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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Lokri watched the fire die out and just leave hot embers behind. She then turned her gaze to look at Smoke. Thinking he was asleep, she turned back to look at the riseing sun. She felt alittle bit relaxed but she was ready to leap to her feet if anything went wrong. She looked around and watched some ravens flys over. A large one landed on the ground and looked at her with black eyes. Lokri stared back. The Raven hoped closer and tilted its head. Lokri relized it must smell the wound on Smoke. She stared at it. The Raven looked side to side wearly before opening its wings and flying away quickly. A large obsidian colored feather from the crow gently fell towards the ground and into her lap. She picked it up and moved it around in her hand before setting it down in her lap.
Smoke had heard the raven land and figuring that Lokri was watching it, his ears shot up, pointed towards it listening for any more movement, he opened one eye, the one farthest from Lokri and watched as the bird flew away from them before he closed it again and took in a deep breath, letting it out in a long and heavy exhale of air.  His ears still erect as he listened but only half hazzardly, as he was still unable to fall asleep but was a little drowsy from the calmness and quiet of the things going on around him.
Lokri stroked the black feather. She didnt know what to do right now. She shifted and looked down at Smoke quickly then back away and looked around. She let out a small sigh that broke the utter silence then just as quickly as it came it went away and the only sound was the call of a bird. She twirled the feather around then leaned over and started drawing in the sand. She drew two wolves danceing around each other, with a large crow over head watching them. Soon after that was done she moved and started to draw one of just a lone wolf staring at the moon.
Smoke could feel Lokri walking off and his eyes instantly opened, he turned his head quickly to make sure she hadn't walked into the forest, there was no way, after what happend he would let her go in there alone.  But she wasn't so he didn't fear for her that way.  He watched as she sketched in the sand before he stood up and limped over, coming up from behind, he stood along side of her legs looking down at the pictures she was drawing curiously, his eyes and ears both intently focused on the markings she was creating in the ground.
Lokri didnt relize Smoke and moved over to her and was watching her. She counied drawing the wolf on the cliff howling at the moon. She leaned back to look at her drawing and smiled pleased with it. She looked over at the one with the two wolves danceing and sighed images of the two wolves danceing together and the machivious Raven watching them flying in circles of its own. Then her imagination moved to the howling wolf. She pictured it walking up onto the rock tilting its head toward the moon eyes gleaming then closeing as it howled loud and long. She blinked as the real world came back to her.
Smoke looked up at Lokri catching the smile she had and he turned back to the pictures, his tail now wagging from side to side looking at them.  He looked up at her again hearing her sigh and looked at her curiously before turning to the pictures again, his head tilted sideways and he walked around the art work in the sand, his appearance intent on the pictures, and he seemed to have a very serious look on his face as he studied the images, he actually liked them, they were interesting, especially the fact they were all of wolves.
Lokri looked up and saw Smoke. She didnt say anything to him and didnt stop him from looking at the drawings. She turned back to them as well. She blinked at the two images and wondered if she should drawing something else but her mind was blank. She looked up at Smoke and watched him stare at the drawings she had done. "What do you think?" she asked knowing he wouldnt really be able to answer her. She crouched down by her drawings lookeing at them then moved her gaze back to Smoke. She woundered what to do now as she awaited his reply.
Smoke's head shot up at the question and he looked at her, his tail wagged feriously in an approving manner as he looked back at the pictures again.  His gaze was drawn to the howling wolf picture.  He sat along side of it and threw his head back, his ears laying flat and he closed his eyes emmitting a long, lonesome sounding howl, that was still rather beautiful sounding. Taking the pose of the wolf in Lokris drawing as he sang his howl up into the sky, it wasn't really dark anymore, but he was even moved by it, the picture seemed to mean something to him.
Lokri smiled knowing what she would draw. She quickly looked over Smokes Howling form then started to draw it on the ground. It took her about fifteen minutes, when she was done a large picture of Smoke howling at the sky was there. She smiled very happy with it and she stood up. Looking at it and nodding her own approval. She looked over at Smoke then back at the pictures. She smiled and blinked. her eyes looked at ever deatail in the drawing. The ground, the water in the background,the trees, the sky, and...Smoke. She stood looking at it then looked at Smoke,"Like?"
Smoke was pulled out of his howl by Lokri's question, he looked down at the picture and tilted his head to the side, he crinkled his nose almost as if he was thinking and his brow pursed before his tail slowly started to wag, then much more vigerously as he came to recognize the wolf in the picture as himself, he emmited a grumbly type of bark, his paw pointed down to the picture then he ran towards the water and pointed at his refection in it and gave another sort of bark before running back towards Lokri, coming to a stop along side of her, sitting and looking up at her with a wolfish grin.
Lokri tilted her head trying to figure out what he was saying."What? Do yuo want me to draw yuor reflection in the water or its like a reflection?" She eyed him curiously then looked at her drawing then back to Smoke. She looked at all three of her drawings so far. The one wolf howling at the moon, Smoke howling at the sky, and the two wolves danceing. She trailed her finger through the dirt leaveing a line next to her and she looked back up at Smoke still trying to work out what he wanted. "You seriously need to learn to speak English when you are in that form." She said laughing as she looked over at him.
Smokes tail drooped and he shook his head from side to side violently with a growl.  He huffed and sat down harshly in the sand, his head low looking at her, he attempted at talking, he had been thrilled at the fact he was the one she drew a picture off and now all he wanted to do was tell her how pleased he was.  He growled again before attempting to talk, but the words "That's me!" came out more of a "grrruuttss ggrreeeuuu!" he snorted at his failure and got a very annoyed look on his face giving a nother snort.
Lokri smiled and touched him gentaly on his good shoulder. "If yuor trying to 'Thank me' your welcome and I am glad you like it." she said and smiled removeing her hand from his shoulder and brought it back towards her. She looked at the picture of Smoke again and smiled then looked back at him. "You know, I drew this exactly like you. I am saprised usualy when I look at something and try to draw it it comes out in my own way. This..." she waved her hand over the large picture of Smoke." Is quiet good for me." She stoped rambeling on about ehr drawings and just looked at Smoke."Any by they way dont stress yourself trying to talk. I will figure it out sooner or later."
Smoke watched her as she spoke then looked at the drawings again, mainly the one with dancing wolves, he blinked and his ears shot up getting an idea.  He ran over towards Lokri and tugged on her pants a bit before he leg go and started to jump around in circles, he skipped over and pointed his paw at the drawing of the dancing wolves before he started to run and jump around again and then began to jump around her, giving a whining bark hoping she got what he meant, he wanted her to dance with him, and being he was a wolf and she was human, it wouldn't be wierd or anything, from his point of view, he just wanted a little fun.
Lokri looked at him then the picture then laughed. "I am not a good dancer, but if you want." she said still laughing and watched Smoke jump around in circles. She got up. She looked down and him. "Alright you got me up." She said and watched him still jump around in circles. "You know your not a bad dancer in your wolf form." She said smiling. She smiled and copied Smoke except spun around in one place before looking at him again. She She laughed at her own awkwardness. She didn't find this strange she just couldn't dance for her life.

Lost, as Castaway Wolves

You are lost on a deserted island with your fellow werewolves, there is a large cliff face off one side that crashes down into the ocean and rocks below, the forest is deep and dense, it's very easy to get lost.


You don't have full control over your powers yet and can not switch on will, it comes with your adrenaline speed for now.


Having been hunted to near extinction, werewolves have fled to the far corners of the world. There were a few young werewolves, just discovering their power, managed to convince their parents to let them go on a short boat ride. They were supposed to have come back the next day, however, it was not meant to be. There was a freak storm that hit, and smashed the boat causing it to spin out of control and smash into some sort of rock or reef.

Some time later, they begin to wake, wondering what happened and what where they are. The island they have landed on seams deserted, but bits and pieces of an ancient civilization are still present. Will the secrets of the ruins secrets unlocked? Will the young ones choose to stay, or will they attempt to save the rest of their kind? Will they even survive that long?

No matter what the answer, for better or for worse, they are the Lost, as Castaway Wolves.


1. Typical rules of RP.

2. No swearing or cursing, please keep it to a minimal, if you must, use the *'s to blot it out.

3. Romance is allowed, hugs and kisses are fine, but nothing to graphic please.

4. No being your own crush or anything like that either.

5. I am the master and I can control my puppets, as much as I would hate to, I have the right to kick you out and delete you if you don't follow these rules, they're sort of important.

6. When making a character, please create a first and last name.

7. Max of 3 charries.

8. When making a character, please keep the male/female ratio, one male per female and vice.

9.Have fun!!!!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Second RP Master
DinoLover (#4089)

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