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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


"Hey oh lightning one watch out for the hail stones!" I said looking up "I told you, she goes all out!" I said and doge a piece of hail "Rain and hail, she has gotten strong." I said looking up then jumped out of the way of a bowling ball size hail stone "Holy crap!" I growled "Ok change in plans lets get there as soon as we can. Say I if you agree!" I said dodging some more stones and rain too. I looked around for something smart to do but it wasn't the right time so I was clueless.

The others quickly followed Cinder. Mura keept catching and eating some hail stones in her spino form. Kuma and Kaja laghed. "You continue doing that your going to get brain frezz." Kaja teased. Mura then said. " Its just realy tasty." She said as one hit her head. Kaja and kuma laghed. "at least you have a hard head." Kuma said. They then laghed. They were still running with Cinder to the location. Kuma keept dogeing the hail stones. "this is soooooo fun." He said joyfully. Kaja laghed. Eco was in his bat form being carryed by Mura. Kuma then said." Are we close?" 
I looked up "The eye of the strom is where they are find the eye find them!" I roared over the wind, I looked around and saw a swirling vortex "There it is the eye, or should I say swirling vortex of terror!" I flapped my wings trying to get lift off but there was too many hail stones I couldn't get very high with out one hitting me "Ok lets hope this works, if we could all come in at different angles we could probably clam it! I'll hit it dead on and go though to the center the rest of you do the some but in different places to weaken it!"
They did what Cinder said. They got on diffrent sides and started to weaken it. Kuma started to edmit lightning while he was weakening it. Kaja then said. "Why would your mother be doing this?" He was also helping weaken it. " If we stay out here long shinus feinds will find us. we need to hurry." Kaja continued when there was a rore from a distance away. Kaja looked frightend with Mura. Mura then said. "Okay sounds like Crona.... Cinder how long will this be?" Mura asked useing all of her power to weaken it. "If we dont do it soon Crona will find us." Mura said.
"Don't worry." I said and flicked my tail sending a hudge flame the eye started to callaps and when it fell everything was clam. A light blue night fury walked up to my gracefully and looked at the others. Her eyes were a deep sea blue and her clan symbol was on her shounlder. I kneel "Kneel." I whispered to the others she looked at the shadow clan memebers careful "Rise." she said calmly. I stood up slowly "Don't make any sudden movements." I whispered to the others "Why have to come here?" She asked me "Mother I have found other pures." i said keeping my head down. I pointed at Kaja and Kuma with my tail, making sure to keep my head down. She looked at Kaja and Kuma. I swallowed hard waiting for her reaction. She looked at Kuma "You." she said holding her head high, but I not dare look up. I bit my lip tryingto stay quiet. "A pure so you say. Prove it." She growled. I pawed at the ground trying to think of something to do. If I speak she might throw ice spears at me, if I lift my head she will throw ice at me. Ahh what do I do?! I paniced in thought "Kuma, tell her we need to get out of here and somewhere safe." I whispered to him. She growled and barred her teeth.
Kuma then growled back. " We need to leave. There is a enemy following us, you see were whats left of the legendary Shadowclan. A man-made changer is on its way here, and I would hate to see your clan taken over by theis savages. And It is true I am pure, I was born a changer. My house name was Blood flower. My family was killed by my own father who I slane. Kaja and Mura are also pures. Our familys were once one untill they were torn apart, murdered, and so we fight for our survival. If you dont like us then let us fight. I have been killed many times over. Kaja watched as his son died. Mura was betrayed by her brother. We are what is left of the pures in Shadow clan." Kuma Howled with proudness.

I put my paw on my face "Oh now you've done it." I whispered "Alright we will show you a safe place, but you may only say for two days maximum." She barked. My head shot up and my jaw dropped. She shot me a glance and barred her teeth, I put my head back down and curled my tail around me. "Now follow me." she said flapping her wings "I will stay low to the ground for the rest of you to follow." I looked up slowly and started to flap my wings, I shot a glance at Kaja, but then looked back down in shame. 

She led them to an abandon warehouse and let everyone in, but stopped me "You be careful of your friend." she said. I lowered my head and walked around and snuck inside and hid in a corner.

Kuma growled outside. Kuma then said. " If they hadent killed our old master, He would be here tearing at his neck. Kaja let us kill our enemy. Lets show him the true power of the shadows." Kaja nodded. He then backed away from Kuma. Kuma then giggled. " Oh how I love games." Kuma said. " I think I got my canabalistic side from my father." Kuma then licked his lips. "Such lovely blood. blood, oh glorius blood." Kuma hummed. " shadows come together for the fright of his life, find him, catch him, breck him down, and remove the life crown from his brow. Death weep as the serpants creep, there will be no life agen. Shall the song, this lulliby, sooth my sweet blood flower, sooth the death draw nere." While Kuma sang that the shadows moved across the ground and slithered out. Kaja then said. " So thats the lulliby, your family was famis for controlling the shadows." Kuma didnt lisen just kept sinning the lulliby.
I lay in the corner almost crying, I was in human forum but had my tail, ears, and wings. She doesn't like them. I should have known this wouldn't have ended well. I thought and pulled my tail up near my face and fanned the fins out to hid my tears. "If she doesn't like them then she still doesn't like me. Thats fine though, I can live with it. How did I think this could work." I whispered to myself "What was I thinking her heart is cold just like ice no one knows what she will do next." I curled up in the corner trying to think it over.
They then heard a loud roar from outside. " Here he comes..... Crona, is his name right? that lab created copy cat." Kuma muttered. He got up and electricity came off of his back Kaja and Kuma then whent outside while the others stayed in. A huge T-rex was outside who had a large skull marking on its back. " Well, well, if it is not the freaks. Dont worry I will make it quick." Crona said before trying to strike at Kuma. Kuma doged it then did a powerfull electrical blast at cronas side. "My friends are weak, but unlike you I can fight." Kuma hissed.
I lifted my head from hearing the roars I wanted to get up but I was in the depressed state again I couldn't do much. My mother looked at me "Your useless." she hissed at my then looked at Crona and growled. I lay my head back down and tried to ignore it. "How dare you come to the clan led by me Dara and cause trouble!" My mom roared and flapped her wings hard ready to attack. She flicked her tail and shot some ice spikes at Crona, then flew up high out of sight. I lay my ears back trying to ignore the roars and such put it was so loud. I put my hands over my ears, too loud.
Crona then bit down on Cinders mothers tail when she was up in the air and slamed her on the ground. He was able to rune her tail. Crona then was going in for the kill when Kuma jumped in the was and did a darkness blast at crona then tryed to charge at him. Crona then slamed Kaja and Kuma with his tail. "We are your rulers now. Bow down to the Pure Breeds!" Crona roared aprotching cinders mother. " And such heartlessness, you will be a wonderfull addition to us. If you dont do anything idiotic." Crona growled in cinders mothers face. " We are the kings now. your clans are week, but yet your daghter seems to think shes smarter then us. Why not watch as I tear her skin off and mount it on my wall like the rest of the pure familys we have slane, like Kajas sone." Crona continued.
I jumped to my feet hearing what Crona said I changed full dragon and took off toward the sea, My mom watched me flew then smiled "You are useless!" She roaredat me. I stopped and shook my head thinking it over for a moment then narrowed my eyes and changed my color and flew into the clouds unseen and out of reach. My mom got to her feet and looked up "I don't believe it, she is fighting back." she barked. I took a deep breath and landed on Crona's back and dug my claws in, then blasted a blue flame at his head then bit into his back and pulled off a piece of flesh. My mom looked at me "That girl is so stupid what is she thinking she is going to die anyway." I shot another flame at Crona's head and crawled down to his belly my claws digging in with each step.
Crona then tryed to bite her. Crona was saverly wonded and growled. " How dare you!" he then slamed himself into a building trying to get her off. " You think you can win, you have no love here, You are nothing." Crona growled. Kaja got up then flew in the air and screached. "Dont you dare talk to her like that!" Kaja then slamed into Cronas face. Crona then finaly fell to the ground. He could not get up, because of the loss of blood. " Your people have no heart. You deserve to be exicutid by cinder, not me." Kaja screatched at Crona. "Your family hated you Kaja, Cinder is the same, your just lucky to be alive still." Crona hissed. " Your all weaklings." Crona continued. " Cinder is a weakling!" Crona growled. Kaja then scratched him in the face. Crona then laghed. " Soon all clans will die."
I bit into Crona's side and pulled off a piece of flesh "If you say one more word I will rip off your tiny little arm!" I growled and shot a flame at his head "You call me a weakling yet your the one on the ground bleeding to death!" I hissed and flew to Kaja. My mom looked up at me then at Crona, she hissed and took off, she couldn't fly but she could run. "It is better to be strong and have something to fight for then it is to be weak and have nothing or no one to fight for!" I growled making sure my mom could hear before she was out of sight.

Changers (Creature Rp)
Anywhere and everywhere in the USA.
It's about people that can change into a creature, some are turned into (I like to call them changers.) one or are born into it, if your born a changer you are a born leader, and if your born into a changer and your an only child you get to choose if you want to be a leader or not. If your turn into a changer you don't get to be a leader unless there is no born changers in the clan. The messed up part is if your human forum dies the creature still lives, but if the creature forum dies so does the human forum.

Summary: After the doctor had turned Eco into a changer Cinder saved him. Some other things happened (I don't remember all of it.) Kaja was sent to get Eco, or something. (This is harder then I thought.) I don't remember what happened(I think someone called a truce or something.) but Kaja, Eco and Cinder went to Florida to see the Bubble clan. (I think it was, so Cinder could prove to her mother she wasn't useless.) (Will finsih later)


StarSwirl (Symbol: Star swirl
Darkstar (Symbol:SunStar, and Half moons
Vine (Symbol:Vines
White Heart (Symble:Heart
Bubble (Symbol:Bubbles
Mountain Rock(Symble:Rocks
Scar (Symbol:Scars
Shadow (Symbol:Skull

(You don't get you symbol unless your accepted into the clan, you have to say where your symbol is on your creature.Also make sure you have your rank in your chara info.)

(All of the clans are run bay the Pure changer Dragons family, every clan but the Darkstar clan, no one in that clan knows Cinder is a born changer.)

The Evil ones have attacked once before and now their back to destroy the clans.

1:No power playing

2:Keep it Tv 14

3:Be nice

4:You can have one chara

5:You can be any creature but you have to list your clan in the chara info.

6:If you want to know anything else, ask.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master
Nesferxty (#20859)

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