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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


   Lilya looked at her, "I'm injured," she answered plainly. "You just can't fly into a raging gale if you're injured like I am."

   Star flew over the bloody battlefield, her eyes narrowed with disgust. She landed on a branch. "Those filthy guardians," she hissed. "I'll kill those two pesky, impure idiots even if it kills me."She fluttered up again to fly down and land on the blood-stained ground with a loud clank from her battle claws.  She began to ponder about that black Barn Owl that saved her.  She has always seen Barn Owls with pure white facs, this male interested her.

"Oh..that's right... I forgot." Am'gthar sighed. She hopped off her perch, and went in search of some paints and perhaps a canvas. She usually kept it in the corner of the hollow, which today was dominated by some old books and piles of feathers. She pushed the book out of the way and groaned as she saw something red and sticky under it. "Ugh.. some of my paints must have leaked or something... " Am'gthar suddenly remembered- She had no red dyes or paints. Trembling, she hopped back to her perch and glanced at Lilya fearfully. "I think...something...died back there.." 

Beaky's simple mind began to wander, and he began to daydream about eating a fish with eight heads. He didn't really noticed as the katabats, the very strong winds in the northern kingdoms, began to blow ferociously, blowing him off his feet into the air. He opened his wings without thinking and let the wind carry him, far far away from the northern kindgoms. 

   Wingy was flying over the Sea of Hoolemere, tilting sid to side. "THese.. moving airs.." She announced in a dub voice. "Are very weird. They make me flky is weird ways!" She squwaked when she crashed into something hard. "Ow? Ow? What? Ow? What is this feeling? Ow?"

  Lilya lifted her head and walked over to Am' gathar's hollow. She stared at the blood and poked it with one talon, "What could it be from? Should we tell Boron and Baran?"

   Star flew into the air again, her talons clenched. She began to fly in the direction of the Great Tree. She knew she wouldn't be welcomed there, but maybe she could steal a few lives.

Beaky winced as he flew beak-first into something in the sky. That wasn't supposed to happen.. maybe it was one of those giant feather things, the big fluffy white ones that sometimes covered the sky. Yes, that must be it- He ran into a sky feather. Beaky was so entranced by the thought that he ran into the stranger again. "Oh.. Hi there. You are not a sky feather?" He said while looking very confused. "I ran into one, it made my head have this wierd feeling." 

"Well.. No, not yet.. I don't want to worry them, they're busy enough. Perhaps it is a rotten mouse or rat that somehow got in.." Am'gthar was baffled- the blood seemed to just appeared out of nowhere, no trail, nothing. She picked up the book that had been sitting on top of the mess, and replaced it to its original spot. The book's topic was about some kind of strange derpy-looking bird, and the blood had deformed the crude drawings on the back cover into the image of  horrific monster-like creature. 

   Wingy tilted her head- then she wondered how she did that. "I have the same feeling in my head, I think I crashed into a moving airs. There are so much of them around here, Whatevertheplaceiscalled." She paused. "Anyways, do you have what some call a name? Mine is Wingy."

     Lilya sighed, "Okay... but...." She tilted her head to look up, and saw a bloodstain on the hollow's ceiling. She screeched and fluttered a bit, scattering her gray feathers everywhere. "What is that!?" She wilfed slightly at their new discovery. "I think the blood came from here, Am. Should we go and check it out?"

"Beaky. I think- I don't remember. Wingy is a pretty name- Oh yes, these..moving airs, they seem to be pushing me around a lot today." Beaky suddenly realized where he was. "Where is the white stuff- the cold white stuff, I think it went away. Maybe the moving airs moved it away." He said while staring blankly at the drab, snowless ground below them. A light sprinkling rain began, and Beaky stared up in suprise and wonder, even when a drop of rain hit him in the eye. "The sky- It is doing that, thing, you know when you don't feel happy and water comes out of your eye. My mum did that once, when I told her that the fish in my tummy wanted to go fishing with me." Beaky was silent for a few minutes. 

Am'gthar stared up at the red stain. "Maybe- Maybe Matron is making rasberry soup. and she spilled it." She said very weakly. "Alright, let's go to the hollow above mine, and check it out." "I don't remember who lived there last- I think it was an annoying old pygmy who liked banging sticks on the floor all the time." 

   Wingy blinked, "Oh, that. Why would be the sky be unhappy? It's so big and blue, like the place we get fish from. I love fishing," she did a small loop in the air at the mere mention of fish. She then just hovered there, dazed. "How did I do that?" She wondered out loud.

    Lilya sighed, "Oh. Him. He was a very weird owl." As they went out the hollow and flew out of the tree to go to the level above them, Lilya could feel a sickening feeling in her gizzard. They landed and went inside the hollow, to see a familiar Masked Owl looming over the body of the Pgymy. "Star!" Lilya gasped.

"I don't know.. maybe the sky didn't get its fish today. It must be hungry." Beaky mused. He still hadn't figured out where the ocean and the cold white stuff went.. Oh well, maybe the moving airs would bring it back. He stared at Wingy. "How did you do that- That fanceh flying circle?" 

Am'gthar blindly rushed over to the poor fallen pygmy.  "Why! He didn't even do anything to you-" She gasped in horror at Star. "A pu- pure one. in the tree.." She stuttered. She felt frozen for a moment, then opened her beak to raise an alarm to the rest of  the tree. 

   Wingy blinked slowly, a blank expression on her face. "Uh.. I don't know. I was really happy. And uh.... uh.... it happened. It was all because of fish, I guess. I like fish. I love fish. So much." 


   Star growled and lunged for Am' gathar, pinning her to the ground with her sharp- battle-clawed talons. "Stay silent, pest," she hissed. "Or else you'll share the same fate as that impure pgymy owl."

   Lilya felt outraged by Star doing this to her friend. She screeched loudly, hoping to attract attention from nearby owls in their dens. She seemingly froze when Star glared at her with emotionless, dark black eyes.

"Oh YES! I love Fish! Fish are just- just-" Beaky couldn't think of the right word. "So. Do you have any idea where we are? I want to get back to- wherever the fish are." 

Am'gthar clamped her beak shut and stared angerly at the terrifying owl holding her down. She would find a way to alert the rest of the tree- Somehow... She realized that it must be near the middle of the day, everyone would be sleeping right now. It seemed completely hopeless right now. Am'gthar frantically motioned for Lilya to fly away, quickly, before something happened to her too. 

   Wingy looked around her, "No... I have no idea where we are. The moving airs took me here from my nest and my mate and chicks, so I have clue where we could be. I hope I can get back home... I want to fish... so badly."


    Lilya stared at Am' gthar. "No," she said firmly. "I'm a guardian. I let nothing happen to others!" She extended her wings and knocked into Star, barreling across the hollow with the screeching Masked Owl, closing her eyes tightly to bear the stinging wounds the evil owl was giving her,  

Beaky sighed. "I have no- Erm, what did you call them.. Mate and family. Whatever those are...I can't wait to go fishing again!"  He suddenly stopped flapping his wings, forgetting what the point of flapping them was, and began to fall quickly toward the ground. 

Am'gthar screeched and pushed herself to her feet. She quickly advanced toward Star menacingly and slashed wildly at her shoulder, even though she was great pain. "Leave. Us. Alone!" She yelled. She briefly wondered why no one had heard the noise of their scuffle yet and come to investigate. "What do you want from us?! Just..Go...away!" 

   Wingy felt panicked when  she Beaky fall. "No! Beaky, flap your wings! Don't die, I love you!" She paused, what did that phrase mean? She dived down to help Beaky.


    Lilya glared at Star, a scratch across her face. "Yes, why are you here? You turnfeather!"

    Star glared at Lilya, digging her claws into her chest. "Shut up, pest," she glared at Am'gthar. "I am here to take my revenge. The guardians nearly killed me, they deserve to be destroyed." She then rose her voice into a high screech, "Death to the impure guaridans of the tree!" 

When Beaky heard Wingy say this, he suddenly snapped out of his forgetfulness, opened his wings and glided down the ground, then tripped and fell and rolled several feet. He had a difficult time getting up again, due to his rotundness. When he finally got to his feet he looked around wildly for the other puffin that had been here- He already forgot her name. Instead he saw a a large brown owl with poofy tufts of feathers on its head, and he was looking very concerned. "Do you... need help?... He asked. "Help..What is help again... Do you know where the fish and cold stuff is?" Beaky replied, still looking around for the other puffin a daze. He thought he saw someone coming in that was obviously not Wingy, but it appeared as a tiny black speck in the sky. 

Am'gthar glared in bitter rage. "You Pure Ones are disgusting. Hating another owl just because of its species- It is completely horrendus to owlkind." She dove for Star's head, bare talons extended. "RACIST!" Am'gthar had little idea what that even meant, she had picked it up from one of the famous stories about the others. 

   Wingy was in a daze. Beaky  had seemingly disappeared in thin air. She just hoped that he wasn't dead. She dived down, almost forgetting to blink. Soon, she saw the strange puffin and an even weirder bird next to him. She had to remember how to land and clumsily landed on the ground. She looked at the owl, "What are you?"


   Star hissed at Am' ghar and taunted her, "You don't have battle claws! I have the upper hand, you puny owlet!" She rose into the air and grabbed Am'gthar's head, throwing her at the hollow's wall. "No impure owls can save you now!" She cackled at her words.

Guardians of Ga'hoole

The "world of owls" I guess you could call are the maps of all the areas in the rp

Northern Kingdoms:

Southern Kingdoms: (this is where most of the books take place btw)


Beyond the Beyond: (sorry its impossible to read the names of the locations on it)

The great Ga'hoole tree:

Based off of the (amazing) books by Katherine Lasky

for those who haven't read the books....the guardians are the very learned owls of a huge tree (know as the great tree to most)  out in the middle of the sea of hoolemere. They are dedicated to protect other owls from evil, and often use their advanced knowledge to beat the enemy. Of course they still use weapons, such as battle claws (super sharp claws fashioned by the owl blacksmiths, they are removable and are kinda like gloves...I don't know how to explain it better XD) most other weapons (except guns) are acceptble....

The main enemy is the pure ones, an evil society of owls that believe barn owls (Tyto) are superior to any other species. (for those who have read the books, in this rp metal beak is still alive with nyra as his mate)

It seems as though the war between them will never end, even though it is not a direct war, just many battles in various places...

...This could get so long, I'm not even gonna try......

1. no swearing (maybe in owl language, not sure if that's allowed)

2. you may have a mate or crush, but no descriptions of gross stuff XD

3. no killing other charcters without permission from the owner.

4. you CANNOT be one the main characters from the books or movie (aka, soren, gylfie, twightlight, exc.)

you also cannot be a hagsfiend XD

5. you CAN be on the evil side, a member of the pure ones or other evil group of owls. (the pure ones are the main enemy though)

6. Have FUN!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Hire-Claw (assassin)
Kraal (pirate)
neutral owl
Pure One
Rogue (wandering owl)
Ryb (teacher)

Second RP Master
Spyre (#3768)

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