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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Na'Arie was flying by the area and she suddenly heard the screams of two owls. She flew to a nearby tree that had a hollow in it. She could hear the screams loud and clear from the hollow. "What in the world are they doing!?" She screeched to herself and flew into the doorway of the hollow. There, she found Star and Am'gthar trying to kill each other.

Puffy the Puffin walked around the lands of ice. He examined the area. "Aha! Zis shall be ze perfeect area for ze builds!" He held out his tongue, trying to taste the 'everywhere Space', or as others call it, the air. He nodded to himself and flopped onto his back and began scooting across the snow aimlessly. He spread his wings so he could collect more snow. Soon, he had a large pile of snow gathered up. When he was satisfied with the height, he climbed on top of it, and sat there.

Am'gthar clawed at Star's eye and tried to stab her in the throat, then noticed Na'Arie standing in the hollow's doorway. "Help us! Please!" She croaked before falling to the floor. "Tell the rest of the tree- Quickly!" 

Beaky gawked at the strange owl. It turned its head, and something covering his head began to sparkle and shimmer. Beaky was mesmerized. "I think- I think its an.. Owwwll.." He said to Wingy. "You know.. those big fluffy birds with big eyes?" He then turned to stare at the brown owl, who looked very uncomfortable. "Erm..Yes.. I am an owl- A guardian in fact." "Ga-de-in?" Beaky said.

   Wingy blinked and tilted her head in a dumb way. "Ga-de-on? It sounds very srs, if you ask me, Beaky. I know everything about Gadeons." She blinked, which was more like two winks and looked at the two owls, "May we help you? We are Beaky and Wingy, we know everything about the moving airs around here, we crashed into them twice!"

    Star screeched angirly aand slashed at Am'gthar, hitting her shoulder. She opened her beak threateningly, ready to stab at her enemy's eye and tear it out as a prize. 

    Lilya tried to get up, but she lost too much blood, and her wound was reopened. She moaned and let out a pained screech. Suddenly, a gruff old owl vflew into the hollow and took Star down.

"Wait...We do? We know about the moving airs? I know they're cold... and pushy... Oh I remember the Gadeons! They killed that one thing- that one time, you know, in that one place, with the things that went mleeh.." Beaky looked very happy with himself. "I..erm..I don't know..." the owl went blank.  "You two look...very lost... may I help you, um, return to the Northern Kingdoms, if that's where you're from? Now it was Beaky's turn to look blank. "Where is that? I've never heard of it. Wingy, do you know what this gadeon owlykin is talking about?" 

Am'gthar roared in pain and barely dodged Star's sharp beak. She suddenly swung her wing around, and smashed it into her round face angerly. In the few moments this gave her, she glanced over to see if Lilya was alright, but saw she was losing a lot of blood. "Hold on! We'll get help- Somehow-" Am'gthar strained to see if Na'arie was still there or not.

   Wingy blinked, "No, I don't Beaky. I think Gadeon owlykin is speaking a different tongue than we do. Aren't you owlykin? You know all these words that we don't, right?" She blinked again, "Wait, what's a word?" The owl looked very confused right now, and slightly scared;

    Star hissed and lunged for Lilya, grabbing her neck and standing on her, slowly choking her. She gave Am' gthar a dark glare. "You can't save her now, you pathetic, fluffy, impure owlet!" She dug her sharp claws into Lilya's neck, glaring at her, waiting for her to die. 

   Lilya felt an incredible pain in her neck, all she could do was close her eyes and wait.

"Oh yes! The Gadeons know lots of things, don't they? Like, how to control that warm stuff- what was it called again?" Beaky said brightly. "Fire.. its..called...Fire.." The owl said exasperated. "I...really should be going now, unless you care to tell me more about things I already know about?" the owl opened his wings and began to rise into the air swiftly, with a relieved look on his face. It instantly dissapeared though, when he heard Beaky call out "Let's follow him!" Beaky ran several feet before jumping into the air and then flopping on the ground again.

 Am'gthar attempted to tear Star away from her friend, but only succeeded in perhaps tightening her grip. She suddenly saw the small scruffy owl in the corner of the room, and instantly recognized him. "Ezylryb!" she screamed as he ninja-owl-attacked Star. 

n  WQingy ran after him and flew into the air. "Yes! I want to tell more to the Gadeon, lie about those moving airs. He might be pushed around by them!"


   Star hissed and slashed at Ezylryb, "Get away, you disgusting old owl!" She flew into the air again, having a small battle with the old ryb.

   Lilya opened her eyes weakly and looked at am'gthar. "What's going on?" She managed to choke out. She tried to get to her feet, but she was too weak to even attempt to try to do that. Her vision was blurred, and her lovely gray feathers were matted and bloody.

Beaky waddled after them quickly, yelling "Wait for meeee!". He finally got himself airborne, and flapped hard to catch up with the mysterious owl and Wingy. "Heey! Gadeon! How long *gasp* till we get to *gasp* gahooly?" The Owl didn't respond but just flew faster, and Beaky was left gasping for breath behind him. "Wingy.. me thinks owlykin doesn'" 

Am'gthar watched the fight with a growing assurance. "Its..okay... Ezylryb is here! he'll fight Star off- I'm sure of it." She glanced over at the body of the poor Pygymy owl that had died earlier, he had been kicked into a corner during the battling. "Poor old owl..." She whispered. Am'gthar vowed that Star would get her rightful punishment, some way or another. 

   Wingy began to pant too, she felt tired. "Beaky, I feel this really odd feeling, are you feeling it too? It's a very strange thing." She continued to flap, trying to keep up with the fast owl. 

    Lilya blinked slowly, "Ezylryb's.... here?" She didn't feel like looking over to see if that was true or not, everything seemed to be in a haze to her. 

   Star screeched as he grabbed her talons and threw her at the wall. "How could such an impure owl overpower me?" She screeched. Then, there was a loud hoot and a great Snowy Owl flew in to help Ezylryb. Star's eyes widened. "Boron..." She felt her wings lock and she fell to the ground, landing with a thud. 

Beaky was breathing  very hard now. "This feeling.. it is like when I go fishing for a long time... Then I can't breath and I hurt inside!....Do you ever get that feeling?" He asked Wingy. Unfortunetly Beaky started daydreaming about going fishing again, and began to veer off in another direction blindly. 

"She...went...yeep..?" Am'gthar suddenly noticed the reason why and nearly passed out. The king of the entire tree- and she was just standing here unpresentable covered in smeared feather paint and blood. "Your majesty- I- we- This owl-" She couldn't get any words out as she fell down in exhaustion and shock. 

   Wingy blinked slowly, "Yes, this feeling, it confuses me. Whatever that word means,"  she noticed Beaky started to veer off into a different direction. "Beaky! Come back! We have to go to goohooly!"

   Lilya felt as if something picked her up, but she was too confused to notice. She was being taken to the infirmary. 

   Star hissed and stood up, ruffling her feathers. Now, she was puffed up to look twice her size, she was very angry. "You can't stop me!" Just then, Baran flew in and landed next to her mate, they were both glaring at Star, both being ominously silent.

Beaky woke up. "Oh! Right! Goohooly! where all the big fluffy owls are, with their shiny headthings and foothings and warm stuff! Quick! Owlykin is flying away." He tried to speed up his flying, which only made him do some sort of dying fish flying manever. "Do you think the moving airs will push Owlykin away?" 

Am'gthar didn't move, just lay there watching Boron and Barren glaring down at Star. She was anticipating their next plan of action- would they just kill her then and there, or hold a parliement meeting? Her thoughts began to wander, and she very faintly remembered moving and seeing Star's expression as Boron issued a official-sounding command. 

   Wingy blinked slowly again. "I hope not, I want to go to the goohooly tree and meet King Moron. I have heard stories-whatever those are- about him, and he's cool sounding."


   Boron seemed to loom over the female Masked Owl. "Star, I am sending you into exile to the Northern Kingdoms. Some of our finest and strongest guardians will escort you there. For now, you shall be put into custody, guards," two burly Great Horned Owls hurried over and stood by her sides, forcing her out of the hollow. Star seemed outraged, "The Northern Kingdoms? How impure!" She screeched.

"Oh me too! I've always wanted to see what's-his-feathers-King Moron. Do you think he'll give us fish?" Beaky said excitedly. "Have you heard... about that one owly, the one who someone ate his face off?! he put a shiny on it to make it more prettier." 

The first thing Am'gthar did, when she felt strong enough, was to track down Lilya and see if she was alright. On the way there, she ran into Na'Arie in the passageway. "Oh! Hello, would you like to come with me? I'm going to see if my friend is alright." Am'gthar had a difficult time convincing the owl in charge of the infirmirary to let her in. "Please? I must see her!" She said in despair. 

    Wingy nodded, "And isn't his mate Moon-butt or something? I think I might know."

    Lilya had now just woke up. She groaned and blinked slowly, trying to remember where she was and what just happened to put her here. Her whole body was aching and throbbing. She closed her eyes tightly, wanting all of this pain to end.

   Star was put into a hollow with two guards. Her battle claws were taken from her, so now she was unarmed and stuck in this hollow. She knew she would never be able to fight the armed guards, she had no way to compete! She felt extremely outraged.

Guardians of Ga'hoole

The "world of owls" I guess you could call are the maps of all the areas in the rp

Northern Kingdoms:

Southern Kingdoms: (this is where most of the books take place btw)


Beyond the Beyond: (sorry its impossible to read the names of the locations on it)

The great Ga'hoole tree:

Based off of the (amazing) books by Katherine Lasky

for those who haven't read the books....the guardians are the very learned owls of a huge tree (know as the great tree to most)  out in the middle of the sea of hoolemere. They are dedicated to protect other owls from evil, and often use their advanced knowledge to beat the enemy. Of course they still use weapons, such as battle claws (super sharp claws fashioned by the owl blacksmiths, they are removable and are kinda like gloves...I don't know how to explain it better XD) most other weapons (except guns) are acceptble....

The main enemy is the pure ones, an evil society of owls that believe barn owls (Tyto) are superior to any other species. (for those who have read the books, in this rp metal beak is still alive with nyra as his mate)

It seems as though the war between them will never end, even though it is not a direct war, just many battles in various places...

...This could get so long, I'm not even gonna try......

1. no swearing (maybe in owl language, not sure if that's allowed)

2. you may have a mate or crush, but no descriptions of gross stuff XD

3. no killing other charcters without permission from the owner.

4. you CANNOT be one the main characters from the books or movie (aka, soren, gylfie, twightlight, exc.)

you also cannot be a hagsfiend XD

5. you CAN be on the evil side, a member of the pure ones or other evil group of owls. (the pure ones are the main enemy though)

6. Have FUN!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Hire-Claw (assassin)
Kraal (pirate)
neutral owl
Pure One
Rogue (wandering owl)
Ryb (teacher)

Second RP Master
Spyre (#3768)

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