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Natasha chuckled lightly. "If you say so." She smirked. Natasha served the Mac and Cheese up, putting the left overs on a plate for Lux, setting it on the floor, but Honey was quick to eat a little. Natasha set the bowls and cutlery on the dining table. "Mm, that isn't good enough." She smirked, looking up to him when he poked her side. "I guess so, but it's probably best to say inside now. It's getting dark." She told him, sitting down at one if the seats, tying up her curly red hair so a few stands brushed against her cheek. Natasha took the fork in her left hand, beginning to eat her dinner. "I don't want you sleeping on the floor, or the couch so you can sleep on the bed." She told him, looking up to him.
Dennis woke up and looked outside the window "It's still dark outside?" he asked himself. Bryan walked back into the apartment and stared at Dennis "Glad to see you're awake" Bryan said "I was worried that someone walked into the apartment and killed you in your sleep". Dennis walked towards the door and looked outside. "It looks like were the only ones here" Dennis said "Well.. the only ones on this floor he said as he smelt something good. "Do you smell that?" Dennis said "It smells like food". "Dude.. chill.." Bryan said "You have a whole ham in your fridge". Dennis opened his fridge and took out the ham and threw it in the oven. He turned the oven up to 350 degrees and closed the oven door. "You're lucky I know how to use an oven or we would of eaten cold ham" Dennis said.
Future nodded "I guess but its more fun after dark when you have to run for your life, its the kind of thing that turns a kid with a dog into a Wierd guy who make kissy faces at his dog." He said before shoveling a couple of spoon fulls of mac 'n cheese into his mouth "Nope you're injured, you need the bed more than I do, I just sleep on the couch with Lux." Future said sitting a few beef jerky sticks on the table "And besides someone needs to keep watch while you're sleeping, I'm not even tired I can usually go days without sleep." He said gesturing towards the front door.
"Who said I wasn't sleeping on the bed?" Natasha smirked lightly. "It's a double and there's plenty of room." She shrugged. "You could keep me warm." She winked playfully. Natasha glanced around, shaking her head. "I highly doubt they would make all the effort of climbing a dozen flights of stairs at just the possibility of finding someone." She told him. "I think it's just pets they're after now." Natasha told him, eating some more of her food, smelling the ham, her stomach rumbled a little more. "I think my neighbour has come home." She thought aloud, glancing to the door. She chewed her lip in thought, glancing back to Future. "We should visit them. As much as I love Mac and Cheese, ham is so, so much better, and filling." She said, rubbing her bluish eyes.
"Fine, but I sleep crazy, and if I go to bed that's not a guarantee I'll wake up there. Trust me the last time I slept in a bed, the next morning I was in the hallway." Future said eating a piece of beef jerky with a scoop of Mac 'n' cheese "I guess you're right, but no one will ever touch Lux, Honey, or any of the kittens, they're are my buddies." He said gesturing to Lux who had his face shoved into a bowl of noodles. He watched her rub her eyes and smirked "Aww is the princess tired." Then pursed his lips "I like ham but if they try anything, I'll be forced to show them why I'm called the king of the katana." He said before standing and pulling his sword "Boom, Bam, Magical!!" He said striking poses before accidentally dropping his sword.
Natasha chuckled softly, clapping lightly. "We'll done, king of the katana." She said. "Now pick it up and put it down before you hurt someone." She told him, eating the last few spoons of Mac and cheese before nodding lightly. "Yeah, the princess is unbelievably tired." Natasha yawned, resting her head on the table, closing her eyes. "It doesn't matter if you end up in the hall. As long as you don't get attacked, and that you keep me warm." She told him in a tired hum. "Honey is also my cat, so Ill be sure to kill whichever zombie attacks her, if it ever happens." Natasha yawned, getting up and finding some painkillers which also were a sleeping pill combination. Without them, Natasha knew she would just wake up anyway. She realised they had an instant effect when the world began to spin and pulsate, also a she began to laugh at nothing.
Dennis sat down in front of the stove and watched as the ham slowly cooked in the oven "It usually takes a whole hour to fully cook since I prepared it a few days ago" Dennis said. "Well, we better hurry up.. someone else might try to kill us for the ham" Bryan said. Dennis looked back at Bryan with a puzzled look on his face "What you talking bout Bryan?" Dennis said "I know these are tough times but who would kill someone for a ham?". "I can name twenty peole right now who would literally kill us for just a small piece.." Bryan said.
Future watched as she fell into hysterics, grinning, five minutes later she was laughing at nothing inperticular like a insane person. Lux looked at him a like he some how did it to her "Hey buddy she had to take something or she'd be up all night in pain." He said putting his hands on Natasha's shoulders and moved her towards the couch, she was still laughing which was really funny' he sat her down and put it his jacket over her shoulders "Stay here okay, and if you see any strange things like colorful zebras or yellow unicorns don't move I have to take Lux out to pee, but I'm keeping him on the leash this time." He said hooking the leash on to Lux's collar and pulling him out of the apartment and shutting the door softly and walking down the stairs.
Natasha let him guide her to the couch, her laughing had ceased at this point and she was glancing around as the world spun. She looked up to Future when he told her he was taking Lux out. "No.." She pouted, holding her hand out to him. "I don't want you to." She nearly cried. Natasha looked down, nodding when he told her to stay there. She crawled onto the side that didn't hurt, closing her eyes. "Don't let the-.. The things get you." Natasha yawned. "Hurry back." She murmured, beginning to fall asleep. She was too out of it to have a nightmare. Actually, it was the total opposite. If anything, it was kind of a romantic dream, which made her squirm light on the couch, her red hair getting into even more of a mess.
Future had to drag Lux back up the stairs after he found a human femur bone and starter gnawing away at it, growling everytime he got witgin two feet of him. Pushing open the door, careful not to make any noise, he peered in and was met with a adorable sight, Natasha was asleep curled up on the couch and every once in awhile she'd mumble something wierd. He stepped in and let Lux off the leash, he immediately went to the middle of the floor and fell asleep. Future walked into the bedroom and pulled back the covers on the bed, before walking back into the living room and carefully picked up Natasha careful not to touch her injury, he stepped over Lux and lied her down onto the bed, covering her up with the thick blanket. After he wentvto the bathroom and changed into his unicorn pajamas before walking to the other side of the bed, and crawling in next to her, within moments he curled into a ball and fell asleep peacefully,
Natasha woke the next morning, yawning a little. She realised after a while strong arms were wrapped around her, and she was holding them there. As if she had put them there. She took a light breath, slowly looking behind her and letting out a sigh of relief when she saw Future. Natasha rested her head back on the pillow, her hands still resting in his forearms. Soon, she turned over to face him, although kept his arms around her as she carefully and quietly moved closer, resting her head under his chin, almost against his chest as she closed her bluish eyes. Her full, naturally pouted rouge lips pulled together as she slept again, she began to give a light mumble, her sensual lips quirking at the corners, threatening to smile. Natasha moved closer to Future, filling any gaps between them. Her hand rested on his chest near her face, though didn't cover it.
Dennis woke up in the morning with barely any memory of going to sleep. Bryan was sleeping on the floor with the bone from the ham on his stomach. "And he was worried about me eating all the ham" Dennis said as he got out of the bed and dusted off his hoodie. He then went into the bathroom so he could take a shower. He undressed and took out a bar of soap from the sink cabinet and hopped into the shower. He turned on the water and didn't realize there was no hot water. "WHY IS THE WATER SO COLD!?" he exclaimed as he hoppdout of the shower and wrapped the towel around himself.
Future woke with his whole body warm,  his eyes fluttered open tiredly, but when he tried to move he found that there was a obstacle in his way. Natasha was had her head his chest and was completely cuddled into the last of the space between them "This is nice."  He thought sitting his chin on the top of her head "And it would be way better if I wasn't wearing the unicorn pajamas. "  Looking over at the door his watched as Lux strolled in looking quite pleased with himself, the big dog moved to the bottom of the bed and lied at the edge "I wonder how long we've been like this." He thought before closing his eyes and falling back to sleep.
Natasha woke up not much later, her less tired eyes fluttering open, smiling tiredly at the warmness. She let out a soft sigh, carefully getting up, expertly replacing her form with a pillow so he wouldn't wake up so soon. She climbed out of the bed, and lost a few layers. She changed quickly, into a shirt and jeans, looking to Lux. She debated whether or not to take him out to go to the bathroom, but decided it was way not to. Natasha didn't wasn't to be on the receiving end of Futures katana if something would happen to Lux while he was in her care. Instead, Natasha walked into the living room, setting down milk and cat food for Honey, Natasha then putting some ointment in her would so it would prevent infection, and hopefully help her heal faster. "Another scar to the bunch." She mumbled with a sigh, going to the bathroom to brush her teeth and hair.
Future lied on his stomach a little while after he woke, just lieing there. Lux was almost on top of him, Natasha was already up and his unicorn pajamas were ruffled, climbing off of the bed he crawled along the floor. Through narrow eyes he watched as the cats drank from a bowl, he finally got to his feet and stuck his head into the kitchen looking around slowly "Man i'm tired." he thought itching the top of his head before going to look for Natasha he got to the couch before he gave up and lied down "Natasha do you want to explore the building todat?" He asked rolling to look into the bathroom

Apocalypse: Survival
Its August in New York City, what once was beautiful but busy, is now horrific and abandoned. The streets are full of tipped cars, most on fire. Street gangs break into stores and apartments, stealing and killing to survive. Children scream, and parents cry. It rains ash, from the large amount of fires that have broken out. Zombies hide, waiting for their next victim to walk by.

You are one of the survivors trying to make it in a world overrun with walking zombies. Do whatever you can to survive.


4 months ago, a suspicious meteor crashed into the Earth. A few days after the crash, people who live near the crash site began to display strange symptoms such as rotting skin, twitching and even trying to eat their own limbs. Hearing of this, the government put up a quarantine,  which was a 100 mile radius each way.

However, the disease began to spread after there was a rumour of one of the zombies escaping. They terrorised the nearest towns, infecting people. As the disease began to spread, it was every man, or woman, for themselves.


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