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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Crona then laghed. " You will lose in the end anyway.... thats what made great shadow clan fall. They foght like you, then they failed." Crona said. " Death is always the outcome. I have failed so they will kill me, but I still fight for them because of survival. Your mother is a weakling also. We all are." Crona continued. "Kaja seems to trust you Cinder....But i wonder how long it will last, how long will you live." Crona said. " I was once like you, but that was befor sertan events happend. So wake up and see what will happen befor shinu comes and eats your souls."
"Would you like me to say them the pleasure and kill you myself!" I hissed and dove at Crona biting his arm, I latched onto his arm and shot some fire then let go quickly and flew back to Kaja "I have no problem killing you right now!" I hissed and shot another fire ball at Crona's head "Trust doesn't show weakness, hate shows weakness, the more you hate the weaker you are, but why am I explaining this to you I'll probably kill you anyway." I growled and shot another fire ball at Crona's head "I can keep this up all day, but I don't think you can go much longer." I smiled.
Crona then said. "nore can you." Then a big Black dragon landed behind them, It looked almost skeletal. It then hit kaja with his wiplike tail. Kaja then turned into a human by force. The dragon then slamed Kaja into the side of the building. Crona then got up and lunged at Cinder. Kaja got out of the grasp of the skeleton like dragon and slamed Crona in the face with a peice of sharp wood. "Leave her alone." Kaja said angerly at Crona. The black dragon circled them, snarling and growling while Crona tryed to get un-confused from the blow.
I barred my teeth and growled "I didn't want to do this but your leaving me no choice!" I roared and curled into a ball in the air I started to raise up higher and started to glow a red. I the glow got stronger and stronger until it exploded in fire and fire flew out everywhere. A big flame hit the black dragon and Crona, and most of the fire fell down like meteors. I shook my head then looked around to see what happened, I looked at Kaja "I call that my fire fury." I smiled. I did a little loop in the air then watched to others carefully to see if they would get up.
The black dragon was unfased, but crona was severly wonded. The dragon then slamed Kaja with his tail then breathed out a acid like fire. Kaja quickly got up and ran, but he was heavely wonded. The dragon then chased Kaja. Crona finaly got up and growend in pain. He tryed to keep standing but fell forward. Crona then relised how wonded he was and stayed on the ground while the black dragon attacked Kaja. " You will never scare him off cinder...." Crona growled. " But of course I am surprised how cowardly your mother was." Crona laghed. "Ran away like the rest of the old shadows."
"If she ran away that means she is planing something." I growled "And thats never good." I mumbled, then looked  around. I barred my teeth and flew after the black dragon chasing Kaja "You leave him alone!" I growled before latching onto the dragon's back. I bit down on the base of his neck and dug my claws into his back. I flapped my wings wildly to try and mess up his flight. and fall, but it didn' twork very well. Ok if I can't stop you I can slow you down. I thought. Then threw my wings up to catch wind, it was hard to keep my wings up but it was slowing him down.
The black dragon then stoped and then opend its masive black wings. It then, with one giant leap was in the air looking for Kaja. Crona got up and then said. "here I come..." And then he jumped up and bit down on the black dragons tail sending the dragon into the ground. Crona easily killed the black dragon then walked away silently, the only sound he made was with his breathing. He didnt go back for Cinder or Kaja but was walking away from the fight, like it never happend. He bumped into some trees nocking them down but continued on his way.
I flew up and looked at Crona "Why?!" I said blackly no exspeation on my face. I shot a glance at the dragon then looked back at Crona. I flicked my ears thinking I wasn't going to get a response and looked around. My fire fury really did some damage, how is the government going to explain this to people. I thought with a smiled. The government can't come up with anything smart they'll probably say something stupid. I smiled "Good way to cover something up!" I called to Crona "The government is going to have fun with this one!" 
"The government will eliminate anything left behind from us....they are our puppets." Crona called back. Crona walked on in his T-rex form. " I dont like Shadow clan, any chance I get I kill one of there members and blame them for the captures that fail. It works because I am the strongest one of shadowclan but there are more stronger creatures then me like that dragon, known as Damio, even thogh we were the best of friends, even togh he was my brother, I killed him. I have no heart like you." Crona said continueing to walk away silently.
A tear ran down my face then I shook it off. I barred my teeth and growled "I've had enough of this!" I roared and flew after Crona, I landed on is tail and dug my claws in "You think your better then every one else!" I growled "The truth is no one is really good or bad its all in your head!" I hissed "Eveyone's mind is messed up one way or another! Take me for example. I'm anything but normal, but I managed to make it though somehow! You saw my mother she left me here to die, but now I don't care. The reason that is, is because I don't need her I have friends now. Real friends, that don't care what happened in the past and nether do I!" 
Crona then said. " Leave me alone unless you want me to go back to attack you. I kill, and I would rather be alon then be with other creatures. I killed my entire family now, and I dont need you to tell me off." He didnt shake her off because he was giveing her a chance to leave. " I have no heart, but right now I am giveing you the opertunity to leave or die like my brother." He growled at her while he was walking. The black dragon then turned back into a human, who got up, and stumbled back to the ground. Turnes out Cronas brother didnt die.
I sighed and pulled my claws out "So this is what you get when you try to help." I said and then jumped off his tail and flew back to the warehouse. I landed on top of the warehouse and started pacing. I stopped and looked around for Kaja "Where did he run off to?" I mumble then looked up and shot a blue flame into the air if he was anywhere close he would see it. I sighed and lay down going back into that depressed state. I'm more used to it then I thought. I closed my eyes and changed my color to a dark black then gray.
Kaja then came back he was in his owl form just hopping back to her. He then came beside her and said. " Are they gone?" Kaja then saw Cronas brother in his human form get up and stumble back on to the ground. " ....Should we help him or..." Kaja said. Cronas brother layed on the ground panting. He was wonded horribly. Kaja then turned into his human form and walked twords him. "You okay?" Kaja asked cronas brother. "" Cronas brother said. Kuma got up from his wonds and troted over to Cinder. Kuma had one leg broken, and was severly wonded also. He layed beside cinder.
I opened one eye and watched Kaja carefully, then I opened both my eyes and lifted my head I changed my eye color to white. My ears flick and my tail lashed slowly. "We should get you to a healer." I said to Kuma. I stood up and looked around, then looked at Kuma "I just don't get why people think that every is different. If everyone thought similar these things wouldn't be happening. But if they did think that way the world be boring." I sighed "Though out my life I have tried to help so many people but they just treat me like a pet. I don't mid to be a pet but I don't want to be treated like one."
Kuma then said. " Your not a pet, your our friend. We care, even thogh were diffrent.....and Kaja seems to have a crush on you." Kuma then giggled. " He cares.....everyone of the shadow clan from here cares about you cinder. Unlike most clans, we see members of other clans our own and protect them if we see them kind hearted." Kuma said. " The past shadow clan....was amazing, we...we used to have such friendly folks come in with us, and we would always have so much fun. but when shinu and her false clan killed our leader, we all started to fall apart." 

Changers (Creature Rp)
Anywhere and everywhere in the USA.
It's about people that can change into a creature, some are turned into (I like to call them changers.) one or are born into it, if your born a changer you are a born leader, and if your born into a changer and your an only child you get to choose if you want to be a leader or not. If your turn into a changer you don't get to be a leader unless there is no born changers in the clan. The messed up part is if your human forum dies the creature still lives, but if the creature forum dies so does the human forum.

Summary: After the doctor had turned Eco into a changer Cinder saved him. Some other things happened (I don't remember all of it.) Kaja was sent to get Eco, or something. (This is harder then I thought.) I don't remember what happened(I think someone called a truce or something.) but Kaja, Eco and Cinder went to Florida to see the Bubble clan. (I think it was, so Cinder could prove to her mother she wasn't useless.) (Will finsih later)


StarSwirl (Symbol: Star swirl
Darkstar (Symbol:SunStar, and Half moons
Vine (Symbol:Vines
White Heart (Symble:Heart
Bubble (Symbol:Bubbles
Mountain Rock(Symble:Rocks
Scar (Symbol:Scars
Shadow (Symbol:Skull

(You don't get you symbol unless your accepted into the clan, you have to say where your symbol is on your creature.Also make sure you have your rank in your chara info.)

(All of the clans are run bay the Pure changer Dragons family, every clan but the Darkstar clan, no one in that clan knows Cinder is a born changer.)

The Evil ones have attacked once before and now their back to destroy the clans.

1:No power playing

2:Keep it Tv 14

3:Be nice

4:You can have one chara

5:You can be any creature but you have to list your clan in the chara info.

6:If you want to know anything else, ask.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master
Nesferxty (#20859)

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