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Runihura kept the large Giant Rex on his feet as he finally managed to push himself up. She wanted to roar triumph but she didn't want to do anything rash that could quickly end her life. She could tell that the Giant Rex didn't trust her much. She could say the same, but for the fact that he hadn't attacked or killed her yet now that he was up kept her at his side. Also for the fact she dint want to walk away and have him crash down again, for she didn't want him blaming that on her.

She looked up at him and meet his eyes. Standing side by side she saw the sheer power of strength in him and his massive height. She was large yes, but he...he was even larger. Runihura now felt like her little friend PeeWee, being toward over by someone much large was quiet frightening. She tilted her head and continued looking up at the T-Rex.

Valnar couldn't believe that the Allosaurus helped him get up. He was glad that he was standing but he wasn't sure if he could walk. He tried to take a step away from the Allosaurus and he almost fell over and winced in pain. At least I can walk he thought. It seemed that he sprained his leg and didn't break it which gave him some relief. He took another step and almost fell over again. He took a few more steps and looked back at the Allosaurus. Valnar had started to trust her. If she hasn't killed me by now why would she later? He thought. Valnar didn't like being so close to a human settlement but he didn't really want to leave the Allosaurus just yet in case he fell over again and couldn't get up. So Valnar decided to stay in the area until his leg healed then go back to his own territory.
"Meh...I have no ideea for a name..."said Hanz."Anna,Anne?...Gabriela?...Alexandra...meh..."said Hanz thinking.Dietrich had an ideea."What about er...Lili or...Izabelle!"said Dietrich."That would be a good ideea,but...I don't know..."said Hanz."But...Gabriela or Lili sounds good...meh..."said Hanz.Hanz then went out to smoke a ciggarette."Gabriela sounds pretty good...Gabriela Rihardberg...yeah..."thinked  Hanz."Yes,I think Gabriela it's perfect!"said Hanz.Then he went back inside."I think Gabriela would be perfect!"said Hanz looking at Araya and Dietrich."But..."said Dietrich."No but,Dietrich!"said Hanz."Meh,you everytime stop me..."said Dietrich."But,Gabriela sounds good!"said Dietrich then."Gabriela to be!"said Hanz.Then he looked around."Meh...I want Gabriela to be the best daughter..."said Hanz."Hope she will have a good childhood,not like mine and Dietrich's..."said Hanz looking at Araya.
"We can hope," Araya definately didn't want her daughter to have a bad childhood. Araya had a bad childhood... her parents never payed much attention to her, when she was old enough they kicked her out of the house. She had almost no form of education except the fact she could speak English. Having almost no education the only opertunity she found was to join WOLF PACK. She definately didn't want her child to have a life anything similar to that. She thought of the name Gabriela, it sounded perfect! She hoped Gabriela wouldn't have a bad childhood, no one deserved that.
1 month later...Hanz was reading the holo-newspaper when he saw that Araya felt on the ground."Oh mein!Guards!"yelled Hanz.Two soldiers and Hanz carried Araya to the doctor.The baby was coming!Hanz waited in the waiting room."Oh my...oh my..."said Hanz.Dietrich came too."Is she ok?!How's the baby?!"said Dietrich."They are still there..."said Hanz.Hanz and Dietrich waited half an hour but the doctor didn't came.Finally,the doctor exit the room."Sir,you must be proud!You got a healthy girl that got 10/10 the rating!"said the doctor.Hanz ran in the room and saw Araya holding Gabriela."Gabriela..."said Hanz.Then he started kissing Araya and then he kissed Gabriela on her forehead."Thank God..."said Hanz smiling.
Araya smiled looking at Gabriela, she then looked up at Hanz, "She has your eyes." She held the baby close, it was crying which often times meant that the baby was healthy. Gabriela soon calmed down a bit and started biting at Araya's hand, it of course didn't have teeth yet. Araya smiled watching it do things babies do. It was squirming and cooing, Araya thought Gabriela looked absolutely adorable. She bounced the baby up and down a bit and Gabriela giggled. She held the baby close again, "Isn't she just wonderful Hanz?" She handed the baby to Hanz to let him carry the baby.
"D'aww!"said Hanz holding her.Suddenly Dietrich got in the room."D'aww!She's so cute!I think I'm gonna die..."said Dietrich."R.I.P."said Hanz shortly laughing."Hey Hanz,I almost forgot...Our sis got a girl too!"said Dietrich."Meh,hopefully we will get back to Stuttgart soon."said Hanz.Araya had to stay with the doctor 2 more days for further analysis and Hanz went with Gabriela in the appartment in the base."D'awww!"said the personnel of the base.When Hanz put Gabriela in the crib,Fritz started to whistle and sing and Gabriela smiled."Fritz,looks like you got a new friend..."said Hanz.Then he looked again at Gabriela and smiled."You looks like your mother...except you got my eyes..."said Hanz.
Araya saw Izabelle had came to visit her, "Hello Izabelle, if you came to see the baby she's with Hanz." "I'll see the baby later, I came to see you actually." Araya wondered why Izabelle would want to see her. Izabelle spoke again, "I wanted to make sure you were feeling alright." Araya smiled, "I'm feeling just fine, why do you ask?" Izabelle looked worried, "Roland Kane is alive..." she whispered. Araya looked worried, "What?" Izabelle looked around, "I'm worried that he still has some soldiers and have spies in this base. Or assassins. I'm worried that if there are assasians you might be poisoned. Or killed some other way. You have to be careful about who your with and what you eat." Araya looked very concerned now, "How did Kane survive? Nevermind, go tell Hanz, now!" Izabelle nodded going to tell Hanz, Araya was nervous, maybe Kane was still injured, or maybe he didn't have any men at all... Maybe she was getting worked up over nothing. But there could still be the chance what Izabelle said was true. Whatever happened Gabriela had to stay safe.
"Missed me?".Hanz looked back and saw Kane.Kane punched Hanz in the face."Kane!"yelled Hanz.He wanted to call the guards,but they were dead."DIETRICH!"yelled Hanz.Dietrich came with an assault rifle but Kane kicked him down and fainted."..."tought Hanz.Hanz got his combat knife and made just a scratch on Kane's left hand.Kane trew Hanz trough the bathroom's door.Hanz tried to stab Kane but he was injured and he was tired.He charged at Kane but Kane kicked him in the chest with his foot and Hanz lost his knife.Hanz was unconscious and Kane looked at Gabriela."A baby...congradulations....Sergeant..."said Kane taking Gabriela off the crib and running in the night.
Araya saw Izabelle come back in the room, she seemed very upset, "What happened Izabelle? Is everything alright?" Izabelle shook her head, "No, something happened..." Araya wondered what was wrong, "Is Hanz alright?" Izabelle nodded, "Yes, just unconscious." Araya was really worried, "What happened!?" Izabelle seemed a bit choked up, "It-It's Kane, he... he took your daughter..." Araya spoke in disbelief, "No, that can't be right." Izabelle shook her head, "I know, but it is, some guards saw Kane running out of the base with Gabriela." Araya started crying, "No... why would he take her?..." Izabelle shook her head, "I'm afraid I don't know..."

Runihura watched the T-Rex with intrest. Clearly his leg, or foot, was just sprained from the fall, not broken. Good. She watched him making sure he wouldnt fall over. He limped while he walked, and looked like he was going to fall over, but over all he walked good. She bobed her head and then walked back over to the burrow. She was hungry, but she didnt want to leave the T-Rex here by himself. Not that she didnt trust him or anything, because she did trust him, but it was for the fact if he fell. Most of these humans would kill him if they saw him down and not able to get up. She looked over at the Window. She actually wished that human would come back out and toss some of the meat slabs.

Runihura shook her head and walked back over to the T-Rex. She looked up at him then towards the forest, longing to go out there and hunt something down.

Valnar was happy to be up and walking but his stomach was growling. When he fell he started panicking and hadn't realized just how hungry he was. He thought about hunting then looked down at his leg. If he did find anything he couldn't chase it down he would have to ambush and even that would extremely difficult on his leg he considered scavenging but if he ran into any humans they would probably try and kill him and he was in no shape for a fight. He had no idea what he should do. Drool slowly dripped from his jaws as he thought.

Runihura watched the forest. She turned her attention back to the T-Rex and snorted. The Giant beast was drooling, and the drool driped down to the ground. She could also hear the faint, but clear, growling of the Giant's stoamch. She knew he was hungry as well.

She couldnt leave the T-Rex here but she needed to hunt, the t-rex could leave and walk but he couldnt chase down his prey. They both where hungry. Thoughs raced through her mind but she settled on one. If the T-Rex xould scare the prey into the her awaiting jaws, they would both get something to eat and all there problems where solved.

Runihura looked up at the T-Rex hopefully, woundering however, on how to tell him.

Valnar was still deep in thought and was still drooling when he realized that the Allosaurus was staring at him. She seemd to be trying to tell him something. He didn't under stand what the Allosaurus wanted. She kept looking into the forest and back at him. She seemd really hungry too. Valanr thoguht about what she was doing and it seemed that she wanted to lead him somewhere. Valnar trusted her and decided to follow her and because he didn't feel comfortable being so close to huamns especially with his leg hurt. Valnar limped into the forest following the Allosaurus

Hanz woke up,bleeding."Meh...Gabriela?"said Hanz waking up.He looked around and saw the crib empty and the window broken."He took Gabriela...Kane....K-Kane got Gabriela!"yelled Hanz falling on his knees.He went in the command room and contacted the head of the German Government.The men under Hanz's command were now the German Colonial Army.Hanz got his men and the tanks and started hunting Kane.The soldiers and the tanks were marching trough the forest for days,killing any Wolf Pack they saw.2 million men for only one.Hanz wanted at all costs to take Gabriela back.He would give his life for her.He was commanding a tank himself looking for Kane.


Survive & complete your mission!

Whiskey Company(Survivors):Kill Wolf Pack leader Roland Kane and escape the planet

Mendel-Grumman Soldiers (Wolf Pack): Protect Roland Kane and eliminate all the Whiskey Company troopers

Roars resound in the distance as a herd of brachiosurus thunder through the valley.

Setting:A random planet with jungles,deserts and dinos o3o


It is the year 2045, your starship has been shot-down on a terraformed planet that is much like Earth.

As you wander through the dense jungle,you being hearing strange sounds,peeking through the bushes,you see a survivor beign attacked & killed by a strange ceature,upon closer inspection,you realize,in horror,its a dinosaur!

Running back to the crash-site,with soem of the survivors,you report what you have just seen.

Now you all understand,you must survive in this world until you find a way home!


The planet was Terraformed by the Mendel-Grumman Corporation and the Wolf Pack Leader Roland Kane.

The dinosaurs are genetically created by Mendel-Grumman Scientists.

Soldier Bugs are the native creatures of this planet.


1.Blood and violence allowed,but don't drive it to GORE!

2.Romance allowed(kiss,hugs)but don't drive it to graphic.

3.No adult Language.

4.You can suggest dinos on the OCC Chat.

5.If you need help,contact the Dictator Hyena or Commander Raziel.

6.Have fun!!

7.No godmodding & use good grammar

8.All above :D

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Allosaurus(2 allowed)
Carnotosaurus(3 allowed)
Dilophosaurus(5 allowed)
Gigantosaurus(1 Allowed)
Human(Wolf pack)
Juvenile T-Rex(5 allowed)
Lurker(3 allowed)
Nanotyrannus(3 allowed)
Soldier Bug(scorpion,10 allowed)
T-Rex(1 allowed)
Utahraptor(10 allowed)

Second RP Master
Crimson Hyena (#11029)

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