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Taj walked away without waiting for Ghost's approval. He looked back for a second and noticed the elder white male sitting and watching, and he noticed him smiling a little as he looked after them. what's he so happy about? he thought to himself. But then, he saw Mia joining up with him and he smiled "C'mon, we'll travel the plains for a little, then I'll show you my place." He said. Taj was a little nervous, though he couldn't explain why. Perhaps it was because he had run away and he didn't know what the others would say when they saw him..what would his father say. He didn't want to be caught up in a confrontation in front of Mia. He tensed up.

As they walked, Taj felt Mia next to him and he relaxed a bit. When she mentioned how large the kingdom was, he nodded. "Yeah, lots of land, lots of lions and lots of rules." He said, dragging the word rules with disgust. But, watching as Mia took the lead, he slowed down a bit as she talked about her pride having respect for him. He paused for a moment and frowned. "Respect.." he repeated "Yeah, not so much." He said, taking the lead again. "But who cares about them. Now, my friends Kojo and Nya, you'd like them. We see a lot of action in this place" he said, chuckling. Walking past a large, muddy slope, he had an idea. "Hey! This is where we like to surprise the herds. It's a game, I'll show you." He said, soundinng eager. He picked up a large leaf in his mouth and dragged it to the top of the slope. Dropping it, he smiled and motioned for Mia. He sait on the front of the leaf "Hop on!" He said with a smile.

Kiva shook his mane as he patrolled his perimeters of his territory then he walked back to his den the females where wrestling with each other but they all stopped to greet him. Just then Kiva looked around and thought of his daughter Mia. Kiva felt himself laugh a slow chuckle "I'm sure the "prince" is quite taken with her and it won't be long..." he said letting his sentence trail off Kiva let out a roar that split the sky making sure any lion that heard would stay out of his territory just then the female joined in there roars a beautiful Harmony.After roaring Kiva lounged on a rock in the shade and he felt his ear twitch as he watched his territory. 

Mia frowned as Taj who said he was never shown respect, but didn't he just take respect by brute force because she knew she did.Mia then looked at the leaf on the slope then she looked down "Is this even safe to be doing at all?" she asked Taj looking over the slope."I never do things like this at home my father would never allow it neither would my siblings" she said to him. Mia looked at Taj who was waiting on the leaf. Mia felt herself sigh and she stretched really fast "Okay but only once" she said stepping on the leaf. Mia sat very close to Taj and she listened to his heart which was beating really fast Mia smiled. Then the leaf started moving down the slope.

Taj looked on towards Mia expectantly. His face was beaming with excitement. He watched as she surveyed the slope scrupulously. Taj laughed "Stop asking so many questions. What's a game without a bit of danger to add excitement?" he said, looking back at her as she sat behind him. He smiled softly then, a sort of uncharacteristic smile. "Besides" he said "Sometimes you just gotta let go and have fun!" Taj caught her eye for a second, and his heart began to pick up speed. He might have blushed, but she would never be able to tell.

Beneath all his moodiness and pride, Taj had a big heart. The reason he was never respected may have been his lack of authority. He had a temperment, sure, but he never thought to take anything "by brute force". It was something that always set him apart. If he realized this at all, he would never admit it for the sake of his pride. But he knew in his heart, he would do whatever it takes to win their honor his father, to deserve his kindness and love.

Taj was looking down the hill, before taking off, he looked back at Mia one more time, a look of mischief on his face that would have caused anyone to put their guards up. "You ready?.." He said. Beore she could answer, he pushed off and before long the two were flying at top speed. Taj roared with excitement and laughed. Then he pointed "You see that herd?" He shouted "That's the target!" He said, laughing maniacally. Before long, they were airborne. "WAHHOOo!!!" Taj yelled, as they closed in on the herd of grazing wildebeast.

Mia shook in fear and excitement as they went down the slope and into the air at a speed she didn't know was possible. Just then the leaf made its way to the heard of grazing wildebeest and Mia felt her eyes widen and if she didn't have any pride she would have meowed but she held it in her people where known for there viciousness and fearlessness and she was going to let them down. When they went into the middle of the Wildebeest herd they scattered every where. Then there was silence when they had all scattered and left the leaf had stopped. "Talk about fearlessness you are very brave to do this" she said getting up on wobbly legs just then she seen a male lion lion coming at Taj. "Brother I thought father said you couldn't do that" he said Taj.

Taj laughed and wooted loudly, while he could feel Mia shaking slightly. The herds scattered, and when Taj and Mia hit the ground, Taj got up and ran after them a bit. He roared and watched them run faster. "YEAH!!" He yelled "WOO!!" He turned back and looked at Mia, who was wabbling a little. Taj laughed and ran to her. "It's okay." He said, "We were all a little shaky at first." He said smiling. Using his head he nudged her and helped her steady herself. He flicked his tail wildly, still full of adrenaline from the rush. He looked at Mia, and when he felt she was recovered, he said, with a wild look in his eyes "Wasn't that fun!?" His sides were moving in and out with his heavy breathing, and he collapsed to the floor, dust flying up from underneath him.

Taj looked to up at the clouds. For the first time, he felt free again. Like he used to feel with Kojo and Nya. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, taking it all in. It was shaping out to be a perfect day already. But then, while his eyes were shut, he heard a familiar voice. Taj's eyes shot open at once and he looked up over his paws to see none other than his brother, standing there. Taj got up. "Akin!" He said "How long were you standing there?" He said in confusion.
Akin shook his mane "I seen the whole thing I was going to try to catch a wildebeest before you chased them all away big brother" Akin said. Then he spotted a female  lioness next to Taj who was still a little wobbly on her feet and he didn't recognize her at all she smelt of other territory. Akin stood tall and proud "Who are you" he asked taking in her appearance and noticed the many intricate scars on her which seemed to highlight her features then it clicked in his mind she was from one of the fearfullest prides which was shown by the small triangle on her ear which most lions wouldn't have noticed."My name is Mia daughter of the Alpha Lion Kiva" she said bowing as she introduced herself. Akin nodded his head and looked at his brother "Father has been looking for you and I must insist Mia comes as well" he said and smirked at his brother.
Taj listened to his brother speak, and watched as he and Mia locked eyes and introduced themselves. He scratched his chin with his hind paw and yawned as they conversed. He was rude like that. When they finished, Taj approached his brother, and his body tensed up when he mentioned their father. Taj looked back at Mia, then at Akin, who was smirking. Taj didn't like his look. He grimaced at him "Alright, well let's go then." he said, taking his place by his brother, who Taj realized was looking Mia again. Taj growled "Don't get any ideas." he said, sounding territorial.
Akin stared at his brother in amazement when he looked away and when he looked back Akin nodded to his brother and listened to his order which Taj probably didn't realize he had made. Akin was feeling a little angry at being put in his place by his brother but he wasn't going to show it. Just then they neared the meeting ground where everyone was waiting including the whole pride and his father. "Taj has returned" Akin roared. Just then Akin walked in with Taj and Mia who was clearly uncomfortable at being in the heart of another pride that wasn't hers. When Akin walked in there was no sign of there father but the whole pride was there and they stared at Taj waiting for him to say something.
"Oh my God you've grown!" exclaimed Ghost. He and Ghoul embraced. "Where the gazelle droppings have you been?" asked Ghoul. "What do you mean?" asked Ghost. "One moment I'm a cub, just lounging around by a tree with my mother, the next then I know, we have a new male and he chases me out of the pride!" yelled Ghoul. Ghost growled. "You mean he tried to kill you?" he asked. "Yes. Me and my brother," said Ghoul. "Well where is your brother?" asked Ghost. Ghoul looked down sadly. "He tried to take over the pride and kill Rodey," said Ghoul. "But Rodey was too strong and ended up killing HIM instead," said Ghoul. Ghost couldn't believe his ears. One of his cubs was dead? Ghost had to retalliate. "I'll get back to that, but for now come meet my new traveling partners," said Ghost. Ghoul followed him to the cave. Ghost stopped. "What the? Where did they go?" Ghost asked. "Who?" asked Ghoul. "Taj and Mia," said Ghost. Ghoul gaped. "You mean you're traveling with the future king and the daughter of alpha lion Kiva?"

Taj followed alongside his brother up to the top of a cliff. Mia followed cautiously behind them, and Taj sensed her apprehension. He slowed down a bit so he was near her. "Hey," he said softly "Don't look so nervous. If they're gonna be giving anyone trouble it'll be me." He said, sounding a bit meloncholy. Just then, Taj watched after Akin who was ahead of them. Stopping at the edge of the cliff, Akin roared out to the large gathering beneath, announcing Taj's arrival. When Taj heard the sound, and caught a glimpse of the gathered pride, he ducked quickly and backed up in surprise, mumbling something through his teeth. 

Seeing that Akin was now watching him, and the crowd also had their eyes on him, Taj looked at Mia for help..but she was also watching him. "Great." he said, half to himself. Clearing his throat, he got up and walked ahead of Akin. He surveyed all the faces. As usual, they didn't look to impressed. Taj sighed. "H-Hey everybody. Long time no see, right?" Taj said to a silent crowd. One could almost hear the crickets chirpping. Taj grumbled. "Yeah, I know you guys missed me and all, no need to get all sappy. But I'm gonna go find my dad now. Later people." He said, turning his back to them and descending the cliff leaving Akin and Mia behind.

"Yes I do," said Ghost. "Wow dad. You know everyone," said Ghoul. Ghost smiled. He then sniffed the air. "They couldn't have gone far," he said. "They're on their way to the kingdom," said a voice. The two white lions turned to see Aldetta in the tree. "Aldetta!" exclaimed Ghoul. "Ghoul! I can't believe you're still alive!" Aldetta exclaimed. "Which way did they....nevermind," said Ghost, catching Taj's scent. "Follow me," said Ghost. He ran over. Ghoul said goodbye to Aldetta and followed his father. The two ran until they came to the hill Ghost loved. They looked towards the kingdom. "There's Taj, walking away," said Ghost. Ghoul saw Taj. "And that must be Mia," said Ghoul. Ghost nodded. Ghoul was about to leap forward until Ghost stopped him saying, "Wait. Let's see what goes down. Just in case we need to break Taj and Mia out of there." "Cool. I don't think the pride would like a young rogue male entering unexpected," said Ghoul. Ghost chuckled alongside Ghoul. Father and son lied down and looked on.
Mia looked at the pride with anger and bared her teeth showing off her perfectly sharp teeth and her claws extended a little "I am the next queen of the Claw pride and I had come to make acquaintances with your future king but it appearance some don't know the respect one must treat a king or a future king" she growled teeth flashing in anger again at them for humiliating Taj of course that hadn't been the reason for her coming but it had seemed to put them in there place and now they knew who she was. Mia felt her tail twitch as she chased after Taj. 

Just as Ghost was about to fall asleep, Ghoul smacked him upside the head with a strong paw. "Wake up," he said. "The two just went into the kingdom," said Ghoul. Ghost groaned as he stood up and stretched, yawning. When he finished, he pushed Ghoul to the ground, pinning him on his back. "Never let your guard down, and don't hit your father," said Ghost. He released his son and walked off, tail flicking. Ghoul growled as he stood up. He followed his father. Together, the two white lions walked into the kingdom. Ghost hadn't set foot in the kingdom since Ghoul was only a cub. He wanted to see his old friend Taji again. Ghost and Ghoul walked into the kingdom. The lionesses around saw them and looked on in astonishment. "Mother of Africa!" exclaimed a lioness. "It's King Ghost!" shouted another. They were all astounded to see Ghost after so long. "Oh where have you been Ghost?" asked one lioness. "Banished from my own pride," said Ghost. "I recently found my son, Ghoul," said Ghost. Ghoul nodded proudly. "When will you be taking your throne back?" asked a lioness. This question surprised Ghost. Even Ghoul wanted to know. "Soon," said Ghost. "Now if you would excuse me, I have a young prince and an old king to see about," said Ghost. The old, white lion walked on. Ghoul was happy with the news. His father was going to try and get back his pride. Ghoul followed his father and the two followed Mia trail. Ghost was finally ready to see Taji.

Taj was laying down at the base of the hill. He rested alongside a small pond and was staring down at his reflection, lost in thought. A fish broke the still surface, causing his image to become blurred, and it stared at him momentarily. Taj looked at it with interest, to see what it would do, but the fish flipped quickly, wacking Taj right in the nose before diving back under the water. Taj flinched in surprise, but then grew frustrated. He beared his fangs and growled "Why you..!!" He started "You wanna fight me too!? Come back here and fight like a man!!" He roared, and jumping into the pond, which was rather shallow, he starting stomping around and splashing wildly as he followed the fish around in circles.


Just then, as Taj turned around suddenly, he saw Mia standing there. He stopped his splashing and just stood there, dripping wet and looking quite foolish. His mane partly covered his eyes. He felt embarassed slightly, but more frustrated than anything. "What!?" He questioned her in defense of what little dignity he had left after this pathetic display.

Reign of Taj
Takes place in africa..that's pretty much all I've got people.

The generations have come and gone, and with each new generation their comes a new king. The days of king Abazu are remembered throughout the land, as his reign served to pave a solid foundation for future generations. The land is thriving and all seem to be happy within the kingdom. But now a new king must step up to reign. Next in line is a young lion named Taj, named after his father, the former king Taji. He has been brought up to know the responsibility of the crown, and now that he is coming of age, will he be ready? He is expected to finish his training, pick a queen, and take the crown all within the year. Being under a lot of pressure, Taj would rather just live the lazy life like every other lion his age. But will his responsibilities catch up with him? Even if Taj does choose the crown, he must first win over his pride, who seems to think very little of him due to his lack of passion for the royal position. If Taj won't own up, will someone else be forced to take the crown? Surely it is unorthodox, but a choice must be made for the good of the kingdom..before time runs out.




Taj is the son of a great king named Taji. He has brought up Taj in the ways of the kings of old, despite Taj's lack of interest. He has a brother named Akin who is much more suited for the crown, but since he is merely the second born, he is not fit to reign. Taj has two best friends named Kojo and Nya, and Taj's mother is deceased since he was little.

NOTE: If you are going to play as Taj or another main character, you may make up what they look like :)

Joinable main characters include:

-Taji (former king and father of Taj)

-Taj (future king)

-Kojo (friend of Taj and Nya)

-Nya (friend of Taj and Kojo)

-Akif (brother of Nya)

-Juba (brother of Nya)

-Akin (brother of Taj)




1. No profanity please

2. Please do not get too graphic with violence. ( example of what is NOT appropriate: "blood oozing YADA YADA bones PROTRUDING!! YADA YADA" I think you get it. That's kinda going overboard. Just cool your jets people, we can have fun without all that :) )

3. no controlling each other's characters

4. keep it PG please? To clear this up, all I mean to say is don't describe anything in a way that makes my eyebrows burn off when I see it as I am scrolling down the screen. Nothing TOO graphic. Fighting is obviously gonna break out between lions. Because yes, they are lions ;)

5. romance is allowed, but remember (PG!)

5. As always.HAVE FUN :3 Any questions, just message me :)

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100 words per post.

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BlackWolf23 (#1501)

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