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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes again "Thank you. I had so much self doubt and I still do but you and the others have helped my to see that I am more then just a pet and more then a prop." I sighed "The thing is my personality and my trust for anyone has fallen so much I'm not sure about anything. I have almost every had much trust for anyone but that is starting to change. The more I think about it the more stuff I'm not sure about. The thing is now I want to forget my past, but there will still be an emptiness where love was."
Kuma looked up. " If you need help talk to me okay." Kuma said. then they heard a roar from Crona. "hehehe, crona got what he deserved now." Kuma said. shadows came out of the forest and slithered back to Kuma whitch healed him. "Much better. " He said getting up fully healed. The shadows then healed Kaja and Cronas brother. " Should we speek to cronas brother?" Kuma asked Cinder. He seamed happy, like marco and the others, they were trying to be happy. The Shadow clan over in the area, were nice people. " We need to find a leader....we lost our's to shinu. Do you know anyone who can be our leader?" Kuma asked.
I looked at Cronas brother and narrowed my eyes. I'll give him chance. I thought and lay back down watching the others carefully. If there was one slip up one thing that would indicate that Cronas brother want to hurt some one I would pounce. I sighed and walked over to Kaja then sat down next to him. I changed back human but not fully I still had my tail, ears, and wings. I changed my eye color to an orangish and straired at Cronas brother "Why don't we ask what his name is before we ask anything else." I hissed.
Kaja then asked. " Whats your name?" Cronas brother then said. "D... Damio." He said. He got up but was still shakeing. " I....I am sorry..." He said. " I was just lisening to my brother....." Damio said in shock. It seemed as if he was scared and defensless. "He...Why...." Damio was stuned. Kaja then said. " He seems like a emotional wreack right now..." Damio then stumbled to the ground agen. Kaja then helped him up. " You lost alot of blood. why dont you just lay on the ground." Damio nodded. Kaja then noticed that Damio had no clan marking. " Your not in any clan are you?" Kaja asked. Damio then shook his head. " brother is but I am not...." Damio said.
I growled under my breath thinking it over "Alright you deal with him I have nothing to do with it." I said and crossed my arms then closed my eyes "If something happens don't come crying to me." I nodded I opened my eyes and looked at the others "And there goes one of those mood swings I'll be over here." I said and walked back over to the warehouse. I sat down and held my tail then sighed "Yeah. I'm the definition of mess up." I whispered to my self. I felt my arm getting cold so I heated my tail and laid it on my arm. Then I looked at my arm, somehow I had a small burn "What thats impossible." I whispered.
Kuma then looked. "Whats imposible?" Kuma asked confused. He then looked. " Looks like Crona burned you when you were on him..." Kuma said healing her. " But are you okay?" Kuma asked. " You seem more agressive now." Kuma said lying nexed to her. He waged his bushy fox tail's. " At least were all okay..." Kuma said. They saw Damio get up. then walked twords a rock and sat on it. Damio seemed to be better now. Kaja then walked over to Kuma and sat nexed to him. " Seems as if Crona told him that we were killers, Damio seems confused and shocked at this point." Kaja said.
I rubbed my arm then looked at my hand, I was in shock "Impossible, I can't be burned by any fire." I said then heated up my tail I tried to shoot a flame but a puff of smoke came out, I gasped then changed full dragon the gem on my head was starting to lose its red and was going to a yellow "Oh no." I whispered "This isn't good. I thought I took care of this last time." I sighed. I tried to spit out a fire ball but all that came out was some smoke and a small green flame. 
Kuma then said. " whats that on your head?" Kuma looked at it and said. " Douse it change colors like that normaly?" He asked, he then shook and puffed up his fur. " And where did your mother go?" Kuma said. He then started to chase his taile's around in circles. Kaja then said. " That gem is your power? I never knew that." Damio got up and was walking twords Cinder and the others. He then turned into the black dragon, and puffed out smoke from his nose. He then breathed a green fire around him and layed down in it.
"Ok heres the deal if this goes black I'm done for, yellow means its going out." I said and pawed at the ground then started to pace "This has happened before, but I thought it wouldn't happen again." I sighed still pacing "And whats worse is what I have to do to get it to go red again." I said then bit my lip, and took a deep breath, then sat down. I poked my gem with one of my claws it glowed a bright yellow and started to go and orange "Oh great." I sighed. I blew some smoke out my nose and looked at the others "I hoped I wouldn't have to do this again, it must have been the fire fury, I havn't need to do that for awhile." I sais then looked down. 
Kuma then nodded. " Wonder where your mom is...." Kuma said. Kaja then said. " Kuma...."  Kuma the said. " Maby we can play a game of cat and mouse." Kaja then said. " Kuma......shush." Kuma then was quiet. Kuma then whent back to chaseing his tail. Damio then said. " Why are you letting me live anyway?" Damio asked with one eye open to watch cinder and the others. He then puffed out some smoke and continued. " And I am sorry for harming you and your friends. My brother told me other things, but now I see that it was to lure me here so he can kill me."
"Who cares where my mom is! If I don't find a volcano before my gem goes black I'm dead!" I roared at Kuma then stopped and lay down covering up my head "I'm sorry." I said sadly "I should have told you more. For my gem to go back to red I have to be thrown in a volcano." I said still covering my head "I guess all thats what keeps my gem up, lava. This happened a few years ago, I didn't didn't know what to do until my gem was blue by the time I found a volcano it was a purplish gray." I said and uncovered my head some.
Kuma then laghed. "Where the shadow clans base is out here there is a volcano we live in. pritty Ironic right." Kuma said joyfully. " Would you like me to show you our volcano we live in?" Kuma said running in place. He wagged his tail's exidedly and then started to chase his tail's agen. "Oh thats right...I frogot you live in a volcano." Kaja said. Kuma then said. " I love the valcano!"  And ran faster around in circles. Then howled, which caused thunder and rain to come down from the sky. Kaja turned into a owl and put his wing over cinders head. Kuma then giggled. "Sorry..." Kuma said.
"A volcano in Florida. Well as long as theres lava." I said happily "Lets go." I nodded "Oh Damio you coming its better then just waiting here." I said trying to be nice "Oh I almost forgot, you have to be careful when I'm in this state the chemicals in my gem are messed up so who knows what could set me off the deep end." I warned everyone before hand. I flapped my wings ready to go "Led the way." I said in a hurry "I don't want it to go any lower then the color it is." I said looking at my gem.
Kuma then quickly started running to a area. They whent throgh a swamp then finaly to a hidden cave. Kuma then whent inside the cave and led them to a under ground volcano. "Here we are. " Kuma said. The volcano was quiet active, but Kumas members seemed to be fine for they have dug out rooms and made it in places to where the magma would not hit them when it came up. "elder shadow clan members would call this Embargos thum, for our old leader was a hydra named Embargo." Kuma said proudly. "Many members live here so its quite a wonderfull place to stay."
I looked at the magma "Well wish me luck." I said quickly and backed up a bit to take a running leap. I jumped in and painful roars could be heard clearly I closed my eyes and felt the burning hotness. I curled up into a ball then shot out of the magma and landed in front of the others. I was glowing a bright orange. I started to open my wings slowly. I moved very slowly trying to get out of the ball I was stuck in. After a few minutes I broke free from the ball. I shook my head and looked at the others, my gem glowing a bright red. I flapped my wings and spat out a blue fire ball, then fell to my knees, and fainted.

Changers (Creature Rp)
Anywhere and everywhere in the USA.
It's about people that can change into a creature, some are turned into (I like to call them changers.) one or are born into it, if your born a changer you are a born leader, and if your born into a changer and your an only child you get to choose if you want to be a leader or not. If your turn into a changer you don't get to be a leader unless there is no born changers in the clan. The messed up part is if your human forum dies the creature still lives, but if the creature forum dies so does the human forum.

Summary: After the doctor had turned Eco into a changer Cinder saved him. Some other things happened (I don't remember all of it.) Kaja was sent to get Eco, or something. (This is harder then I thought.) I don't remember what happened(I think someone called a truce or something.) but Kaja, Eco and Cinder went to Florida to see the Bubble clan. (I think it was, so Cinder could prove to her mother she wasn't useless.) (Will finsih later)


StarSwirl (Symbol: Star swirl
Darkstar (Symbol:SunStar, and Half moons
Vine (Symbol:Vines
White Heart (Symble:Heart
Bubble (Symbol:Bubbles
Mountain Rock(Symble:Rocks
Scar (Symbol:Scars
Shadow (Symbol:Skull

(You don't get you symbol unless your accepted into the clan, you have to say where your symbol is on your creature.Also make sure you have your rank in your chara info.)

(All of the clans are run bay the Pure changer Dragons family, every clan but the Darkstar clan, no one in that clan knows Cinder is a born changer.)

The Evil ones have attacked once before and now their back to destroy the clans.

1:No power playing

2:Keep it Tv 14

3:Be nice

4:You can have one chara

5:You can be any creature but you have to list your clan in the chara info.

6:If you want to know anything else, ask.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master
Nesferxty (#20859)

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