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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


"Ooh.. Moonbutt sounds scary! I wouldn't want to run into her any day- I've heard she makes poor birds take forever naps all the time for no reason!" Beaky suddenly noticed that the owl had flown out of sight. "I think Owlykin flew away- Waaait it that...water?!" Without waiting for a response Beaky dove into the sea of Hoolemere, and didn't appear to be resurfacing for some time. 

"Lilya.. Lilya are you awake?!" Am'gthar whispered. "Say something! Anything! I heard Star was defeated, are you awake yet?." She raised her voice. the infirimary leader just glared at her coldly. "I think you better be goin' now youngins, let your friend rest for a bit longer. 

   Wingy felt excited, "Water.. fish!" She dived into the water after him, not resurfacing for a while. She came back to the surface, running on the water with a squirming fish in her mouth. When she was ready, she flew into the air, holding the fish tightly in her multi-colored beak.

   Lilya opened her eyes, "Huh- what- Am' gthar..." She looked at the owl who was asking for them to leave. "No, let them stay. I need some company besides nurse-maid snakes for a  bit." She looked at Am' gthar with glazed eyes, "What happened to Star? What did boron and Baran do to her?"

Beaky had only caught three fish, and very tiny ones at that. "Aww.. the fishies didn't want to come to me today.." He said sadly. "So..Wingy... How are we gonna get to Goohooly now? Since owlykin ran away.." 

Am'gthar breathed a sigh of relief. "From what I've heard, they decided upon banishing her to the northern kingdoms for a while. Though how they decide upon that wretched place, I will never know..." She quickly covered her beak and hoped Ezylryb hadn't heard, since he was in fact born there. "Lilya.. When do you suppose you'll be all healed and out of the infirmary? I'm just dying to get started on the speed races they just set up around the tree, and there's supposed to be a huge storm soon full of all kinds of exciting winds to explore." 

   Lilya narrowed her eyes, "Hey. Watch it, I was born there too." Then she sighed, "I want to get out of here. Being cooped up is no way for a weather owl like me to live. I want to get out there and surf the winds of a good storm, I feel crazy not spreading my wings," She grunted and looked back at Am' gthar, "And, you better be happy I'm not fit to fly, because I would woop your tail-feathers at a speed race~"

   Wingy blinked, "You can have my fish, I'm not hungry." Then she pondered his question, "Maybe.. Maybe we can follow the moving airs? THat owlykin didn't seem to be bashed around by them." 

Beaky happily took most of the fish Wingy had gathered, and let them hang out of his beak. "Alrighty! We will follow the moving airs! To Goohooly!" He said raising his wings dramatically, and every fish in his beak fell out and back into the sea. "Oh. oopsie."

"Ooh we'll see about that.." Am'gthar said slyly. "I know just about every corner and every branch in the entire tree, we'll see who beats who then." Of course she was exagerating, the tree was so huge it seemed no one could truly know everything about it. "I heard rumors about a coal-carrying challenge as well, but I doubt it.." 

   Lilya scoffed, "I would kill you at that, even though colliering isn't my best sport. And, are you sure you can even memorize the directions of your own hollow?" She taunted. "If you're already taunting that owl, you should be feeling fine," Matron joked playfully.   


   Wingy giggled, "Fishes fall down go boom-boom!" She turned, "So, come on Beaky! Let's go and find Goo'hooly and learn about that warm stuff that makes us feel funny! Maybe they even have fish!" She had to do a small trick with her feet at the sheer joy of having tns and tons of fish. 

Beaky gleefully zoomed around, exploring the fast 'moving airs' that were taking them closer and closer to their destination. Suddenly he took on a serious expression, which looked very comical on his puffin face. "I wonder.. How do all the fish get in the water? Do they fly there? Or are they just- there?" "Fine then- Challenge accepted! ...When you're feeling well again of course." Am'gthar smiled slightly evilly. "I guess I better get going then, to let you rest before I completely destroy you at racing." She laughed and moved toward the hollow exit. She tripped over a small fluffy grey owlet in the doorway, and fell flat on her face.

  Lilya had to laugh. "Yup! I'm so afraid of you!" She began to think to herself, I should beat her at racing! I mean like come on! Ezylryb makes the weather chaw fly really fast in storms, I have to be champion at flying in calm air if I am excellent in storms! She was very confident with herself.

  Wingy took on a serious expression as well. "Maybe the fish used to be puffins, but they got sucked up by moving airs and fell into the ocean. So now they live there and let us eat them for... for... for um food, yes!"

Am'gthar tried to look offended but burst out churring instead. "We'll see, we'll see..." She muttered on her way out. The owlet she had tripped over just stared and then dissapeared down a different passageway. Am'gthar flew along the corridors, churring quietly to herself. She happened to glance out a small opening and gasped. "Good Glaux its almost first light- How did I stay up so late?!"  She immediatly headed toward her hollow, which was a total dissaster after the incident with Star. This time she made sure there was no blood, no hidden murderers, and no pure ones hiding somewhere, before tucking her head under a wing and drifting off to sleep. 

Beaky looked horrified. "So..So we're eating dead puffins?! He looked at the water in dismay." At some point Beaky had stopped actually flying and was now doing something resembling hovering, though with his stubby wings it looked very uncoordinated. "Do- do you think they really mind if we eat them? since they don't look like puffins anymore?" he asked Wingy. 

  Star let out a roar of outrage, lunging at the guards. Even with bare talons she was a magnifient fighter, she killed one and maime the other one. She let out a terrible shreed of a Masked Owl and leaped into the air. She flew as quickly as she could, clenching her bloodied talons. Her black eyes were narrowed. She called into the brightening sky, "No one can contain the Pure Ones!"

   Lilya was woken up by a terrible shreed.Her eyes widened, a Masked Owl's scream. "The Pure One escaped!" An alarmed matron flew by the infirmary, screeching her head off.

<i>Called in such a time? I hope there is nothing wrong with the Snows...</i> Haerya Thought to herself as she floated over the trees silently. The sun had begun to rise and she knew she'd need to find a place to roost, as day was not kind to her being coloured as the night itself. She knew she was truly needed at the Tree, though they surely could not expect her to make the trip in only a day.

Her stomach growled at her, though she ignored it for now, mice and bats were surely off hiding by now, the first rays of sunlight peering over the horizon.

Spotting a hollow she flit down, settled herself inside, and waited for sleep to take her.

Puddle looked up at the sky. He'd been splashing around in a favorite stream of his, but he noticed that the sun was slowly rising. He didn't want to be caught by any crows. He got out of the water and shook himself off as he walked to the badger set to get some sleep. He drifted off into a dream about a huge tree, with owls flying around with strange firey rocks and sharp artificial claws. There was a great grass harp and owls of all types dancing and playing together. He hoped he could have some fun before waking up.
Am'gthar sighed blissfully, unaware of what was going on, only aware that her dream was extrodinarily wonderful. In it, she was flying over Tyto Forest, and thousands of other owls were flying along side, all of them tyto alba, along with a bunch of...flying badgers?.... She did fancy loop and then suddenly, the sky began to melt away as though on fire, turning into a black void of angry screeches and curses." Am'gthar woke up still hearing the screeches, and realized something was going on. "Ah- What- What is going on?!" She said in a daze. All she could remember about the dream now was badgers- thousands and thousands of badgers. She stumbled out of the hollow and leaped out of the way as several fully-armored guardians barrled past. 

  Wingy nodded, "Yes, they want us to be alive and um have those tiny fluffy things called babies."


   Lilya ran out of the infirmary, and no one yelled at her. She hurried to Am'gthar's hollow and looked quite alarmed. "Star! She escaped!"

  Star continued to fly as fast as she could, she didn't fear crows. She survived a lot more battles than what those crows ever did. She was a noisy flyer, but she didn't care. Her only thought was to get as far as possible from this horrendous tree. But where? She con tinued to ponder, then she got it. I'll go to Tyto Forest, there has to be Pure Ones there.

As Haerya began to drift off to sleep, something gnawed at her. Why had the Snows sent for her now?

Had she been marked by the Pure Ones?

Were the Snows in danger?

Could Metalbeak have captured them?

She sighed, sleep abruptly halted and her over analyzing of being called waking her once again. She stepped out onto the branch, eyes half-lidded as she adjusted to the morning sunlight.

As she spread her wings, she noticed two puffins near the coastline. She'd only seen a puffin once before, and never interacted with one. She'd been told by guildmates previously that they were of childish intelligence, but were excellent swimmers and fish catchers. She tilted her head to one side and watched them for a moment before gliding down to a branch near them to observe for a bit, her flight soundless, armoured talons only slightly digging into the branch.

Guardians of Ga'hoole

The "world of owls" I guess you could call are the maps of all the areas in the rp

Northern Kingdoms:

Southern Kingdoms: (this is where most of the books take place btw)


Beyond the Beyond: (sorry its impossible to read the names of the locations on it)

The great Ga'hoole tree:

Based off of the (amazing) books by Katherine Lasky

for those who haven't read the books....the guardians are the very learned owls of a huge tree (know as the great tree to most)  out in the middle of the sea of hoolemere. They are dedicated to protect other owls from evil, and often use their advanced knowledge to beat the enemy. Of course they still use weapons, such as battle claws (super sharp claws fashioned by the owl blacksmiths, they are removable and are kinda like gloves...I don't know how to explain it better XD) most other weapons (except guns) are acceptble....

The main enemy is the pure ones, an evil society of owls that believe barn owls (Tyto) are superior to any other species. (for those who have read the books, in this rp metal beak is still alive with nyra as his mate)

It seems as though the war between them will never end, even though it is not a direct war, just many battles in various places...

...This could get so long, I'm not even gonna try......

1. no swearing (maybe in owl language, not sure if that's allowed)

2. you may have a mate or crush, but no descriptions of gross stuff XD

3. no killing other charcters without permission from the owner.

4. you CANNOT be one the main characters from the books or movie (aka, soren, gylfie, twightlight, exc.)

you also cannot be a hagsfiend XD

5. you CAN be on the evil side, a member of the pure ones or other evil group of owls. (the pure ones are the main enemy though)

6. Have FUN!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Hire-Claw (assassin)
Kraal (pirate)
neutral owl
Pure One
Rogue (wandering owl)
Ryb (teacher)

Second RP Master
Spyre (#3768)

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