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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Lili stood there, watching her friend get torn apart by that owl. She decided to gather up all her courage, and join in the fight. She grabbed a sharp peice of wood that was sticking out of the tree. She flew at the fight, screetching and pointing the stick toward the barn owl. She hit the owl with so much force, that they both fell to the ground. Lili got up. Her wing was sore, and swelling. But, she continues to fight. She would not be called a coward. She ran toward the bird, biting it with her beak, but it flung her off of it and she landed right on Am'gthar.
Na'Arie circled around and went back for another hit. She hated that owl, she wanted her dead. Out of nowhere came a large black owl. It opened it's battle claws and attacked. It hit Na'Arie's back, and left a small gash. She became furious and flew toward the black owl. She swung her wing at it, but missed. He The owl dodged her swing and rammed into her with it's spinked helmet, leaving a small bleeding hole in her stomach. She gritted her beak and screamed. She came at the owl with such force, that he fell back in fear. She clawed him with her battle claws. The owl was horribly maimed. It's eyes went blank and soulless. It was dead. Na'Arie flew away, to join the other battles. When she was gone, the owl opened it's eyes. It got up, and dissapeared into the shadows....
Star a guardian by its talons and swung and threw it at a tree. She churred and flapped her wings lazily.  She flew towards the battle again smiling att he dead bodies on the ground below. Some Guardians. Some Pure Ones. No exact number though. She scanned the area for any Guardians to attack. She looked down and saw Lilya's friend, Am'Gathar. Star churred and dived down silently. She slowed down her dive and slashed at Am'Gathar as she passed, leaving the Barn Owl to be surprised with a scratch on her side. Star opened her wingspan and glided lazily then she burst into flight again.
Na'Arie saw this from a distance. She dug her talons into the dirt. She spread her wings and took off, silently. She flew to the owl that injured Am'gthar with no sound, like a leaf in the wind. She snuck up on the owl from behind, going slightly to the right again to hit it just right. She glided past it and left a small gash in the owl's rib area. She made a turn in the sky and landed right next to Am'gthar. "Are you alright?" Her voice sounded the small chime of a church bell. She looked at the gash. It was bleeding quite a bit, but nothing too serious.
STar grabbed a coal from her claws and threw it at Na'Arie.  She screed in her Tyto voice, "No owl dares to defy the Pure Ones!" The Pure Ones all screamed in agreement, making a huge scream that would peirce one's ears and brain. Star flew into the sky and planned her next attack. Smiling as she saw that coal scorching Na'Arie's wing feathers. She will have trouble flying, or she can't fly at all! She thought happily. Nyra gave her an approving nod and Star burst with pride and happiness. I am a true Pure One! Star dived down to slash at random Gaurdians.

"Yes...I'm okay...." Am'gthar mumbled. She was acutally quite a bit of pain, but nothing she couldn't manage....or so she thought.  flew around in a circle and began to plummet toward the hard ground. Her wings and felt like they were on fire. Am'gthar managed to slow down right before she slammed into the ground, and landed with a sharp thud instead. She looked around dizzyily and saw Lilya knocked out nearby. Am'gthar tried to move toward her but couldn't....She heard familar voices overhead and then horrifying screeching and yelling. What was going on? She tried to lift her head to see, but the pain was too much...Her last though before going unconsious was "What would Nyra look like covered in orange and green paint?....."

Na'Arie quickly put out the flames by hitting them against the ground getting dirt on them. She screetched and glared at Star. Her flight feathers were burned, but she could still fly, barely. She took a deep breath, and took a large down stroke of her wings. She flew up into the air, and flew toward Star. She extended her legs, and opened her battle claws. She screamed and attacked the owl, throwing it to the ground, but not injuring it. She flew to the ground, glaring at the owl. She crept closer, taking in huge amounts of air. She gritted her beak, and waited for the owl to get up.
A wicked smile spread on Star's beak. The owl that was attacking her might not know that she didn't get injured. Maybe she thought that she was dead. Star lied still, acting dead and taking small, silent breaths. If she got up, the owl would savage her and then she will surely be dead, but if Star played dead, she can make a suprise move on Na'Arie, perhaps injure the wretched owl. Star smiled and quickly went though her plan in her head, it was perfect. Now, if Na'Arie could cooperate. If Na'Arie would look away or fly away...It would work.
Na'Arie continued staring at the owl. Her eyesight was good, and she could see the owl taking small breaths. She is either dying or playing dead... She thought, staring at the owl. She walked closer to the owl, her battle claws making little clicks on the rocky ground. In her peripheral vision, she could see the others fighting, and she wanted to join. But, she needed to stay and make sure this owl was dead. She pokes the owl with her battle claws, being careful not to puncture the stomach. If the owl was still alive, she wanted a fair fight.
Star didn't move. She narrowed her black eyes. This owl was annoying. She held her breath and waited. Her lungs were burning, but she kept holding her breath. She quickly thought of what to do next, for the battle raging around her made her want to fly up and kill every last guardian n this place, but for her own safety, it was better for her to act dead on the ground. It made her angry to have her pure Tyto feathers to be soiled with dirt, and this thing poking her with battle claws. It stung when the sharp metal tips touched her stomach, but she felt worse pain.

When Am'gthar awoke, it was nearly dawn. She glanced around dizzily and wondered why she if she had missed the breaklight meal... A sharp stabbing pain reminded her of what had happened. Ignoring the pain, Am'gthar stood up and looked around. The battle appeared to be still going strong, although many owls seemed to be tiring...

Am'gthar looked for her friends, but didn't see them. A familar looking owl was poking a feathery lump a little ways away. Am'gthar recognized Na'arie and painfully walked over to greet her. "What is that...."She inquired about the feathery lump. Before Na'arie could respond though, she leaped back in disgust and hatred. "Isn't that the turnfeather Star? What are you waiting for?! Rip her to pieces! that owl caused the deaths of many guardians here!" Na'arie seemed to hesitate.

Na'Arie stared at the owl. She grabbed the owl's wing, and rolled her onto her back. The owl grunted and Na'Arie jumped back. "She's not dead!" She grabbed Am'gthar's wing and swung her behind her back, so the owl would hopefully not attack her. Na'Arie made a mighty beat of her wings and sprung up, and onto the pretending owl, knocking her near some rocks. "Whats wrong!? Afraid of a former Pure One!?" She spat at the owl. She flew up into the air and glided around the owl, staring at her. She finally landed at the owl's head, and looked into her eyes. "Why dont you fight?!" She screetched in the owl's ear. She backed away and waited for the owl to get up...
Star narrowe dher eyes and flew upwords her wings in a V-shape. She hovered and stared at Na'Arie. "I am not afraid! Star the HireClaw is never afraid!" Star screched and dived. She caught Na'Arie's talons and threw the former Pure One at the ground. Star cackled with a tint of a Masked Owl scream and flew back upwords. Her battle claws clinking as she landed in a fir tree nearby. Smilign at the fight, and alert for any signsof attackign Guardians. SHe was happy for her excellent Tyto-ears, which were a sign that Glaux was a Tyto, and gave Tytos superior senses to other owls.
Lilya moaned and woke up, her golden eyes foggy from her head injury and her sleep. She tried to stand, but she ended up falling over instead. "Racdrops!" She whispered. She looked up, it was morning and the sun blinded her. She blinked away the light and saw thatt he battle was stil lraging on, no signs of it slowing down, execpt for the injured and tired owls. She sighed and watched Star throw a poor owl at the ground and flew off into a tree. Lilya's gizzard was full of rage. That Star frinks me off! She really needs a lesson learned! IF only I could fly again....
Na'Arie sat up. What just happened?! she scloded herself. She stood up, and felt a sharp pain her her talons. She looked down and saw her talon bleeding through the battle claws. She tore them off, and saw the tip of her talon was chipped off. Oh great Glaux! she thought. How can I fight with this!? She shoved the bleeding talon into the dirt, hoping it would stop bleeding. But, it only stung more. "Gah!" She screetched and threw her battle claws back on. She silently flew up into the air, and flew to the back of the owl that injured her. She screetched and rammed into the owl.

Guardians of Ga'hoole

The "world of owls" I guess you could call are the maps of all the areas in the rp

Northern Kingdoms:

Southern Kingdoms: (this is where most of the books take place btw)


Beyond the Beyond: (sorry its impossible to read the names of the locations on it)

The great Ga'hoole tree:

Based off of the (amazing) books by Katherine Lasky

for those who haven't read the books....the guardians are the very learned owls of a huge tree (know as the great tree to most)  out in the middle of the sea of hoolemere. They are dedicated to protect other owls from evil, and often use their advanced knowledge to beat the enemy. Of course they still use weapons, such as battle claws (super sharp claws fashioned by the owl blacksmiths, they are removable and are kinda like gloves...I don't know how to explain it better XD) most other weapons (except guns) are acceptble....

The main enemy is the pure ones, an evil society of owls that believe barn owls (Tyto) are superior to any other species. (for those who have read the books, in this rp metal beak is still alive with nyra as his mate)

It seems as though the war between them will never end, even though it is not a direct war, just many battles in various places...

...This could get so long, I'm not even gonna try......

1. no swearing (maybe in owl language, not sure if that's allowed)

2. you may have a mate or crush, but no descriptions of gross stuff XD

3. no killing other charcters without permission from the owner.

4. you CANNOT be one the main characters from the books or movie (aka, soren, gylfie, twightlight, exc.)

you also cannot be a hagsfiend XD

5. you CAN be on the evil side, a member of the pure ones or other evil group of owls. (the pure ones are the main enemy though)

6. Have FUN!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Hire-Claw (assassin)
Kraal (pirate)
neutral owl
Pure One
Rogue (wandering owl)
Ryb (teacher)

Second RP Master
Spyre (#3768)

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