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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


So Violet went to the mall. She bought herself two t-shirts, two pairs of jeans, a hoodie, some socks and some underwear. She was just heading back to Resuke's apartment, still worrying about the same things as before, when someone grabbed her by the shoulders and clamped his hand over her mouth. He had an iron grip, and had long clawlike fingernails... Or maybe they really were claws and she had been caught by a hungry monster... She started trembling...

"Hello, little girl," the stranger whispered in her ear, in a silky, smooth, unmonster-like voice, "what are you doing, wandering down the street by yourself at night? You could easily fall prey to someone like me... You do look like a tasty one..."

Violet felt a long tongue lick the side of her face. She trembled harder, horrified and disgusted. "Mmm, you're as tasty as you look..." the creature said. "I'll have to eat you nice and slowly..."

Violet started to cry.

Just then another stranger suddenly shouted: "Hey Mortarius... don't tell me you're playing with your food again! You're too dignified for that!"

"Shut up, you foul little worm," the first stranger, Mortarius, growled. "Don't be so cocky, unless you want to be dessert..."

"But Morty, angels don't play with their food! They don't eat people either! Only demons do things like that!"

"I'm not a demon!" shouted Mortarius, making Violet's ears ring. "And don't call me Morty!"

"Morty the demon! Morty the demon! Morty the demon!" sang the second stranger.

"Okay! I'll eat you instead!" roared Mortarius, making Violet's ears ring again. And from the sound of the sheer rage in his voice it was obvious he meant it. He dropped her and with a flash of great black wings flew at the second stranger. The second stranger ran for his life, shrieking with terror and laughing with delight at the same time.

Violet just stood there for a moment, shaken. Then she continued to head back to Resuke's apartment, trembling like a leaf. Her shoulders were bleeding where Mortarius's talons had sunken into them. But she was just glad to be alive.

Tristan obviously knew about the "rule", though he wasn't going to pursue the person. He wasn't sure exactly what the shadow could do, which he felt the shadow's grasp disappear once the person got a bit of distance away. Before he went off recklessly, like last time, he needed to know what he was up against. He was testing out a new method with this hunt, since this person seemed to believe he was innocent in all of this, and he had to approach it carefully. To him, all demons, and those associated with them, were no good. Maybe if he could find the girl that was with him, then he could get information out of her. The issue was, however, finding her. H ehad no clue why they split up, or even if the girl has a demon tagging along with her too. However, standing in the middle of the sidewalk wasn't the best thing, so he turned away, walking to the way he thought the girl was, wondering if he was actually lucky enough to find her.
Violet was suprised and quite alarmed to see that strange young man walking toward her, the same one who had been sitting in the McDonalds, by the window, and watching her, Resuke, and Saki... though she might have been mistaken about that, maybe he wasn't watching them, and maybe he just happened to be walking towards her and would just pass her by... Still, he made her nervous... She was suprised to see that Resuke and Saki were still by the McDonalds, had they been talking to this stranger? "Um, hi..." she said to them. She hoped her bleeding back and shoulders weren't too noticeable, she slipped behind them to hide from the stranger, though she supposed it was futile, he'd probably come talk to her anyway... She'd just have to try to look calm and collected, and hide her fear and the fact that she was wounded, as well as she could...

Saki immediately recognized the scent of blood, and the light whistle he gave was all I needed to notice what he had realized about her. Slight alarm arose, but I was frankly too used to things involving blood by now because of my work, so I wasn't as concerned as I should have been about her. "What was it this time..?" I whispered to her, before taking her wrist and leading her home since at least then the guy would probably leave her alone.

He seemed to think so bad of Saki and I, who knows what ideas he'd get about her?

"Hey there," he said, trying to be friendly while walking up to the girl. "I'm..Crow," he added. With her being as scared as she looked now, calling himself Scarecrow would probably just confuse her more, and possibly make her less likely to cooperate. He was affectionate of his self given title, and it did what it wanted it to do, kept him noticable and remembered. "I was just wondering about--" he was going to ask about the man he was just talking to, when he walked up and took her off into a different direction. He scowled a little, but he fully noticed the blood stench after his mind was off of being friendly. His only chance of getting any information now would be to follow them, and he made sure he kept his distance. The shadow could possibly pick him up, so staying a good 15 feet or so away might just be enough. Plus, with a crowd of people, it'd be hard for them to look back and pick him out, even though he prides himself in showing off his tattoo. He kept his eye on the two the entire time, making sure he was following them.
Violet heard Saki whistle when he smelled her blood. She wondered if that meant he'd like to eat her too. "What was it this time...?" she heard Resuke whisper to her. "It's a long story..." she replied feebly. Then she noticed the stranger approach her, and heard him say, "Hey there, I'm... Crow." That was a pretty unusual name, but he seemed friendly, at least... but before she could say anything in reply, Resuke grabbed her and yanked her away, back toward his apartment. "Um, Resuke, wait... I think that man wants to talk... shouldn't we let him?" But she was weak after being attacked, and wasn't sure if Resuke heard her or not. She glanced over her shoulder, wondering if this "Crow" fellow was following them or not, but there were so many big crowds of people, she couldn't tell.

"He isn't someone that you should associate yourself with, Violet." I whispered to her, hoping that no one who wasn't supposed to hear what I said heard it.

"Besides, he seems more interested in doing horrible things then doing any good; for example; killing things that are innocent of doing wrong, most likely. At least, that's the kind of person he seems like to me. He knew that Saki was a shadow demon, which means that he probably is either a hunter or something, which means no doubt he probably would like to do away with Saki. Promise me that you'll not tell anything to him about me or Saki when and if you bump into him again, mkay?" I said to her, which was yet another time when I took a tone of an attempt at seriousness to my voice, which I wasn't used to doing.

Tristian followed the two steadily, making sure he stayed hidden in plain sight. There wasn't much he could do but stay quiet and look like he was busy, but that wasn't hard for him to do at all. He focused on how he was going to get information on the shadow demon, and possibly the person the demon was connected to. His main concern was if he could avoid killing the guy the demon was connected to, or if he would have to get both. The guy seemed almost protective over the shadow, so it may come down to both of them. However, there was also concern with the girl. She could possibly be aligned with a demon too, though it didn't seem that she was.


Though, she was rattled by probably whatever made her stink of blood, so if she was in relation to anything, she probably was too shaken up to let on. Tristian felt that she'd be his best bet at getting more information at getting to the shadow demon, rather than the source itself. Plus, they were probably heading to a more secluded area, which meant a better chance at attack. In all honesty, he's never had to fight with a shadow demon, so there was a lot of uncertainty to the entire thing, but he was okay with that, it was exciting to hunt something new, even though he wouldn't ever let on to that.

"I guess you're right," Violet said to Resuke. She tried to keep her voice low, so other people wouldn't hear (or at least she hoped they wouldn't hear). "I'm sorry, I promise not to associate with him. If he ever talks to me I'll be polite but I'll try not to give him too much information about you or Saki... I'll even lie to him if I have to..." She wondered what would happen to Resuke and Saki if one of them got killed. Would they both die? She had a feeling that was probably what would happen... Right now they were her only friends, she had to do her best to keep them safe...
Since he kept his distance, more and more people kept getting in his way. He was trying to make this out ot be a good thing, but eventually he couldn't even find the pair he was tracking. Getting slightly angry at how easily his plan backfired, he started pushing his way through the crowd, suddenly right behind the pair. He usually didn't zone out when he was annoyed and pushing people out of his way, but apparently he did then, or else he would have stayed back a little more. At this point, the shadow demon probably picked him out, but maybe a confrontation was needed, scare the demon a bit before actually finishing it off. In all honesty, he just wanted the demon gone, but he had a feeling that he would need to be rid of both the demon and the person who the demon was being the shadow of. Maybe if he kept it civil, they'd give him the information he needed to know, so then he knew what he needed to do. That was a challenge though, as it was all too easy for him to jump to a conclusion and stick with it.
Nigtmare padded down the ally-way, the dirt and must smell filling her nose. Shaking herself, she leapt delicately ontop of a dumpster, making a slight clatter. No one came to check though, and Nightmare smiled to herself. If humans had any idea we were around, all chaos would break loose. Following her sixth sense, she jumped into an open window, and began to weave through the aparment complex silently, looking for a meal. She passed humans a few times, but she always sunk into the shadows just in time. I wonder where my next target is... Then she felt it. The familiar pull of energy prushed against her. Room 42. My lucky number. Unlocking the door with her claw, Nightmare slipped into the appartment with ease. Quickly, yet silent as a cat, Nightmare slipped under the bed and settled down. She streacked her life-force into the dream and began to drink the uncontained energy greedily. What a shame, it was such a nice dream about horses...

Mortarius had wasted a lot of time and energy chasing Joe, that annoying, nerdy vampire who was always pestering him, up and down the streets, but the cursed leech had somehow managed to escape again. Now Mortarius was hungrier - and angrier - than ever. One of these days I'll catch that damn bloodsucker and tear him to pieces... he thought. If only I had a chance to eat that girl before he showed up and ruined it all, she was pretty tasty... I guess I'll just find another meal... But I still want to eat that girl, once I catch something I'm never happy until I get to eat it... Nothing is allowed to escape me... if anything does, it hurts my ego too much... I can almost smell that tasty morsel's delicous scent right now... Wait, I do smell her... she's down there somewhere... I'd better grab her while I have the chance... The streets are crowded but there aren't any police around, I think I can safely have some fun scaring some humans without getting shot...

He spotted her walking with a boy slightly older than her, with odd-looking white hair, and a shadow demon. And there was a young red-haired man walking a short distance behind them, apparently following them. The two young men might have weapons... but Mortarius was hungry, and he never liked to chicken out and run from potential danger, that would hurt his ego. So he dived straight at the girl, landing right on top of her. The crowd screamed and fled in all directions, cars crashed into eachother as they swerved off their paths, while Mortarius grabbed Violet and forced her to look at him.

"Hello again, my pretty," he said, "it's nice to taste you again..." He hungrily sank his teeth into her shoulder. She howled with fear, it rang his ears but didn't mind because he always liked hearing his victim's fear....

Noticing the sudden attack, I quickly pulled out one of my pistols and shot whatever or whoever that was in the back a few times, and kicked him off of Violet. "Pick on someone yer own size, ya sick freak!" I shouted at him, yet something practically screamed out how that guy wasn't human. Most likely because people unless they're completely sick would go out and attack someone during broad daylight in the middle of New York and bite them on the shoulder, unless they were Retarded.

I acted like anyone who grew up in New York probably would, and kicked the person in the stomach a few times then pointed the pistol at his head. "People like you are disgusting... Completely disgusting,.. Now don't cha agree?" I whispered tauntingly, unsure of whether the person would get up or not while I turned to look at Violet and asked if she was alright.

Truth to be told, I'd treat anyone this same way. Take sympothy on the weak and poor, take sympothy on those who are too young to die, kill the rich as long as you get something from it, or do their dirty work for them as long as you get something out of it. Wasn't all that hard, really. Just something that you learn to give up allmost all of your morals to do.

Tristian at first was taken off guard with the sudden demon attack of the girl right in front of him. However, as soon as the guy with the shadow demon stepped in on this, he simply put his back against the wall of the nearest building and watched the fight happen. Why get involved out in public in a fight of two demons? Other than keeping himself quiet, he's letting the demons either tire each other out, or at least let one kill the other. Either way, he can swoop in and finish the job. If it came down to it, he'd step in to make sure no one was hurt other than the demons, which was his entire motive of becoming a hunter in the first place. Anyways, it's amusing two watch the two fight.

Nightmare heard the screaming moments before the emotional energy slammed into her, literally knocking the breath out of her. She cut her feeding short, something was going on outside. Climbing out of the window and up the fire escape, she managed to get onto the roof so as not to be spotted. Looking down, a wave of shock rolled through her. What was a fallen angle doing attacking in the middle of a crowed? Keeping her head, she scanned the crowd...

Why was there one human not panicing. Infact, he was watching with amusment. Nightmare latched onto his energy, reading his intentions. Hunter! Nightmare raced back down the fire escape. Something big was about to happen, and she wasn't going to miss it. Weaving energy around her, Nightmare disguised herself as a large, black dog. The illusion was enough to fool humans, but not if they knew what to look for. Threading her way through the crowd, she came to a halt in front of the hunter, placing herself between him and the fight. Growling low, she barred her teeth and began to stalk forward, warning the hunter to back away or fight.

Midnight Before Dawn


New York -

'The Big City of Lights', one of the busyest cities in the US.

Manhatan -

The island and it's surrounding area


There were hard times; like the ones where you attempted to get by;

There were good times; like those of when you got a vacaton and work went well;

And there were the good ole' times...

...when no one died.

But now, after millions of years, the creatures that used to coexist with everything else and stay under the belt are begining to come out, causing much death along the way. The majority of the public still have no idea about them, and its best to keep it that way.

Maybe you have lost a loved one to them, or been turned into one yourself? Or perhaps you are the unaware victum, who ended up being mistaken as one in disguise?


There was a reason why New York was always fast-pace; always changing sooner then you thought it would. Roads would be crowded and streets named and renamed; buildings built and buildings removed; but have you ever thought why?

There is a reason for all of these things, yes. But not only for growth; but for safety, safety from what, you might ask...

But thats for you to find out.


You have to have at least one killable character and up to 5 non killable

You may make up to 5 characters purely for killing; those characters must have simple names with 'SK' at the end of their name

Up to seven Hunters are accepted; and unlimited 'SK' hunters

Humans are not immune and only one of your human characters may be nonturnable

Fallen Angels are just 'angels' or more of winged beings that serve under the power of any sort of 'good' immortal who is worshipped as a god.

At this moment only Vampires and Werewolves may turn your characters.

Ghosts can be made by killing off a human character.

If you do not want to loose a character via killable; make them a human character then they could die and become a ghost. ;)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Fallen Angel
Fallen Immortal
Shape Shifter

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