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The two heroes swung at Magnesium. The villian caught their fists. "You lose," he said. His right hand, which was covering Aqua Freeze's left hand, was covered in leaves and grass. His left hand, which was covering Shockflame's right hand, was covered in water. A blast of water sent Shockflame flying back. A blast of solar energy rocketed out, blasting Aqua Freeze back as well. Magnesium laughed evilly. Aqua Freeze sat up and aimed his right hand at Magnesium. "Eat this," he said. A large orb of icy energy formed in his palm and then it was sent at Magnesium. Magnesium caught the orb in his right hand, shrinking it down to an ice pick. "Nice try," said Magnesium. Suddenly, the ice pick melted and then a coat of ice went up Magnesium's entire right arm. "What the?" he said. Shockflame sent a lightning bolt at him. Magnesium caught it with his left hand. "Big mistake," said Shockflame. The bolt shocked Magnesium, sending streaks of electricity up his entire left arm. Magnesium yelled in agony.

"Little sister you know this boy we fought" Robert also known as Shadow asked his sister Sara also know as shade. "I'm sorry brother I hesitated" Sara said. Shadow grabbed a hold of Sara's mind and let her nightmare come alive. Sara's nightmare was a life with out her brother and Shadow knew he could make his sister nightmares seem like years. Then he let go of her mind when she flinched he did not want to hurt his precious sister. "If you want to be with me forever you have to be bad" he said a savage grin split his face then he looked at Metallic Drone and got on one knee "I am ever at your command" he said then he looked at his sister she appeared to be thinking then she looked at her brother and looked away. Then shade got on one knee "I am under your command" she said and let out a evil laugh. Robert felt like grabbing her mind and showing her a nightmare because he knew she laughed like that when she was unsure.

Shadow Shifter had taken the gun and destroyed it. She despised guns despite being bullet proof, they took lives and hurt her ears. But if people didn't have guns they'd find something nastier. Shadow began digging her new home out of the permafrost into a hill. Bushes kept the entrance hidden from sight and it had a good view of the city. When she gotten everything set up she'd gotten a call from Batman. "Sophie how far away from Gotham are you?" "All the way in Alaska, thanks for the suit by the way." "I doubt Joker would look in the arctic circle." "Well it's dark half the year here so I'm pretty far north." "Good, but get in touch with Poison Ivy she's behaving but it may not last." "I might pull a crazy and go back to Gotham." "Why?" "I think I'm of all things homesick." "This place grew on you." "Yeah I'll have to let my folks know." "So you went back and sorted everything out." "Yeah... I'd better go talk to my parents. I'll be in touch..." She hung up, the dark streets of Gotham had grown on her after all. She told her parents she had to go but promised she'd visit. She also saw the former Sheriff before she left, the man was talking to the new Sheriff giving some advice. The man waved goodbye and she walked away. Sophie took off during the night and made the trip faster than expected. Ivy was happy to see her, Harley was there and had not mentioned something to 'Mistah Jay/Puddin' for once. "So let me get this straight. He handed you a gun and you didn't shoot him, and to top it off you didn't even keep the gun?" "Not as crazy as it sounds. I hate guns they give me a headache when they go off. I forgot you're sensitive to loud noises." "Loud noises depends on what kind really, breaking glass, nails on a chalkboard or glass, car alarms, and gunshots in particular irritate me. I actually love fireworks and loud music." Sophie looked around the little place that was home. Then she smelled the Joker and said "Joker's coming and I'm hiding. She shifted into a small animal and hid in the closet nestled in one of Ivy's many handbags. "Why hello there doll I have a feeling the little shape shifting girl is back, would you be ever so kind as to tell me where she's hiding?" Ivy said "I don't know where she's hiding, but the kid isn't stupid she's probably long gone. You don't have the means to keep a shape shifter contained anyways. So why are you so interested?" "Batsy caught her but let her go." "She probably escaped from there too. She's tough the fumes here don't work, can't shoot her, drown her or do anything really. I tried." "It sure sounded like you two were friendly, not trying to kill each other." "You bugged the place didn't you?" "You'll never find it if I did. Well she can't have gone far may as well keep looking." Joker glanced out an open window and looked in the closet but didn't think to check the handbags. "Get out Joker before I make you." Joker left and Sophie got out of hiding carefully Ivy said "Better find that bug." Sophie whispered "I think I can, turn off the lights and unplug everything. I can sense electricity." Poison Ivy nodded and did what Sophie asked while Sophie altered her face and hands giving them electromagnetic sensory capabilities." The bug was in a pot with one of the plants. Ivy did the extraction and Sophie stomped the thing to bits. Since there were no other bugs in the place Sophia helped reset the electronics. Sophia giggled "That moron is never gonna find me." More footsteps and Sophie hid again. Batman this time. "I know she's here Ivy." "Just gave Joker the slip and now you show up. What do you want with the kid anyway?" "That's my business with her not you." Sophia showed herself "I trust her, what do you want?" "You to come back where I know Joker can't find you." "Why do you care?" "Because the help you can provide me is too valuable to take chances." Sophie smirked "If I can't take care of myself I'm of no use to you. Sides I'm happy here." "Having to hide from the Joker while Poison Ivy covers for you?" "If it's the right place and time I'll have a go at him. I don't pick fights I can't win." "So you're not entirely stupid." "Who said I was stupid? I'm just uncomfortable depending on a strange man's hospitality. You could try something indecent while I'm asleep for all I know." Ivy grinned "She'd rather hang out with another girl than you." Sophia quipped "Just someone I know isn't going to try any funny business." Batman raised an eyebrow "So you don't trust me and that's a problem." "Yep that sums it up. I don't trust easily so if I ever say 'I trust you' there will be heck to pay if you make me regret it." "Don't be stubborn about this So... Shadow Shifter." Ivy said Wait he knows your birth name and I don't?" "It's Sophia I actually prefer Shadow." Batman said "You are crazy." "I just trust her okay?" "Not Okay. I promise I won't do anything to you in your sleep or try any funny business period. Come on." She looked at Poison Ivy silently asking 'you ok with this?' The answer was a nod. Sophie followed the Bat again... 
Shade felt herself tense and laugh then she smiled at metallic Drone and smiled. Then she went up to him and jumped on his back. "Since my brother works under you I might as well tell you a little secret" she leaned in to whisper in metallic Drone ear and when she was finished talking she purred. Then he laughed and Shade couldn't help but look at her brother and Grin. "Wolves who would have thought" metallic drone said. Shade had told Metallic Drone night wolf was a sucker for wolves. "What are we doing next" shade asked metallic drone. Robert(Shadow) looked at her and grinned.
"We attack the thing most valuable to him," said Metallic Drone. "There is a wolf pack in that forest of his," he said. "YOU two will take them out, one by one," said Metallic Drone. "Now go!" he yelled. The cobra stopped and pushed Shade and Shadow off. Back at the tree house, Night Wolf, now Curtis, was being bandaged up by Haw Sky, now Chelsea. Shark Fin, now Kenny, was eating a sandwich and cleaning Curtis's swords. "Ow," said Curtis. Chelsea smiled at him. "Big baby," she said. Curtis chuckled. When she finished, Chelsea handed Curtis a sandwich and he took it. "I can't believe Metallic Drone is back," said Kenny. "I know," said Curtis. "Who were those other two?" asked Chelsea. "Shade and another dude, I don't know his name," said Curtis. "All I know is that Metallic Drone is going to keep gathering more recruits," said Curtis. "Which is why I- we're doing the same," he said. Chelsea and Kenny smiled. "Who do you have in mind?" Chelsea asked. Curtis smiled.
Kevin and T.J. left Lt. Ronnel's office. The two ate and played videogames. Keisha came over to them with a box of pizza and her little brother Kenny. "What's up Kenny?" asked the two boys. Kenny hid behind Keisha and waved at them. Kevin chuckled. "Here you go, Meat Lovers and...chicken wings," said Keisha, retreiving a box of chicken wings. Kevin and T.J. cheered. The four of them chowed down. Afterwards, the news came on. It first told about Shockflame and Aqua Freeze fighting Magnesium. Kevin's heart began to beat faster. Then the news showed Metallic Drone fighting Night Wolf, Wyoming's hero. "That is cool!" T.J. exclaimed. Kevin smiled. "When will we get a chance to meet them?" Keisha asked. "Hopefully soon, if Lt. Ronnel would let us," said Kevin. He took a bite out of a slice of pizza. "I think Shockflame is dreamy," said Keisha. Kevin scowled and tackled her. Keisha screamed and laughed. "I'm the only dreamy boy in your life," he said. Keisha smiled and kissed him on the lips. "I know," she said.
Shockflame and Aqua Freeze watched as the ice and electricity engulfed Magnesium. "Super effective," said Shockflame. An explosion happened, sending Shockflame and Aqua Freeze flying back into a building. Magnesium flew into the air. He appeared injured and weak. "I'll be back you two!" he yelled. He then rocketed off. Shockflame and Aqua Freeze sat up, panting and groaning. The flames, electricity, water, and ice disappeared. Travis and Harry stood up. People cheered. "We did it," said Harry. "No, we lost and got lucky," said Travis. "Well he's gone now," said Harry. "Yeah, but we'll see him again," said Travis. Back at Travis's house, the two were eating lunch. "You sure you don't need a doctor?" asked Travis's mom. "I'm sure," said Travis. His mom nodded and went up stairs. "So now what?" Harry asked. "Now, we train and wait for Marcus to come back," said Travis. "Yeah, but who are we gonna train with?" asked Harry. "You, me, and Marcus are the only people on earth with our type of power," he said.
"We need Shockflame, Aqua Freeze, The Adamantium Kid, Bullet Leap, Dynamic, Scream, and one more," said Curtis. They suddenly heard a howl. Curtis looked out his tree house and saw a female white wolf. Her three pups were around her. "It's my turn to look after the pups," he said. Curtis climbed down the ladder and picked up the shoe sized puppies. The female wolf then ran off. Curtis leaped back in the tree house with the pups. "We're taking care of them until the pack returns from their hunt," said Curtis. "Now, let's go to the commisioner and recruit these heroes now," said Curtis. They all placed on their hero clothes. Night Wolf placed the pups in an open box. He picked it up and they all ran off to the city. When they arrived, they told the commisioner the plan. He sent out the recruiting forms. "The last one you need to find yourself," said the man. Hawk Sky typed and typed until a girl's picture came up. "What's her name?" asked Kenny. "Don't yet but her alter ego is Shadow Shifter," said Hawk Sky.
Shade and shadow were dropped down into the forest. "What do we do brother" shade asked. "Call the wolves out and I will inflict nightmares on them and when there weak I say we get rid of them" he replied. Shade felt unsure she didn't really want to hurt the animals Night Wolf held so dear to him but if her brother asked her to do it she would. Shade felt her mind reach out to the pack of wolves and called them to her. They were quickly coming her way. Then a sound was heard with Shade ear the wolves where close then they stepped out of the forest. Shade looked at her brother who began to inflict nightmares on the wolves there. A few managed to howl before she commanded them to stay silent with her mind. A slow stream of tears worked it way down her face she was glad her brother did not see her tears behind the mask.
As Kevin and T.J. trained, an agent came up to them with a paper. Kevin looked over at him. "What is it?" he asked. "A recruitment form," said the agent. "From who?" asked T.J. "The commisioner of Wyoming," said the agent. Kevin took the paper and read it with T.J. "Oh snap!" exclaimed T.J. "We're going to Wyoming!" exclaimed Kevin. Keisha came up to them. "Baby, Night Wolf needs us," he said. Keisha smiled. "That's wonderful baby!" she exclaimed and the two hugged. "The only problem is, it's just you two," said the agent to Kevin and T.J. T.J. swore. Kevin turned to Keisha. "It's ok," she said. "I'll be fine here looking after Kenny....and my dad's temper," Keisha said. Kevin smiled and the two kissed. "Start packing boys," called Lt. Ronnel. "You're going to be bigger heroes than ever before," he said. Kevin and T.J. slapped hands. "This is it T.J.," said Kevin. The two ran into their rooms and started packing. Kevin was smiling with glee and excitement. He couldn't wait to work with Night Wolf.
Travis and Harry were watching TV. Harry decided to get on the computer. When he turned it on, a message popped up. "Dude, you got a message," said Harry. Travis got up and walked over to the computer. He opened the message and read it. "Well?" asked Harry. "It's from the comminsioner of Wyoming," said Travis. "He wants us down there pronto," he said. "Why?" Harry asked. Travis's eyes widened. "We're teaming up with Night Wolf," he said. Harry looked at the screen. He then leaped out the chair and cheered. "We gotta' pack," he said. "We gotta' tell our parents," said Travis. "I'm sure they'll say yes," said Harry. "Then you don't know my dad," said Travis. "Same with my mom," said Harry. Travis told his mother and she was cool with it. Harry went home and told his parents. Travis's father came home. Travis told him the news. "No," said his father. "Why not?" Travis asked. "Because I said so," said Harry's mother, as she spoke to Harry. "But we're going to help save the world," said Harry.
"I don't need you going off and getting yourself killed Travis," said Travis's father. "Dad, I'm a hero," said Travis. "I'm strong enough to defend myself," he said. "I said no," said Travis's father. "And that's final," Harry's mother said to him. Both parents walked up stairs. Travis and Harry scowled. That night, the two packed up. Travis left a note for his mother. Harry left a note for his father. The two then flew out of their rooms with their suitcases. They met up at the airport. There, they saw a private plane waiting for them. "Welcome you two," said the piolet. The two heroes greeted him and got in the plane. The piolet started the plane. They then flew off. Travis looked out the window, saying goodbye to San Francisco. Harry touched his shoulder. "We'll be fine man," he said. Travis nodded and the two watched TV. Harry then put on his headphones and listened to music. Travis fell asleep. The plane then landed. "Where are we?" Travis asked, waking up. "I think we're in Wyoming," said Harry.
Night Wolf's head quickly turned to the window. He placed the box of wolf pups down and went up to the window, opening it. A faint howl came to his ears, and was suddenly cut off. "What is it?" Shark Fin asked. "I think I heard one of the pack members' howl," said Night Wolf. Hawk Sky looked over at him and then looked back at the screen. "Aw here it is," she said. "Her real name is Sophia," she said. Shark Fin looked at the monitor. "Nice name," he said. Hawk Sky looked at him. "Shut up you love bug," she said. "I'm not in love with her, it's just that she's pretty," said Shark Fin. "Yeah right," said Hawk Sky. "Are you two siblings?" asked the commisioner. "Yes they are," said Night Wolf. He then listened for another howl. Nothing. Night Wolf scratched his head and looked back at the wolf pups, who were asleep. "Something's fishy around here," said Night Wolf. "I can feel it," he said. Hawk Sky came over to him. She took off her mask and lowered his. She kissed him on the cheek. "They're fine," she said.

Sophie got the recruitment sheet and sent back a 'heck no'. She worked alone. She was more working for the Bat than with him, doing the smaller stuff on the down low while he handled the big villains more openly. She wasn't ready for going off with a bunch of other heroes she didn't know enough to work with and face those big boys yet. She belonged in the shadows behaving honestly more like a villain. To catch her prey she had to think like them and tread lightly. In the shadows she smiled at the punk she was taking down tonight. Assaulting people in the park... What a bad boy he was, he was going to be punished for his crimes. She knocked the guy out and dropped him off at the police station with a note. On to the next target for the night. Five more fell to her stealthy tactics and the Bat was watching. She'd stopped fighting every one of her instincts and gave the desired ones a chance to breathe and grow stronger. Gotham was a big town lots of work to be done. She didn't have the time to run off, or the skill to do the job when she got there. She was staying put and setting up shop. 

Shade felt tears run down her face as her brother picked off wolf by wolf but instead of crying out in sorrow she was laughing she could feel there pain and it was hurting her but she didn't wan't to cry in front of shadow."That should teach him not to stab me in the leg next time" shadow said. Then they walked out of the forest and went to metallic drone.Shade looked back once more to the forest her mind had sensed something else but she hadn't been sure she decided not to tell her brother. Shade and Shadow went to Metallic Drones hide out and jumped on him. "The job is finished" shade said and purred hugging Metallic Drone was like hugging a teddy bear but she was going to tell him that.

Super Life
Takes place anywhere in the world.
You are a brand new super hero. One day, you wake up with extraordinary powers. Now you must make a choice. You can use these new powers for good, or use them for evil. Either join up and be heroes, or join evil doers and be villains. Your choice. There is also a new evil force called "The Evil R.I.N.G. (Renaissance Incorporation Nationally Gifted). Their leader is the Metallic Drone. His main bodyguards or associates are Riley (Steel Terror) and Marcus (Magnesium). Steel Terror is a mutant man who can transform into a metal-like cat-humanoid. Magnesium is a man with the combination of Earth and Water powers, sort of like Shockflame.
History is made up as we progress through the roleplay.
Rule No.1: No godmodding. Rule No.2: Romance is allowed. Avoid going beyond hugging and kissing. Rule No.3: You can have as many powers as you want, just don't make yourself invincible. Have fun! Rule No.4: No killing other people's character without permission. Also, you can interact or visit or even live with any of the DC or Marvel heroes! If you're bad, then just seek out any villians to hang with.

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100 words per post.

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