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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

I started to laugh so hard my eyes were watering "I saw this one dude he was snowboarding and there was this weird ramp and he went to get some big air but the ramp caught the snowboard and he just lay there the snowboard stuck in the ramp. Oh this ones even better, there was this guy and he was on a dirt bike he went to hit a ramp to get big air, he got the air but thats the reason they call them dirt bikes. And everyone else just stood there laughing at him and he was face deep in the ground."
Kaja and Kuma laghed. "are we aprotching?" Kuma asked looking at a citty. "Is this new york?" Kuma asked. Kuma then said. "Any way, I was the one who arested Kaja after everyone found out he killed someone. It was funny we were staring at eatch other for a hour untill the rest of the FBI came. Then when we got there Kaja tryed to run throgh the station, he ended up falling out of a window." Kuma said. "He hit face first in the ground thogh, after that everyone called him a ground owl." Kuma said laghing. Kaja just smiled.

I giggled and and looked at the city "Yep w're here, now we have to go to my apartment and find the carrying cages." I sighed "Most of them can ride on our backs, but some need to be put in the carrier cages." I said looking for the apartment building. 

I landed on the balcony and opened the apartment door "This is going to be the most weird move ever." I giggled, Morey jumped up on my shoulder "Hey girl you miss me?" I said happily and pet her. Three huskies ran up to my "Hey I missed you all too." I said hugging them. "Ok cages are in the back I'll get the box for the food bowls." I said and walked to a closet.

They helped out and once they got the animals in the cages they were ready. "Cool, so what do you want to do when were done? See if the Darkstar will want to stay with us or do you want to talk to shinu and the doctor and see if we can make peace with them?" Kuma asked happily. Kuma pranced around happily. Kaja smiled and looked happy. Kuma looked outside. He then whent on the balcany and saw shinu. "I see shinu." Kuma said walking back in. "Should we go talk to her?" Kuma asked running in place exidedly.
"She doesn't like me very much maybe we should go talk to the doctor, he seemed interested in me, not sure why." I said closing the door slowly. "But we can't take my pets." I said softly "I don't mind facing Shinu when the doctors present but Shinu alone is bad news." I said and formed my ears and tail, then changed my eye color to a yellow.  "I guess we should go see the doctor Shinu would probably show up." I said peeking out the door and changing full dragon. I knew very well that the doctor wouldn't have Shinu hurt me.
The doctor was at his desk typeing. Shinu finaly returned from her hunting trip. Shinu just layed on the ground beside him and puffed out air. The doctor pet her then continued to work. They fixed the building. It was bigger and fancyer. They had everything cleaned up and new carpets and otherthings in. The doctor was typeing about the parisites developing finaly, makeing controlling other changers easy. The doctor looked at the news artical and closed his eyes as a tear whent down. "Why did they have to take my littal girl away from me." The doctor muttered sadly.
I peeked out and saw Shinu was gone "Okay, so do you just want to get the Darkstar clan or go talk to the doctor?" I asked and walked out on the balcony, I took a deep breath and changed my eye color a hazel. I walked back in and started moving the carriers to the balcony. he huskies moved around in their carriers, Morey pawed at the lach on her carrier to get it open. I looked into the carrier "Sorry Morey I had to change the lach, you can't come out until we get to our new home." I sighed.
Kuma then said. "If we dont want to be attacked we should go see the doctor and try to get him on our side, like a new alliance." Kaja then said. "But what if shinu sends some of her men with us?" Kuma then said. "If we befreind them maby they can also help and stay with us. We just need shinus trust for the doctor is easy to befriend." Kuma said. "So tell me cinder. should we befriend the new shadow? Or focause on the darkstar and possibly be attacked?" Kuma asked. He wagged his tail and layed on the ground whateing.
I think the Darkstar clan will be fine, if you havn't noticed they havn't even found out I'm a pure born yet." I said and turned my eyes a scar pink "We should go talk to the doctor though." I said and changed into my dragon form. I looked at the cages "We'll be back you'll hang in there okay." I said nodding to them and jumped up on the rail. I looked at Kuma "I know how to get in the building anyway." I smiled and dove off the railing, then spread my wings and came back up on air.

Kuma then nodded and him and Kaja followed cinder to the building.

The doctor was looking around his new building now, dicideing what should go where. Shinu was following him in her creature form, just waddleing nexed to him. The place was much cleaner and full of some of the doctors friends who create the pure breed changers." Pure breeds are quiet diffrent from the Pure borns you see." The doctor explaned to the other sientist that were working with him. "Some of them tend to be violent, others are calm. Pure breeds tend to be more heartless than the Pure born." The doctor continued with shinu by his side.

I climbed in where I had before "This has changed." I whispered and climbed up on the ceiling "I can't get a good grip." I whispered to Kuma trying too dig my claws in. I looked around "Whow, its all new. Thats good the new stuff will cover our sent." I climbed around and looked in the room "There." I whispered and changed my color to the wall color and slipped in unseen. I climbed around the wall quickly and hit a smooth spot "Oh no." I whispered and started to slip, but I caught myself and didn't fall. I shot a glance out the door at Kuma.

Kuma was inside with Kaja. They were in there human forms. Shinu was outside the room and growled at them, then the doctor came out, after finishing his presentation. "Oh hello." The doctor said kindly. Shinu stoped growling and stayed silent. "Ah Kaja. Who is this you broght with?" The doctor said. Shinu paced behind the doctor. She whated for them to attack the doctor or her so that she can attack them. Her tail thuded on the ground and her claws scraped agenst it. She let out a low rumble when the doctor looked at her and she knew to stop. 
I climbed back out of the room and went to the ceiling above Kuma and Kaja. I changed my color to a dark gray and my eyes to a blue. I dropped my wings and dropped off the ceiling landing in front of Kuma and Kaja. I turned so the doctor could see my flank and my markings. I made a small purr and sat down in front of him, my ears up and my wings flat on my back. I changed my eye color to a green and looked at the doctor carefully watching for any sudden movements from Shinu.
The doctor smilled."Hi Cinder its nice to see you agen." The doctor said, shinu hised and when the doctor looked at her she was quiet. "Sorry about shinu, shes just agressive."  Kaja then laghed. "You dont say." Kaja said. Shinu hissed at Kaja. "Did you want to talk to me?" The doctor asked nicely while shinu paced hissing and growling, shinu then left and whent into the other room. She was quiet. The doctor then looked after her. "Can we talk to you about....well a posible alliance?" Kuma asked. The doctor looked at him and shinu heard that and made a loud roar of anger.
I barred my teeth and growled hearing Shinu roar. I stood up and stepped in front of Kaja turning my eyes red. I stood tall my mark very see able. The doctor hadn't really heard my voice and I hadn't talked much around him and I wasn't planing to start. I took a fighting stance and lowered my head my teeth barred.  No matter what Shinu was not hurting my friends. I would tear someone apart before some one hurt Kuma or Kaja. I looked at the doctor knowing he wouldn't have Shinu hurt us, but just in case she tried something.

Changers (Creature Rp)
Anywhere and everywhere in the USA.
It's about people that can change into a creature, some are turned into (I like to call them changers.) one or are born into it, if your born a changer you are a born leader, and if your born into a changer and your an only child you get to choose if you want to be a leader or not. If your turn into a changer you don't get to be a leader unless there is no born changers in the clan. The messed up part is if your human forum dies the creature still lives, but if the creature forum dies so does the human forum.

Summary: After the doctor had turned Eco into a changer Cinder saved him. Some other things happened (I don't remember all of it.) Kaja was sent to get Eco, or something. (This is harder then I thought.) I don't remember what happened(I think someone called a truce or something.) but Kaja, Eco and Cinder went to Florida to see the Bubble clan. (I think it was, so Cinder could prove to her mother she wasn't useless.) (Will finsih later)


StarSwirl (Symbol: Star swirl
Darkstar (Symbol:SunStar, and Half moons
Vine (Symbol:Vines
White Heart (Symble:Heart
Bubble (Symbol:Bubbles
Mountain Rock(Symble:Rocks
Scar (Symbol:Scars
Shadow (Symbol:Skull

(You don't get you symbol unless your accepted into the clan, you have to say where your symbol is on your creature.Also make sure you have your rank in your chara info.)

(All of the clans are run bay the Pure changer Dragons family, every clan but the Darkstar clan, no one in that clan knows Cinder is a born changer.)

The Evil ones have attacked once before and now their back to destroy the clans.

1:No power playing

2:Keep it Tv 14

3:Be nice

4:You can have one chara

5:You can be any creature but you have to list your clan in the chara info.

6:If you want to know anything else, ask.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Second RP Master
Nesferxty (#20859)

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