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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


"Heh, eyup. I do have an odd last name, don't I? Same name as the brightest star in the sky..." I muttered the last part, trailing off. "Well, Ms. McGraw, I'm sure that you'll be able to have a job sometime soon, mkay? Also, I'll give you some money so that you can buy some of your own clothes..."

Before anything else could be said, my phone rang. "Erm... I'll answer this outside of the building." I quickly moved to outside, and answered it without even checking who it was. "Hello, you might ah dialed the wrong number."

Right as soon as the person on the other end said a single thing, I hung up, then checked the caller ID. Sure enough, it was father. How did he even get my number..? I dropped my phone into the trash can right next to me.

"Um... did you just throw your phone in the trash?" asked Violet, stepping outside after Resuke had hung up. "Why did you do that?" It didn't look like a cheap phone, and she didn't think Resuke was rich, exactly. "Um... anyway... so Polaris is also the name of the brightest star in the sky? I didn't know that... Well, thanks again, I wouldn't have been able to get that job without your help, I would have had to search a lot longer... And thanks for lending me the money, I'll make sure I pay you back as soon as I get my first paycheck." She took the phone out of the garbage and handed it back to him. "You didn't really want to throw this away, did you?"

"No... I do want to throw it away." I said, slightly irritated. I took it from her and dropped it back into the trash can, then said "A... certain... person I know got a hold of my number. And frankly, I don't really have that much use for a phone, anyways." I hoped that explanation was enough of one for her, because I really didn't want to go into any details. The last thing I wanted to do was accidentally get her mixed up in my problems with father and I.

"By the way, where's your parents? I know that no one as young as you should be out on the streets without any family around."

"Oh..." said Violet. "I guess I didn't tell you yet, did I? Well, I lived in an apartment just a few blocks away from yours with my family... my parents, my little brother and my older sister... We were all in the middle of supper when it happened... monsters broke into the apartment and... and..." Telling him about it made her remember it all again so vividly, it was still very recent, she didn't like to think about it but talking about it just brought back the horrible memories all too clearly... Her eyes were welling up with tears again, if she tried to tell Resuke any more she would break down and cry... "Well... it's kind of obvious what happened after that..." she said in a small, cracked voice.
"...if you want me to, I'll find whatever creatures did that to you and your family and make sure that they cannot harm anyone else anymore. Besides, I do things like that all the time for a living." I was actually more then willing to do that for someone, since anyways later on it'd make my job easier if I get one to kill another creature, I won't have the problem of bumping into whatever killed her family and having to kill it, and so that it wouldn't have any children that would add up to the many problems of creatures killing people.
"Really? You will?" said Violet. "Thank you! ... B-but how? I mean, how would you know which monsters are the right ones? I don't remember much about it... Well, actually, I remember a few things... I think there might have been a pack of werewolves, though there might have been some other creatures there too... Some that looked more like humans, and some that had wings... Um, I didn't get a good look at them, though, I was too busy fleeing... I don't know if any of that helps... It must be a scary job, hunting monsters..." Indeed, it made her more than just a bit worried about him.
Snow slowly collected on Tristan's shoulders and head, as he continued to track through the concrete jungle for a demon that he was after. Unfortunately, the demon seemingly disappeared from his hunt, leaving the young man somewhat disappointed and very cold. So, in hopes of warming up a little, the "scarecrow" set off for the nearest fast food place. In front of the chosen fast food place, a McDonald's, two people were standing around, discussing whatever people discuss. He wasn't interested in what people discussed, as it was such a common thing, until he passed them and the word "monster" caught his ear, he scowled a little at this, wondering if monster was synonymous for demon. He didn't want to seem rude and intruding, however, so he quickly went into the store and got some coffee and sat near a window, staring out at the world, and in particular the people. If there was any body gestures, or just really loud talking, he'd probably be able to pick up on it, and hopefully get a new target since his first went missing.

My shadow moved to the position of crossing arms, obviously Saki disapproved of what she said. "Look, I am a mercenary. I kill people for a living, and us humans are the real monsters, you understand? Please start calling the creatures as creatures instead of calling them what they are not. Most of them run on purely instinct, meaning that they do what they do for survival." I said, irritated by how she called creatures as 'monsters'. Once upon a time I called them that, too, but I've learned to just call them by what they are.

"Humans are willing to kill another just for a joy in life, or just for personal gain, even if the other person is innocent of any wrong-doing. A lot of us think that money is better then most things in life, and value it more then their own children..." As irritated as I was, I tried to keep from actually lashing out and saying anything harsher then I already said. Having a creature as your closest friend really can do things to your opinion, and how you act. I straitened my hat, out of habit without really thinking of it.

"Sorry, I got a little off topic... Well... I can only kill 'em if you help me find 'em. I get a little over emotional over some of the simplest matters, so yeah... sorry again for lashing out as much as I did."

"I... I'm s-s-sorry..." Violet stammered. "I kind of thought the monsters - erm, I mean, creatures - are humans... some of them, anyway... I-I'm sorry to argue, but it's just that... well, after what those creatures did to my home, my family, my life... I can't forgive them, I hate all of them... B-but I apologize again, I really shouldn't argue... B-but you said you kill people for a living... then what you said after, about some people just killing for the joy of it, or personal gain... And value it more than anything, even the more important things... were you reffering to... um..." She was gonna ask him if he was reffering to himself but she didn't want to offend him. "I'm sorry," she said for the third time, this time much quieter. "Um, yes... I'll try to help you find them..." Just then she noticed a young man, just a couple of years older than Resuke, sitting in the McDonalds by the window, gazing out. She wondered if he was watching them, and whether or not she should worry about that.

"You don't have to be sorry... I just got a bit carried away with one little thing. I'm not really used to being around the same person for more then up to two hours, and the only person I've actually been around for longer then a day is father. Anywho... I guess you should go and buy yourself some clothes now." I said, apologizing yet again. I took about 50 dollars out of my wallet and handed them to her. Sure it wasn't a lot, but I didn't really have much money with me at a time since I found no need.

Saki moved, looking like he was silently laughing. I ignored him, knowing what he was refering to but was sick of that joke by now.

"Thank you," said Violet. "Um... that sounds rather lonely, never being with another person for more than two hours... At least you have Saki, Saki's like a brother to you, isn't he? Erm, well, anyway..." She wanted to ask Resuke about his father, where was his father anyway? But she had a feeling Resuke had enough talking for now... and it looked like Saki was laughing at them again... So she stuffed the $50 into her pocket (or rather, Resuke's pocket since this was one of Resuke's coats she was wearing, of course), turned and walked off to find the nearest mall. She glanced over her shoulder at Resuke, then at that strange man in the McDonalds as she left. And she worried about Sam alone in the apartment with Saki. Sure, Resuke said he wouldn't let Saki hurt Sam, but she still worried.

She was also a bit worried about herself now. She doubted that Resuke would have any reason to kill her. Who would pay him to kill some random teenage girl? And he didn't seem like the kind of person who'd kill her just for fun... She needed to trust someone though, and right now he was the most trustworthy  living person she knew. There were so many people and creatures she should worry about more... still, she wondered if it would be better to be cautious of Resuke or to be trusting, she wasn't sure now...

Mr. Scarecrow attempted to keep his staring from looking like staring, as he noticed the girl glancing at him, so he trailed his eyes back to his drink, enjoying it and the warmth of the building. He could definitely hear yelling from the guy, and it was definitely something that could interest him. Having a new target would be great, since he was still irritated over his loss of his last target. Casually getting up, he left the fast food building, standing in front of the man that was just yelling. "So, I heard you talking about some...monsters? I bet if you told me what they looked like I could easily get rid of them," he spoke, noticing slightly the guy's shadow moving, but wrote it off as his eyes lying to him, he didn't need to worry the person if he was trying to get information.

"I have the situation completely covered." I said, suspicious of this person. Saki crossed his arms. Then I suddenly noticed one thing, when Saki started to reach towards the guy who just asked that question a moment ago, our shadows were touching. I was sure that Saki noticed this by now, and I noticed that he raised one hand out of the guy's shadow and grabbed his ankle, teasingly.

I shook my head, hoping that the guy wouldn't notice, trying to signal Saki to not mess with this guy. He looked like someone who had known about creatures and by what he said, it had been conformed. The last thing I needed was a hunter on my trail, once before a hunter tried to kill Saki, but since you need to kill me before you could kill him, that hunter had attempted to take my life. Of course he failed, and I had let Saki tear that hunter to shreds easily a while ago.

I face-palmed when Saki tugged on the guy's ankle, knowing that he just had to notice by now.

Tristian looked at the man apprehensively, turning his head slightly, allowing the full "scarecrow" tattoo to be shown. With this head turning, he could easily see now that the shadow was, infact, moving without the other guy moving. "Completely covered you say..? Well, it seems to me that your shadow's moving on its own, which means either you're a monster, your shadow is, or both of you are. Plainly, I enjoy taking out monsters, the last one I was following disappeared, so I guess you, or your shadow, will have to take its place," his tone was bored as usual, since he found another demon to get. He glared down at the shadow, wondering if he could still move his foot with it grabbing him. 

"Look, if you want to attempt to kill us or something now, ya ought to do it not out on the streets where everyone can see ya. Don't you believe in the 'rule' of not allowing everyone to find out about the other things that lurk in this world?" I lowered my voice to almost a whisper, making sure that the people around me couldn't hear what I said. "Besides, it's not like I or Saki actively goes out and kills people for fun or something, just pointin' out a little fact that you should know."

I turned to leave, knowing that Saki wouldn't let go until I was over nine yards away from him, which is in fact the maximum range he can be active away from me, more then that amount of range away then he'd have to return to being just a shadow for at least a minute.

Midnight Before Dawn


New York -

'The Big City of Lights', one of the busyest cities in the US.

Manhatan -

The island and it's surrounding area


There were hard times; like the ones where you attempted to get by;

There were good times; like those of when you got a vacaton and work went well;

And there were the good ole' times...

...when no one died.

But now, after millions of years, the creatures that used to coexist with everything else and stay under the belt are begining to come out, causing much death along the way. The majority of the public still have no idea about them, and its best to keep it that way.

Maybe you have lost a loved one to them, or been turned into one yourself? Or perhaps you are the unaware victum, who ended up being mistaken as one in disguise?


There was a reason why New York was always fast-pace; always changing sooner then you thought it would. Roads would be crowded and streets named and renamed; buildings built and buildings removed; but have you ever thought why?

There is a reason for all of these things, yes. But not only for growth; but for safety, safety from what, you might ask...

But thats for you to find out.


You have to have at least one killable character and up to 5 non killable

You may make up to 5 characters purely for killing; those characters must have simple names with 'SK' at the end of their name

Up to seven Hunters are accepted; and unlimited 'SK' hunters

Humans are not immune and only one of your human characters may be nonturnable

Fallen Angels are just 'angels' or more of winged beings that serve under the power of any sort of 'good' immortal who is worshipped as a god.

At this moment only Vampires and Werewolves may turn your characters.

Ghosts can be made by killing off a human character.

If you do not want to loose a character via killable; make them a human character then they could die and become a ghost. ;)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Fallen Angel
Fallen Immortal
Shape Shifter

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