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Natasha hummed quietly, pulling off her shirt and setting it on the floor, coating her wound in another ointment as she had accidentally rubbed the previous one off. "Om.. I know the building pretty well.." Natasha gave a small laugh, gasping lightly when he looked into the bathroom, grabbing her shirt and ducking behind the door. "Have you never heard of privacy?" She said, carefully pulling on her shirt. She walked out of the bathroom, watching him. "I think breakfast would be first on the list of things to do today. And maybe then we can have a look around the building." Natasha told him, walking to the kitchen, searching through the cupboards. "I have coco pops." She told him, deciding to try and ignore the incident with the bathroom.
Future was and in to the kitchen before she even finished the name, shuffling through the cabinets until he found them the glory of cereal, Cocoa Pops, he grabbed a big bowl from the other cabinet, and made a large bowl of cereal before sitting criss cross applesauce on the ground and eating a spoonful. Lux came in to the kitchen, and yawned a happy yawn, Future tossed him some jerky sticks and the dog lied nearby chewing away at them happily. He made Natasha a bowl and sat it on the table, so Lux couldn't get it, it took a while to find a spoon, later finding one in the sink. After washing it off he put it in her bowl, then he sat back on the for and continued eating his bowl of cereal 
Felicity had fallen asleep on the staircase. Bumble was awake however, his yellow eyes peiercing through the darkness. Since there were no lights, it was obviously dark, the only light was either sun/moon gleaming throught the large hole in the ceiling and th sparks of broken, dangling and tangled wires. Grrrgh..Felicity's eyes shot open, Bumble got startled and lept out of her arms. Felicity looked around frantically for the source of the noise. "Pleasepleasepleaseplease don't tell thats a z-z-zombie..." she whimpered. The girl quickly grabbed the cat and stood up. She turned around, looking up the stairwell. "Crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap.." Felicity slowly went down the stairs as she saw a wreteched, green-gray figure slowly making it's way down the stairs, an arm outstretched and an awful gurgle erupting from it's throat. Felicity screamed and squeezed the poor cats in her arms. She took no time to run down the stairs.
Natasha watched him, quietly eating her cereal, watching the table absentmindedly. She sighed lightly, swallowing a spoonful before she heard the thunder of footsteps down the stairwell. Natasha turned her head, focusing on the sound. They had to be running for a darn good reason. She slid easily off of her seat and to the door, loading he handgun which she ha hidden behind a calendar. She slowly opened the door, looking to Future. "Stay there!" She whispered harshly, before slipping out of the apartment, an with that, out of view. Natasha crept through the hall, to the stairs where se saw the young girl from before, but a Zombie was hot on her trail. Natasha sighed, aiming the gun at the back of the zombies head, killing it with less than 5 bullets. "Wow kid. You're a zombie magnet." She said, glancing around to make sure there were no others.
Felicity looked at the woman in front of her. "Heh...heh...erm.." was all that slipped out of he mouth. Bumble's ears were perked up, the sudden sound of gunshots pericing his ears. Felicity just stayed quiet,"Um, thanks?" The girl turned around and went back down the stairs, only stopping half way as she saw the creepy, old, nasty skeleton sprawled across the floor. "Or not..." She quickly spun back around and nervously went up the stairs. She turned her head to see the ugly zombie laying on the stairwell, one of it's arm stuck between the railing. "Ew.." Bumble stayed quiet, his ears swileving around, and making a hiss every now and then.
Natasha nodded lightly. "No problem." She said, watching the young girl leave. She stayed where she was however, watching her walk down the stairs. She gave a faint smile when she walked back. "Hey, you hungry? My friend and I were just having breakfast. I have some cat food spare also." She gestured to Brumble. Natasha glanced back to her. "Look, I know your smart not to go with strangers, but out there, it's far more dangerous and there'll be a time I won't be there to shoot a zombie in the back if the head." Natasha gave a small smile, crossing her arms. "Whatcha say, kid?" Natasha asked, waiting for her answer. It was the best she could do to help. She wasn't gonna give a kid a gun.
Felicity looked down and fiddled around with Bumble's whiskers' only getting a swipe to the face. (At least he didn't have his claws out) After thinking for a moment about what the 'stranger' said, she raised her head. slightly rubbing her cheek, since Mr.Grump didn't like people touching his whiskers. "Um..." she hesitated."O-o-o-okay.." Once Felicity said that, it seemed like Mr.Grump-face wasn't happy about something. The fur on the back of his head stood up, and his tail lashing. Felicity looked back down at the bundle of attitude in her arms. "Watch it mister.." she scolded. Bumble hissed and was about to leap out of her arms, only to be grabbed before he did. "What is wrong with you Bumble?"

Sylvan stared at the building in front of him, it was half collapsed, the windows were gone and he could see inside, completely ransacked. The building was broken. The army was broken. He clenched his hand around the gun, the gun which was giving to him together with the aid-kit, his aid-kit. '' Zombies are walking all around this place and I am just standing here, feeling sad about a building?'' It wasn't just the building, but the army, his colleagues.

 Sylvan shook his head. ''No,no, there is no time to feel sentimental. Now everyone needs to fend for themselves.'' he heard a strange groaning noise somewhere behind him. Without even bothering to look over his shoulder Sylvan started running. 


"Okay." Natasha gave a soft smile, gesturing for the girl to follow her as she walked to apartment 22. "Okay, let's get Mr Grumpytail something to eat first." Natasha said, tipping some cat food into a dish, setting it on the floor, along with a bowl of milk. Honey was nursing the kittens at this point, so didn't take any notice. "I have coco pops if you want some.. For a drink, there no electricity.. So I guess you could only have bottled water, or milk." Natasha said, getting a bowl down from the cupboard, then delicately set her gun back in its hiding place. She rubbed her forehead lightly, glancing to Honey who was now cleaning the kittens, then herself. The queen kept a watchful eye as the kittens began to wander around again.

Felicity followed the woman to room 22. She watched as she set down a dish of milk and cat food onto the floor. She then looked at the cat with the kittens. Bumble lept out of Felicity's arms and ran over to the dish with food. It looked as if Bumble litterally stuffed his entire face into the bowl, and little bits and crumbs scattered around. Felicity turned her attention to the lady. "Um...I'm fine." she said shaking her head.

Bumble had finished the food and looked over at the mother-cat with kitten. The fur on the back of his head stood up, and his tail lashing. "Hey, no." Felicity went over to her cat and sat next to him. One of the kittens bounded over to Bumble, swiping it' teeny paws at his leg, it then ran around Bumble and pounced on his tail. 

Natasha nodded, pouring her a bowl of cereal, setting it on the table with a glass of milk. She raised an eyebrow at the Tom, looking to Felicity. "What's wrong with him? Don't like girls?" She smiled a little, setting the milk down for the kittens which bounded over to it, Honey slowly following them. Natasha looked to Future, smiling lightly, with a playful wink. "Oh, I'm Natasha, and this is Future." She said, gesturing to Future when she said his name. Natasha sat back in her seat, eating a few more spoonfuls before checking on Honey, who was still with her kittens, however keeping an eye on Bumble as he was still a stranger to her and her young. "If you want a spare change of clothes, there's some in boxes in the closet on the right." Natasha said, pointing to the room. "And the bathrooms just across from it if you need it." She added.

Felicity looked down at Bumble, "I guess so, he doesn't like it when others are around me, he gets jealous." Felicity looked up at Natasha and then to Future. "Um, I'm Felicity.." she said a little hesitantly. Felicity then nodded with the next two things Natasha said. 

Bumble's ears perked up and swivled around. "What now..." mumbled Felicity. Bumble wuickly jolted up to four paws and and was looking around frantically like a dog who forgot where it buried it's bone. Bumble could smell two things, his favorite scent, mouse/rat, and his least favorite, dog. Felicity laughed as Bumble's face wrenched up, then turned into a hiss. Mr.Grumpface then went down into his hunting position, "Oh pa-lease Bumble... you just ate." without another word from Felicity, Bumble ran under a (insert furniture here, dresser,couch,bed etc.) and came back out with a filthy rat. "Please don't tell me you are going to eat that.."

Dennis was putting his pants back on when he heard the gunshots. "I guess katana man learned how to hold a gun" Bryan said as he got up and looked outside of room 7. "Remember he was with someone else Bryan.." Dennis said "She probably saw a roach or something". Then, Dennis began to silently chuckle to himself as he took a new shirt out of his closet and put it on.

Bryan walked back into the apartment and stocked up on supplies. "Hey packing up already?" Dennis asked "I haven't even shown you around the building yet". Bryan then sighed and put the bag down and sat down in a chair

"Okay.." Natasha said, quirking an eyebrow. "I'm gonna go raid the other apartments for food. I'm kinda running low." Natasha said, strapping her guns to the holsters on her thighs, then putting a can of mase in the pocket of her grey striped hoody. Natasha put a few blades in the pocket of her belt. Natasha let down her scarlet curls, before heading out of the apartment, closing the door. She decided to start with the bottom floor then work her way up. Natasha walked down the stairwell, stepping over the bodies, then walking down the hall to the first apartment. She picked the lock with no problem, walking inside, gasping and shooting the three zombies that were roaming around in there. "Sorry Ms. Smith.." Natasha murmured, stepping inside, glancing around for anything else before she walked straight to the kitchen, looking through the cupboards, sighing when she found nothing but coffee granules. "That's useless." She muttered as they had no hot water. Natasha left the apartment, closing the door, heading across the hall to the second apartment.

Dennis turned his head in the direction the gunshots came from. "Did you hear that Bryan?" Dennis said as he ran into the Living Room and removed his Remington 870 Tactical Shotgun from behind the T.V. and hid behind the couch. "Bryan you hide in the closet and wait for my signal". Bryan hid in the closet and began to prepare for when Dennis gave the signal. Dennis loaded his Shotgun and patiently waited for whoever wa raiding the apartments                                        


Apocalypse: Survival
Its August in New York City, what once was beautiful but busy, is now horrific and abandoned. The streets are full of tipped cars, most on fire. Street gangs break into stores and apartments, stealing and killing to survive. Children scream, and parents cry. It rains ash, from the large amount of fires that have broken out. Zombies hide, waiting for their next victim to walk by.

You are one of the survivors trying to make it in a world overrun with walking zombies. Do whatever you can to survive.


4 months ago, a suspicious meteor crashed into the Earth. A few days after the crash, people who live near the crash site began to display strange symptoms such as rotting skin, twitching and even trying to eat their own limbs. Hearing of this, the government put up a quarantine,  which was a 100 mile radius each way.

However, the disease began to spread after there was a rumour of one of the zombies escaping. They terrorised the nearest towns, infecting people. As the disease began to spread, it was every man, or woman, for themselves.


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