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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Deonday saw the lioness go off to fight Jewels instead, that wasn't too hard.

Feralie looked at her master confused, why wouldn't she fight? Her master was scared of course, as she always is. She saw Xina go off to fight Jewels instead. She'd deal with this man herself! She looked at the man in armor and growled. Feralie took out her gun and started shooting at the man in armor.

Deonday defended himself with his armor, the bullets doing no damadge to him. He took out his gun and looked at the dragon, it would be hard to kill the dragon with it's strong scales. He instead shot at the dragon's master.

Grasha narrowly moved out of the guns way, preventing it from killing her, however her arm had gotten shot. She yelped and her dragon immediately stood in front of her, protecting Grasha.

Ferru took one look at Grendile, and realized that this entity aproaching him was, in fact, a ghost.  Which meant that Ferru couldn't really attack him, but he could taunt him.  As taunting was one of Ferru's favorite past times, Ferru began thus; "Do tell me, who are you working with, out of this ridiculous train car of...  Well, fighting people?  I wish to know on the grounds that I may Kill them horribly."  Ferru continued to recline upon the upholstery of the train, with a smirk on his face.  He was relaxed because he knew that there was a good chance the ghost would try a death spell first.  And death spells did not work on this particular brand of cyborg. 


As Grendile was preoccupied with Ferru, Insanek decided the time was about right to pull a stunt.  He exited his hiding place, and, manically laughing, approached his taget, Denday, he was called from, behind.  He brought his knife right up to Deonday's head as he was shooting, and, laughing manically, suddenly stopped short, and, twitching, making the position and velocity of the knife uncertain, said the following in a hushed voice.  "I know for a fact that you know that your ghost knows a few facts about a very, to say the least, rewarding quarry.  Now, we're going to get a few facts straight; You are going to tell me everything your ghost knows about this man, because if you don't, I am going to kill you, remove your head and organs, collect the bounty using the former and devour the latter, and jump off the train while your ghost is still in a blind rage."  He cackled once more, before saying "Now, you will tell me everything your ghost knows, won't you?"  Insanek inched his knife closer to Deonday's eye with this comment, chuckling quietly.

"Your not going to be killing any of them," Grendile muttered a death spell on the cyborg, he realized it didn't work, why didn't the death spell work? He started thinking, trying to come up with an explanation as to why the spell wouldn't have worked. A death spell would've worked on any other cyborg, why hadn't it worked on this one? He guessed he wouldn't get too far with trying to kill this cyborg, but he wasn't worried the slightest. As long as this cyborg didn't have any plasma weapons, the cyborg couldn't do any damadge to him either, "Why didn't the spell work?"

Deonday saw how close the knife was to his eye, he could call for help... but by the time he would do that this lizard creature would have killed him. He spoke in a quiet tone, worried that if he spoke too loud this lizard creature would kill him, "He doesn't tell me everything... I probably only know as much as the others..." Deonday looked fearfully at this lizard being, he had never seen anything like Insanek. However, no matter how much this creature frightened him, he couldn't tell it anything too important... "All I know is that the criminal is somewhere in Capricorn..." Deonday lied, he knew exactly where they'd be looking, they'd be looking for caverns. He also knew knew that some cyborgs were associated with Sinew, but he couldn't let this creature know that... But Grendile doesn't tell him everything... which was probably a good thing in this situation.

Jewels knocked Zonan's sword out of her face and sprang up from the ground. She saw something running at her from the corner of her eye. She looked at it and saw it was a lion!

"What the!?" She stumbled backwards. Since when do they let Lions on a train?! She suddenly remembered Hina. She whistled loudly and Hina came to the top of the train and bounded toward her. Hina saw the Lion and growled. He ran faster toward Xina, his teeth bared.

Zonan glared at her and took out his other sword. He looked at Jason and narrowed his eyes. He decided to go help the strange wizard man. He ran toward Jason.

Holn raised his arms in a surrendering like way.

"All right, you've got me. You can shoot me now." He narrowed his eyes and smiled. He could looked behind himself and saw Zonan running toward Jason. He quickly ducked as Zonan jumped over him, swinging his swords in the direction of Jason.

Jewels noticed Zonan had ran away from them. She looked at where he went and saw that he was baring down on Jason.

Xina grinned, she let out a roar, leaping on Hina and barreling him over. She had a few advantages over him- she could use her teeth and claws, however he could only use his teeth. If she kept his face away from her then she would be fine. She snarled at him, slicing his shoulder with her fore paw.

Jason stared at Zonan with wide eyes, narrowly moving to the side of his swords. "Why are you attacking me you effeminate freak?" He demanded, raising his gun.

 Farren noticed the black Dire Wolf attacking her master. She barked and growled, running to the canine and spitting a spark at his face.

Hina yelped and glared at Xina. He barked ferociously and tackled Xina, trying to bite at the lioness's neck.

Jewels saw that Xina clawed at Hina. "Oh no you don't, you stupid cat!" She aimed her gun toward Xina and shot at her.

Zonan faced Jason and glared at him. "And who are you? You seem to follow Jewels everywhere. Are you some sort of dog that was turned into a human or something?" Zonan laughed. "That explains the poor skill with a gun. Maybe she should give you some lessons- if I don't kill her again first." He narrowed his eyes. Holn glared at Zonan and clenched his fists.

Xina leaped into the air, missing the bullet and landed on Hina's back, grabbing his scruff and clawing his back. She growled as he shook her off. She grabbed his scruff again and threw him close to the edge of the train car.

Jason stare at Zonan. "I'm not a dog. I'm only trying to protect her." He shot at Zonan's leg, wanting him to go away.

Allum watched as Grendile approached Ferru. He squealed and leaped at Grendile, clinging to him. "You're not going to hurt Ferru!"

Lilya noticed Deonday had a lizard man curled around him, holding a knife at his eye. She muttered and ran to him, pointing her sword at the lizard man. "Get away from him."

Insanek chuckled to himself, before saying in a relaxed tone, "Then why not yell for help?  Your ghost will, naturally, come running over, you can explain the situation, have him tell me everything he knows, and then I can get to work hunting down this quite....  Valuable man." Insanek cackled again, and brought the knife to rest directly against Deonday's eyelid.  "So, what will it be, Deonday?"  Insanek was quite happy with the turnout of this lpan so far; the whole traincar had burst into a ridiculous amount of fighting, and, because of this, no one had found anything strange, or even noticed, his threats on his victims life.

Ferru quietly chuckled, and took a large bite of some sort of small, roasted bird.  He chewed this over, and, after having leisurely swalllowed said allowed, picking at his nails, "Because, ghost, I am already dead.  Instead of the machinery keeping me alive, it just sustained the corpse.  My neural functions have ceased; though the memories transferred over, as well as the behavorial patterns, my thought process is carried out by machinery.  That is why I am cold and clammy; it is as if my body is that of a braindead patient in a drug indiced coma dream.  now if you will excuse me, I must go to the traincar roof to charge my plasma cannon.   He grinned, and dashed off before Grendile could process this comment and chop him in half with the flaming swords.

Grendile tried to fallow Ferru but Allum was clinging onto him, "Get offf!" He tried to get Allum off of him, but the cyborg wouldn't get off. He hated cyborgs... but not enough to kill a child. Killing Allum was not an option, because he refused to kill a child. He was forced to try and pull Allum off.

Deonday looked at Insanek's knife, which was much too close to his eye for compfort. He noticed Lilya was trying to help, Deonday was worried that Insanek would kill him if Lilya came too close. He looked at this lizard creature in fear, knowing that if it didn't get the information it needed, he would be it's food. He watched as the lizard creature moved the knife closer, "Grendile!!!" Deonday didn't want to die, especially not at the hands of this creature.

Grendile heard Deonday was in trouble, Grendile muttered something to himself, "Of course he's in trouble... he always is..." Grendile quickly pulled Allum off of him and ran to where he had heard Deonday. He stopped when he saw the lizard creature, he also saw how close the creatures knife was to Deonday's eye. Deonday saw Grendile, relieved to have help, "He wants information on the criminal..." Grendile looked at Deonday, than the lizard creature, there was no way he'd be able to attack it without it killing Deonday. "Very well then... He's in Capricorn. I believe he's in the caverns rumored to be there, but I doubt you'd be able find them," Grendile knew this information was of little use, however there was one thing he wouldn't tell Insanek. Grendile had a whistle, that was extremely useful for finding Sinew, but he wouldn't trust anyone else with it, not even the Deonday.

Hina clawed his way back onto the train. He coughed a little and shook his fur. He growled at Xina and ran full speed at her, attempting to ram into her side and knock her off of the train.

Zonan moved his leg before the bullet had hit it. He glared at Jason. "Really now?" He pointed his sword at him. "Now, how are you going to do that without any limbs?" He smiled and swung his swords at Jason's arms, trying to severely wound them or cut them off.

Holn narrowed his eyes and cast a spell and threw a fireball at Zonan. Zonan felt heat behind himself. He turned around and saw a huge ball of fire flying toward him. He swung his swords at it, trying to break it up. He grunted as he was knocked to the ground. He got up and rubbed his head. Jewels saw him and narrowed her eyes. She aimed her gun at him. "Are you going to fight more, or should I just shoot you dead right now?" She said in a harsh, cold voice. Zonan pointed his sword at her. "Shutup, girl." He growled and swung his sword at her.

Jason glared at Holn, the arm holding the gun hang at his side. "What was that for?" He snapped. "I thought you wanted me dead!" He grunted and shot at Zonan, barely missing him. He cursed under his breath.

Xina raked her claws over Hina's muzzle, growling. She paced around him, lashing out with her claws at his flanks. She hissed in the common animal language, "Give up yet, puppy? I'm sure Zonan will take care of your woman shortly."

Lilya glared at Xina. Deonday seemed fine with Grendile catering to him. She whipped out her gun and shot at Xina, more like a warning shot. The lioness glared at her then looked back at Hina, ignoring Lilya.

Hina finally panted and backed away from Xina. He coughed and collapsed, breathing heavily. He was exhausted. He looked up at Xina. He knew she was probably going to kill him. He shut his eyes tight.

"Get away from me!" Jewels growled and threw Zonan away from her. She glared at Xina and shot at her. "Hey stupid cat!" She yelled at her. "Get away from him!" She shot more at Xina.

Zonan grunted and got his footing again on the moving train. He ran over to help Xina. He swung his swords at Jewels. She dodged them and swung her leg at his. She hit him in the back of the knees, causing him to stumble.

Holn smiled at Jason. "Why shouldn't I help you? Besides, you were the one trying to kill me first." He looked at Zonan, Xina, and Jewels. "It seems your little girlfriend is in trouble. Shouldn't you help? Or are you too preoccupied with me to care?" He smirked.

Xina roared as a bullet hit her hind leg. She growled and limped towards Zonan, nudging him up. She crouched, scraping her claws on the train roof. She glared at Jewels, growling. "You're enough trouble."

Jason stared at Holn, raising an eyebrow. "Really? Why would I care for you? You tried to kill me, steal Jewels from me, and what are you doing now? Flirting with me?" He shuddered. "You're a weird man."

Lilya ran to Jewels's side, holding her sword at her side. "I think you might need some help," she muttered. She glared at Xina hatefully. She know knew where she saw the girl from.

Holn smiled and closed his eyes. "Yes, but it still seems you are quite distracted. You could have helped that girl- but it seems she has help now." He shrugged and turned away from Jason, watching the fight.

Jewels saw Lilya join her and smiled at her in thanks. She looked back at Xina who looked like she was about to pounce. She gripped her gun tightly.

Zonan glared at Jewels. he narrowed his eyes and smiled. He cast a spell, causing her to be unable to move her legs for a short amount of time.

Jewels' legs froze. She couldn't move them. She glared at Zonan. "Shoot!" Since when did he use magic?! She thought.

Insanek cackled, and brought the knife slowly farther away.  "That's not much information, coming from someone who's been tracking this guy for quite a while.  Are you sure there's no more information you have for me?"  He laughed as the began to lightly press upon deoday's eye with the word sure.  He then cackled once more, looking at Grendile ready for any answer at all, because he was insane.  Insanity helped a lot with these situation; you could always keep a level head, i.e, nothing could possibly phase you.  Except maybe death.  Insanek hoped he wasn't going to die today.


(Guys, I didn't think I could extend a "FErru is charging on the roof" post long enough))

A Day in the Life of a Sweeper- reborn
The setting is on the continent of Carnon. Carnon is a huge land with many cities and different climates. Covering the land are series of species of mythical creatures, animals, and humans.
Mariola: A smaller, more peaceful city than the others, many people with children choose to live here. It is on the plains Mariola and the largest, and most successful, farms are started here. It it known for it's best produce and best onion buns.
Capricorn: Capricorn is a mysterious and small town in the high, misty Mountains of the War. This was where the many wars were fought to free this country from the evil people of Sharquee, their former controller. Nobody really lives in Capricorn, except for widows and the extremely poor. But, some say that the secret entrance to the underground caverns, is in one of the shops... but no one really knows.
Kolnco: The Gem of the Coast. That's what the people call Kolnco. Its a beautiful place for vacation, retirement, or just living. The beaches are the best on Carnon and the people are friendly and kind. It's famous for it's yearly 'Fish Feast. That's when all the fishermen in the city go out and catch as many fish as they can, then they fry them all up and the entire city gets to eat all-you-can-eat fish!
Carnon City: The largest City on Carnon. Everyone who's anyone lives here. The people here are normally very very rich. But the crime rate has gone up, and the people hid to protect themselves, and their money.
South Banks Megalopolis: A huge city on the river of Ja where the crime rate is large and the death toll is also large. Many sweepers come here to earn huge bounties but are often killed in the process. Only the most elite can come here and earn the bounty.

" A sweeper only needs a genuine desire to help..."
This land was once peaceful and quiet. It was very rich and prosperous. But, over the years, the law enforcement has been overturned and completely removed. Now, the only hope for Carnon, is their sweepers. The 'good' sweepers have been given a license to do so. The 'bad' sweepers have just been hired as practically assassins. They will stop at nothing to get their prize, and many others as well.
A person has gone missing and there is a very large bounty for whoever finds him. The only problem is: it's like he disappeared from the face of the Earth! No one can find him, for he is expert at hiding, and now the two sides of Bounty Hunters feud, which doesn't help find this person any faster. Evil Bounty Hunters will kill anyone that gets in their way, as good bounty hunters only kill to cover their bare necessities.

This person that has gone missing has made the Bounty Hunters angry, by stealing many of their bounties and killing many of them. This person also killed many innocent people and robbed them of their money. He is a greedy thief, and we have no idea what he's doing or where he is. And when he disappeared, the Bounty Hunters were trying their best to find him...but he just disappeared suddenly. The bounty for him has risen as the years went by-but, no one can seem to find him no matter how much riches are at stake. And the Bounty Hunters still try to find him.
It is said that his name is Sinew, and he's forming his own army. It is unknown why and what he wants to do.


Yup! It's remade, to make it better than it was before (and maybe it won't be as confusing as before)

 old RP found here-


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