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Ghost heard what Kiva said and stopped roaring. He turned around to see Mia and Taj walking towards him. Ghost stood up and shook himself. "Off to the kingdom," he said. The elderly white lion said goodbye to Kiva and his pride and led the two youngsters on. "Now Taj. We have to find a place to sleep," said Ghost. "Somewhere around here is a good place to rest," he said. He then turned towards them. Taj was still eyeing Mia. "Taj, she's not going to disappear," said Ghost. He then sniffed the air. "Ah, the sweet smell of the night," he said. He then looked back at Taj. "Ok Taj. See if you can find the right spot around here for three lions to share," said Ghost. He looked at Mia. "Keep a close eye on him and make sure he doesn't run into any small a honey badger," he whispered to the lioness. Mia giggled. "Yes sir," she said. Ghost froze. He hadn't been called "sir" in a while. He then cleared his throat and looked at Taj. "You can do it. Any king, whether it be future, present or former can."

Taj had been following close behind, and was watching Mia. His paws dragged as he walked, and he was more or less on auto-pilate, not really realizing where they were heading. Ghost noticed Taj's gaze upon Mia. Taj snapped out of the trance for a moment, and hit his paw on a rock in his path. He moaned in pain, then picked his head up to look at Ghost. "What! I wasn't staring!! I was just.." then he looked at Mia, who was now staring back at him amused. Taj made a serious face. "I was just making sure she wasn't about to try anything funny. She really can't be trusted, you know. I don't know why--" Taj had been rambling..more like verbally upchucking in order to cover his tracks, but Ghost cut him off and told him to look for a place for them to rest. Taj stopped walking suddenly, then looked all around. "Uh, yeah, okay. No problem." He said, but he looked a little confused. He wasn't quite sure where he was at the moment, but then he recognized a snapped tree which had evidently been strick by lightning. It was the land marker Taj and his friends, Nya and Kojo, used to go by in order to figure out how far they were from there "Hi-jinks HQ"


Taj chuckled when he saw it. He puffed out his chest, and shook his mane. Then, turning to the two behind him, he gestured for them to follow. "See? What'd I say? No problem." He said with a cocky flick of his tail. "This way you two." He said, sounding more confident now that he was on his own territory. Ghost and Mia followed close behind, and Taj lead them to a cave mouth. He walked inside and gestured for them to come in. Inside, it was damp and cool, but the night breeze leaked in and filled the air in a refreshing way. Taj seemed very familiar with this place, as he lead them to a large flat surfaced stone wall. He lept on top of it and sat on his haunches, grinning down at the two. "This is where me and my friends hang out sometimes. Make yourselves at home." flicking his tail with pride.

Ghost was impressed. He and Mia followed Taj into the cave. The cave was warm. "Nice," said Ghost. He then looked up at Taj. "Watch the cocky tone though," said Ghost. "Cockiness also shows a future king's immaturity," he said. Ghost then lied down on the floor. He yawned, stretched, and shook his white mane. He looked over at Mia, who sat down. "You may want to get some shut eye," said Ghost. "In the morning, we're going to the kingdom to inform Taji," said Ghost. Ghost then laid his head down and went to sleep. Ghost dreamed of his younger days. He took down a large cape buffalo and ate it. Ghost then dreamed of first meeting Nanie in the jungle. Ghost smiled in his sleep. The dream turned into a nightmare as Ghost was beaten by the rogue male. Ghost shook the nightmare and focused on only hunting prey. "One day," he thought. "One day," he then said in his sleep. Ghost wanted to get back at that male. Ghost wanted his pride back. He flicked his tail and sniffled.
Mia almost laughed at the now sleeping white lion in front of her he was clearly having a good dream but then all of a sudden he appeared to tense up and Mia was afraid he would wake up. "This cave is really beautiful" she said to Taj. Then she laid down and closed her eyes she would need a good nights sleep for the morning to talk to Taj's father. She sighed and felt her muscles relax then she was dreaming.Mia dreamed of her father Kiva and everything he had taught her when she was small like how to hunt and how to protect herself and how to be a leader.

Taj snorted at Ghost's rebuking him on his attitude. But he smiled a half smile. He couldn't help but feel some sort of gratitude towards him. After all, he did save his life. Taj plopped down onto his belly. "Yeah, whatever you say old man." And watching as Ghost curled up and quickly fell asleep, Taj turned his attention to Mia, who appeared to like his place. Taj smiled. "You like it?" Then, watching as she lay down, he nodded in approval. "Well, I'm pleased to have your presence grace my humble hide out." He said, sounding a bit sarcastic perhaps, but secretly, he meant it. Mia too had fallen asleep in no time at all, and Taj was left alone. He turned over on his back and observed the cave ceiling. Sharp, jaggedy rocks hung from it..resembling stalagmite. His mind drifted off as he thought of all the good times he had in this cave with his friends.

He smiled, but soon felt his heart racing as he had a realization. All that, the fun and games he used to take part in..with Kojo and was all about to change. Pretty soon, he would have no time for games. He would have a kingdom to rule, and all would be counting on him. He lay there, counting all the things that he would miss. Before long, he grew tired. He stared at his paws that were sticking out as he lay comfortably on his back, and his eyelids grew heavy and began to shut. He would sleep soundly through the night.


Ghost woke up well before the sun rose. He yawned and stretched his white body. The old male shook his large white mane and blinked. He looked behind him to see Mia sleeping peacefully, while Taj on the other hand was sleeping in an awkward position. Ghost chuckled and walked out the cave. He looked around and sniffed the air. He flicked his tail and went down to a little creek. Ghost leaned down and took a drink. A gazelle on the other side bounded off with her baby. A baboon climbed back up a tree and gave off a warning sign. Ghost licked his chops and watched as a mother leopard moved in her tree. "Good morning Aldetta," said Ghost. "Haven't seen you in a while big guy," said the leopardess. Ghost chuckled. "I'v been busy. How's my pride?" Ghost asked. "They're fine. Nanie's not having any cubs from that male," she said. "Good. What about my cubs?" Ghost asked. "Your daughters are swell, but sad. Your sons? I haven't heard or seen them," she said. "Figured that," said the old male. He went up to the cave.
Mia lifted her head slowly as she woke up and focused on where she was.Then she stood up and stretched that's when she noticed Taj sleeping in a awkward position. "Hey sleepy head are you going to wake up" Mia asked from where she stood and sighed then she couldn't help it she smiled. Mia looked around and noticed Ghost was gone and Mia became alert maybe he had left. Just then a small bird land on Taj making him twitch in his sleep. Mia walked up to him and nudged him trying to wake him. Just then Mia noticed his beautiful fur color and smiled. "I'm leaving if you don't wake up" she said and walked a little far to prove her point.

Taj was dreaming. His face was smiling and bright as he slept and his paws moved as if he was chasing something. Suddenly, a bird landed on him and he began to growl quietly in his sleep, but then he was still again and the bird remained perched on his paw and his face looked angry, but in a funny way. Then, when Mia nudged him and was speaking, his face siled again. He opened his eyes slowly, trying to remember what day it was. The first thing he saw was the cave cieling. He stretched, and yawned loudly. Not yet awake, he mumbled "Hey Kojo, Nya, you guys ready to--" He started, then he noticed Mia standing almost over him and he flinched, taken aback, and his surprise startled her a bit it seemed.

But blinking and standing up, he shook his mane and chuckled. "Ha! Sorry, I thought I was here with my friends for a moment, like old times." Then he halted and paused, and smirking, a charming look on his face, he continued "But instead, I find an angel" He said smoothly, flicking his tail. He obviously had been oblivious to the fact that Ghost was gone.

Mia looked away and roled her eyes she was not used to being flattered because everyone was afraid of her father. Mia looked back at Taj  "You are one unique lion you know that" she said to him and then she looked down and shook her head. "Did Ghost happen to tell you where he was going...." she asked. Then Mia looked at the sky the sun was slowly coming up for sunrise. Mia looked at the sun rise and she felt her face soften "How beautiful" she said the she quickly gained her composure and looked away from Taj. "Come on lets go to your kingdom I'm sure ghost will find us later"

Taj watched as Mia brushed off his attempts to charm her. It fueled him all the more. But when she asked about Ghost, his ears perked and he almost made a face as if he was about to barf - as was his sarcastic nature. He sighed "Nah, I was asleep, remember? How would I know..and isn't it his job to play keeper?" Taj scoffed and rolled his eyes, but when Mia tuned to watch the sun, Taj couldn't keep his eyes off of her. The way the sun lit up her face left him spellbound. "How beautiful" she commented and Taj nodded. In an attempt to be suave, he said "Yeah, beautiful.." obviously not referring to the sun..

Taj stretched again and stood by her. He looked out of the den, and noted that Mia was right. "Yeah, who needs the old goat anyway.." he said. And making his way to the outdoors, he gestured for Mia "Ladies first." He said, flashing a smile.

Mia rolled he eyes and walked out the cave. Then she stopped "Are you going to show me around your land" she asked Taj. Then she looked at the sun one last time before it came up completely. Just then Mia heard a bird make a weird chirping sound and she felt her ears twitch. Then she looked back at Taj "You have a very beautiful kingdom". Then she sniffed the air the scent of lions was strong "You father must be very strong to hold such a big land that is so beautiful" then she sighed and walked back to Taj. "Show me around" she asked sweetly and stared into his eyes.
Ghost stopped as he saw the two young lions out of the cave. "Well, well, well," he said. "Looks like the love cats are up," he said. Ghost chuckled and shook his mane. He walked over to Taj and slapped him upside the head with a right paw. "I heard what you called me squirt," growled Ghost. He flicked his tail with another growl and walked a head saying, "Follow me. Let's head to the kingdom and be done with this." Ghost looked back at them and then walked forward. He began to think about what Taj said. "Old goat," repeated Ghost. "I'm not that old," he said. "I'm only like......fifteen," whispered Ghost, stunned about his age. Most lions don't live to be fifteen in the wild. Ghost was lucky. He shook the thought. The old king walked ahead, roaring and scaring a flock of birds into the air. He chuckled and went on yelling, "Let's go you two!"

Taj followed closely behind Mia as the two left the cave. The sunlight hit him with a warmth that seemed to energize him. He laughed and ran ahead of her, gesturing with a flick of his head for her to follow. He stopped at a high hill where flocks of birds were searching for worms. Taj watched after Mia as she caught up to him, and watched as she took in the view. She obviously enjoyed it, but Taj was enjoying a view of his own, as she gazed into his eyes. He nodded when she mentioned his father being strong. "Yeah," he said solemnly "He is.." He suddenly seemed to be lost in thought, but Mia wanted so desperately to see the kingdom.

Taj came too and smiled at her. "A tour of my kingdom?" He asked, repeating her question, then he puffed out his chest with pride. "Why, of course. As the future king I wou--" Taj was cut off by a hard smack to the back of his head. He roared in pain and turned around quickly to see Ghost, standing there with a half smile. Then he growled at him and seemed to be offended. Taj growled back and stared him straight in the eyes "Why you..!" He knew it was too early to be picking fights, and he was rather too interested in Mia to care. "Hold up, I promised her a tour." He said, motioning to Mia. "Whatever it was we came here for in the first place can wait a few more minutes. After all, this is to be my kingdom," he said with pride in his voice "So they're gonna have to get used to waiting on me." He said chuckling, amused at the thought.

Mia followed close behind Taj stopping for a second to look back at Ghost then she felt her ears twitch "We will be back in a few" she said calmly to him then chased after Taj. Mia followed close next to Taj and felt her tail flicker in nervousness and anticipation to find out about his kingdom. "Your kingdom is very large you must have a lot of lions in it" Mia said to him. Mia noticed he seemed a little tense maybe he thinks I won't like his people she thought. "I look forward to meeting your people they must show you much respect" she said walking a little ahead of him.
Ghost sighed and sat down. He watched the two lovers socialize. He flicked his tail and surveyed his surroundings as a lion should do. Ghost then saw a blur of white speed into the trees. "What was that?" he asked, standing up quickly. He sniffed the ground and then walked into the trees. Ghost looked around. He saw a set of paw prints leading through the trees. Ghost sniffed the prints and growled. A male lion, a rogue, was around. "This male is big," he said. "Smaller than me, but bigger than Taj and Mia," he said. Ghost looked back at the pair, thinking if he should warn them. "No," he said. "Let Taj figure it out as a future king should," he said, flicking his tail. He then shook his mane and before he knew it, the white blur flashed again. Ghost whirled around to see a small gazelle leap onto a rock and into a flowing river. Suddenly, a white male lion appeared, growling and roaring. Ghost was surprised to see another white lion. He watched as this male leaped into the water, caught the gazelle, and dragged it out. The male was young of course. Maybe about five years old. Ghost then remembered when he was king. He had a litter of cubs and one was a white male named Ghoul. "It can't be," he said. Ghoul was dead. He was killed as a cub by the new male of the Acacia pride. Or was he? Ghost growled and shook his mane. He then made his way over to the male. The white male looked up at him. Both of them froze in place. "Ghoul?" asked Ghost. The young lion cocked his head and his eyes widened. "Dad?" he asked.

Reign of Taj
Takes place in africa..that's pretty much all I've got people.

The generations have come and gone, and with each new generation their comes a new king. The days of king Abazu are remembered throughout the land, as his reign served to pave a solid foundation for future generations. The land is thriving and all seem to be happy within the kingdom. But now a new king must step up to reign. Next in line is a young lion named Taj, named after his father, the former king Taji. He has been brought up to know the responsibility of the crown, and now that he is coming of age, will he be ready? He is expected to finish his training, pick a queen, and take the crown all within the year. Being under a lot of pressure, Taj would rather just live the lazy life like every other lion his age. But will his responsibilities catch up with him? Even if Taj does choose the crown, he must first win over his pride, who seems to think very little of him due to his lack of passion for the royal position. If Taj won't own up, will someone else be forced to take the crown? Surely it is unorthodox, but a choice must be made for the good of the kingdom..before time runs out.




Taj is the son of a great king named Taji. He has brought up Taj in the ways of the kings of old, despite Taj's lack of interest. He has a brother named Akin who is much more suited for the crown, but since he is merely the second born, he is not fit to reign. Taj has two best friends named Kojo and Nya, and Taj's mother is deceased since he was little.

NOTE: If you are going to play as Taj or another main character, you may make up what they look like :)

Joinable main characters include:

-Taji (former king and father of Taj)

-Taj (future king)

-Kojo (friend of Taj and Nya)

-Nya (friend of Taj and Kojo)

-Akif (brother of Nya)

-Juba (brother of Nya)

-Akin (brother of Taj)




1. No profanity please

2. Please do not get too graphic with violence. ( example of what is NOT appropriate: "blood oozing YADA YADA bones PROTRUDING!! YADA YADA" I think you get it. That's kinda going overboard. Just cool your jets people, we can have fun without all that :) )

3. no controlling each other's characters

4. keep it PG please? To clear this up, all I mean to say is don't describe anything in a way that makes my eyebrows burn off when I see it as I am scrolling down the screen. Nothing TOO graphic. Fighting is obviously gonna break out between lions. Because yes, they are lions ;)

5. romance is allowed, but remember (PG!)

5. As always.HAVE FUN :3 Any questions, just message me :)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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BlackWolf23 (#1501)

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