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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Travis looked around. They were in Stark Towers. "This place is awesome," said Kyle. Harry saw a couch. He placed Luna on the couch. "Yo, that's my spot," said a voice. Harry turned around to see a man covered in ice. Frosty mist was coming off of him. "Oh my God," said Harry. "You're Ice Man," he said. "Got that right," said Iceman. Another hero lowered himself down by a thread of web. "Spider Man!" exclaimed Kyle. "Who are these young heroes?" asked a feminine voice. They all turned to see Ms. Marvel. By her side was Spider Woman, Black Widow, Storm, and Invisible Woman. The heroes were surprised. "Holy crap, it's Thor!" exclaimed Keisha. Another man with white, angel-like wings came into the room with Thor. Harmony's eyes widened as tears formed. Her metal-like wings became fluffy again as she tucked away her hammer. "Dad?" she asked. Angel looked at her. "Harper!" he exclaimed. The two hugged with Harper crying tears of joy. Hawk Eye and Captain America entered the room. "Were in hero heaven" said Travis.
Comet Man: The comet was getting even closer. "Oh crap!" yelled Miles. He and Tundra got in Miles car. Miles started up the car, but the car wouldn't start. "Oh come one, not now," Miles said. He tried and tried again, but nothing worked. The comet was even closer. "Tundra, leap out!" yelled Miles. The husky leapt out the window and into the neighbor's yard. Miles tried to get out, but his door handle wouldn't budge. "No!" yelled Miles. The comet slammed into his car, causing a blue and white explosion. Tundra was sent flying over the neighbor's house and into their pool, which surprised the kids swimming in it. All the neighbors came out of their houses to see that Miles's car and half his house was destroyed. Tundra ran over to the damage, barking and whining. "Where's Miles?" asked a little kid. Miles was nowhere to be found. Tundra began to dig under the remains. She then barked. "What is it?" asked another neighbor. "It's Miles," said a little kid. Tundra pulled Miles body out of the damage. She barked.
Comet Man: Miles knew he wasn't dead. He could tell Tundra"s "get up" bark from a mile away. He was just unconscious. But WHY was he NOT dead? The comet had slammed down hard on him and the car. Miles felt someone, Tundra, pull him out of the debris. He began to dream. A spirit came to him. "Hello there, Miles," said the voice. "Who are you?" asked Miles. "I am Light Plasma," said the spirit. "What just happened?" asked Miles. "You have been struck by a special comet of mines," said Light Plasma. "Why?" asked Miles. "My enemy, Dark Mist, is coming to Earth to destroy it," said Light Plasma. "You must use these new powers to stop him, alongside the other heroes," said Light Plasma. "You will be visited by my second-in-command soon, White Star," he said. "Wait, what powers?" asked Miles. The spirit sent a blast of blue and white energy at Miles, blowing him back out of the dream. Miles then woke up, gasping for air. His irises went from brown, to neon blue, to brown again. Tundra licked him frequently. "Hey."
Comet Man: Tundra bounced up and down as Miles stood up. He looked around. His neighbors were looking at him in awe. "What?" he asked. "How did you survive?" someone asked. Miles sighed, looking at the wreckage. "Let's just say someone's up there looking out for me from now on," said Miles. He dusted himself off and then reached into his pocket for his cell phone. It was destroyed. "Dang," he said. Miles reached for his gun. It was broken. "Son of a biscuit eating bulldog," he said. A nearby bulldog looked at him sideways. "Can anyone call me a cab?" he asked. A taxi came and picked Miles up while Tundra stayed with a neighbor. Miles arrived at Rodrigo's. He stepped inside and saw Cateylena talking with some guy. "Hey," said Miles. He walked up to the man. "Beat it, she's mine," said Miles. The guy turned to him. "Take a hike, shrimp," said the man. "Can we please not fight," said Cateylena. "Stay out of this," said the guy. "Don't talk to her like that," said Miles. The guy pushed Miles back. "Whoa."
Comet Man: "Are you crazy? You just hit a cop!" yelled Cateylena. "He ain't no cop," said the man. "I am," said Cateylena, showing her gun and badge. The man looked at her gun and badge. Before he could turn away from her, Miles punched the man in his jaw. "Oh!" exclaimed Cateylena. Miles then round housed the man in his back. The man scowled and tried to hit Miles again, but Miles caught his fist. He pinned the man to the table and twisted his arm back. "I would arrest you, but I just got hit by a freakin' comet and survived," said Miles. Cateylena looked at him in surprise. "Now, go on with your night and leave us alone," said Miles. He pushed the man away. The man walked out of the restaurant in a hurry. Miles turned to Cateylena. "Are you ok?" she asked. "Yeah, let's eat," said Miles. The two sat down. Cateylena got up and sat next to Miles. She kissed him on the cheek saying, "Thank you."
Shadow Shifter was investigating some robberies that magic had been used to commit with Gin by her side in fox form. Joker came walking in and said "Well well well now what have we here? Returning to the scene of your crime?" "I didn't do it Joker. There is magic in this world." "Magic is real?" "Some can use it to their own ends. There are also other beings creatures you should avoid for your own good. Someone or something did use magic for their own ends earlier. I'm trying to find out who or what did this. You don't remember it but you yourself have had a run in with one creature." "I did?" "Yeah the biggest and baddest vampire of them all. Vlad Dracula. Batman managed to reverse it but you lost your memories of that time." "Where's the vampire?" "Dead... Turns out artificial sunlight works like the real thing on them." "Why hasn't Batsy eliminated them?" "Because not all vampires cause problems. Dracula's variety went extinct when he was destroyed, but there are others that can feed from humans without controling or turning. Others subsist off animal blood. Batman sends me after the problem ones, and I handle the supernaturals in this city." "So you work with the Bat. Who is he?" "I don't know who he is, he has to find that out for himself. I'm still trying to figure out who I really am myself." "I won't be getting answers from you. Have fun with your insanity. Magic is real, yeah right. You need a rubber room." Sophie laughed "Pot calling the kettle black. Now go away I'm working over here!" Joker said "I never got around to thanking you for helping Harl out." Sophie pinched herself "Not a crazy dream. But it's what I do, so no problem. Just stop wailing on her yourself already. Get a damn punching bag or something..."
"You're welcome," said Miles. The two then ate. After dinner, they exited the restaurant. "So, where's your car?" asked Cateylena. "Under a comet," said Miles. "What?" asked Cateylena. "It's a long story," said Miles. "Well I'll drive you home," said Cateylena. "My house is in the same predicament as my car," said Miles. Cateylena looked at Miles. "Can I just stay with you until morning?" asked Miles. Cateylena froze a bit. A smile appeared on her face as she blushed. "Sure," she said. The two got into her car. Cateylena drove to her house. As they got out, she said, "I hope you love cats." Miles was confused. When they entered her house, Miles's eyes flashed neon blue. "What's wrong?" asked Cateylena. "Get down!" yelled Miles. He tackled Cateylena and pulled her into the kitchen as a large jaguar leaped down the stairs. The cat roared. "What the hell is that?" asked Miles. "That's just Amazon," said Cateylena. She stood up and helped Miles to his feet. The jaguar growled. "Amazon, sit," said Cateylena.
Miles's eyes widened as the jaguar sat. "I thought you said you had a cat," said Miles. "She is a cat, Miles," said Cateylena. "This is not a cat. This is a feline monstrocity," said Miles. Cateylena rolled her eyes and walked over to Amazon. "Hi, baby," she said, rubbing the female jaguar's head and neck. Amazon purred. Miles looked around, bewildered. "Don't worry," said Cateylena. "She sleeps in the backyard when company is over," said Cateylena. Miles shook his head. "Yeah, I think I'm more of a dog person," said Miles. Cateylena took Amazon into the backyard. Miles followed. The backyard was similar to a rainforest. "Well I'll be damned," said Miles. "Oh yeah," said Cateylena. She stood next to Miles, looking into his eyes. "I'm a jungle girl with jungle fever," she said. Miles smiled as Cateylena brought her lips to his. The two kissed passionately as they backed into the house. Cateylena shut the door and the two made their way upstairs, giggling. As they entered Cateylena's room Miles closed the door.
Curtis looked around as the heroes emerged. "Wow," he said. Curtis saw Deadpool, Elektra, and Dr. Strange. "This must be what it feels like to wake up in heaven," said Curtis. "Hello there," said Mr. Fantastic. "Hi," said Curtis. "I take it you're the leader of this little hero squad," said Mr. Fantastic. "Yes, I am," said Curtis. Stark and Rhodes joined Curtis's side. "So, we have three Iron Men," said The Thing. "No," said the Human Torch. "It's the Iron Fist Clan," he said. "Johnny, hush," said Invisible Woman. "So, what do we now?" asked Kyle. "We discuss just what the hell happened out there," said a voice. Everyone turned to see Nick Fury. By his side was T'Challa. "Mr. Fury," said Curtis. "Night Wolf," said Fury. "Well, let's talk," said Nick. Curtis explained to Nick what happened. Fury looked over at Samson, a little weary about the power of the German shepherd. "So we lost two of you," said Nick. "Yes," said Curtis. Keisha and Nina began to tear up. "Don't worry," said Fury. "We'll avenge them."
Miles woke up. He turned to the clock next to him and saw that it was one o'clock a.m. He was about to get up when he realized he was being hugged. Miles looked down and saw Cateylena's arms wrapped around his waist. She was asleep, a smile on her face. Miles smiled to and kissed her on the forehead. He then eased out of bed with his robe and walked downstairs. Miles rummaged through Cateylena's refrigerator and found some water. Before he could drink it, he heard a noise outside. Miles walked to the side door of the house and opened it. He looked out the door and saw two burgulars breaking into the house next door. "Hey, freeze!" whispered Miles. The burgulars slipped into the house. Miles luckily had his gun in his robe. He took it out, cocked it, and slipped into the house as well. Miles slowly crept through the house, gun pointed forward. As he entered the living room, a piece of wood knocked the gun out his hand and struck him in the stomach. Miles went to his knees, dodging another blow, except a fist.
Miles fell onto his side. He then rolled out of the way of a crobar. Miles rolled to his feet and struck out, kicking one of the burgulars in the stomach. He then punched the other in the jaw. The two robbers weren't phased though. One began to strangle Miles while the other picked up his gun with a gloved hand. "A silencer," said the robber, his voice thick and low. "Good choice," said the other. Miles kneed the robber in his groin and pushed him off of him. The other robber shot Miles in the shoulder. Miles jerked back, slamming into the couch and flipping it over. The other robber got up and snatched the gun away. "Let's shoot him in the head and get out of here," one said. "With pleasure," said the other. One of them walked over to the couch. Miles's eyes opened as they turned neon blue. The blue light lit up the dark house. "What the-" Before the sentence was completed, a blue aura surrounded Miles. The bright blue then hued around him as his skin color changed from brown to blue. Miles stood up.
"Oh my God," said the thick and low voiced burgular. Miles examined himself. His entire body was blue. The blue aura around him glowed a beautiful blue hue. Miles felt his muscles get bigger. Miles looked at the two robbers as the bullet in shoulder worked its way out. Miles caught it with his right hand and blue aura surrounded the bullet. "Shoot him!" yelled the other robber. Before he could, Miles sent the bullet speeding towards them like a tiny comet. The bullet struck the thick and low voiced one, piercing the heart and killing him. The other robber ran and jumped out the window. Miles felt himself lift off the ground. He then launched himself out the window. Miles caught the robber and flew into the air, leaving behind blue and white dust. The robber screamed as Miles flew higher and higher. "Let me go! I"m sorry!" yelled the burgular. Miles stopped and dropped the man, who fell screaming. Miles flew under the robber, saving him and throwing him into a pool. "Leave or die," said Miles. The man ran off.
Turns out it was a witch doing the stealing. The woman claimed the objects were family heirlooms that had been stolen centuaries ago by witch hunters. They were in a museum. Shadow asked "Do you have convincing fakes?" The woman shook her head. "Well get fakes and age the things with magic. Then come back, or get the documentaion somehow. Now scram!" The witch nodded and vanished with a poof. Gin looked up at Sophie "Setting things right Nee chan?" "Yep..." "We going home now?" "Yeah. The boss man of my day job is having another party. This time I'm following Alfred around like a lost puppy." 
Sure enough this time Sophie just followed Alfred around and the men still hit on her. One Daichi Watabe was the relentless one this time. Big software corperation in Japan he needed a wife. Looking for a humble girl that was easy to handle. He must have thought Shadow was following Alfred out of a sense of duity to her elders. Since Sophie seemed like what he was after he chased her when he wasn't busy kissing up and being kissed up to. The other maids were trying to drape themselves on him. Sophia took some pity on the man and danced with him stating "Those girls are gold diggers... They hit on Mr. Wayne all the time. I'm the only one in their age group that doesn't but I have an adopted kid to worry about. Mr. Wayne took little Gin in." Daichi smiled dark eyes gleaming "Why would a girl like you need to adopt? Surely many men would gladly marry you." "Gin picked me more or less... I should be getting back to work." "Thank you for the dance miss James and getting those leeches off my back." Alfred commented "Well played Miss Sophia. Master Bruce took notice of you helping that young man out. It may earn you a raise." Sophie blushed "It wasn't that big of a deal." Alfred laughed "Humility and hard work attracts more attention in this circle than in others. If you want to remain unnoticed slack off and try draping yourself on a man or two." Sophie's blush got bigger "I was raised to consider what the other girls are doing as neglecting to do their jobs and degrading themselves." 

Super Life
Takes place anywhere in the world.
You are a brand new super hero. One day, you wake up with extraordinary powers. Now you must make a choice. You can use these new powers for good, or use them for evil. Either join up and be heroes, or join evil doers and be villains. Your choice. There is also a new evil force called "The Evil R.I.N.G. (Renaissance Incorporation Nationally Gifted). Their leader is the Metallic Drone. His main bodyguards or associates are Riley (Steel Terror) and Marcus (Magnesium). Steel Terror is a mutant man who can transform into a metal-like cat-humanoid. Magnesium is a man with the combination of Earth and Water powers, sort of like Shockflame.
History is made up as we progress through the roleplay.
Rule No.1: No godmodding. Rule No.2: Romance is allowed. Avoid going beyond hugging and kissing. Rule No.3: You can have as many powers as you want, just don't make yourself invincible. Have fun! Rule No.4: No killing other people's character without permission. Also, you can interact or visit or even live with any of the DC or Marvel heroes! If you're bad, then just seek out any villians to hang with.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Bad Hero
Bad Heroine
Good Hero
Good Heroine

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Smile (#18991)

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