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"Excellent work indeed," said Metallic Drone. "Night Wolf wille be very upset about this and I hope to beat the anger out of him!" exclaimed Metallic Drone. He patted Shade and Shadow."You two deserve a meal and new clothes, he said, pointing to a table with food and clothes on it. "Eat and suit up because we're heading off to round up my other recruits," said Metallic Drone. Back at the commisioner's office..."We got a decline," said Shark Fin. "From?" Night Wolf asked. "Shadow Shifter," said Shark Fin. Night Wolf cursed and banged on the wall once. "Well I guess we need to find a new recruit," said Hawk Sky. Night Wolf nodded. Shark Fin typed until he came to a picture of two girls. "Their names are Harper and Nina a.k.a. Harmony and Houdina," said Shark Fin. "Powers?" asked Night Wolf. "Harmony can use her angel-like wings to fly and can turn them into steel wings," said Shark Fin. "She's the daughter of Angel himself," he said. Hawk Sky read the rest. "Houdina can teleport and shoot psychic forces."
Shadow had briefly been annoyed at his sister who clung to metallic drone, but since he didn't seem to mind his sister Shadow had stood silent. Just then pain shot up his leg he had forgotten about his wound he looked down and flinched he thought the weapon had grazed him.  The happy purring his sister shade had been doing stopped "Brother are you okay" his sister asked. "Ya" he said and looked down he pocked around and finally found bandages he cleaned it out and bandaged it up. His mask almost fell off and he tied it to his face tightly the only person to see his face had been his sister only she had seen the good of him so long ago before he took her away from there village. Shadow had also been the only one to see his sister as a complete angel never harming a fly but he was glad he was able to change her.
Kevin and T.J. got on a private plane. Kevin kissed Keisha passionately, not wanting to let her go. Keisha held onto his face. They kept on kissing. T.J. grabbed Kevin's arm. "Let's go before you suck each other's faces up," he said. Kevin and Keisha parted. The plane then took off. "So what do you think Night Wolf would be like?" asked T.J. "Like me," said Kevin. "Bold, arrogant, courageous," said Kevin. "Probably hard headed," added T.J. Kevin bucked at him. T.J. chuckled and loaded his guns. Kevin extended his claws, making T.J. jump. Kevin sharpened and cleaned his claws and then retracted them. The plane landed in Wyoming. When the two got off, they saw another private plane. "I wonder who else came," said T.J. Kevin looked up at the windows of the other plane. "Probably some businessmen," he said. T.J. nodded. The two then sat down inside the airport and waited for further instructions. As they waited, the other private plane's door opened up and a piolet stepped out. "Lets go Travis! Harry!" he yelled.
Travis and Harry saw the piolet leaving. He then yelled for them to come on. "Pushy mutha-" "Hey!" yelled Harry. "Watch ya' mouth," he said to Travis. "I didn't even finish it," said Travis. The two got their suitcases and unboarded the plane. Another private plane was by theirs. "Who else came?" asked Travis. "You'll be surprised," said the piolet. Travis and Harry looked at each other. They then headed inside the airport. They sat down in two chairs just ten feet away from two other boys. Harry listened to his music. Travis looked over at the other two boys. "They seem familiar," he thought to himself. Suddenly, it hit him. The Adamantium Kid and Bullet Leap. These two were heroes as well! Travis sprang up in excitement. Harry jumped and alnost dropped his I-Pod. "What the hell is wrong with you man?" asked Harry. "Look!" Travis exclaimed, pointing at the two boys. "The Adamantium Kid and Bullet Leap are in front of us!" he exclaimed. Harry was surprised to see them. "Yo!" he exclaimed. Travis laughed.
Kevin and T.J. looked at each other and then back at the two boys. Kevin then remembered them on TV. "Yo T.J.," he said. "That's them man," he said. "It's Shockflame and Aqua Freeze!" he exclaimed. T.J. looked at the boys and his eyes widened. "It is them," he said. "I'm Kevin," said Kevin. "I'm T.J.," said T.J. "I guess we're all here because of a recruitment?" asked a voice. Kevin and T.J. turned to see a boy standing. He had a suitcase as well. "My name's Kyle," said the boy. "You can call me Dynamic," he said. Kevin looked the boy up and down. "And what do you do?" he asked. Dynamic was by Kevin's side in a second. "Whoa!" yelled T.J. "I'm super fast, super strong, and I can jump super high," said Dynamic. "I can jump high like that too," said T.J. "Then you must be Bullet Leap," said Dynamic. T.J. nodded. "And you two are Shockflame and Aqua Freeze?" Dynamic asked. Kevin was getting all pumped up. Soon, all five of them would be joining Night Wolf. He sat down and pulled it together. A girl then came in.
Shade lounged on a chair and ate a piece of meat. Then she looked at her brother who was tying his mask on tighter. Shade sighed she didn't know why he hid his face it was not like he was bad looking in fact she thought he looked pretty good to other girls especially at her village.Shade and her brother shadow where changed into a new set of clothes shadow affectionate person his mask but shade didn't. "My master what will we do" shade asked metallic drone then she jumped on his back and hugged him and purred. Shade wondered briefly if Night Wolf had found the wolves yet but came out of her thoughts when her brother threw her the mask. Shade tied it on tightly and waited for metallic drones answer.
Night Wolf thought. "Alright, send it to both of them," he said. Hawk Sky sent it. "Thanks commisioner," said Night Wolf. He picked up the box of wolf pups. The three heroes then headed to the tree house. They waited for three hours. The wolf pack had not yet come back. "What's taking them so long?" asked Shark Fin. Night Wolf thought. "Stay here with the pups," he said, and leaped out the tree house. Night Wolf howled. No replies. He sprinted through the trees and came to the wolf pack's den area. Night Wolf was stopped dead in his tracks. He fell to his knees. His eyes widened and he teared up. What he saw before him was heart breaking. Lying before him was the wolf pack, all of them dead. Night Wolf yelled in agony. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he yelled. Night Wolf cried for the third time in his life. Tthe pack he knew and loved was gone. Slain by Night Wolf's enemies. Night Wolf then got angry. He picked up the alpha male's body. "I will avenge you all," Night Wolf said. He then buried them all.

Shade felt a chill go down her back must be cold she thought and shrugged it off she felt herself grow fur on her arms which was covered by her clothes. "Brother who do you think we will meet" Shade asked her brother. Her brother didn't respond so he probably didn't know. So she decided to ask Metallic Drone she jumped on him "Who are we going to go meet master" she asked and purred she couldn't help it he was just so fun to hang onto and had such a unique mind like a animals mind and she could relate to it.

"Ah, I'm glad you asked Shade," said Metallic Drone. "We're heading to Las Vegas, Nevada," he said. "Out there is where our true base is and that is where we will meet us with Steel Terror, Magnesium, and the new recruits Black Shock, Fire Spin, Black Out, and a few others," said Metallic Drone. "We leave now," he said. He opened a door and revealed a large, flying ship. At the tree house, Curtis was sulking. Chelsea and Kenny were comforting him. The wolf pups licked at Curtis's tears. Curtis smiled a bit, but then grew sad again. "I'm so sorry about their deaths," said Chelsea, and she wiped away Curtis's tears. She then kissed him on the cheek. "At least they have a legacy," said Kenny. Curtis nodded and looked down at the pups. "Alright. Let's head to the airport and meet our new recruits," said Curtis. He placed on his mask, as did Chelsea. Night Wolf picked up the box of wolf puppies and the three headed to the airport. As they arrived, they saw another plane land. "I guess they're just now coming."
Shade jumped up and down "Steel Terror, Magnesium, and the new recruits Black Shock, Fire Spin, Black Out I can't wait to meet them I hope there as cool as you" she said and jumped on metallic Drones back and purred by know he had gotten used to her doing this. Shade looked at her brother and seen him roll his eyes behind his mask she may not be able to see his lips but she knew he was smiling. She purred louder. Then she jumped off of metallic Drones back and ran into the ship. "Whoa this awesome" she said out loud then she laughed her evil laugh and wondered what the other villains would be like she felt a purr come on and smiled behind her mask but deep down shade was nervous.
"Yes I'm Shockflame and this is Aqua Freeze," said Travis. "My real name is Travis and his is Harry," said Travis. He then saw the girl come in. "Hi, I'm Dalilah, but you can call me Scream," she said. "Nice to meet you," said Dynamic, walking up to her first and shaking her hand. He looked like he was in love. Harry looked out the window and saw three heroes. "I don't believe it," he said. Travis turned to him. "Night Wolf and his crew are here!" Harry exclaimed. The two cheered alongside Scream and Dynamic. "This is so cool," said Dynamic. He then saw a plane land and two girls got out. "Who are they?" he asked. Travis followed his gaze. One girl had angel-like wings. The other's hands were covered his pink motorcycle gloves. "They must be here to join as well," said Scream. Harry was too syked, as well as Travis. "We should meet them all out there," said Dynamic. "Right," said Travis. Travis, Harry, Dynamic, and Scream ran outside. Scream grabbed Kevin's arm saying, "Come on!" Dynamic grabbed T.J.'s arm.
Shadow Shifter had the night off and was outside the city where she could see the stars. As she lay there staring skyward she thought about recent events. Batman had been disappointed about her turning that offer down. She was taking her time learning from a veteran hero. She sang along to one of her favorite songs "A burning desire to live and roam free, it shines in the dark and grows within me..." It was Utopia by Within Temptation. [look it up it's good really...] She kept singing along until the song would have ended. It was a brisk night but she was just fine as she was. The cold didn't bother her. A lone fox didn't notice her as it prowled close by. She decided to speak to it softly "Hello little one. All alone on a cold night too huh?" The fox didn't run it came closer to her and looked at her with golden intelligent eyes. It's soft fur was a shadowy grey and it went to lay down beside her. She didn't pet it because she was unsure if she'd scare the furry animal off. "Why arn't you afraid of me? Don't you know the things I've done?" The little creature tilted it's head and she told it her story. By the time she was done it was getting a bit late and she bade the fox farewell thanking the creature for the company. It sat there still watching as she took the form of an owl and flew back to the Bat Cave. Batman asked her about a fox strangely enough that fit the description of the one who sat beside her. Sophia nodded and said "I talked to it and it just listened to me." "Stay away from it untill I know more about it. It's been seen at some murder scenes." Sophie asked "It seemed harmless to me, but clearly a smart little thing. Try looking up kitsune, it might be one. I've met a few they usually stay around Japanese communities, Shinto temples or the forests. Gotham has a Japanese community, a temple, and there's a forest outside of town. The fox might just be a kitsune in the wrong place at the wrong time. They are vengeful, but they are not known to kill humans..." Batman stated "Kitsune are mythical creatures, but I have dealt with Dracula before so it's possible." Sophie nodded "I had a little run in with him during his attacks. Good thing I had a cross and some garlic I'd found. Made a bee line for a Shinto temple. Holy ground of any kind will keep a vampire at bay. It was like he ran into a wall." "You've seen other vampires?" "I've seen all kinds of so called 'supernatural' things and many cryptids." "Big foot?" "Yep, never saw a chupacabra nor do I plan to... I've heard of them going after things bigger than me. Big foot give it it's space and it's gentle as can be." "I want a compiled beastiary based on your experiences in two weeks time." "It may take me longer. I have had alot of run ins with vampires in particular. They hate shape shifters..."
Shadow almost laughed out loud as his sister jumped around the ship but instead he rolled his eyes and smiled. He knew that Shade was growing attached to metallic drone because she was always purring around him. Shadow didn't know why but she was different around him she didn't really get along with anyone because of how her mind was good and bad.Just then she transformed into a cat and curled up on shadows lap. Shadow dipped into her mind she was dreaming about that ninja kid and her wolfs and how he would react to then being gone but shadow took the dream and ripped it out of her mind and gave her a nightmare the very one he had given her all his life. Shadow felt himself chuckle when she started to purr after all she had embraces the nightmare a long ago.
Kevin and T.J. were pulled away. They ran with the other heroes towards outside. When they got out there, the heroes all cheered as they saw Night Wolf, Hawk Sky, and Shark Fin. T.J. turned his attention to the two new girls. He stared at the one with the pink motorcycle gloves. "Wow," he said. Kevin turned to him. "What?" Kevin asked. "That girl is dreamy," said T.J. Kevin followed his gaze. "You think you got a shot with her?" Kevin asked. "I might," said T.J. Kevin chuckled and walked up to Night Wolf. "What's up Night Wolf?" he asked. "My name is Kevin, commonly known as The Adamantium Kid," said Kevin, extending and retracting his claws. T.J. walked up to Night Wolf. "I'm T.J., commonly known as Bullet Leap," he said, showing and cocking his machine gun. Scream stepped forward. "I'm Dalilah, commonly known as Scream," she said, floating into the air and landing again. The two girls came up to them. "I'm Harper, commonly known as Harmony," said the girl with the wings. She had a nice looking hammer.
"I'm Nina, commonly known as Houdina," said the girl with the pink motorcycle gloves on. Travis looked at T.J. He was eyeing Nina. "I think somebody's in love," said Harry. Travis nodded and walked up to Night Wolf. "I'm Travis, commonly known as Shockflame," he said. "And I'm Harry, commonly known as Aqua Freeze," said Harry. Travis looked over at Hawk Sky and Shark Fin. They looked like brother and sister. Travis then looked at Dynamic. He was just staring at Dalilah. "Yo, Dynamic, say something," said Travis. Dynamic shook his head, ridding himself of the thought he had and looked at Night Wolf. "Sorry about that," he said. "I'm...I' see my name," Dynamic studdered. He could feel Dalilah and the others looking at him. Dynamic scratched his neck. "I think he's a little shy or nervous," said Harper. "I think it's kinda cute," said Dalilah. Dynamic blushed a bit and chuckled. "Go on man," said Harry. "Just say your name and alter ego's name," he said. "Ok, I'm ready," said Dynamic.

Super Life
Takes place anywhere in the world.
You are a brand new super hero. One day, you wake up with extraordinary powers. Now you must make a choice. You can use these new powers for good, or use them for evil. Either join up and be heroes, or join evil doers and be villains. Your choice. There is also a new evil force called "The Evil R.I.N.G. (Renaissance Incorporation Nationally Gifted). Their leader is the Metallic Drone. His main bodyguards or associates are Riley (Steel Terror) and Marcus (Magnesium). Steel Terror is a mutant man who can transform into a metal-like cat-humanoid. Magnesium is a man with the combination of Earth and Water powers, sort of like Shockflame.
History is made up as we progress through the roleplay.
Rule No.1: No godmodding. Rule No.2: Romance is allowed. Avoid going beyond hugging and kissing. Rule No.3: You can have as many powers as you want, just don't make yourself invincible. Have fun! Rule No.4: No killing other people's character without permission. Also, you can interact or visit or even live with any of the DC or Marvel heroes! If you're bad, then just seek out any villians to hang with.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Bad Hero
Bad Heroine
Good Hero
Good Heroine

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Smile (#18991)

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