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Ghost fought the hyenas. He injured two and killed three. Ghost turned to the alpha female. "You still want to fight an old king with a lot of experience?" he asked. The female growled and backed away, but the rest of the three, even the injured two, attacked Ghost. Ghost easily killed the injured two hyenas. He then injured the last one. "You haven't heard the last of me Ghost!" yelled the alpha female. She ran off after the rest of her clan. Ghost growled and turned to the injured hyena. "Please noble, former king...spare me," said the hyena. Ghost growled and loomed over the hyena. The hyena begann to whimper. "Please," he sobbed. Ghost rolled his eyes and walked away. "I'll spare you, but you must never return to the high lands, got it?" he asked. "Yes sir," said the hyena. The hyena limped off after the alpha female. Ghost nodded and walked into the trees. Nightfall came. Ghost went on a hunt and caught a gazelle, surprisingly. He ate and drunk from the river. Ghost then laid down in the white flowers.

The moon was now high, and the pride had been settled in. All had been sleeping soundly; all except for Taj. He could still hear the others' laughter ringing in his ears. He groaned, tossing and turning. There was no way he was going to get any sleep. His fur was ruffled and his breathing was heavy with frustration. He looked around him, seeing everyone sleeping. They looked peaceful. Taj, realizing that they would probably not hear him, got up. He made his way around the sleeping pride and out of the Dome. Once outside, he looked back over his shoulder at the others. "They won't miss me" he thought out loud. Pacing back and forth, he thought on the events that had taken place. Then, facing the horizon, he let loose. He ran as fast as he could, stopping only once he made it to the river. The ground was still ripped up from the hunt, and a large dip in the dirt showed exactly where the large wildebeast had turned over, throwing Taj off. He followed the accident scene to the river, and looming over the edge, he looked into his own reflection. He was surprised to realize that the lion he saw in his reflection was a stranger to him. He was so busy trying to please his father, and still live a normal life, his identity was all mixed up in his mind. He swiped at the water with his powerful paw, making a splash, and he watched his reflection ripple. But just then, as he looked away, a giant crocodile grabbed him by his leg. Taj let out a roar of pain and shock, and was pulled in by the jurassic beast.

As Ghost was lying down, he watched a small butterfly land on a flower and then fly off. Ghost looked up at the moon and yawned. He then remembered watching the moon with his mate and cubs. A tear rolled down Ghost's muzzle. Ghost then began to sob. "Nanie...Ghoul....Ravi....Silvia.....Kane.....Dolly....Priscilla....I miss you all," he cried. The old white lion growled and destoryed a few flowers in front of him. He shook himself and killed a hare that was hopping by. Ghost ate it and sat on his haunches. He was about to run off and challenge the male again, but he suddenly thought about it. "If I go back, I'll probably be killed," he said. He was stopped by a roar of pain and agony. Ghost looked around, listening to his surroundings. Someone, a lion or leopard, was in trouble. Ghost ran up a hill and looked around. Nothing. Then splashing sounded in his ears. He could hear it. The river was a mile away. Ghost sped off, his white mane flowing in the wind. "I have to save whoever it is," he said. Ghost ran.
Taj ripped and rolled, trying to break loose from the crocodile's strong grip, but it pulled him under. Taj's muffled roaring would not be detectable above the surface. He sacrificed his breath to lock his fangs on the beast, and he clamped it around the neck, biting down with all his strength. The crocodile let go, and Taj was released down the river. He suddenly broke the surface, gasping and chocking, but the rapids were carrying him down stream, and far from home. He rode the rapids until he could see a bend of land extending through the river. Taj, knew he had to grab on. He kept water-filled eyes locked on the land. He swam against the current, trying with all his might to get near enough to it. When he was just barely touching the ledge, he reached out his paw to grab the ledge, but someone grabbed onto him instead..
Ghost arrived at the river. He then saw a lion struggling to get out, being pulled by the rapids. Ghost went to the edge as the male lion put out his paw to grab the edge of land. Ghost grabbed his paw and yanked him out of the water. Ghost pulled the male liion over to a tree and laid him down. The male lion coughed up water. Ghost looked down at him. "'re way beyond the borders of the kingdom," said Ghost. He recognized the male. "Taj," said Ghost. He looked at the male lion. "What the zebra droppings are you doing out here?" Ghost asked. He never expected Taj to be in the low lands. The high lands were always the place where the kings and future kings roamed. Ghost shook his big white mane and sighed. "Boy, you must've ran into a croc," he said. Ghost then sat on his haunches and looked down at the lion, wondering if the pride had noticed that he had left. "Taj?" asked Ghost. "If you can hear me, tap the ground with a paw," said Ghost. Ghost waited patiently for Taj to respond.
Taj felt someone dragging him out of the water, and over to a tree. He was laid down there and then Taj could no longer feel anyone holding onto him, but he heard a deep voice. His ears were full of water and the voice sounded slightly muffled, but he could hear his name being uttered. Just then, he coughed up a good amount of water. He picked up his head and shot up suddenly, gasping. He looked around frantically, and when his sore eyes were able to focus at last, he noticed a large, pure white lion staring at him. Taj jumped back, surprised to see him. He looked the lion over, up and down, and with the most puzzled expression he asked him " I dead!?"
"Fortunately, no," said Ghost, laughing. "I know why asked that question Taj," said Ghost. "It's because of my fur color," he said. The elderly white male lion stood up, dwarfing Taj. "My name is Ghost, former king of the Acacia pride," said Ghost. He then shook himself and yawned. "I knew your father ever since we were cubs," said Ghost. "Sadly, he and I have lost touch ever since I was overthrown by a rogue male," said Ghost. "I witnessed your birth and saved your father a few times before," he said. He then looked over at the river. A crocodile poked his head out. Ghost growled and roared, his echoes rolling through the land. The croc turned around and swam off. Ghost turned back to Taj. "Come with me," said Ghost. "You look hungry, tired, and you need to be educated," said the old lion. He then flicked his tail and walked into the trees. He looked back and then kept going. "It's time for a REAL hunt!" he exclaimed.

Darkness washed over the Western Outlands as night fell, casting its shadows over the desolate terra. The silver moon lit the Outlands with a delicate light, but Jinx wished she could not see the land. The large tawny hyena limped to a soft patch of grass and sat down gingerly, licking a wound on her front left paw. Earlier she fought with the Alpha Female of the Skullsplitter clan, Siba. Siba ruled the Eastern Outlands and had always threatened to invade the Western Outlands, Jinx's territory. Today was the day she acted on those threats. As soon as Jinx saw Siba crossing the boundary she leaped upon her and forced her back. Before the fight was over, Siba had torn a wound into her left paw. This was a wound that would kill if not taken care of properly. Problem was, she could not show any weakness to her clanmates.

Jinx was born into the Bonechewer clan, and her mother was the Matriarch. She grew up learning how to lead, to fight, and to survive. A hyena's life was harsh, and her mother made certain Jinx learned everything there was to know about survival.

As a pup, Jinx was separated from others of her same age. She was privileged, they were not. This caused a rift between her clanmates and herself. She had no friends, but that was fine with her. Having friends made you weak. She was to be feared and respected.

Two moons ago her mother was killed in a hunt. Jinx had no time to mourn. She immediately took her place as Matriarch of the Bonechewer clan and never looked back at her mother's broken body. The life of a hyena was hard and it was all she could do to secure her place in the clan. Showing weakness would be the death of her.

Cackles and whines of her clanmates echoed around her. She stood up and grimaced as pain shot up her leg. A small, dark male approached her slowly, curiously tilting his head at her. She bared her monstrous teeth and growled deep in her throat. As soon as she recognized this hyena she relaxed. This was Heckles, the lowest ranking male of the Bonechewer clan. He was not the brightest or the strongest, but he did ease tension between the clanmates and amused most of them.

Heckles sat down and giggled at her. "Why you sitting funny, Jinxie?"

Jinx straightened and shot him a warning glare. Heckles was the only beast alive who could call her 'Jinxie' without receiving a harsh blow. "I'm thinking about our next move, Heckles. What is the status of the clan?"

Heckles rolled onto his back, letting his tongue loll out. His hind legs kicked the air twice and he rubbed his head on the dusty earth. "I need a bath. You do too. We're hungry."

Jinx stood up to her full height, which towered over most other hyenas. She kept from whining aloud as her paw throbbed relentlessly. She would endure this wound. She had to. "Call the others to me. We hunt tonight."

Heckles' ears perked up and he sprinted away, gleefully yipping with anticipation.

Jinx looked behind her towards the Eastern Outlands. Siba was growing bolder with every passing day. Soon there would be a frontal assault on her clan, and she did not have the strength to win. Her clan was starving, barely holding onto survival.

Her gaze drifted towards the High Lands and she knew what she must do. In order for her clan to survive they must cross the boundary between the Outlands and the High Lands. They would hunt in the forbidden kingdom of the lions and risk everything for survival.

Taj listened to the wise elder lion as he explained. He was confused. "You say you know my come he never mentioned you?" Taj asked, but then felt bad for saying that. "I mean..well, that explains why you know my name then..I guess." Taj examined the male, as he roared at the crocodile and sent it packing. The lion was massive, scars upon him appearing to be battle wounds. He was a king Taj thought to himself. He stood there puzzled, his fur dripping. He hadn't even noticed that he was bleeding from being scratched by that croc. "Okay, so, I'm not dead then.." he noted "Educated? What, you mean like, you wanna be my mentor?" He chuckled. Shaking his head, he watched as Ghost was leading him to another hunt "Alright dude, but you may regret this." Taj snickered as he got up and followed. At the very least, Taj was curious to see what this guy was all about. He would play along for now.
Ghost walked on. He could hear how clumsily Taj was walking behind him. Taj stepped on twigs, leaves, and sticks. Ghost watched his step. He then stopped, causing the tawny lion to bump into him. "Walk better," said Ghost. "You need to learn how to stalk your prey, so they won't hear you coming," said Ghost. He then heard a gun shot. The sound of a leopard roar filled the air. "Crap, hunters," said Ghost. He pulled Taj into the brush and they hid. "Look, you're going to be a king someday so here are the rules," said Ghost. "Rule number one, no being a mean lion," said Ghost. "Your pride would turn on you," he said. "Rule number two, no slacking or being lazy, and cocky," said Ghost. He then went quiet as a jeep went by. Hunters had the leopard in the back seat. The jeep then disappeared up the trail. Ghost got up. "Rule number three, don't go to danger. Let it come to you," said Ghost. "Now let's get you cleaned up and some food in your system," said Ghost. He then turned to go. "No obvious kills," he said.
Taj felt the earth crumble and the twigs snap under his large paws as he followed Ghost. Walking smack into Ghost, he said "Hey, what's the big idea?" And he grumbled as Ghost corrected him, glaring at him with a frown as he turned around to face the sudden noise. Taj knew the sound was familiar, but was taken aback when Ghost said it was hunters. He had never come across any before. So as the jeep drove by, he allowed Ghost to pull him into the brush to avoid detection. Listening silently to Ghost, half out of respect and half for the purpose of not getting detected, he watched as the jeep drove past them and down the trail. Taj watched them for a while until they disapeared, and hearing the advice, he rolled his eyes. "Okay, one: I'm NOT a mean lion. But even so, my pride HAS turned on me. They hate me." He said, his ears going flat as his own words struck his heart. "Another thing, I'm not lazy, I have a life to live! Just because I happened to be the first born, doesn't mean I CHOSE to be king. No one ever even asked if I wanted to! It was just..thrust upon me, and I don't even get a say in the matter?" He scoffed and shook his head, then looking directly into Ghost's eyes he said "Listen, if you're so smart, and wise, and kingly why don't you just take my place? Heh, I'm sure they'd LOVE you..." Then he mumbled some things to himself as he roughly brushed past Ghost and towards the open. Then sitting down, he looked over his shoulder, a cocky look on his face "And to answer that last rule? I AM danger. No one messes with me." He said, giving a smug look. But before he could blink, an antelope leaped right over him, kicking him in the head with its hoof and Taj roared in pain.
Kiva had been chasing antelope as a game when suddenly the antelope jumped and hit another lion on the head. The lion roared in pain and Kiva let out a savage growl and walked faster towards the two male lions.."What are you doing in my territory little fellow" he said to the small male lion before him. Kiva had been on the very edge of his territory and the lion had barley stepped in his territory the bigger white lion wasn't in his territory but one step would put in in his territory. Kiva growled and showed all teeth and he felt claws come out waiting for a explanation.
Ghost watched as the antelope kicked Taj in his head. Ghost laughed, not only at the action, but at the remarks before. Ghost then saw anothher male lion leap in. Ghost stood up as the lion asked, "What are you doing in my territory?" Ghost sniffed the air. "I don't smell a scent mark," he growled. He then walked over to Taj, who was apparently at the edge of the territory. Ghost pulled Taj back from the lion. Ghost then growled at the other lion. "Look," he snapped. "This young prince and I didn't know this was your territory," said Ghost. "So lower your atitude, before you have to deal with the former king of the Acacia pride," growled Ghost. He held his head high and puffed out his chest, showing off his large, white mane and huge size. Ghost glared at the other male. If a fight broke out, Ghost would deal with it easily. Ghost could tell this was a young male, probably 3, 4, or even 5 years of age. Ghost was ready to use all his experience though. He was ready to fight, if neccesary. Ghost snorted.
Kiva let out a growl  "Former king of the Acacia pride I think I've heard of you and your defeat such a shame you never won that fight" he said to the white lion. "Let me introduce my self I am Kiva King of Claw Pride" he said and let his head stand tall keeping his composer his pride was know for there savage nature but he would keep his composure. The white lion was almost equal to his size but Kiva was a littler bigger but the white lion was older which meant more experience. This lion must have heard of him though he had become king when he was 2 years old much smaller than this lion prince in front of him. Kiva knew the way to maneuver around the fight of other lions and take them down. Then he notice the prince. "You must be the next king of the land next to me young prince" Kiva said. "I know your father he was a strong lion but his time is coming to a end" Kiva said to the young prince. Then he looked at the white lion"I may know who you are but I didn't catch a name" he said and grinned all of his teeth showing.
"My name is Ghost," snapped the old white lion. "And I've heard of your pride," said Ghost. He turned to Taj. "The Claw pride is the most viscous group of lions in all of Africa," he said to Taj. "I've thought about taking over that pride before, but it just didn't fit my style," said Ghost. He then flicked his tail. "Taj may become king, but I heard a little venom in your voice," growled Ghost. "What do you truly mean by Taji's reign is coming to an end?" Ghost asked. "Is someone out to assinate him? Overthrow him and leave him for dead? What?!" yelled Ghost. This male had him all fired up now. Ghost saw how Kiva was a little bigger than him, by an inch, but Ghost saw no battle scars, worthy of praise. "I see no REAL battle scars on you Kiva," growled Ghost. He then showed his battle scars, especially the three gashes on his chest, his biggeest claim yet. "Got these from challenging the biggest hyena clan in the kingdom," Ghost snapped. "If you are truly a king, prove it!" roared Ghost. He got into stance.

Reign of Taj
Takes place in africa..that's pretty much all I've got people.

The generations have come and gone, and with each new generation their comes a new king. The days of king Abazu are remembered throughout the land, as his reign served to pave a solid foundation for future generations. The land is thriving and all seem to be happy within the kingdom. But now a new king must step up to reign. Next in line is a young lion named Taj, named after his father, the former king Taji. He has been brought up to know the responsibility of the crown, and now that he is coming of age, will he be ready? He is expected to finish his training, pick a queen, and take the crown all within the year. Being under a lot of pressure, Taj would rather just live the lazy life like every other lion his age. But will his responsibilities catch up with him? Even if Taj does choose the crown, he must first win over his pride, who seems to think very little of him due to his lack of passion for the royal position. If Taj won't own up, will someone else be forced to take the crown? Surely it is unorthodox, but a choice must be made for the good of the kingdom..before time runs out.




Taj is the son of a great king named Taji. He has brought up Taj in the ways of the kings of old, despite Taj's lack of interest. He has a brother named Akin who is much more suited for the crown, but since he is merely the second born, he is not fit to reign. Taj has two best friends named Kojo and Nya, and Taj's mother is deceased since he was little.

NOTE: If you are going to play as Taj or another main character, you may make up what they look like :)

Joinable main characters include:

-Taji (former king and father of Taj)

-Taj (future king)

-Kojo (friend of Taj and Nya)

-Nya (friend of Taj and Kojo)

-Akif (brother of Nya)

-Juba (brother of Nya)

-Akin (brother of Taj)




1. No profanity please

2. Please do not get too graphic with violence. ( example of what is NOT appropriate: "blood oozing YADA YADA bones PROTRUDING!! YADA YADA" I think you get it. That's kinda going overboard. Just cool your jets people, we can have fun without all that :) )

3. no controlling each other's characters

4. keep it PG please? To clear this up, all I mean to say is don't describe anything in a way that makes my eyebrows burn off when I see it as I am scrolling down the screen. Nothing TOO graphic. Fighting is obviously gonna break out between lions. Because yes, they are lions ;)

5. romance is allowed, but remember (PG!)

5. As always.HAVE FUN :3 Any questions, just message me :)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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BlackWolf23 (#1501)

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