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The yowl that erupted from the panther had caused it to release Smoke's shoulder, and letting him kick it off, the panther landing on it's back.  Smoke did his best to rise up to his paws, but his now injured shoulder made that difficult and blood dripped down his front leg from the bite.  None the less, he leaped at the large cat in a counter attack, and clamped his jaws around it's leg causing it to turn from the spear in it's side to him trying to get him off, and the cat partially succeeded, his balance was knocked off but he still kept a grip on the creatures leg.

Lokri stared at the Panther and then at Smoke. Her own adrenaline was riseing but she tried to stay relaxed. No need to get worked up if Smoke was alright and that he could take the Panther out on his own. However Lokri's hand rested on the knife she had. She then grabed a Branch and swung up onto it and whistaled a tone to Smoke and held her pose with the knife and blinked her colded golden gaze wondering if he knew what she ment. She looked at the blade as it glimmered in the darkness. If Smoke knew what she ment she would drop down above and get a killing blow with the knife to the Panthers neck. If he didnt...well then...he would just have to kill it himself. She didnt know if her own adrenaline would make her shift into her wolf form.
Smoke looked up at Lokri when she whistled, his gaze shifted to the knife in her hand, by the time he figured it out, the panther managed to pry the spear from its side and was batting its clawed paws in Smoke's face.  He let go and began to lure it closer to the tree Lokri was in for her to get a clean shot at the beast, and the cat, was falling for it, thinking Smoke was standing down and it would get a shot, which was what he was going for in the first place, they were both now directly under the tree, a clear shot to take down the cat.
Lokri Watched the Big cat and when they were both right under her hideing spot she knew it was the right time. She droped from the tree beside the big cat and Plunged the blade into its neck. The Big cat staggered to the side yowling in pain and trying to figure out were its attacker was. As the panther backed away shakeing its head nad pawing at were the knife was imbeded into its neck, Lokri walked over and picked up her spear and plunged it into the Panthers chest. The big cat let out alittle gurggling cry and fell. Lokri looked at it and grabes her knife and shook the blood off of it before sheathing it then she grabes her spear and looked over at Smoke. "Alright?"
Smoke watched silently as the creature died, shifting his weight off his injured shoulder which was starting to hurt like heck.  He looked over at Lokri and attempted to say thank you, which he knew he couldn't and it came out as a bunch of grumbling sounds.  He huffed sort of irritated with it and limped towards her, he looked up at her before he nudged her hand and licked it once fairly quickly as a substitute for a thank you before turning to walk back to there little camp of a place on the beach by the water, he needed to tend to his shoulder and fast.
Lokri scanned the area to make sure it was sicure. She relized if there was one of these creatures there were more and who knew if they were watching them at this second. She turned and followed Smoke quickly and always keeping a eye out behind them. Snaps of twigs and small sounds made her jump alot but other then that nothing else seemed to be out of place. Some reson just the strange feeling of being hunted made her quiezy. She stoped by their camp and watched Smoke clean his shoulder. She was actualy quiet saprised she didnt shift into her own wolf form when that attack happened. She shook her head and walked down by the water to wash off her weapons.
Smoke had curled up by the fire and was licking at his shoulder, he knew it would be a while before it healed, and that he wouldn't shift back to a human any time soon, but it didn't bother him much, he was able to handle pain much better as a wolf than a human anyways and the bite that was taken out of his shoulder, well he was glad he was a wolf now, at least he was able to deal with it.  He licked his shoulder one more time before laying his head down on his paws with a huff through his nose. 

Lokri sat back down reliseing she was going to be to herself for awhile with no one to speak to with Smoke in his wolf form. She blinked and put the last of the wood on the fire. She relised that she would not be going back to sleep after that and would be exahusted in the morning. She blinked and stared at the fire. This place had seemed to calm and it felt as if nothing bad was here. Geuss again, you just had a panther attack you! she though. The image of the Panther roaring flashed through her mind and she flinched. Then the Image of droping down on it and stabeing it sending it to its death. She blinked again and looked at the flame harder trying not to think of that, anthing but that.

Smoke lifted his head from his front paws as Lokri sat by the fire and watched her with a curious expression on his furry wolf face, slowly, he stood up and hobbled towards her, not wanting to use his hurt leg but did anyways, and walked up along side of her.  His ears perked forward towards her and his eyebrows seemed to crease together as he looked down at her, his bright blue eyes locked onto her, in attempt to ask if she was alright, from what he could tell she was not injured from the panther, but she certainly seemed on edge.
Lokri turned her head and looked into Smoke's blue eyes. With a sigh and blinks and turns back to the fire. "I am fine if thats what your wondering. Its you I am worried about." she said relizeing she was still clushing the knife she droped it by her side and kept looking at the fire not dareing to look over at Smoke. Sure she was on edge and she knew very well Smoke knew. She had a feeling that Panther would be hunting her mind for a while, but thats not what was on her mind. If one thing has attacked them...what else would? She pulled her knees up to her chest and kept looking over towards the sky. It was starting to brighten to the new day. I wish now I would have been in my wolf form. It would have added a lot more pretection in my book. AND I would still be able to comunicate. She though and moved her golden gaze back to the fire.
Smoke seemed to smile with a wolfish grin and he gently lowered himself down onto the ground, laying next to her.  He watched her for a moment longer before turning away and staring into the fire along with her.  But making a movement laying down sent a sudden sharp pain into his bitten shoulder.  He winced slightly, but at Lokris words he wasn't going to show he hurt, he didn't want to be worried over.  But along with the pain, the wound had opened up again and now he had a small stream of blood running down his front leg, though he went on pretending not to notice.
Lokri seemed to sense the blood and she looked around franticaly wondering what it was from. She settled her eyes on Smoke's shoulder then picked up the knife laying next to her. She cut a long strans of the cloth on her shirt and wraped it around Smoke's wound. "And dont complain about me helping." She said firmly knowing very well Smoke did not want anyone to help him. After she was done she turned back toward's the fire more settled now that the events were past and the sun was comeing up again. The landscape was getting brighter and everything was easy to see again. Unless it was stealthy enough to move through the still long shadows.
Smoke sighed and watched as she wrapped up his shoulder.  He sniffed at the make due bandage before closing his eyes for a moment letting the feeling adjust to him.  He dropped his head onto his paws before he looked over at Lokri and rolled over onto his not so injured side, still just looking at her, his face over all seemed solomn except for what emotion he could show through his eyes and the fact his ears were twitching around like crazy listening for anything coming out at them, he certainly did not want to deal with another panther, and if he did hear something, he would act, and fast, but so far, there was nothing.
Lokri touched Smoke's side gentaly then pulled her hand away and turned to look at the dieing fire. "You should try and rest. I know you have been up, like...all night. As well you are injured, you need the rest. I will keep an eye out though I promise." She turned to look over at him her golden eyes gleaming. She would have done anything to be some where away from the killer animals and somewhere soft , like her bed, and be asleep. She felt like she never sleeped at all but she knew  she could live without it. She wanted Smoke to get better so he needed the sleep more, and as it is Lokri didnt belive he had anysleep at all unlike her.
Smoke lifted his head and gave her a somewhat appreciative look.  Rising up onto his paws ever so slightly, he sort of did a crawl over towards her so his fur was barly brushing up against her before he layed down again and curled up towards her and closed his eyes, his head turned into his body, and his ears down flat against his head.  He was dead tired, his body hurt, but he knew he wouldn't be able to get much sleep if any, none the less, he tried, but remained mostly awake, still it seemed like Lokri wanted him asleep, so he didn't move much, just layed there.

Lost, as Castaway Wolves

You are lost on a deserted island with your fellow werewolves, there is a large cliff face off one side that crashes down into the ocean and rocks below, the forest is deep and dense, it's very easy to get lost.


You don't have full control over your powers yet and can not switch on will, it comes with your adrenaline speed for now.


Having been hunted to near extinction, werewolves have fled to the far corners of the world. There were a few young werewolves, just discovering their power, managed to convince their parents to let them go on a short boat ride. They were supposed to have come back the next day, however, it was not meant to be. There was a freak storm that hit, and smashed the boat causing it to spin out of control and smash into some sort of rock or reef.

Some time later, they begin to wake, wondering what happened and what where they are. The island they have landed on seams deserted, but bits and pieces of an ancient civilization are still present. Will the secrets of the ruins secrets unlocked? Will the young ones choose to stay, or will they attempt to save the rest of their kind? Will they even survive that long?

No matter what the answer, for better or for worse, they are the Lost, as Castaway Wolves.


1. Typical rules of RP.

2. No swearing or cursing, please keep it to a minimal, if you must, use the *'s to blot it out.

3. Romance is allowed, hugs and kisses are fine, but nothing to graphic please.

4. No being your own crush or anything like that either.

5. I am the master and I can control my puppets, as much as I would hate to, I have the right to kick you out and delete you if you don't follow these rules, they're sort of important.

6. When making a character, please create a first and last name.

7. Max of 3 charries.

8. When making a character, please keep the male/female ratio, one male per female and vice.

9.Have fun!!!!

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100 words per post.

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DinoLover (#4089)

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