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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Dara stepped out slowly with a limp. She watched carefully keeping her wings up in case she need to get away quickly.  "As I recall she was the one that attacked me." she said slowly keeping her head down "No one knows the reason I left her, and no one ever will." She growled "You want us to leave, yet we hardly did anything." she growled and took a step closer. "Go ahead ban us, I'll get more clan members and come back." She smiled "You know it as well as I do. Any clan can get more members easily."
Embargo then laghed. "And I can destroy them easily." One of embargos heads said. He then attacked her, riped off her wings and broke all of her legs insted of one. "Now lisen. If you dare interfear with shadow clan, or dare try to attack us, I will end you, after all Dara you deserve no crown." Embargo said, riping of the bubble clan marking off of Daras body. " You deserve no mercy. For threatning a clan that is the eldest, you have no respect, and shal die a worm like you have become. A defensless worm who's hatered blinds her into her own betrail.  And since I am a eldest leader, I can remove you from a clan, So from now on you will in no clan, and shown no mercy." Embargo hissed. "Your lucky your still alive, but now bubble clan has no leader, I will find one, better and that has a soul unlike you." Embargo growled. Embargo then flew away. Letting dara lay in her own blood, broken, and clanless.

Dara lay there motionless.

I looked around the cave and lay down, then sighed. I knew he wouldn't be very nice to her, and she didn't deserve mercy ether, me and her are two different elements so we aren't connected in any way. And after the little stunt I pulled I didn't really care anyway. I spit out an ember and changed my eye color to yellow. "What has this world come to?" I whispered to myself. I changed human, but kept my tail and ears. I looked at Kuma "What is he going to do?" I asked blankly my hair covering my face.

Kuma then said. "Probibly render her usless and take her mark away, leaving her with no clan. He dousent like trators like that, he tends to dispose of them quickly." Embargo then landed in the cave. He had Dara's blood all over his claws. "I will send one of the clan members to serch for a new leader for bubble clan." Embargo said walking back to his area in the cave. " Dara's just lucky to be alive." Embargo hissed. "If she dousent learn a lesson, I will attack her, and it will be the last." Embargo said. He then turned his attention to cinder. "I heard you wanted to join Shadow. Is that true?" Emabargo asked.

I dipped my head "Yes, I have made the choice to join." I said with a smiled. In the back of my mind I was overjoyed to hear what happened to my mother, but I didn't show it. I changed back to my dragon, then I looked at my wings and back "Only thing is I look really good with these markings." I sighed "But I'll risk giving them up." I said and took a deep breath, trying not to smile. I managed to keep the smile in. "I am ready to give up these markings." I bowed "I hope." I whispered to myself.

Embarco nodded and his crystals glowed. He then replaced cinders markings with the skull marking. " You are welcome in any of the shadow clan terratorys now. If you wish we can make you a entire area in the cave for you. And if you know if anyone wants to join the shadow, tell them to come see me." Embargo said. He then walked back to his room. "Wow he realy likes you, usualy when people want to join shadow, they have to go threw a series of test. Your lucky." Kuma said suprised. He was all happy and pranced around in a circle.
I looked at my back nothing I looked at my back leg "Umm.. My mark is on my flank." I said holding up my leg "Nice." I said nodding "Thats cool. I wouldn't have minded any tests it would have gave me something to do." I said still looking at my mark "Why is it on my flank and not my back?" I whispered "Who cares, its cool. Lets go show Kaja." I smiled and looked at Kuma. This could work, I could get so much stronger. I thought watching Kuma prance in a circle. I hope, my old clan is ok.
Kuma then ran down the hallway howling to everyone. All of the shadow clan members knew that there was going to be a meeting so they all went to the metting hall. Kuma pranced becide cinder showing her to the meeting hall. "Were going to hold a metting so everyone knows your with us, and if you wish to ask them something you can." Kuma said exited. The meeting hall was huge, everyone was in there creature form. On the celling of the metting hall were huge crystals that emmitted light. Kuma got up on a special platform. "Shadow clan! Fellow Hunters of the night! We have a new member in our clan and we shal show our respects! So here is our new member! Cinder, she will be able to chose her clan nick name shortly. But first lets hear her call and speech before we continue." Kuma said. the then gentaly nugged Cinder to the platform. "Okay you may speek to the clan now." Kuma said happily.
I looked at Kuma "I'm not to good at speachs." I whispered to him and changed my eye color a scar pink, like my scar on my ear. "I'll do my best." I whispered and looked at the others "Hello everyone, and if you didn't ear I'm Cinder, I know most of you probably have many questions I'll answre those later. Well as some of you may know I was in the Darkstar clan, some of you also may know that I can control the element of fire. I will act like a cat almost all the time just try not to get on my nevers, the good thing is I can tolerat almost anything." I looked at Kuma "How was that?" I whispered.
Kuma then said. "It was good." Kuma said. He flicked his tail signaling to the other clan members that the meeting was over and all the clan members left talking to one another joyfully. "Okay now let me show you to the armory, if you want armor that is, most of us have armor made for us with spacific gem, ore, and metal. I have a purple crystal armor and its made with obsidion." Kuma said trotting down the hallway. " After I show you around, I can show you were your room will be, also if your old clan wishes to stay with us here we can build another area here for the darkstar clan." Kuma said.
"Yeah I'll have to make a trip home for my animals." I said trotting with Kuma "Would you like to come. They might be pets but they are part of my family. Also I have to let my apartment owner know I'm moving out." I said abit worried. "The armory sounds nice but my armor would be complicated. When I go into battle I go prepared, most of the time. Some of the things I need is a battle mack, wing protectors, I profer leather, leg guards, and a back plate, but thats just some of the things. Also My necklace never comes off if someone tries to take it they get a WWE smack down." I said.
Kuma then giggled. "I would love to come. Can we fly there? I like rideing electric currents to places, helps me get there fast." Kuma said trotting. "And the people who work in the armory can make anything. If you write a list I will give it to the man in charge to make it." Kuma said trotting about. He was happy, "And the room will be done when we get back. Also would the Darkstar clan stay with us? Oh I am just so exited. Embargo said he found a leader for our clan but till he choses I can be incharge still." Kuma said.
"I'm not sure what the Darkstar clan would do, they would probably be mad at me because I was their best member." I said biting my lip "I don't mind flying fine by me I'm pretty sure I can keep up. I'm a night fury. As they used to say the offspring of lightning and death itself." I smiled "I guess that could explain a few things." I giggled "Do you think Kaja would come?" I asked changing my eye color to a grayish purple, with a hint of reddish. "Oh I just thought of something really fun." I smiled "If someone can find out what colors mean what emotion I have they get a friendly battle!"
Kuma then giggled. "Kaja probibly wont come because of shinu. Should we try to speek to shinu or is it to dangerus? Because from what I hear shes a meen toothed Dimetrodon." Kuma said, Prancing around happily. "And that would be a fun game." Kuma said laghing. " I love games." Kuma said. They then got to a area of the cave that some shadow clan members were working. "Heres the area. If you want any decor we can get it." Kuma said happily. Kuma pranced around happily and joyfull, but throgh a hole in the wall the hydra, embargo, was sitting at the edge of the underground volcano.
"I've faced Shinu and hadn't got attacked." I said blankly "Its a long story." I said and changed my eye color yellow. "Who knows what she'll do if she sees my with this mark." I whispered to myself and looked at the skull. I thought for a moment and looked at Kuma "I'll try and get Kaja to come you saw what happened to Crona when I got mad, if someone hurts a hair on his head I'll tear them apart." I growled softly "Well we should get ready to go." I said and changed my eye color to a greenish.

Changers (Creature Rp)
Anywhere and everywhere in the USA.
It's about people that can change into a creature, some are turned into (I like to call them changers.) one or are born into it, if your born a changer you are a born leader, and if your born into a changer and your an only child you get to choose if you want to be a leader or not. If your turn into a changer you don't get to be a leader unless there is no born changers in the clan. The messed up part is if your human forum dies the creature still lives, but if the creature forum dies so does the human forum.

Summary: After the doctor had turned Eco into a changer Cinder saved him. Some other things happened (I don't remember all of it.) Kaja was sent to get Eco, or something. (This is harder then I thought.) I don't remember what happened(I think someone called a truce or something.) but Kaja, Eco and Cinder went to Florida to see the Bubble clan. (I think it was, so Cinder could prove to her mother she wasn't useless.) (Will finsih later)


StarSwirl (Symbol: Star swirl
Darkstar (Symbol:SunStar, and Half moons
Vine (Symbol:Vines
White Heart (Symble:Heart
Bubble (Symbol:Bubbles
Mountain Rock(Symble:Rocks
Scar (Symbol:Scars
Shadow (Symbol:Skull

(You don't get you symbol unless your accepted into the clan, you have to say where your symbol is on your creature.Also make sure you have your rank in your chara info.)

(All of the clans are run bay the Pure changer Dragons family, every clan but the Darkstar clan, no one in that clan knows Cinder is a born changer.)

The Evil ones have attacked once before and now their back to destroy the clans.

1:No power playing

2:Keep it Tv 14

3:Be nice

4:You can have one chara

5:You can be any creature but you have to list your clan in the chara info.

6:If you want to know anything else, ask.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master
Nesferxty (#20859)

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