bad as zombies." He muttered looking over at her "And good thing that you like having me around because I doubt I will ever trust anyone with your safety besides myself ." Future added looking around at their surroundings "Are you sure I really don't need my jacket." He smiled before looking back again "Do you think anyone else is here." Future asked looking at all the abandoned buildings "When it all began I didn't think I would survive If anyone I thought my brother would but he was one of the first to go, now i'm walking down a road with a giant dog and a pretty girl with red hair, what a sight we must be."

Natasha looked down slightly. "They were worse. If only you knew just what they did to us." She told him. "Hm, that's sweet." Natasha said, her full lips pulled together in a small smile. "But really, I've been alone for most of my life. I think I can take care of myself." Natasha told him. "I mean, I learnt myself to speak English, as well as a lot of other languages." She told him. "I taught myself to steal, so I didn't have to cook my food. I am a terrible cook. I almost killed myself trying to make beef stroganoff." She huffed, but it was true. She managed to set the kitchen on fire. Natasha looked up to him. "I'm sorry, I'm sure he was a great man. With a brother like you, I'm sure it would be hard not to be." She gave a sympathetic smile, and Natasha never usually had any sort if empathy for anyone. "I'm sure." She nodded. "I mean, we're not far from my apartment and I probably have a jacket." Natasha said. "Pretty? Ha, far from it." She shook her head with a smile. "I look like I've fell out of the good looks tree and hit all the branches on the way down." Natasha chuckled, too used to putting herself down about her appearance.
"Please you couldn't be ugly if you tried for the rest of your life, which in zombieland may not be long." Future said strugging "Natash we've been walking for years." he whined looking around "Everything looks the same, will you reach into my bag and get some beef jerky I'm hungry." He asked reaching for his bag unsuccessfully. Future looked down at Lux who was glaring at him, who knew dogs could glare? "Do you ever take a break and do something normal besides stalking around and killing zombies, because you need one you look like you're about to knock someones lights out."
Dennis was slowly walking down the street and started singing "Making my downtown, walking fast, faces past, and i'm home bound.." Dennis sung as he made his way back to the apartment building "I actally wonder why there's not much gang trouble lately.." he said to himself "I mean usually there's always someone that would spring out of a dark alley and try to rob you.. yet, the block is deserted". Dennis slowly looked around the corner where his building was and saw two people and a large dog. Then noticed the women with the long red hair "I think i might know her" he said to himself "Well, I seen her around the building and only said 'Hi' once". Dennis slowly walked around the corner and slowly approached when the dog turned and began barking at him "Oh man..".
Future was about to say something else when he heard Lux start barking he stopped mid-sentence and turned to see a guy slowly walking towards them. He slowly reached over and removed Lux's leash from Natasha's hand, he moved towards the man reached down and unhooked the leash from his collar, but the dog didn't move like he was trained. Future removed his katana from his back and took a step forward and moved towards him "I think it was a very stupid idea to approach two people walking on the street but I can't say I feel bad for you." He ran forward followed by Lux they ran he swang over hoping to make contact
Dennis watched as the man ran toward him with the katana and the dog following behind him. Dennis just stood still because he knew that if he ran away he knew that if the man couldn't catch him.. the dog would. Dennis just slowly backed up and sat down on the cold concrete. he then removed his hood and closed his eyes. "I knew I was going to die sooner or later.. but I never dreamed of dying like this" Dennis said as he closed his eyes. Then, all of a sudden a stray bullet hit the katana and knocked it out of the man's hands. Dennis looked over and saw Bryan holding a 9mm. "C'mon Dennis let' go!". Dennis quickly got up and began to run away and try to make his way back to the hideout. Bryan fired a few more shots(all of them warning shots) and followed Dennis back.
"Ha, yeah. Right." Natasha rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "Mm, i thought jerky gives you hallucinations?" She rose an eyebrow, however her eyes could only follow him as he ran. Natasha could only watch, gasping when she recognised the mans face. "Future! Stop!" She shouted, her voice was was naturally a little husky, even more so when she shouted. "I know him!" She added. "Kinda.." She muttered, doing her best to run after them, holding her side. Natasha tensed when she heard the shots, but she knew a warning shot when she heard one. After catching up to Future, she hit his arm. "How stupid are you?! Trying to kill more survivors?!" She said angrily. "It's clear that guy wasn't even close to becoming a zombie, but you trying to kill him.. He just might have been." She said, shaking her head and walking towards the apartment block, pushing open the door, glancing around.
Future paused a moment and turned "Wait what?" He asked when a bullet hit his blade making his drop it, gun shots were still going of but he followed Natasha "Sorry, I thought maybe he was from the gang who attacked you and thats why he recognize you, and I guess I pretty stupid for swinging first and asking questions last, sorry." He said dragging his katana behind he sadly, he walked though the door following her quietly "Are you mad at me?" Future asked walking along side her "If you are, can I still play with your cats?" He made a weird gesture like he was clawing the air.
Natasha was still pretty angry, mostly because she was scared of what could of happened to him. "What if he wasn't defenceless, huh?!" Natasha turned to him, her voice a husky shout. "What if that other guy shot you dead?!" Se questioned from her current position on her step. Natasha looked more upset that anything. "Do you not think I care about you? Enough to worry about you when you swing that stupid katana at whoever you want to?" She asked more quietly. Realising that she actually did care for someone other than herself. More importantly she realised she could. "No." Natasha sighed. "I'm not angry." She said quietly, looking down. "You can still play with my cats." She nodded. Natasha walked quietly up the stairs to her floor, walkin down the hallway to try and find her apartment.
Felicity stepped back, her skin getting cold and bumpy with goosebumps. Felicity looked around frantically, not knowing what to do. She turned around and headed up the stairs, sitting down on the last step. Bumble seemed pretty uncomfortable, as he was getting crushed to death by Felicity's grasp. Felicity hid her face in Bumble's fur, only getting an angry meow as a reply. "Ok fine, Mr. McGrumpy" Felicity loosened her grasp on her cat and looked down the stairs. Her eyes kept drooping down and she yawned her and there, but Felicity told herself not to fall asleep. As Felicity was looking down the stairs, she couldn't help but shiver as she looked at the skeleton layed across on the floor. "How did that even get there anyways...That was in the office..."

Future could tell he screwed up, he hadn’t meant to scare her, that was actually the last thing he wanted. He followed her closely watching her as she walked "Im sorry I wasn't thinking if I was I wouldn't have charged forward like I did it was stupid." He said walking with his head down“What if he wasn’t defenceless? What if that guy shot me? I would’ve left Natasha here all by herself, I feel terrible now, all I want to do is protect her I can’t do anymore stupid stuff.” The thought looking up at her walking in front of him and smiled “A worthy sacrifice.”

Natasha kept walking, stopping at her apartment door, looking for her key. "I know." Natasha said quietly. "Sorry I shouted." She added softly, noticing her door was unlocked. She pushed it open, walking in. "Someone's been in here." She told him, walking to a couch, which had a cardboard box next to it. Natasha crouched beside it. "Hey, Honey." Natasha said softly, stroking the ginger tabby, an occasional mewing of the kittens heard. She got up, walking to the door, closing it once Future was inside her apartment. She then took the little kittens out of the box, Honey staying close to them. "Try not to step on them." She told him, walking to the kitchen, filling Honeys food bowl and going her fresh water.
Dennis stopped and waited for Bryan as he tried to catch up to him. "Thanks for saving my life back there.." Dennis said " I thought i was going to die back th-" Before Dennis could finish his sentence Bryan punches him in the gut. "I deserved that" Dennis struggled to say. "You were about to die and all you could do is sit down and wait?" Bryan asked " You could of atleast pulled out your survival knife and tried to fight back.". "You're right, but what if we actually team up with more people.. There is a higher chance of survival in numbers". "Yeah.. " Bryan responded "But numbers also means less food to go around"."It's only Me, You, Chip, and Chris since our last gang war a few days back" Dennis said "We can atleast introduce ourselves properly to them and maybe they will be less hostile". Dennis turned around and started to head back "You better be right about this" Bryan said as he tried to catch up with Dennis

Apocalypse: Survival
Its August in New York City, what once was beautiful but busy, is now horrific and abandoned. The streets are full of tipped cars, most on fire. Street gangs break into stores and apartments, stealing and killing to survive. Children scream, and parents cry. It rains ash, from the large amount of fires that have broken out. Zombies hide, waiting for their next victim to walk by.

You are one of the survivors trying to make it in a world overrun with walking zombies. Do whatever you can to survive.


4 months ago, a suspicious meteor crashed into the Earth. A few days after the crash, people who live near the crash site began to display strange symptoms such as rotting skin, twitching and even trying to eat their own limbs. Hearing of this, the government put up a quarantine,  which was a 100 mile radius each way.

However, the disease began to spread after there was a rumour of one of the zombies escaping. They terrorised the nearest towns, infecting people. As the disease began to spread, it was every man, or woman, for themselves.


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