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Runihura smiled at the small raptor. Apparently she found out how to earn the small ones trust.

"Meh...I am hungry..." The small one said and she smiled. "I might be able to fix that..." A Parasaurolophus walked through the small clearing. Runihura growled and ran at it leaped onto its back before it could really even try to get away. Dealing a Death blow to the para she then let it fall tot he ground and she waved the Small Raptors over to it. She ate her fill and chuckled when the small raptor had finished eating. He was like a meat balloon. "My name's PeeWee...Yours?" He asked. Runihura looked at him. "The name is Runihura. And for your question earlier I am female." She chuckled and laid down next to the burrow.

The sky grew darker and PeeWee and the other small raptor went back into the burrow. Runihura made herself comfortable beside it and she laid her head down on the ground. Faintly but clearly you could hear the battlecrys of the soldiers.

Hanz couldn't sleep.He went in the command room and looked on the window.He saw an Allo sleeping!It was like the one he fought.Hanz opened the window and whistled at the Allo that opened his eyes and looked at Hanz.The Allo was coming closely and carefully.Hanz threw him a steak of meat.The Allo ate it instantly.Hanz whistled again and threw him another steak.Hanz got his hand trying to pet the Allo but when he touched the Allo's nose the Allo got in rage and tried to ate Hanz trough the window."Woah!"yelled Hanz.The Allo went back to the burrow but Hanz threw it another steak.
Runihura didnt relize she was thise close to a human base. And the thing was trying to talk to her. She could bearily understand it but she came towards the human anyway. The human was throwing out some slabs of meat and she didnt know if this was a sign of friendship or just a honorable gift. She snatched it up and walked closer to the hole in the wall. The human reached out and she felt his hand press against her nose. She growled and snaped her jaws. The thing reacted by jumping back. Good. She turned backa round and laid down by the Burrow. She closed ehr eyes but kept them open just enough so she could watch him. the Human through another slab of meat out. She looked at it then got up and snatched it up.
Hanz smiled when he saw the Allo going to sleep.He closed the window and then he went in his room to sleep.But he just tought at Araya.He got the ring and put it in a little present box and write a message on it ="Marry me?:)"And then he quietly went in Araya's room and left the ring on her desk and closed the door closely,smiling,and went to sleep."Meh...It's the biggest step ever!"said Hanz.Then he got his armor off and put the helmet on the desk and closed the lights.He went in his bed and asleeped.Would Araya accept him or not?
Runihura opened her eyes when the window closed and the figure left. She stared at it for a long time half expecting the human to come back. But he never did. She laid her head back down and sighed. She was tired but at the smae time she wasnt. Really she just wanted to do something or talk with someone but at the same time she enjoyed the peace and quiet. She got up and walked over to the window and peered in. Darkness. She chuckled to herself. If one of the other humans saw her peering in they would proably have a heart attack.
Suddenly a soldier and an officer walked and opened the lights in the Command Room.The officer had a shock to see the Allosaurus.The soldier pointed the rifle but the officer said to stop.The officer got closer,next to the window.The Allosaurus roared and all the windows shacked."Woah!"said the officer.Thenn the officer looked at the soldier."We will leave it alone and it will go away..."said the officer exiting the room slowly.The soldier looked at the dino and leaved too.
Runihura watched at the lights flicked on. She was blinded by the sudden light for a second but blinked nad her eyes ajusted. She looked at the human and relized it was not the same nice one. She growled. The Human aimed a gun at her and she watched. An officer must have said something for the soldier didnt shoot. Runihura watched carefully as the officer came near her. She didnt like him and didnt want him near her. She roared loudy cuasing the window to shake then shatter. The Humans backed away slowly from her and elft the room. She growled then stuck her head into the open hole and sniffed the air.
The light from outside woke her up. She didn't want to wake up right now, she was still sleepy. After about another ten minutes she was annoyed with the sun and wished there was a way to turn the sun off. She looked outside and saw an Allosaurus sleeping, okay... apparently she should stay away from the window. She flopped back onto the bed but now she was wide awake, stupid Sun, couldn't it have waited to rise for a few more hours? She was ready to walk out of her room when she noticed something on her desk. She picked it up and saw what the note said, she opened it and saw a ring. Araya immediately knew it was from Hanz. She went out of her room to go find him. When she found him she spoke in a serious tone, "You should of told me in person..." When Hanz turned around Araya ran up to him and hugged him.

Runihura woke up and opened her eyes slowly. Apparently she had fallen asleep with her head inside the window. She yawned and shifted. Everything was quiet and still so she took her time on waking. When her eyes fully opened she watched a human walk out the door. She tilted her head. Apparently they were getting up now. She shook her head and stood up. The top of the winodw touched her head and startled Runihura. She felt trapped all of a sudden and she roared loudly and yanked her head free.

She growled and shook her head back and forth. She couldnt belive she acted that scared when she herself and put ehr head in there in the first place. She growled again and walked over to the burrow where PeeWee and the other lay still asleep. She laid back down and looked at the borken window waiting to see if anyone would come.

Valnar stomped through the jungle. He hadn't eaten in days and was starving.  Valnar stopped at a nearby river and took a drink and looked for signs of  prey, as he looked around and noticed some footprints on the river bank. He followed the tracks down the river and sniffed the air..... a Parasaurolophus.

Valnar roared as he charged the Parasaurolophus! The Parasaurolophus belllowed in fear and ran as Valnar approached. The Parasaurolophus was too slow and Valnar bit down on to it's neck!

Valnar had just began to eat as he caught another scent. He looked up from his meal and sniffed the air. Humans. He decied his meal would have to wait and stalked off into the jungle growling in anger.

Runihura lifted her head and looked around. Another Dinosaurs hunting cries. She growled. By the sound of was large. Maybe the same size..maybe larger. She hissed and snapped her jaws. She peered into the burrow where PeeWee and the otherone was then she got up. Curioustity got the best of her. She would check it out. But the goal was to find and see what it was...not to get herself killed. She took one last look at the Burrow and the window and she told herself she would be back here before night fall. Then she set out to find whatever made the noise.


Hanz smiled."I take this as a yes..."said Hanz hugging and kissing Araya."When you want the marriage to take place?"said Hanz.Suddenly an officer came."Sir,we need you in the command room!"said the officer."It's so important?"asked Hanz."It's an emergency..."said the officer."Sorry,but I gotta go..."said Hanz kissing Araya and went in the command room."Ok,what's the problem?!"said Hanz putting his armor on."Sir...we found a dead sniper...we got from him this video tape,showing an afro-american Whiskey..."said the officer."Afro-American?!James...That *WILLY WONKA* JAMES!"said Hanz."Where is he heading to?"asked Hanz." us..."said the Officer."That Ape is exremly dangerous!"yelled Hanz."Tell all the men to tak e positions and kill him at the sight!"yelled Hanz.Then he went in the Planning room."How's the Wolfsschanze's construction?"asked Hanz the engineers."Very well,sir!We will build it sonner than we tought!Aprox. 2 weeks!"said an engineer."Good!"said Hanz.

Valnar crept through the jungle searching for the humans he had smelled earlier for what seemed to be for hours but he  couldn't seem to find them. He found it very annoying.  After awhile he came across an abandoned human camp that made him ever angrier and he let out a roar!

 Valnar's stomach growled reminding him he hadn't eaten his fill of the Parasaurolophus he had killed earlier. With a snort he turned from the abandoned camp and started to walk back to the river until he noticed something in the jungle. It was another dinosaur! He gave deep growl and charged at the other dinosaur! The other dinosaur ran off deeper into the jungle but Valnar followed it anyway.

Araya wandered off to find something to keep her busy while she was waiting for Hanz to come back. She went to her room and looked out the window, the Allosarus was gone. Araya went to look for something else to do. She didn't know if there was anything else to do. She sat down bored, wondering what the emergency was. Was there someone heading this way? Was a base blown up? How many bases did they have left that could be blown up? Was there a flood? What were the chances of a flood? After about five more minutes she had gotten bored again.
Hanz decided to hunt down James.He put his helmet on and got with him a squad.5 Elite assault soldiers,2 snipers and a heavily-armored soldier with a minigun.On the hallway he looked short at Araya and exited the base.Hanz wanted to take down James because if he would attack,he will destroy Hanz's wedding.Hanz got a shotgun and entered in an APC with his troops.Hanz and his troops searched for James 2 days but with no luck.Suddenly,one of his snipers saw him.Hanz's APC drove and cut James' way.The soldiers exit and then Hanz with the soldier that carried the minigun."Look,I'll give you 2 ways:The easy way,or the hard way..."said Hanz."The easy way:Leave me alone and don't ruin my wedding and get back to you camp and tell you people to make peace with us!"yelled Hanz."The hard way:I kill you,then Turok and kill all the Whiskeys on the planet!"yelled Hanz.


Survive & complete your mission!

Whiskey Company(Survivors):Kill Wolf Pack leader Roland Kane and escape the planet

Mendel-Grumman Soldiers (Wolf Pack): Protect Roland Kane and eliminate all the Whiskey Company troopers

Roars resound in the distance as a herd of brachiosurus thunder through the valley.

Setting:A random planet with jungles,deserts and dinos o3o


It is the year 2045, your starship has been shot-down on a terraformed planet that is much like Earth.

As you wander through the dense jungle,you being hearing strange sounds,peeking through the bushes,you see a survivor beign attacked & killed by a strange ceature,upon closer inspection,you realize,in horror,its a dinosaur!

Running back to the crash-site,with soem of the survivors,you report what you have just seen.

Now you all understand,you must survive in this world until you find a way home!


The planet was Terraformed by the Mendel-Grumman Corporation and the Wolf Pack Leader Roland Kane.

The dinosaurs are genetically created by Mendel-Grumman Scientists.

Soldier Bugs are the native creatures of this planet.


1.Blood and violence allowed,but don't drive it to GORE!

2.Romance allowed(kiss,hugs)but don't drive it to graphic.

3.No adult Language.

4.You can suggest dinos on the OCC Chat.

5.If you need help,contact the Dictator Hyena or Commander Raziel.

6.Have fun!!

7.No godmodding & use good grammar

8.All above :D

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Allosaurus(2 allowed)
Carnotosaurus(3 allowed)
Dilophosaurus(5 allowed)
Gigantosaurus(1 Allowed)
Human(Wolf pack)
Juvenile T-Rex(5 allowed)
Lurker(3 allowed)
Nanotyrannus(3 allowed)
Soldier Bug(scorpion,10 allowed)
T-Rex(1 allowed)
Utahraptor(10 allowed)

Second RP Master
Crimson Hyena (#11029)

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