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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


"Oh..." said Violet, "ha ha ha, I guess you're right, I do need a shower... Okay, I'll quickly take one right now..."

So she did. Fifteen minutes later she was done, feeling much better. She hadn't realized how filthy she had gotten until now that she was clean again.

"Okay," she said, "I liked your idea of going down there today... I'm ready to go anytime..."

She glanced outside nervously. She could almost feel all the evil, supernatural eyes staring hungrily at her already, from their hiding places in the streets... She'd never be able to recover from that time those monsters attacked her family's apartment... She felt a bit safer with Resuke and Saki here than she felt alone, but she was still getting a bit frightened again. New york was scary enough without evil supernatural beings in it.

"Well then." I said before tossing some of my extra clothes, the shirt and pants hit her face. "You can wear some of my spare clothes, mind you, Imma guy so I am 'friad that I don't have any gal clothes~" Saki suddenly spoke up, in a happy-go-lucky voice, saying; "Well why don't you try some sometimes? I mean, it's not like it's gonna hurt you or anything~"

A glare was the only thing that the joker received, but all his responce was was to burst out in a fit of laughter, and I might as well say that I myself was holding in some laughs too. "Anyways, after you... change... let's go." Somehow I managed to say it as if it was a casual and typical thing, when really it wasn't that often someone actually needs help from me.

Violet was barely able to stop herself from giggling at Saki's joke, but since Resuke wasn't laughing (even though it was obvious he was barely suppressing laughter too) she didn't want to either, so she wouldn't look rude. She went in the spare room and quickly changed into the clothes Resuke gave her. Hey, boy clothes look okay on me, she thought, as she paused in front of the bathroom mirror. "Okay, now I'm ready," she said. She gave Sam a few pets, then went over to Resuke and timidly slipped her hand into his. She was scared of going outside with all the hungry things that stalked the streets... But at least Resuke had a shotgun. She still wasn't sure if she should trust him as much as she did already, but she trusted him way more than the things out there.

"Okie-dokie then, let's get goin'!" I exclaimed before jolting out of the door, dragging her along with me. I wasn't used to having someone else around with me, and I tended to rush to places... Most people wouldn't be able to keep up with me unless they actually jogged daily. It's not like I thought for a second about pacing myself; its just in my nature to rush.


Saki a while ago had dissolved into being inactive, as a normal shadow instead of taking upon being in his active and much more aggressive form, like he normally was. I suddenly slowed down, remembering that she might not be able to run for a while.

Violet was relieved when Resuke slowed down, she was barely able to keep up with him when he was running so fast. She never knew it was possible for anyone to run that fast until now. She had to hold onto his arm with both hands to keep herself from collapsing as she gasped for breath. "Thanks... for slowing... down..." she said between gasps. Then she noticed something. "Where did Saki go?" she asked Resuke. Somehow she got the feeling the shadow demon was still somewhere nearby, just out of sight. But she preffered being able to see him, not being able to see him, and knowing he could be anywhere, made her nervous. Of course she knew Resuke probably wouldn't let Saki hurt her, and there were many other things to worry about, but she was nervous anyway. 

I simply pointed down at my shadow. "Well, he is my shadow... so when he's out I won't cast a single shadow across the ground. Another fact is that we both share the emotions of pain, and anger. Other then that, we aren't connected by any way at all." The explanation came out plain, as if it was some sort of typical average everyday thing. Suddenly I offered to give her a piggy back ride to the place, just as a way of apologizing for rushing while attempting to get to the place.

Truth was, I most likely wouldn't be able to give her one if she was over 120 pounds since I wasn't exactly very strong, since I found no need to try to be. Saki muttered something that might have been a joke or an insult, but it was too unrecognizable because of how cluttered the words were, like he expected me not to notice.

"Oh... erm, okay..." said Violet. She found it rather odd, and a bit unsettling how Resuke sounded like he thought it was normal for your shadow to be alive, and sharing your feelings of anger and pain with your shadow. That sounded pretty connected to her, but she said nothing else about it, she didn't want to be rude.

She was suprised when he offered to give her a piggyback ride. "Oh! Um... okay..." she said. I've gotta think of other things to say besides 'oh, okay', she thought, feeling embarrassed. "But are you sure? I don't really know how much I weigh... I don't think I'm that heavy, but I suppose I could be heavier than I think... I don't want you to hurt yourself... I can just walk as long as you don't start running again..." She thought she heard Saki say something, but it was hard to tell. It wasn't too hard to guess what he was commenting about though. That made her embarrassed, she stared at her toes, blushing bright red.

"Eh, I'm sure you're not THAT heavy." I said plainly, pretending that I knew I could give her one. "But, mkay then, we'll just walk the whole way." I said, actually slightly relieved that I didn't have to actually attempt to give her one. I didn't really say anything the rest of the way to the place, then stopped and said, "Why don't ya go on in and apply for a job... just tell me if the owner says no... mkay?"

Besides, it's not like she'd notice if Saki 'convinced' the owner to allow her to get the job. Saki probably would possibly be able to stand her more if I allowed him to harm the manager of the place...

So Violet went into the McDonalds. She suddenly felt all trembly and scared, she had no idea how to apply for a job. She got into the line of people waiting to order their food. She had a feeling this was wrong... It would be like, "Hi, I want a burger", "Hi, I want a large pack of fries","Hi, I want a job here". But she didn't know what else to do. When it was her turn, she timidly asked the cashier, "Um, hello... can I work here?"

"Why are you asking me? You should talk to the manager," the cashier said. "He's in his office back there. But don't expect him to say yes."

So she went into the manager's office. "Um, hello... mister manager... I'd like a job here please..." she said nervously.

"If you wanted a job you should have scheduled a job interview," the manager growled, "not just barge in here when I'm busy! Besides, I doubt you've finished high school, and you probably don't know a thing about cooking! There are better people who could work here! Get out of here, kid!"


"I said GET OUT!"

So Violet turned and quickly exited the McDonalds. "He said no..." she told Resuke in a tiny voice. She hung her head, she was so embarrassed, ashamed, and scared that she'd never find a job, that all the places looking for new staff members would say no to her too. Tears started forming in her eyes, she struggled to keep them from falling, and keep them hidden from Resuke and Saki.

I blinked, slightly surprised. Then I said slyly, "Perhaps I can convince him..? You just stay out here. I'll only take five to ten minutes. I promise ya I can make him change his mind." turning on my heels, I walked strait to the office. "Ello, Mister Manager." I said, tipping my hat as a little courtesy that most that I have seen didn't have the respect to do anything for another in this city."I have a little... problem... You seem to not accept allowing that girl who just walked in here to take a job. Ya see, I have a little... problem with you not accepting that." I waited to see the manager's reactions, and if they were to say to get out, I'll allow Saki to have a word or two.

It's not like I had anything against the manager, but still, he was just another person who probably looked down upon others and would rather kill an innocent man then help him out. I despised people like that, and I slightly hoped that he was one of those, then I wouldn't feel bad if he lost a finger or two.

Violet knew Resuke had told her to stay outside, but she was curious, so she went back in the restaurant. She didn't go in the office, she just stood nearby, but the manager was shouting so loud she could hear him clearly, even from outside his office.

"So, you have a problem with me refusing to give your girlfriend a job, eh kid?" the manager snarled. "Well, save your sob story, I already decided I won't let her have the job, and that's final! No one's gonna change my mind, especially not some random snot-nosed kid!"

Violet wondered what Resuke was going to do. She had a bad feeling about this, but she was curious, so she stayed nearby and waited to hear what would happen next.

"She's not my girlfriend for one thing, manager. And another is that I was trying to act nice to ya, so calling me a 'snot-nosed kid' doesn't really get you anywhere. Perhaps Saki can demonstrate the point I am trying to get across..?" I said plainly, obviously showing in my voice that I was expecting for him to reply with something along those lines, with a tone that showed that I was speaking as if he was someone of lower importance then myself.

Saki slid up from the shadows behind him and whispered to him; "Those are nice fingers ya have there... would be a shame if some thin' were ta happen to 'em." before anything could be said, Saki quickly moved to in front of the man's desk, covered his mouth, and cut off two of his fingers.

"So... saying again, can she have a job here?"

The manager's scream of pain was blocked by Saki's hand. He looked at the two bloody stumps where his fingers had been, looked at the fingers lying on his desk, and whimpered. He wanted to call the police but Saki and Resuke were blocking the way to the phone, and besides, he was scared they might hurt him some more if he tried.

"Okay, fine, I'll... I'll give her a job here," he said in a small, nervous voice. "Now g-get out of here, and never come back again, or I'll call the p-p-police!"

He backed away from them a bit, then fell to the floor in a dead faint.

Saki went back into the shadows, and I was actually surprised. A grown man fainting from loosing two fingers? Well that's a new one. "People just never learn do they... They only seem to make the right choice when they know that something terrible is gonna happen to 'em..." I muttered the words to myself, disappointment was clearly shown in my voice. For sure no one really knew what happened in here, well... they might uncover it later but I am pretty sure that they won't find out that I was the person who walked into here before this manager lost some of his fingers.

"Sometimes I wish that I had a real digestive system so that I could pee on people's faces." Saki plainly suddenly said, making sure that only I could hear him. "...Saki, sometimes I wonder why you say those things."

"Because it's true~"

I walked out of the office, making sure that no one saw into it while I did so, then I noticed Violet. "I thought I asked you to stay outside. But I guess ya got curious, as everyone does and will get every once in a while. Look, let's come back later and give it another try, I'm sure he can't turn ya down a secon' time, trust me." I said to her, understanding that she was curious.

I then suddenly realized that I never properly introduced myself. "Oh yeah, since I haven't properly introduced myself... My name is Resuke Polaris and obviously, ya can just call me Resuke."

Violet thought she could hear an odd crunching sound, then a minute or two later, after the manager spoke to Resuke, a sort of thud like someone falling to the floor. Then Resuke's voice again, probably talking to Saki, but he was the only one able to hear Saki.

"Um... sorry... and, um, okay," she said when he came out and spoke to her. "Polaris is an interesting last name... I guess I didn't introduce myself properly yet either, I'm Violet McGraw..."

She was still wondering what exactly Resuke and Saki had done to the manager. It sounded like he wasn't dead at least... She wasn't sure if it would be good to ask or not, but she'd probably find out later, anyway.

Midnight Before Dawn


New York -

'The Big City of Lights', one of the busyest cities in the US.

Manhatan -

The island and it's surrounding area


There were hard times; like the ones where you attempted to get by;

There were good times; like those of when you got a vacaton and work went well;

And there were the good ole' times...

...when no one died.

But now, after millions of years, the creatures that used to coexist with everything else and stay under the belt are begining to come out, causing much death along the way. The majority of the public still have no idea about them, and its best to keep it that way.

Maybe you have lost a loved one to them, or been turned into one yourself? Or perhaps you are the unaware victum, who ended up being mistaken as one in disguise?


There was a reason why New York was always fast-pace; always changing sooner then you thought it would. Roads would be crowded and streets named and renamed; buildings built and buildings removed; but have you ever thought why?

There is a reason for all of these things, yes. But not only for growth; but for safety, safety from what, you might ask...

But thats for you to find out.


You have to have at least one killable character and up to 5 non killable

You may make up to 5 characters purely for killing; those characters must have simple names with 'SK' at the end of their name

Up to seven Hunters are accepted; and unlimited 'SK' hunters

Humans are not immune and only one of your human characters may be nonturnable

Fallen Angels are just 'angels' or more of winged beings that serve under the power of any sort of 'good' immortal who is worshipped as a god.

At this moment only Vampires and Werewolves may turn your characters.

Ghosts can be made by killing off a human character.

If you do not want to loose a character via killable; make them a human character then they could die and become a ghost. ;)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Fallen Angel
Fallen Immortal
Shape Shifter

Second RP Master

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